
Canzone Lovefest

Monday September 6, 2010 at 8:11 PM

I know that lots of campers love Philadelphic's Canzone de Bella Cigna, but we don't talk about it much 'round these parts.  

Since the first chapter of Act 3 came down tonight, and I am stunned yet again by how damn good this fic is, I decided it was time for an appreciation campfire.

Let's talk about how much we luuuuuuuv this fic, 'kay?  


FF Sneak Peek

Monday September 6, 2010 at 6:42 PM

I almost forgot to post this again! The day off work threw me. I think I need to set a reminder or something!  - kalejay



Do you write fan fiction?

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

Don't forget to include a link!


Monday Request Campfire

Monday September 6, 2010 at 6:38 PM


Do you need something?

a new icon

a new banner

a pre-reader or Beta

Want something to read?

a certain fic you can't remember

want a good book rec?


We're a helpful bunch and someone is always around willing to help you out.

~just ask~

Welcome to the Monday Request Campfire!


Dazed & Confuzed :-)

Monday September 6, 2010 at 6:22 PM


I'm a ADF newbie. Just wanted to dip my feet in and say hello. HELLO! I also wanted to say a big THANK YOU to all the cool mystery ADF'ers that have been showing my story Edroar the Angry Lion some love. It means so much to me. YAAY! I have no idea what I'm doing as usual...thanks to ssarrahh1 and Themys for showing me the ropes. They have the patience of a saint. I've been dying to come on here but had no clue where to go or what to do. Now I'm here to stay. You can't get rid of me now. *snickers*



Tropical Sorbet (Kelly)


AU New Moon

Monday September 6, 2010 at 4:52 PM

So, I've been jonesing for a New Moon fic fix.  I've read several good ones and am in the mood for more.  Does anyone have any more suggestions for me?  One shots are fine also.  Oh, and canon couples only please.  Thanks in advance!


Here are a few off the top of my head I have read:

Seducing Ms. Swan

Irritable Grizzly Adams (fantastic if you haven't read it)

Distractions (WIP)



A pretty for your time.


An Assasination of Ideas

Monday September 6, 2010 at 3:44 PM

I am absolutely livid right now. As some of you may know, I am currently working in the Middle East on a tiny but pretty modern Island.

You see, there is some political unrest here, but none that us expats really get affected by. As an American, I have never really felt any repurcussions of any thing that happens...until....NOW...

I was extremely happy to find two great updates in my inbox - The Cannabean Betrothel [which I did get to read the update for in the forest, so thanks, ADF] and Secret, Lies and Family Ties...nothing like a spankin' new update from one of your fav. fics at the end of a long, hard day.

Imagine my frustration, when I tried to access and came to know that the site has been BLOCKED by the Ministry of one thing or another!!!!

I am so upset right now.

Fanfiction has been one of the essential ways for me to fight off homesickness and relax.

I know I can still read fics in ther forest, but this is just annoying and I really hate the idea of censorship - especially, in this case where I definitely don't feel that such a drastic action is neccessary - it's just a fic about E and B...not some call to revolutionize the gov...amiright?


This sucks.

I'd LOVE to hear your thoughts/feelings about this. Even if it's just to tell me to calm down and stop being a big baby.

*Permission to create campfire granted by the very awesome, WTVOC*


the witch; teacher's pet; never kill a boy

Monday September 6, 2010 at 3:25 PM

the buffy watchalong continues

the labor day edition; episodes 3, 4, and 5

links to watch elsewhere inside the campfire

yes, that means you have to be registered

henceforth, all links will be contained within


Dad, I want to stay in Forks.

Monday September 6, 2010 at 3:14 PM

About 3 things, I was (mostly) pretty sure:

1) This morning as I slept in, I had dreams that basically replicated some of the closing chapters for littlesecret84's Age of Consent (available in full here on ADF, folks). WEIRD but SUPER COOL. Has fanfiction ever seeped into your dreamspace?

2) I have psychic powers when it comes to Twi fanfic updates. Every so often, I'll think to myself, self, I haven't heard from that one story in awhile. I wonder... and then I'll carry on my way, but the story will update in the next day or two. SO AWESOME. Shout-outs to all the authors that updated today and yesterday, you're making things really groovy for those of us stuck at home for the long weekend!

3) Watched the first Twi movie last night. I don't watch the movies obsessively, nor have I read the books since I discovered fanfic, but that was the first time I've watched the movie since I visited Forks last spring.

I was able to pick out the little differences, like, the school doesn't really look like that, and it's a bit smaller than it seems in the film, and the restaurant in Port Angeles looks different... but... the Forks signs (city and the school) are exactly like they were in person, and the Pacific northwest is so gd beautiful, and god, I just smiled all the way through that movie. Sure, looking back, in hindsight, Rob looks like an insane Ronald McDonald with the bouffant and over sculped eyebrows, but I LOVE IT ANYWAY (in spite of/because of the oddities).

I want to go back to Forks. I knew I wanted to go back before, but watching the movie just reinforced it... With a lot of campers each contributing small amounts of money, we should be able to buy some property in Forks so that we could have somewhere to stay and hang out, Y/Y??


Rob on a Road Trip

Monday September 6, 2010 at 2:52 PM

Yeah, so I'd love to go on a road trip with these guys:

The kids and husband and I drove from San Francisco to L.A. (with a stop in Carmel) and over to Phoenix.  I love the scenery of the American west.  Did a drive across the northern top of Arizona a couple years ago, too.  Stunning!

Anyone do a fabulous road trip this summer?  If not Rob, with whom did you go?  

And has there been a 'Road Trip fic' recommendation campfire yet?  Maybe there should be.

I nicked that fun manip and map off of someone posting at Pattinsonlife, credit to BraGirl2 and patronuska, whoever they are!

Approved by ranger Capricorn75!


It's all over : (

Monday September 6, 2010 at 2:51 PM

So I've just finished Mockingjay. I'm sad it's all over.

Anyone got any book suggestions to fill the gap?


Robert Pattinson and Ari Gold.

Monday September 6, 2010 at 2:07 PM


apparently, robert pattinson is set to be on Entourage on September 12th.  I AM HAVING A STROKE.

he is supposedly going to cameo as himself....playing Ari's most difficult client ever.



Help finding a fic

Monday September 6, 2010 at 1:39 PM

Hey all, it's been awhile since I've been here, so sorry if this is now not the thing to do...apologies in advance.

Anyway, I've been racking my brain for over a week now trying to find a fic.  B&E are married and Bella finds out Edward is cheating on her with Tanya.  Bella asks Edward if he loves T and he says he does.  In Chapter 2, she runs into both of them in the grocery store, but in the end B&E find their way back to each other.  The author did have some notes where she said some of this was based on a real life experience.

I cannot remember the name of it. Any help? Thanks so much!! :) 


It's the end of the world...

Monday September 6, 2010 at 1:05 PM

I love me a good apocalyptic story.

The Stand is my favorite book ever.

Every time the mini-series comes on I get hooked back in.

I have read some apocalyptic fics like-

The Fallout

Goodnight, Noises Everywhere

(I actually made Feisty this banner b/c I lurved her story so much)

Rec me some more! <3

Feed my love of end of the world dramatics.

You know you imagine you and Edward all holed up in a bunker...of love.



Monday September 6, 2010 at 10:16 AM

Hello, campers. :)

So. I started High School a few days back. And it's BRUTAL.

I do have a few friends, but there are some annoying people. People who judge. Terribly.

So needless to say, I'm scared shitless. Because I do give a damn what people think of me. Everyone does, at least in High School. How else do I survive it?

And there's this one girl - let's call her 'Ak' -and this other girl -let's call her 'Pri' . Pri is in all my classes, so that works out really well for me. Anyway, Ak keeps telling Pri to come hang out with her. Right in front of me. And, she ignores me while doing this. Also, Ak literally forces Pri to sit with her posse at lunch, in classes, etc.

Pretty bitchy, yeah. So I'm depressed. Like, really. All my awesome friends are in another school. I'm lonely. :(

So, tell me about your High School experiences. Did you suffer? Were you the Prom Queen/ King? Were you the social leper? Were you the wallflower whom no one noticed?


Let's reminisce. Or, you know, you reminisce. I'll just feed off of your terrible experiences and make myself feel better. Please?



Of course it's Rob. :)


And here's some Kellan.



Is it just me, or does Kellan's head look slightly small compared to his body? Just seems misproportionate, is all I'm sayin'.

approved by the purple font ranger albeit after the fact

LJ Summers

Carlisle/Bella Fics

Monday September 6, 2010 at 5:11 AM

Brought to you by the numbers 16 and 33, and by the the color #990000, today's list is all about CARLISLE and BELLA!   

For many, the emotion provided by the scene in the New Moon movie where Carlisle removes the glass from Bella's arm while she holds on to his shirt was inspirational. For others, the fascination started long before.  But however it happened, there is a growing list of fics featuring the romantic pairing of Carlisle and Bella.

Which ones do YOU recommend?  Historical or contemporary, AH or AU, all ratings allowed, we'd like you to share your favorite Carlisle/Bella stories with the Forest.  

This list and thirty-two others can be found on our MASTER FIC LIST here at ADF.  This is a list compiled by YOU, the CAMPERS and it is meant to give all of us a reference point.  If someone you know asks, "Hey, I'd really like to read a _____________ kind of fic. What's out there?" then you can probably find a fic to suit in one of our lists!


Remember the rules of the campfire: Keep your rec simple. No discussions.

My recs will be within.


Thank you so much for sharing your favorite Carlisle/Bella fics around the fire!



Sunday September 5, 2010 at 11:14 PM

For the summer, I've been a nanny to a two year old girl who believes she is a princess. She even has her very own princess gown that she never takes off. 

Yesterday, we watched Sleeping Beauty FOUR TIMES before her parents came home and I was allowed to leave. 

My boyfriend has whisked me away for a weekend by the lake... but I can't sleep.


I'm craving a romantic princess story. 


(Preferably CanonPairings, but I'm flexible. )

I would be grateful. 


Let's Talk~

Sunday September 5, 2010 at 6:13 PM

Life has been busy for a lot of us.

It's back to school time...

-for our kids

-for us personally

Some of us are moving...

Some of us are busy with family obligations...

Some of us busy with work, or looking for a new job.

Life is full of ups and downs and curvy roads that take us to new and interesting places.

Isn't it nice to know that there's one place where we can just come...relax, be ourselves.....

Where we're free of judgement or expectation....

Where there are no whiny kids or demanding spouses, bosses or parents...

Where the scenery is always pretty and the company is always friendly?

This is why I love the Forest.

Let's Chat, Campers. Tell me what's going on in your lives....


I know Campers would rather not...

Sunday September 5, 2010 at 4:31 PM

....see, or read, any more of these questions BUT I need the name of a multi-chap fic about a Bella on the down and out in Forks, that gets a crappy little job as a pharmacy assistant and so happens to assist an awkward, anti-social Edward with so many nervous ticks it's...yeah i can't even sum it up. Since I've had to send my lappytop to get some work I don't have any of my stories bookmarked, so alas I couldn't keep track of this fic I was reading.


I'd appreciate anything! Thanks yall!


To gChat or not?...

Sunday September 5, 2010 at 1:39 PM

So I semi-recently broke down a made a Twitter - something I swore that I would never do, because I didn't really like the idea of it.  Well, turns out I LOVE it!  I've gotten to know many people from our forest on a more personal level, and basically just made some great people I consider friends ^^ 

Well, one thing I've heard mentioned on Twitter is gChat.  Now i have gMail - for my blog and other crap - but should I really get the whole gChat thing?  Do you consider it better than Twitter - especially since there are no 140 char. limitations? Or is just Twitter enough for you?

Give me your opinions people ^^

As a thanks for reading/replying:


Oh, that SMeyer...

Sunday September 5, 2010 at 1:23 PM

I don't know what this is from, but I saw this on tumblr, and thought it was pretty hilarious I suppose it's from an interview with Stephenie Meyer:

Q.) If Harry and Edward had to duel against each other using their own abilities, who do you think would win?

Meyer: A.) Oh gosh, don’t get mad at me but I don’t know what a wizard fight looks like in her (JKRowling’s) head. I know what it looks like in the movies so I have to go on what it looks like in the movies. But here is the thing, if it’s possible for a human to duck a wand being shot at them; a vampire is not going to have a problem. The fight would be over in .01 seconds because Edward would be across the room snapping his (Harry’s) neck. He would be done. He wouldn’t even have time to say his spell word. I’m sorry but Edward would win that one

First of all, can I just express myself in gifs?

Okay? Okay.


Stephenie, you know nothing about Harry Potter.

"He wouldn’t even have time to say his spell word."


Spell word? SPELL WORD?

"But here is the thing, if it’s possible for a human to duck a wand being shot at them; a vampire is not going to have a problem."


SMeyer, I don't know what you think happens in magic duels, but people don't throw wands, honey. The cast spells. Very quick spells.

"The fight would be over in .01 seconds because Edward would be across the room snapping his (Harry’s) neck."


One word: Impedimenta. (That's really nerdy of me, omg.) Harry could cast that and slow Eddie down. The casting one of the unfrogivable curses, probably Avada Kedavra, and win. But if Eddie-boy does manage to "snap Harry's neck", there's a certain someone called Madame Pomfrey who could fix that right up.

So, Stephenie, I say you should go and read the books and you will see how wrong you are.


I think I've said my peace.

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