

Wednesday September 1, 2010 at 9:41 AM

Okay, so I was talking to a dear friend of mine today, and somehow, KStew came up in the conversation. It went like this :

Friend : I think The Runaways is my fav movie now. I watched it like 3 times.

Me : Yeah, me too! Kristen had the Joan Jett look down to perfect.

Friend : Yeah, even the microscopic boobs.

Yes, she said 'microscopic'.

Okay, so maybe our beloved KStew doesn't have huge ones, but hey. They are definitely not 'microscopic'.

In fact, many women have averagely sized, or even small boobs. It's not a big deal. And the friend who said that? She has mini-microsciopic boobs ( I'm sure that's not a word, but let's just pretend it is, okay?). Kristen herself has made fun of her assets on talk shows, so what the heck is the matter?

You want huge boobs? Go look at Pamela Anderson or Heidi Montag or someone else who has had at least 5 boob jobs done.

Aaaaaaaand. If you take your critical eyes off her upper torso, and look down. You will see. Legs, legs, and more legs.

So look at that. Those long, shaped, awesome legs.

I know I'm being creepy, forgive me.

I know I'm right in this case, pardon my arrogance, but isn't it true?

So, what do you'll think ladies ( and men, if any) ?

Do you think her assets are small? Or that her amazing legs should be noticed more than them?



Wednesday September 1, 2010 at 9:29 AM

Imperfectly Perfect by jandco just updated!!!!!!!! With two.... TWO chapters!!!!!!!!

I just actually squealed!!!!

Okay, I'm done.

Off to go read now!!!



Wednesday September 1, 2010 at 6:23 AM

I'll just leave these here.


Feel free to come and discuss how Harry Potter is the greatest series of all time. OF ALL TIME.

You can even come tell us how much you hate it.*


*We may point and laugh at you though. I kid..............kinda.

LJ Summers

Husbandward Fic List

Wednesday September 1, 2010 at 4:49 AM

Good morning and Happy Hump Day!  Happy First Day of September! And also, in our house, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to... The Spousal Unit. :)  

In honor of the man in my life, I am soliciting from you, Campers of ADF, the best of Husbandward.  (Note: I have not actually asked for a list or chosen one beyond the initial, like, dozen that we did back in July.  Husbandward was requested by a camper a while ago. :) #Trufax.)

These are fics that share the glory of Edward as a husband.  Brooding, tender, loving, troubled or angsty.  All Human or Alternative Universe.  Sweet and charming with a K rating or hot and explicit with an NC-17, if Edward's featured as a husband, we want him here!

If you're looking for good fic, A Different Forest is the place to go for the best recs in the Fandom.  Just check out the MASTER FIC LIST compiled by our Campers.  Looking for a certain kind of story? Chances are we have a list for you to choose from...or we will, within a few weeks! :)  

So on this hump day, bring on Husbandward. Just remember the rules of the campfire:

1.  Keep it simple. Just a title, author and the summary offered by the site at which the story is offered or on the author's blog.  

2.  No discussions.  We're not pimping, agreeing, applauding one another's tastes.  This is just a list.

3.  No need to wish Spousal Unit a happy birthday, either. ;-)   Alas, he is not a Forest denizen!


I might even have a rec for this campfire... Check inside!



Thank you for sharing the best of Husbandward around the fire!


ADF's Weeky Fan Video Post

Wednesday September 1, 2010 at 2:33 AM


Sorry... I'm freaking out about this pretty badly.  No one should be like this so early in the morning.  It's illegal...







I have to say... I don't have a rec this week.  (Blasphemy!)  However, I did recently make a new video, so I will go ahead and post that.


"Memories || Edward & Bella" by yours truly.

(ignore the credits at the end.  they're blurry and incorrect and i don't feel like fixing it... b/c i'm lazy like that).



Her Hair!!

Wednesday September 1, 2010 at 1:09 AM

Never a bad hair day

Share your pics!



Bright Like the Sun updated!

Tuesday August 31, 2010 at 11:19 PM


I haven't even read it yet - but I am so happy!


Missing fic....does anyone else remember this?

Tuesday August 31, 2010 at 8:40 PM

Okay, Bella was a nurse and she broke up with Jake at the beginning because he was a bad lay. She called him one minute man or two minute man (basically the guy popped off under 3 minutes). She interviewed with Edward and got the job. Said something about his ass in the interview then sexy times commence between them. He goes down on her in an exam room, she hides in his office and goes down on him under his desk while Carlisle and Esme are in his office visiting. Carlisle gets what's going down (pun intended) and starts laughing his ass off.

Later they're doing some cheerleader/football player role play in someone's apartment then Emmett walks in mid thrust and Bella cusses him the hell out.

And that's all I got. Yeah it was smut central but it was sexy and funny and I almost feel crazy for thinking it once existed because I can't remember a clue about the title or author. I gots nothing else. All I remember is the smut.

Edit: Found it

Playing Doctor by TheDeviousMissCaity



Watcha Readin'?

Tuesday August 31, 2010 at 6:47 PM

I'm yet again turning to the forest to pull me out of a fic lull.  I've been feeling like there are fewer great fics out there these days. Or perhaps it's just that the best fics update so slowly that I spend less time in reading bliss.  And I miss reading bliss.  

Since fic taste varies, let's get on the same page.  My personal no-nos = non ExB (except for slash), excessive angst for angst's sake, crappy grammar and spelling, and tragically boring Bellas.  Currently, I squee for Breaking News, Elemental, Osa Bella, We Come to Life Between the Stars, A Garment of Brightness, Glitch, Canzone, and Disappear Here.  (Yeah, you'd think I have enough.  But updates are slow! Stop judging.)

So, watcha readin'?


New (to me)Book Series

Tuesday August 31, 2010 at 6:05 PM

(Ranger approved)

Ever heard of this?


I've been working on my English Class assignments (an analytical paper) and I was perusing the eBooks on the B&N website for a break.  I came across this and it looks REALLY GOOD!

Anyone care to extrapolate for me?  TIA!

P.S.~I am working on the LendMe(tm) list too!!!

P.P.S.~ Does anyone know what to do with my iTunes and iPod being corrupted!?  My hubby sync'd it and now it pooping out on us!?  HALLPP!


new promo pics for season 6 of bones

Tuesday August 31, 2010 at 5:51 PM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic

just released new pics for the new season.

let's make this a 


since new season = new school year to me

or you know, discuss bones or some junk


Know Any?

Tuesday August 31, 2010 at 4:44 PM

(I can never name theses things...)

Okay, so I just got done watching this Mandy Moore movie - she was the President's daughter - and it was okay...but it got me thinking *Bwhaha*

In the movie her dad told this body guard to "be her friend."  Well of course they ended up falling in love and doing it between the sleeping bag, then she found out, got pissed/sad, and drama ensued!  

Are there any FanFics like that?  Any Fics where Renee tells Edward to date Bella only to have it all blow up in the end?  Anything along those lines really :)

HEA FanFics would be nice *wink wink*

And for all your help, my favorite Robert picture (It's even part of my laptop background ^^):


and it begins...

Tuesday August 31, 2010 at 12:49 PM

has this been posted yet? i don't think so...

anyway - 

Breaking Dawn Casting Announcement: Meet Benjamin
Posted by Twilight_News - 31/08/10 at 03:08 pm
ET got the scoop at their post Emmy Awards party. Rami Malek (no doubt his IMDB ranking is going through the roof as we speak) will be playing Benjamin. He is probably best known for his roles in 24, The Pacific, and Night at the Museum.

Benjamin, who is mated with Tia, was created by Amun knowing that the boy would be special. Amun has since been trying to turn Benjamin’s ability to manipulate earth, air, fire, and water into a weapon, but Benjamin is very independent and won’t be used. He bonds quickly with many of the covens and nomads gathered at the Cullen’s house and declares that he will stand with them if the Volturi attack. They are all members of the Egyptian coven.




whatcha think? i think..eh. not bad. 


Say whaa?

Tuesday August 31, 2010 at 12:44 PM

So, I've officially started a new chapter in my life: university. I had two classes this morning, it's easy as pie thus far. I'm not talking to many people (lol) besides my two best friend's that are living with me and my other roommate, a 27-year-old named Matt.

Now, Matt's an interesting guy. He loves True Blood. He's like, "I don't know why I like it, but I'm so addicted. Vampires, werewolves... Not my thing. But True Blood is my guilty pleasure."

Uh, unexpected much?

My dad, a 53-year-old farmer watches the Twilight movies every time they come on the TV. Like, if you ever saw my dad, you'd a) run away 'cause he scowls so much and b) never suspect his obsession with Twilight.

Do you find Twilight/vamps&wolves in unexpected places/people?


"You shouldn't be kissing boys. Boys kiss you."

Tuesday August 31, 2010 at 10:55 AM

I don't know about you but I am in love with this show called Mad Men.  Every week I tune in and watch strictly for the fashion porn.  The styling of this show is fabulous as is the writing.  Plus it has 3 very strong and dynamic female characters.  Joan is my favourite.  I love everything she wears and I think that their costume designer does an awesome job dressing her.  I love that she's got a real figure and she's not ashamed to flaunt it.

To make this post interactive, tell me what you love about this show, what outfits have caught your eye.  Or if you don't watch the show, tell me of another tv series that has great fashion porn (*cough* Sex & the City *cough*).


This post was approved by the super-fabulous grown.ass.woman.


Canon... or Fanon?

Tuesday August 31, 2010 at 8:18 AM

jandco & I were having a discussion...and we'd like your thoughts...

Most of us (all?) read a lot of fanfic…and many of us write it. And it’s pretty safe to say that AH is our preferred drug of choice.

There are sooo many AH stories and plot lines out there. There are the old trends of 3 girl roomies meet 3 boy roomies and it’s all love at first site except for when Bella and Edward have some sort of epic miscommunication and the gang has to work together to bring E&B back together. (we all love this one).

There are the HS fics with shy Bella and douchey popular Edward and usually a slutty Tanya or Lauren trying to mess things up.

There’s a plethora of BDSM stories, usually with Domward who takes Bella’s virginity and turns her into the perfect sub…or not. He spanks her and ties her up and she loves it and we (mostly) love it.

There’s Tattward, Douchward, Dadward, Geekward, Slutward, Pimpward, Shyward, Nerdward, Youngward, Wheelchairward, Richward, Creepward, Doctorward, Pianoward, Artistward, Officeward, Actorward.

We have Momella, Hookerella, Cougarella, Shyella, Clumsella, Damsel-in-distressella, etc, etc, etc…

You get the idea.

So here’s the thing. There are so many stories out there that use the names “Edward” and “Bella”… but that’s the only thing that ties these stories to Twilight. Not all stories take place in Forks. Not all stories fit the same mold or can be called “canon”. It’s like we’ve gone so far past “canon”…that original Edward isn’t even recognizable anymore.

But Doucheward is.

It seems that the fandom bubble has created its own version of canon: fanon. These are not Twilight characters, they are characters from other fics now.

Suppose you picked up a reworked fanfiction that has been published. You could pick out the douche-player right away as the “Edward” character…though he possesses no canon traits. Only Fanon traits.

So here’s my question—
If you were to go into a bookstore, and pick up a book about a boy who meets a girl, they like each other, have a huge misunderstanding, but ultimately get back together and have their HEA… would you think hmmm Edward & Bella? Even if they’re human and their names were Jimmy & Lisa?

Where have the lines between Canon and Fanon been crossed?


edit:  there's a really great discussion going on inside.  I have another question for you there too!!


A little help from our friends?

Tuesday August 31, 2010 at 7:49 AM

Good Morning Campers!

I have something FABULOUS to share with you this fine Monday.......Tuesday...... morning. AND a question. What's the nicest thing someone in this fandom has done for you??? I am ESPECIALLY interested in wonderful things that people you barely know have done for you. WHY you may ask? Well, I'll tell you.

MuffNButter, who also has a FFn account called Lemon Muffins wrote this little one shot about Vegan Bella and Naked Edward. AND, for some reason, I just couldn't get it out of my head. SO, I messaged her, and BEGGED that she continue it. I am not proud of my behavior, but I couldn't help myself.

Now, Ms. Butter writes several WIP's, on her 2 (count 'em) profiles, so she couldn't very well take on another, BUT, she sent me a PM telling me what WOULD have happened if she had.

OMG, it was sooooo awesome, that I wanted to share it with all of you, and lucky for you guys, the lovely Ms. Butter agreed:)

(Story in the comments, since it's a little lengthy!)


You knew this was coming

Tuesday August 31, 2010 at 6:42 AM

I love Kristen Stewart. Love love love. I look forward to hanging out with you guys every Tuesday and sharing pictures, getting to know each other, etc. I'm sorry I wasn't around last week, but that's why this week is extra special!

Guys, it's a KStew legs picspam!!!!!


Okay, so sometimes her legs fail her, and she falls, but she always gets right back up SO QUICKLY. It's freaky, really. She's adorable.




So yes, we've established that she's adorable. Also, she has the longest legs. Aw, Eddie. He's adorable, too.

Okay, she looks really young in those gifs and I feel CREEPY right now.

Moving right along...

God, her legs here. And her face. And aw, hi Rob, isn't your future gf the cutest?


More pics inside.

LJ Summers

Pretends to be a Boy Fics

Tuesday August 31, 2010 at 5:04 AM

Today's Fic List is brought to you by the Letter B (for Bella and Boy) and the Number 30 (because this will be our thirtieth list)!

It is a time-honored device, wherein The Heroine impersonates a male in order to gain an "in" with an organization or with The Hero himself.  Pretending to be a boy is something even Bella Swan is not averse to doing in order to make things happen in her life.



Have you ever wanted to see her do this?  Have you read a fic where she does?  Bring it here to this campfire and share it!

This list and all past lists are linked at the MASTER FIC LIST for your future perusal. All of these lists are works in progress, so if you haven't read a story like this today but do in the future, you can certainly find this list and add to it.  Punching the heart at the top of this original post will make it easier for you. ;-)

So where is Bella pretending to be a boy...?  I don't know but I bet some of YOU do!  Please share your recs!


Thank you for helping our ever-growing list of fic recommendations in the Forest!


Vampires... Werewolves... OH MY

Monday August 30, 2010 at 10:12 PM


Does anyone watch this show? 

Sunday Nights 10/9c ABC

A friend of mine suggested I watch it... and now I'm hooked. There's just the right amount of sexy-supernatural-mystrey-silly-romance-action to really make this a fun show to watch. Not many people have heard of it though, and I was wondering if there was anyone here that had taken an interest like I have.


I was also wondering if there were any shows/movies/books that you consider watching NOW because of your love for all things Twilight. Did Stephenie Meyer introduce you into the world of supernatural?

I realize Twilight is nothing like Interview With a Vampire, but there are books (i.e. Sookie Stackhouse series, Black Dagger Brotherhood series, etc.) that I probably wouldn't have read since I didn't have an interest in vampires until I was introduced to a Mr. Edward Cullen. 





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