
I need a rec

Friday September 3, 2010 at 10:35 AM

sorry, im not to fancy with the pictures.... i need a rec, i want somthing good. im not one for fluff at all. im down for slash, E= J only. I love angst, the worse the better.... help.


ranger edit: Remember, no profanities on the front page. Swear like a sailor on the flipside ;)


Happy Friday!

Friday September 3, 2010 at 10:04 AM

I just had to stop by and leave these pictures of Kristen in NOLA here. She's lovely. Garrett's lovely. Everyone's lovely. OTR is going to be lovely.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Any fun plans? Any fics you think I should read while you guys are off doing awesome things?


More pics inside!

Luna StarFire

Do I take a left at the red light?

Friday September 3, 2010 at 9:45 AM

Hey campers!

Hope your having a swell Friday.  I wanted to see how many of you participate in writing contest that involve Twilight.  

I'm curious because I have some contest topics that might be cool to see different fanfic views on the ideas I have.  I'm thinking about starting a contest, I have no clue how to do it though but I'm sure I'll find a way.  I just didn't know if it was a waste of time or if people really do like having a theme and then writing about a certain theme...which then again probably depends on the theme.

ANYWHO, your thoughts?  Or hey is there a contest place here here people can submit stories that could be fun.

Here's some eye candy to look at:


Sing it. Out loud. Sing it.

Friday September 3, 2010 at 9:23 AM

Hello, people. :)

It's Friday, and most of you are gearing up for a nice, lovely, relaxing weekend.

Yeah, not me.

Because. I have SCHOOL. On a SATURDAY. Yes, I do. That happens where I live. India, by the way.

But. I'm determined to stay in high spirits, because tomorrow will be my third day of high school, so I'm resorting to music to cheer me up.

Right now? Coldplay is ruling me. Along with certain other songs. It's not relevant to anything, just that I like those songs.

So, anyway. Let's play that music game that has been played before, okay? Post the lyrics to the song you are currently listening to, and then let someone guess which one it is.

It's really fun. Come try it out! 

Also, if you have something to say about a particular song, do that! It's nice to have a HEALTHY DEBATE about songs. :)

Mine will be in the comments.

Please don't leave me hanging here, now that I'm making such a big campfire. ;)


Edward "Fabio" Cullen.

Friday September 3, 2010 at 9:13 AM

Hey there, Ladieth! Happy Friday, all around.

So, I wanted to share this old guilty pleasure I have recently reaquainted myself with.

Historical Romances.

I'm talking authors like: Julie Garwood, Stephanie Laurens and titles like, "Gentleman's honor" and "Devil's Bride" and summaries like, "She was a stubborn English beauty. He was a stubborn and strong Scottish laird...they would come together in forced marriage but the biggest danger they would face is the fire of their passion." [not a real summary, but totally something I'd wanna read.]

Anyway, I LOVE these stories and books. In fact, before I FF came along, they were my only literary secret . However, I can't keep buying them and as I am in a teeny island in the M.E, I havent found any in bookstores.

So, are there any well-written FFs out there that would fullfil my need for a historical, romantic [also smutty] and intriguing tale of kindred souls?

C'mon Edward Cullen, laird of the Cullen Clan? Hello!

ALSO, I just realized Manips meant Manipulated Pics and not Man Nips...'cause I'd always look in Campfires thinking, "hmm...I don't see Rob's nips."




Friday September 3, 2010 at 7:43 AM

Since it's a free for all...

What's your weekend plans?

For us in the good 'ol US of A, Monday is Labor Day, which means LOOOOOONG WEEEKEND!!!

So, folks, what are YOU doing this weekend?  Short, long, normal sized, tell us yer plans, fools!

Tonight I plan on having one of these at my house

With some of this

Probably some of this

Some of these

I have to work tomorrow and then I get to (yay) help out with harvest at my father-in-law's farm Sunday and Monday...

Lettuce discuss!


Furious Fic-Wife's Unite!

Friday September 3, 2010 at 6:53 AM

Are there any other ADFer’s out there who are someone’s supposed “Fic Wife”? When I first got started in FF I had no idea what that term meant until I started fangirling my favorite author and found that she responded in kind to my crazy passionate rants. Within weeks a friendship was born and we were soon taking the short walk down the aisle to become wifeys.

As a fic wife, pre-reader, and admitted review stalker, I get jealous and possessive and…defensive. As an author, you’re expected to sit back and take the reviews, the flames, the rants about your characters doing, or sometimes not doing as the case may be, something that has pissed the reader off enough to just let loose on you. You’re supposed to roll with the punches, brush it off. Or if you feel you must respond to them, you feel obligated to do so with a calm, clear head; to take the high road while stating your case against their remarks.

But as a fic wife…I feel it is well within my rights to just sound off!

For anyone reading “Through the Flames” by SparklingTwilight, you can probably guess why I’m here today.


Edward and Bella have come to their first bump in the road. This “bump” came before these two have even had the chance to “admit their feelings to one another” ….or so many a reviewer has commented at one point or another.

He’s had all of 28 damn days after waking from a coma to come to terms that he may never walk again. Half of which he spent only mildly coherent from being drugged up while his body is recovering from that fall through the floor that nearly cost him his life. And readers still think that he needs to be whopped upside the head before he’ll ever admit to himself that Bella might be good for him? HELLO PEOPLE…is there nothing else on his mind at the moment?

Edward is in the hospital, and he’s pretty much paralyzed from the waist down. He’s regained some sensation, but it’s not like it’s something he can even remotely control at this point. I can’t tell you how many crazy reviews I’ve seen mentioning naughty nurse sex in the hospital. Do they have any idea how gross that might be? If you want the truth of the matter, since the author didn't wanna completely scare off her readers by going into the ewwey gorey nitty gritty and she hasn’t pointed this out in layman's's the blunt reality this man is experiencing.

Before the day he cried out in pain at the first sign of regaining feeling in his lower extremities, he didn’t even know when he’d shit himself. There it is! The stone cold truth. How romantic is that! Lean in for a little smoochy smooch and *sniff sniff* what’s that smell?

Yes definitely. Please write me some hospital bed sexy times!

For someone to go through that amount of humiliation in front of someone they don’t even know, the last thing to cross their mind would be, hey maybe I should ask her out. Heck, the fact that there are even any signs of a slow burning build of a romance at all at this point is a freakin miracle.

I’m just curious why we, as a fandom, expect that every Twilight fanfic is some sort of tale of romance. The fact that you label your story as an Angst/Tragedy does nothing to deter readers from assuming that romance will be a key factor in the story. Can we not just enjoy the story for what it is, and not constantly push for more romance and smut? Sometimes a tale of friendship is more romantic than a tale of romance.


Give your soul to me . . .

Friday September 3, 2010 at 5:54 AM

Okay so I'm a HUGE Disturbed fan totally not ashamed to admit it.Like ridiculously so. Squee I'm soo excited!! And well this week the latest, Asylum (5th album), came out:

Disturbed talks Asylum

This is, hands down, my FAVORITE song by them (coincidentally off my fave album as well):


So come in here and talk Disturbed with me! OMG I can't be the only nut in love with them. Also if you know what song the lyrics to the title of the campfire came from I'll profess my undying love for you.

Okay seriously tell me if anything great has happened to you lately in the music world! Going to see your favorite band in concert? Check out the local music scene? Discover something new and great you want to share?


What is the net to you?

Thursday September 2, 2010 at 11:44 PM

To me it's friendship, communication with family thousands of miles away, it's a way to find my way around a strange city where I don't speak the language, it's a place where I can blow off steam, where I can dream, where I can play, laugh, be free. It's where I find books I'd love to read, recipes I'd like to try, that perfect gift for my best friend who I haven't been able to see in 6 years. It's where I cry, it's where I offer a shoulder when others want to cry. It's an unimaginably huge library where I can browse topic after topic after topic and learn something new every day to feed my busy brain. It's my link to the world when I can barely move from my bed.

What is it to you?

And how do you feel about this?


Tell Your Story at


Youtube? Why, Yes, I do.

Thursday September 2, 2010 at 11:39 PM

Ah, the wonder that is youtube. 

Two things:

Firstly, anybody ever hear of "The Room," aka THE Worst Movie Ever Made? No? Well, check this out:

"The Room" excerpt

Second-of-ly, anyone remember when Summit subjected RPattz and the Gang to the horror of shopping mall meet-n-greets? Well we totally went to one and documented (what we could of) our journeys. I submit this footage to you:

Dreamers Dreaming Dreams: Our Quest to Meet Robert Pattinson

I sincerely hope you enjoy at least one of these.

Happy Friday!


how to make friends!

Thursday September 2, 2010 at 10:07 PM

Hey everyone, so I recently moved to vancouver( from dubai) to study for uni, and today was my 1st orientation, I did make a few friends, but I was wondering if anyone could give me advice on how to open up conversations and how. To keep a conversation flowing, because I suck at this, I don't knw how I made friends back home:D Thank you!! PS I knw this kinda like FFFA material but I couldn't wait till tmrw

It IS Friday, right?

Thursday September 2, 2010 at 9:44 PM

It's Friday Free For All, if I'm not mistaken!

So, I'm one of those lucky mofo's that gets to grow up and go to college. I've been here for a flippin' week already! The work is easy (omg, thank God I decided to go to tech school!) and I LOVE my roommates (two of them are my bff's since forever, the other one is a 27-year-old guy that's soo nice, but still, like, eight years older than me, lol).

But, in all honesty, I'd lovelovelove to just be a bum.

Who else wants to be a bum with me?


I'm Back!

Thursday September 2, 2010 at 9:16 PM

Of course, you probably didn't even notice I was gone.  That's okay. :)  So what's going on?  The Forest looks rather quiet and off topic lately.  (I haven't had internet access for almost two weeks in case you were wondering).  Despite not having internet access I've been rather busy.  I've been working on a LOT of writing related stuff.  It's amazing how much time the internet sucks from your life so I may try a little experiment and give myself scheduled 'off' days.  I've started working on my next anthology.  It's called Like Myth Made Flesh and is an erotic collection featuring mythical beings.  I'm currently looking for cover art for it so if you're interested or know a good artist let me know.

I wrote a story.  Original fiction not fanfic.  And I've submitted it to an anthology so wish me luck.  I've also done a lot of work to one of my existing stories which I plan to submit to another anthology.  And I did write a teeny tiny bit of fic. :)  It's the student/teacher fic I promised Jennyfly but I don't want to post it anywhere unless she says it's okay.  And man, can I just say how hard research is without the net?  I felt like I was thrown back into the dark ages.

To make this more Twilight related I also did some organizing on my computer and finally caved and made a fanfiction folder and a Twilight photo folder.  This shit really is taking over my life but I say that with fondness.  And to make this interactive...what's going on in the fandom?  How are you?  How is your writing going?  How many Twilight folders do you have on your computer?

Here, have some pics:






Also, I'm still looking for a good Midnight Sun wallpaper.  I like this one but it's in Portuguese(I think?):



Anyone know of a good one?  Maybe similar to this?


Skill Swap

Thursday September 2, 2010 at 8:36 PM

Hey All! *waves*

So, lately I've had an idea for a cool gif/video avi thing, but I don't have the program/info to make them. SO, I thought I would offer a skill swap, of sorts. I do story banners (and the alike - link to the banners I've done will be inside), and would love to swap a banner for an avi, if anyone would be willing to do so!

Anyone else have a skill they'd like to swap for something they're looking for? Story Beta extraordinaire? Fic ideas up the wazoo? Virtual woodworking? Post it here and see if you can work something out!

(Side Note: I know there is a similar campfire on Mondays called the Monday Request Campfire... if I need to wait till then to post my request, let me know!)


Fic Diving is NOT working

Thursday September 2, 2010 at 5:33 PM

In the past, I have been able to just search for a pairing that I wanted to read and find a good story that holds my interest, whether it's a one shot or a multichapter doesn't really matter. But tonight my trusted method is not working.

I am looking for something well written that I will definitely get into within the first couple of chapters/ the first paragraph, and I would like it to be JasperxBella but I am definitely open to any pairing.

I will even include a list of the fics I have read recently (in the comments)  to make it easier (I think) for you guys to recommend me something to read. Thanks lovely campers :)


Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket


the harvest

Thursday September 2, 2010 at 2:44 PM

day 2 as the buffy watchalong continues

with the conclusion of "welcome to the hellmouth"- "the harvest". 

yesterday's watchalong was a total success!  thanks for all who participated.  except tkmoon, she can go check out the softer side of sears or something.  except omg sasha i'm making baked snack mix and it smells so good

do a spoiler warning if you're discussing future stuff, or make your text white so we can just highlight it

and if you know of good, solid links for watching buffy without having to buy/download anything, please let me know via PM.  also, if you're not from the america and cannot see this vid, please let me know.  i'm trying to make it so that everyone can watch with us!

if you have netflix: watch it here

if you want to use hulu: watch it here (US only)

if all else fails:

if you have netflix: watch it here

if you want to use hulu: watch it here (US only)

if all else fails: try this link here

and seriously, if you come up with an alternative, let me know!

i may or may not have alternatives coming up in the future.

now get in this campfire and discuss my favorite tv show of all time, please.

first impressions, bad 90s fashion, horrible acting, giles' hotness from the get-go.

eta: if your name is patsyrobinson, make gifs from this episode!  or, you know.  even if you're not patsyrobinson.

">try this link for episode 1.02 here 


and seriously, if you come up with an alternative, let me know!

i may or may not have alternatives coming up in the future.

now get in this campfire and discuss my favorite tv show of all time, please.

first impressions, bad 90s fashion, horrible acting, giles' hotness from the get-go.

eta: if your name is patsyrobinson, make gifs from this episode!  or, you know.  even if you're not patsyrobinson.


Twilight is Taking Over the World...

Thursday September 2, 2010 at 1:04 PM

Obviously we all know that and it's not that wild of a statement, but I'm wondering how you guys have run into random Twilight references in your everyday life.  For example, my husband is a veterinarian.  He works very closely with a rescue group and each time this group receives new animals they have to name them.  The most recent litter of puppies all received Twilight names, so he takes a lot of guffaw-inducing (for me) phone calls about 'Jasper's ringworm' or 'Rosalie's bloody diarrhea' (sadly I'm not kidding about the last one!).  But today takes the cake: When I went to visit his clinic at lunch, he walked out of the surgery room and declared, "Well, Team Edward is going to be pretty pissed because I just neutered Edward today."  I about died.

So where does the world of Twilight intersect with your real-life world? 

Disclaimer: I'm NOT judging naming your pets after book/movie characters!  We have a Ginny (for Ginny Weasely) and a Jack Ryan (from the Tom Clancy novels) so the tradition is clearly alive and well in our family!


Bloody birth

Thursday September 2, 2010 at 11:41 AM

Rewrite! Now Fans WILL See The Gruesome Birth Of Renesmee In Breaking Dawn!

Read More: Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton
Celebrity Juice, Not from Concentrate

C'mon! Twilight screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg also writes for Dexter in her spare time. You think she would steer you wrong?

Twi-Hards have continued to voice their concern that the next flick to come out of the Twiverse, Breaking Dawn- Part 1, will be too toned down from its literary counterpart as to remain appropriate for mixed ages audiences.

That's why, according to Melissa, she and director Bill Condon have been hard at work on rewrites to make sure that the movie is pleasing to fans.

During a recent interview, Melissa echoed back to her sentiment that the infamous vampire birthing scene won't be the blood bath some fans are looking for, but that it will be much more gruesome than first believed. She says:

"We're working on it. And we're working on it to be as intense as it is in the book. I don't think it's about the amount of blood you show. It's on their faces. It's all from Bella's point of view when you're seeing what's going [on]. It should feel visceral. I think it's going to be pretty intense."

Oh no.

I did not copypasta the last few sentences where he rags on Stew. I don't care for the girl, but I care for Perez's opinion even less.


My parents love me...right?

Thursday September 2, 2010 at 8:12 AM

I've noticed something in a lot of fics I've been reading.  It seems in a lot of stories when things start to go south for our dear Bella and Edward everyone turns against Edward.  Even his own parents.  What is that about?  I understand being disappointed in your child for making poor decisions.  But to not speak to him or force him to fix things with Bella before you'll start acting decent to him again, seriously, what is that about? 

(breaking up a family is different, I will admit)

Is this sort of situation true for anyone out there?  I can't imagine my parents disowning me because I made my boyfriend cry (they just love him that much?).  In my mind this is sort of acting out a fantasy where you are loved by everyone so much that if you are wronged everyone will fight for you.  So what say you?  Am I missing something here?  Am I just that spoiled?

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