
The Haunted Airman...

Monday August 30, 2010 at 4:35 PM

I don't THINK I need ranger approval, since Rob is in this, but if I do, please let me know.....

WTF? Did anyone understand this movie??? Don't get me wrong, Rob was ridic hot, and creepy hot too for bonus points...

def. worth watching, I would have watched ages ago had I known he'd be shaving that jaw with a straight razor, and biting the hand, and oh the fingers, and the smoking....

And, I know I'm a total weirdo, but I LIKED the ending..... I just didn't get it.

Anyone else? Did any of you read the book? Understand the movie better than I did? Agree that it makes no sense but is completely drool-worthy?? Do tell:)



Monday August 30, 2010 at 2:40 PM

Where's my Imperfectly Perfect update?

I am spoiled.  I like good writing.  I like snark.  I like UST and the resolution thereof.  This fic has it all, and to top it off, it offers daily updates - until today!  I know I am being a bratty, selfish kid, but I am so hooked. . . I guess I have to begrudgingly accept that authors have other things to do, but there are some fics, like Imperfectly Perfect, when not updated send me into a selfish tizzy!

Which fic udpates, when not delivered, turn you into a spoiled brat?

Any fics that you are just used to not getting updated regularly?  I know Elemental doesn't update frequently, but gosh (no offense to anyone, sorry) damn, if every update isn't worth the wait.  I love that fic!



Monday August 30, 2010 at 11:25 AM

I just finished reading The Harder They Fall by Ironic Twist and realized that one of my favorite story plots is the fake relationship.  You know, Bella and Edward have to "pretend" they are girlfriend/boyfriend because of their jobs, witness protection, a bet, family issues, etc.  One of my absolute favorite fics ever is Faking It by spanglemaker9. I think it is a must read! What other good faker fics can I read?  I've read and enjoyed --

Hiding in Plain Sight


The Blessing and the Curse

The Screamers

Contractually Bound

are there any others?  For your time...


FF Sneak Peek

Monday August 30, 2010 at 6:45 AM

I'm posting a little earlier than usual today since I've got a lot going on and I don't want to forget! I figure this way the European campers can have a little head start to the thread this time :) -kalejay

Do you write fan fiction? Give your readers a treat before your next update and post excerpts from your UPCOMING chapters here!

Got ARTWORK to spice it up? Post it!

Got MUSIC or VIDEOS that go with the excerpt? Include it as well!

Get creative! If you don't, that's okay too.

And don't forget to include a link to your story so we can read more!


OMG Monday~

Monday August 30, 2010 at 6:24 AM

Hello Campers!

It's barely 9am here and I have a lot to discuss.  It's been a busy morning.


my kids are at school, and my husband is at work.

Don't call me, don't email me, don't talk to me unless I invite it, don't ask me any questions!!



Look... I know I catch on to cool things late, I always do... but I JUST LAST NIGHT discovered the manna from heaven known as NETFLIX. 


So yeah... again, don't talk to me.  I'm watching a movie in my quiet house.


If you've been on the internet for more than 7 minutes today then you've likely already seen the pics with Rob and Tomstu chillin out in West Hollywood last night.


Do you see that on his shirt?

Do you not know where I live?!?!?


i need more coffee... with Kahlua



~Every day 200 million couples make love, 400,000 babies are born, and 140,000 people die.
~The average person laughs 13 times a day.
~The reason honey is so easy to digest is that it’s already been digested by a bee.
~It cost 7 million dollars to build the Titanic and 200 million to make a film about it.
~According to a British law passed in 1845, attempting to commit suicide was a capital offense. Offenders could be hanged for trying.
~America's first nudist organization was founded in 1929, by 3 men.
~The owl is the only bird to drop its upper eyelid to wink. All other birds raise their lower eyelids.
~Isaac Asimov is the only author to have a book in every Dewey-decimal category.


Tell me something good, Campers... and if you have any NETFLIX-sized secrets, you better SPILL IT!


Can we talk rules & growth?

Monday August 30, 2010 at 6:06 AM

Don't get all spooked - I'm talking about writing...

Up until the last 6 months of so, I really rambo'ed my writing (as witnessed by use of the word rambo as a way to describe my approach).  I liked deep characters, but other than that, I never really paid attention to story arc, development of conflict and themes to drive plot, etc. 

Then I started educating myself and refining my approach, and I feel like i see the world in a whole new light.  I write differently, my preferences in what I enjoy have changed, and I find my standards have gotten higher. At first I chalked it up to becoming a fic snob, but now I realize it's more than that - I've learned, and as I've learned, I find I can't go willingly where I did when I didn't know any better (which is why I resist the urge to go back and edit the crap out of my early stuff, and is why I pulled a few things down).

So tell me campers...what have you learned as you read or written? Things you would like to share, tips to pass on, etc?  I see a lot of people toeing in the water with original fiction (nudge - nanowrimo is coming up soon - fan fic OR original I highly recommend it) - and I'd love to see/here more about how people are expanding their knowledge, their skills, etc.

And, even if this is just for fun, you've learned some things along the way - share the wealth on this bleary Monday AM (at least bleary east coast time)

LJ Summers

Bad-A$$ Bella Fics

Monday August 30, 2010 at 5:45 AM

Title Adjustment Approved by Ranger Capricorn75, because she's kind to listen to me say, "Are you sure?"  She's a true gentlewoman.

!  ! ^ !  !

It's MONDAY! The best day of the week!  The day I like to wake up and start afresh because I can kick serious A$$!

(Okay, I actually don't kick any because I have the depth perception of your average rhinoceros and the coordination of a freaked-out ostrich, but yeah. Mentally, I'm there!)

We here at ADF are compiling the Fic Rec List Lists to end ALL Fic Rec Lists.  Don't believe me? Go the the MASTER FIC LIST and take a look at the types of fics our campers recommend in dozens...literally...of categories! And there's more!

Today, we're focusing on BAD-A$$ BELLA.  Human or Vamp or...maybe even in transition.  All ratings, all pairings.  We're just looking for a Bella who kicks butt.  She's confident, powerful and doesn't pull punches.  

Which fics are your favorite places to find this Bella?  Share them with us in this campfire!

Remember the Rules of the Campfire:  Keep the rec simple -- this is a list, not a public service announcement.  No discussions. Thank you!

My rec will be inside.



Thanks for sharing your favorite Bad-A$$ Bella at the campfire!


Anyone suffering from Rob-drought?

Monday August 30, 2010 at 4:55 AM

Yeah, I know we've been showered with amazing photoshoot pics. 

And I am an advocate for Rob's privacy, absolutely.  Wretched bastards, paps.

Buuuuut ....
Where is he????  What is he doing right now???   What did he wear today??

I get antsy when I don't see timely photos of him doin'  things. 

Like drivin':



Helpin' Nikki Reed move:


Pathetic I know.  It is hypocrites like me that fuel pap photos, probably.

Anyone else getting Rob-withdrawal ??


ETA:  I spoke too soon.  Intrusive new pap photos were appearing while I was occupied photobucketing and googling for the best shot of Nikki Reed at the U-Store-It. 

Apologies to Rob.

Be careful what you wish for.


Theme stories or Life stories?

Sunday August 29, 2010 at 8:06 PM

Which do you prefer? A story that's general in the sense that it deals with everyday, common things or one centered around some theme that's sort of a character in itself?


Sports - Edward is a hockey, baseball, football player and meets Bella and it goes from there but the theme is his career and how their relationship evolves around that theme.

Hollywood - the town, films, etc are basically one big character that gets in the way.

Age difference - fics where the age difference is the central theme and they try to overcome being together up against society's view of older man/golddigger looking woman or cougar/young manilupated guy, etc.

FBI, CIA, Agent/Bondward, Mafia - whether male lead is on the right or wrong side of the law, that's a big issue in the relationship to overcome.

ETC, whatever other "theme"



it eats you, starting with your bottom

Sunday August 29, 2010 at 6:16 PM

the forest watches buffy the vampire slayer

so, i guess people are kinda stoked about the buffy watchalong i randomly decided was in order.


so far, i've found a few ways to watch it without anyone having to buy or download anything, nothing solid, though.

if you have solid suggestions for embeddable vids or a place people can go to watch for free, leave them here.

i highly recommend using netflix as the streaming is clean.  you can get a free trial for a month, dude.  and you get access to the instant watch right away, where buffy is currently being shown.  free buffy and angel, all 11 total seasons, for free!

anyway, here's the plan:

starting wednesday, september 1, we'll watch one episode of buffy the vampire slayer, in order, every single day.  special events will be considered (for instance, the pilot "welcome to the hellmouth" was a 2 hour episode).  and once angel branches off and gets his own show to go be hot in los angeles, we'll do each episode as it happens (which was buffy season 4, in case you're new).

anyway, ask questions here, discuss which whedonverse character broke your heart more (oz being the obvious answer), get excited, etc etc.  also, tweet the hell out of this!  it'll be quite fun.

for your time: oh, xander.




Sunday August 29, 2010 at 4:18 PM

Hey there everybody!

So I know everyone's been sharing twitter and facebook and other social networking screen names to get better connected. I know there's lots of you out there who do gchat and skype. So for those of you who'd like to continue getting to know each other, come on in and share what chat platform you use if you want to chat with all your fandom buddies!

Please don't post your screen names in the campfire.  GAW pointed out that there are problems with spammers, etc. when you do that. So just make a post telling what chat platform you use and then if there's someone you want to be able to chat with, pm them with your screen name.

Then get to work inviting each other to be in your network! :)

Oh and umm... Edward approves :)

This campfire was approved by GAW


Got Milk?

Sunday August 29, 2010 at 12:23 PM

Actually-  what I really need is a awesome-bring-them-to-their knees chocolate chip cookie recipe. My nest is now empty and my son rarely calls (which is a nice indication that he LOVES college). I have a list of college kids I have promised to send care packages to and not much to do this afternoon since I am now just a part-time mom.

Probably should find some way to relate this post to Twilight, but really I just decided to make the cookies to do something vaguely productive today so that I stop reading FF.

(However- if Jandco and a few others would update- I would gladly give up my quest for productivity)


This Is An IKEA Post.

Sunday August 29, 2010 at 10:27 AM

In honor of my being trapped at work on this glorious Sunday morning, I figured we'd declare this an


How does IKEA make you feel?

Do you like these?

Did you get your copy of this yet?

Or is there just something about IKEA that you've been dying to know?  Feel free to ask!

(And remember that next time you go to purchase your favorite Swedish furniture, and that voice comes on over the intercom, paging a parent because their kid has thrown up in the ball pit or whatnot, that person might just be a member of ADF ;)

*Approved by Ms. WTVOC*


One fic=One song

Sunday August 29, 2010 at 9:52 AM


You name a fic, and name the song which is according to you representative of it! Err...Do you understand? Is my grammar correct? XD

Anyway,it's basically : One fic:One song. It can also be something else, like One fic:One word, or One fic: One food, Haha!

I'll start with what I'm currently reading : Emancipation proclamation (which is right here if anybody hasn't read it yet )

Butterfly And Hurricanes by Muse!

And Gouda cheese with cumin (Tastes just like Italy to me!)



Sunday August 29, 2010 at 9:32 AM


COMMUTE by Kris Salvador

Hello guys. This is my second time to start a campfire and the first time that i've tried i didnt succeed. So i guess this one will go through.

3 days ago someone asked me to read her fic and i obliged. I'm glad i did coz i like it so much. She started posting her story this month and so far she already posted 4 chapters. Hmmm...i think i'm gonna warn you first to set your airconditon on in your room first before you start reading them coz it's very hot. I had a mistake of having 4 shots of jenever coz it made me so thirsty and i was hyperventilating..alcohol is not a good idea i tell you. Here's the link by the way.



Whats Up? Whats Up??

Sunday August 29, 2010 at 8:22 AM

Yo, I'm new to this whole thing. And I'm extremely bored. Just to tell you a little about myself... I was born Westlake Village, CA and later moved to Hillsborough, CA outside San Fransico. When I was 8 I moved to Denver Colorado where I live today and go to school at Colorado State University in Fort Collins. I plan on getting my PhD from CSU or relocating to Washington, DC to attend law school. I graduated from Cherry Creek highschool in Greenwood Village, CO in 2005. I am intelligent, witty and have many hidden talents. Anyway, how are you guys doing today!?


The Misapprehension of Bella Swan

Sunday August 29, 2010 at 8:21 AM

I just went to start reading this on fanfiction but it's gone. Does anybody know where it's posted, or have a copy of it if it's been removed everywhere?


Coming up necks!

Sunday August 29, 2010 at 4:32 AM

I love Ausiello. Coming up necks, for Jackson. A possibly recurring role on No Ordinary Family. I was going to give the show a shot anyway but the news of seeing Jackson hopefully sans ugly blond Jasper hair, is more then I can take at 6:30 am when I have yet to sleep. Whattya think? Will you watch?


Morticians Wanted!

Saturday August 28, 2010 at 10:52 PM

Hey ladies ladies =]


This might sound a little odd, but... if anyone understands, it's you guys!


So, do any of you campers happen to have infinite knowledge of the funeral home industry?

Anyone raised in a funeral home à la My Girl?

Anyone out there a mortician? Worked in a morgue? Hospital? 


If so, I need your HELP!!!


I'm writing a fic, and I need specific information about this field that Google simply cannot provide.


Thanks a bunch! 


Love in Robward (& Cedric),




Horror Appreciation Post

Saturday August 28, 2010 at 6:27 PM

Howdy Campers

Like the title reads this is a horror appreciation post, I want you to come in here and share with me your favorite horror movies, favorite horror movie moments, gifs, anything and everything!

The wonderful ssarrahh1 and I have thought of doing watch a longs for horror movies in the near by future, so my question is, will you guys be willing to join our horror marathons?


***This campfire was approved by wtvoc, Capricorn75 and GAW. I'm an impatient girl what can I say?***

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