
Got Milk?

Sunday August 29, 2010 at 12:23 PM

Actually-  what I really need is a awesome-bring-them-to-their knees chocolate chip cookie recipe. My nest is now empty and my son rarely calls (which is a nice indication that he LOVES college). I have a list of college kids I have promised to send care packages to and not much to do this afternoon since I am now just a part-time mom.

Probably should find some way to relate this post to Twilight, but really I just decided to make the cookies to do something vaguely productive today so that I stop reading FF.

(However- if Jandco and a few others would update- I would gladly give up my quest for productivity)


This Is An IKEA Post.

Sunday August 29, 2010 at 10:27 AM

In honor of my being trapped at work on this glorious Sunday morning, I figured we'd declare this an


How does IKEA make you feel?

Do you like these?

Did you get your copy of this yet?

Or is there just something about IKEA that you've been dying to know?  Feel free to ask!

(And remember that next time you go to purchase your favorite Swedish furniture, and that voice comes on over the intercom, paging a parent because their kid has thrown up in the ball pit or whatnot, that person might just be a member of ADF ;)

*Approved by Ms. WTVOC*


One fic=One song

Sunday August 29, 2010 at 9:52 AM


You name a fic, and name the song which is according to you representative of it! Err...Do you understand? Is my grammar correct? XD

Anyway,it's basically : One fic:One song. It can also be something else, like One fic:One word, or One fic: One food, Haha!

I'll start with what I'm currently reading : Emancipation proclamation (which is right here if anybody hasn't read it yet )

Butterfly And Hurricanes by Muse!

And Gouda cheese with cumin (Tastes just like Italy to me!)



Sunday August 29, 2010 at 9:32 AM


COMMUTE by Kris Salvador

Hello guys. This is my second time to start a campfire and the first time that i've tried i didnt succeed. So i guess this one will go through.

3 days ago someone asked me to read her fic and i obliged. I'm glad i did coz i like it so much. She started posting her story this month and so far she already posted 4 chapters. Hmmm...i think i'm gonna warn you first to set your airconditon on in your room first before you start reading them coz it's very hot. I had a mistake of having 4 shots of jenever coz it made me so thirsty and i was hyperventilating..alcohol is not a good idea i tell you. Here's the link by the way.



Whats Up? Whats Up??

Sunday August 29, 2010 at 8:22 AM

Yo, I'm new to this whole thing. And I'm extremely bored. Just to tell you a little about myself... I was born Westlake Village, CA and later moved to Hillsborough, CA outside San Fransico. When I was 8 I moved to Denver Colorado where I live today and go to school at Colorado State University in Fort Collins. I plan on getting my PhD from CSU or relocating to Washington, DC to attend law school. I graduated from Cherry Creek highschool in Greenwood Village, CO in 2005. I am intelligent, witty and have many hidden talents. Anyway, how are you guys doing today!?


The Misapprehension of Bella Swan

Sunday August 29, 2010 at 8:21 AM

I just went to start reading this on fanfiction but it's gone. Does anybody know where it's posted, or have a copy of it if it's been removed everywhere?


Coming up necks!

Sunday August 29, 2010 at 4:32 AM

I love Ausiello. Coming up necks, for Jackson. A possibly recurring role on No Ordinary Family. I was going to give the show a shot anyway but the news of seeing Jackson hopefully sans ugly blond Jasper hair, is more then I can take at 6:30 am when I have yet to sleep. Whattya think? Will you watch?


Morticians Wanted!

Saturday August 28, 2010 at 10:52 PM

Hey ladies ladies =]


This might sound a little odd, but... if anyone understands, it's you guys!


So, do any of you campers happen to have infinite knowledge of the funeral home industry?

Anyone raised in a funeral home à la My Girl?

Anyone out there a mortician? Worked in a morgue? Hospital? 


If so, I need your HELP!!!


I'm writing a fic, and I need specific information about this field that Google simply cannot provide.


Thanks a bunch! 


Love in Robward (& Cedric),




Horror Appreciation Post

Saturday August 28, 2010 at 6:27 PM

Howdy Campers

Like the title reads this is a horror appreciation post, I want you to come in here and share with me your favorite horror movies, favorite horror movie moments, gifs, anything and everything!

The wonderful ssarrahh1 and I have thought of doing watch a longs for horror movies in the near by future, so my question is, will you guys be willing to join our horror marathons?


***This campfire was approved by wtvoc, Capricorn75 and GAW. I'm an impatient girl what can I say?***


Another Campfire about My Boobs, Part 3 (?)

Saturday August 28, 2010 at 6:13 PM

Gather around my lovely campfore friends for I'm going to tell a story that has a happy ending- not that kind you pervs! Everyone comfy?

One day there was a girl who was semi-new to the Forest but was welcomed with open arms. Around another campfire she told her new friends about how she had to have further tests- a biopsy! yikes- on her boob. They all rallied around her and gave her love and friendship and strength. She went to her appointment, got poked with many needles and was a friggin wreck for three days. Until she got the news that was ok and it was just a fibroid! She'll have to have it checked in 6 months but she should be fine.

So what did you all think of my story?

Seriously you all have been so effing amazing to me these last few weeks and so supportive I love you all for it. I've told wolvesandvamps many times how awesome this forest is. Now, I can go back to posting fun campfires instead ones about my damn boobs. Anytime any one of you needs anything please do not hesitate to ask. Unless its money b/c I'm broke, lol.

xo- Alicia

Follow me on Twitter @wytchwmn75


What do YOU think of this?

Saturday August 28, 2010 at 5:46 PM

I know a girl,

She's a HUGE twilight fan.

We used to work together and then I got married and we drifted apart.

Then she got married.

Her husband's last name is SWAN.

She just had a baby girl.

They named the baby Isabella Marie.

That's right folks, it's ISABELLA MARIE SWAN.

They're totally calling her Bella for short.

I know what I think about this, but what do you think?

I have to know.


meet me in the comments...

(I'm still learning the ropes here. I didn't know where to go to get a fire permit...)


University of Edward Masen

Saturday August 28, 2010 at 5:28 PM

The University of Edward Masen updated!!!! Have you read it yet???? OMG, I started reading this beautiful story on like Tuesday or something, and I've just now finished the update chapter!!! I'm so excited it was updated, because I loveeee how chap 42 ended!! This story has inspired me to listen to classical music, want to go to Italy, eat gourmet food, enjoy the "finer things in life", read classic literature, and speak and write more eloquently!! Maybe even love more passionately??? :o) If you haven't read this story yet, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!??! :o)


Link to the UPDATE:



Saturday August 28, 2010 at 3:37 PM

Am I too late for FFAF???

My BFF is about to spend a month in Haiti doing relief work with the Red Cross, (she's a pharm d) and I was just thinking that maybe some of you in the fandom have done some of this?

Anyway, if you have, do you have any hints or tips for her? Things you wish you'd known before you went? Things to bring that maybe aren't on the lists you get? She already has four 50lb bags of stuff for the kids down there, so I am thinking more along the lines of personal items she may need...

anyway, sorry if I am too late on the FFAF thing, I will of course understand if it is deleted:)

Thanks for any and all help BB's, I am super excited, and proud, but also a bit worried for her. (she has already survived a month in the Amazon though, so I know she can do it :)

Emibella Approved :)


Recommendation Campfire!

Saturday August 28, 2010 at 12:25 PM

A little earlier today...I am trying something new!

Today's Saturday Rec Campfire Special Question of the week is:

What is YOUR guilty pleasure?

What kind of fic might seem silly on the outside but you just LOVE?

Give me examples and tell me your favorites, if it's not a specific style, just tell me your favorite guilty pleasure fic. The one that you might not usually rec but that you love seeing an update for it in your inbox.

THEN, go ahead and rec any OTHER fic that you'd like. Just make sure to LINK IT (emibella hates looking things up) and tell us WHY YOU ARE REC'ing IT, NOT JUST THE SUMMARY!

And have some fun. I have been through hell and I still haven't made the return journey. I need some escapism, campers!


Awake in the Infinite Cold

Saturday August 28, 2010 at 10:00 AM

Ok, so I started reading AIC last night and became really nervous.  I only made it to chap 3 before I needed to sleep, but it was far enough to read something pretty major.  I think I need some reassurance...

Here's what I'm asking; for those of you who have read it, please, please, please, tell me Edward is acting or playing some game!  I don't want any major spoilers, nor do I want to give anything away, but the story is in the Romance/Drama category.  How is this possible after reading the 2nd chapter?!  I have seen this fic heavily recc'd and was very interested in reading it, but after the initial start, I need some gentle pushing to finish it.  I certainly mean no offense to the author or anyone who loved the fic, I just want to know about your love for it.

I was initially intrigued after reading the summary, I've seen How to Be (I thought it was odd, but it was still interesting, and as far as I could tell Art had social issues, not...other issues).  Was I wrong? 

To make this more intereactive, tell me about fics that you have started reading based on the summary/recs, and was initially turned off, but pushed past it and it became one of your favorites or turned out to be nothing like you expected (good or bad)...that was a ton of word vomit, but I hope you understood it!  lol  I want to hear about the fics that changed your mind...


I know he's a geek, but he's still so loveable!

and he's just so preeeettty when he smiles... :)


oi ref, you forgot your seeing-eye dog!

Saturday August 28, 2010 at 8:15 AM

Who's watching football with me?

right now i've got Spurs - Wigan. YAWN

there's probably something else on a different channel but the remote is OVER THERE.


what to read...

Saturday August 28, 2010 at 7:12 AM

this week i read Mockingjay (liked it despite my complaints) and finished the Mortal Instruments series (omg! Jace! *swoon*) and now...i don't know what to read next...

my choices are:

Under the Dome by Stephen King

Horns by Joe Hill (Stephen King's son!)

Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane 

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series by Ann Brashares

Marley and Me by John Grogan

The 1st Vampire Diaries book


Reread The Last Don or The Corrections. 

what to choose? help me out here guys

and to be all interactive and stuff...what are you reading? got an awesome book that you love and i should add to my 9 page and still growing Amazon wishlist? tell meeee. i'm always excited to hear about new books. or just talk about books in general. 

OH and i totally flaked on the Happy Campfire last night. i had a wicked, nasty headache. but i'm glad you are all so happy. =D


Luna StarFire

Good Morning ADF

Saturday August 28, 2010 at 7:09 AM

I know yesterday we talked about facebook/twitter.  Does anyone have a livejournal account?  

If not thats okay and I still have a way for you to participate in here:

What is your favorite thing about Twilight?  (can be from book or movie)

What is your least favorite thing about Twilight?  (can be from book or movie as well)



Friday August 27, 2010 at 8:08 PM


So my husband bought a Nook for me.

Great!, right?


Not that I'm not grateFUL, its just that...


******(section deleted per RANGER DISCRETION)*****

If you have an eReader, post about it here!  Likes, dislikes, if you wanna share, can't dig it, whatev!



RANGER EDIT:  ADF, in no way, shape or form, condones the unauthorized transfer of copyrighted materials.


Let's keep the Forest LEGAL and drama free... thanks!



Hey! I know you!

Friday August 27, 2010 at 7:02 PM

Do you ever wonder if you've come across another camper in life without knowing it? If you've spoken to a stranger and wondered if it's one of the authors who wrote a story you love or someone you follow on twitter and chat with everyday? Have you ever just met someone that was just suspiciously familiar and you can't place it?

Do you think you'd recognize them without really having a face or a real name to identify this person with?

Maybe I'm the only one. Idk.

Maybe I've met one of you in line at Starbucks. Or you were one of the guest who checked out in my line at work. I'm totally that bitchy cashier who rings your stuff out really fast and then gives you an impatient glare when you take too long to swipe your card.

Do you think you've met without knowing?

Who was it? When?

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