Ok, so I started reading AIC last night and became really nervous. I only made it to chap 3 before I needed to sleep, but it was far enough to read something pretty major. I think I need some reassurance...
Here's what I'm asking; for those of you who have read it, please, please, please, tell me Edward is acting or playing some game! I don't want any major spoilers, nor do I want to give anything away, but the story is in the Romance/Drama category. How is this possible after reading the 2nd chapter?! I have seen this fic heavily recc'd and was very interested in reading it, but after the initial start, I need some gentle pushing to finish it. I certainly mean no offense to the author or anyone who loved the fic, I just want to know about your love for it.
I was initially intrigued after reading the summary, I've seen How to Be (I thought it was odd, but it was still interesting, and as far as I could tell Art had social issues, not...other issues). Was I wrong?
To make this more intereactive, tell me about fics that you have started reading based on the summary/recs, and was initially turned off, but pushed past it and it became one of your favorites or turned out to be nothing like you expected (good or bad)...that was a ton of word vomit, but I hope you understood it! lol I want to hear about the fics that changed your mind...
I know he's a geek, but he's still so loveable!
and he's just so preeeettty when he smiles... :)