
Help! I Need this Fic!

Thursday August 26, 2010 at 6:50 AM

Good Morning Ladies!  I need some of your FanFic expertise.  I'm looking for a story that goes by the initials "OaKE".  I cannot find it anywhere.  I was skimming through a site with some hot manips and the one for this caught my eye.  It's by a writer named "Writersblock08", who by the way, I can't stalk  find anywhere either.  Can you lovely women help an addict out?  Thanks Much!


Breaking Dawn shoot

Thursday August 26, 2010 at 6:25 AM

Taken from Perez....nothing major, just thought I'd post.

Looks like K-Stew and R-Patz may have to honeymoon elsewhere!

In the fourth Twilight book, Breaking Dawn, Bella and Edward honeymoon on an island off Brazil’s coast, which had influenced the filmmakers to shoot in Rio de Janeiro, but the shoot location for this part of the film may be changed due to a local hostage situation.

Here’s what an AFP reporter had to say about it:

"The real-life drama on Saturday of drug gang members taking 35 people hostage in Rio's Intercontinental Hotel as they tried to escape police has proved scarier to the production crew than the fictional vampires and werewolves they deal with.”

Despite the fact that 35 hostages were taken and a female gang member was killed, Rio officials still want Summit Entertainment’s business.

We’re torn. On the one hand, we’d be inclined to say that the Breaking Dawn crew should shoot elsewhere in an effort to keep everyone safe, but on the other hand, we’d hate for Bella and Edward to have anything but the perfect locale for their honeymoon! Decisions…decisions…

Do U think the Breaking Dawn crew should tough it out in Rio or shoot elsewhere?

Read More: Breaking Dawn Shoot Affected By Hostage Crisis | PerezHilton.com http://perezhilton.com/2010-08-25-breaking-dawn-shoot-affected-by-hostage-crisis#ixzz0xiaKrYE0
Celebrity Juice, Not from Concentrate


LJ Summers

Mystery Fics

Thursday August 26, 2010 at 6:01 AM

It's Thor's Day. Thursday.  The day named for the Norse god of Thunder and Lightning.  A day made for mayhem and dramatic stories and mystery!

Heh. How's THAT for an intro? Does it beat, "It was a dark and stormy night?" ;-)

~ ~ ~

When I first finished the original Master Fic List, one of the first "new" requests was for a Mystery Fic List.  After a week of secondary canon pairings, I think it's time for a bit of mystery!

So bring on the mystery of Twilight fan fiction!  Stories that keep you guessing. Stories that hide secrets.  Stories that bring you along in a plot-based adventure perhaps, that makes you think or want to throw your computer out the window!  AU, AH, or maybe even canon!  All ratings, any character.  We just want stories that make you walk in the dark for a while.

*cue ominous mysterious music*

Remember the rules for the campfire:  Keep it simple.  No discussions around this fire.  A compiled list is...a list!


My recs will be inside, as always.



Thank you for sharing your favorite mysteries around the campfire!


Wednesday August 25, 2010 at 11:01 PM

Amazing Author

If you have not read anything by Sdfreeze http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1778830/ then run right over and do so.  She has written 25 stories and The 4 I've read have each been better than the last.  I can not wait to read another one.  They are all relatively short and most are complete.  She is very prolific and updates rapidly. 

The Cube http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6164528/1/The_Cube and its sequel

Tilt http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6247827/1/Tilt are just maybe the funniest stories I have ever read.  You will laugh outloud as you read them and will wonder how she can possibly write such amazing stories as quickly as she does.  Even though they are ridiculously funny stories, they have actual plots that she moves along  quickly.  This Bella is adorable and so quirky and this Edward is so sweet, too.  The best characters she has created by far,though, is this Emmett and this Jessica.  You will never see them the same again.  Nor will you ever see an office job, a pen or any shape the same again.  These 2 stories should be read back to back and after you read The Cube you will click right on over to Tilt and read it , too.  Enjoy. 


Another story of hers that I highly recommend is Reviews to Die For http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6232236/1/Reviews_to_Die_For

Not quite the comedy that The Cube and Tilt are but it does have it's funny moments.  This story is more serious and a little more angsty but an unbelievably great plot.  There are many twists and turns.  You will be glad this story is also complete so you will not have to wait through the cliffhangers at the end of some of the chapters.  You will never feel the same about reviews again or fanfiction as a whole!  Read it and write her a nice review!

Forever Yours, Faithfully http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6096828/1/Forever_Yours_Faithfully is another great story that was such a fantastic read.  I am amazed at how she can write so many different stories that are each such different styles.  This plot is really unique and I do not want to give too much away!


All the official descriptions will be inside but I urge you to read these stories, they will not disappoint

The Offspring

Favorite Things

Wednesday August 25, 2010 at 8:15 PM

Ok, I want to know what are your favorite things to do in your spare time. Mine is right here.

This post was approved by Grown.Ass.Woman.


Pimp Your Stuff

Wednesday August 25, 2010 at 6:34 PM

We didn't do this last week and a LOT of Campers PM'd me asking about it.






Under the Apple Tree

Wednesday August 25, 2010 at 2:51 PM

Its Complete now and im so sad. I hate the letdown feeling you get after you finish a good book or movie.

im not giving away any spoilers here, so come tell me what you think about it in the comments section.


Rob's body

Wednesday August 25, 2010 at 2:46 PM

Moving away – temporarily – from the beautiful head and face of our Golden Boy, I think we should discuss something else...


More specifically: The Torso.


Tell me what you like; the back, the front, in what kind of attire, you name it!

As usual, mine are in the comments.



Shirtless New Moon Rob is thinking about the options too...



Wednesday August 25, 2010 at 1:10 PM

Ok, I'm done with the "I like, don't like" phase of discussion. Let's have a smackdown on specifics. THESE ARE SPOILERS, SO LIKE THE RANGER SAID, DON'T ENTER IF YOU DON'T WANT TO HEAR.



Wednesday August 25, 2010 at 10:38 AM

Just Wait


soooo.. who has thoughts on the latest updates of this story.




  if you ask meh...    


wonder what this guy thinks?






It's HUMP Day!

Wednesday August 25, 2010 at 9:17 AM


Today is a great day, you wanna know why? 


Also... it's HUMP day, and since I'm immature that makes me giggle!

Here's some Random information for ya...

~The largest toy distributor in the world is McDonald's.
~An earthquake on Dec. 16, 1811 caused parts of the Mississippi River to flow backwards!
~Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks otherwise it will digest itself.
~Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning.
~In 1899, President McKinley was assured by the director of the US Patent Office that "everything that can be invented has already been invented."
~On average, 100 people choke to death on ball-point pens every year.
~In 1976, the 10 billionth gallon of "Coca-Cola" syrup was produced.
~It is estimated that at any one time, 0.7% of the world's population are drunk. (that's it?!)


So tell me something good, Campers...

Are your kids back in school?

Are YOU back in school yet?

Are you having a good week?


If not.. feel free to RANT all you want!!




LJ Summers

Carlisle/Esme Fics

Wednesday August 25, 2010 at 4:53 AM

It has been great to see the recommendations for the secondary pairings!  There were many recs for Emmett and Rosalie as well as for Jasper and Alice.  You can find these recs, and more than twenty-five other lists of ADF Camper Recommendations, at the MASTER FIC LIST if you're looking for some great stories!

Remember, if you see a list and didn't get a chance to share YOUR favorites around that particular campfire, the lists are WORKS IN PROGRESS. Please go add your favorites to them!

Today, I'm soliciting your favorite stories that center around Carlisle and Esme.  Canon, AU or AH, all ratings welcome!  Whether it's a sweet and tender romance of Pre-Twilight years or a wild sexcapade from an entirely different era, you are invited to share your favorite Carlisle and Esme stories with the Campers of ADF.

And yes, if you write a story, you can certainly rec it in one of our lists if it fits there!

Remember the rules:  Keep it simple and no discussions! Thank you! :)

I have not read a Carlisle-Esme centric fanfic (don't hate me!) so I haven't any recs to share at this campfire. This one's all on YOU!  I look forward to seeing what you have!


Thank you for sharing your favorites around the fire!


ADF's Weeky Fan Video Post

Wednesday August 25, 2010 at 2:46 AM


It's another one of those early morning posts...






I haven't made any recent vids in a while, but I'll post an old one of mine:

"Consequences (Edward/Bella)"


And because I'm in a Jasper/Alice mood:

"Here with me | Elclipse - Alice&Jasper" by LightningFair


Let's talk about writing original fiction

Wednesday August 25, 2010 at 2:12 AM

So, a lot of us writes fanfiction, but how about original fiction? I'm sure some of you must write that as well.

What inspires you? What do you do with it? Are you publishing it anywhere? How is it different from when you write fanfic (asides the obvious names of course).

Enlighten me, tell me your secrets, sharing is caring you know.


I'm having a really hard time writing something original, fanfic has become a comfort zone I can't seem to break out of, so help a girl out. How do you do it?


This was approved by the ranger who fast-forwarded through Eclipse, Torsstupidmouth


What makes you gush?

Tuesday August 24, 2010 at 9:05 PM

No not that kind (clean minds folks!)

I'm talking about gushing, squealing, shouting from the rooftops about your love for a fic.

How long does it take you to say "I love this fic, YOU should read it?"


1. Do you read a few chapters and you get a good vibe and you're sold. Does something just stick with you and you can't stop thinking about it and you can't help be talk about it?


2. do you just trust the author and/or they're a friend so you know it's going to be good and rec'd it even before the first chapter is a go. Do you just gush about it from the get go because you without a double trust the author?

Mine will be in the comments.



(I'm kind of nervous on this whole campfire thing. I'm probably doing something wrong but however the ranger approved magic wand works I'll take it).


Fanfiction Story

Tuesday August 24, 2010 at 6:27 PM

I am looking for a fanfiction story that i saw today on twitter but the person did not know the name and it sounds interesting and i would love to read it! so it would be FABULOUS if you can give me the link if you know the story name! :)


SUMMERY: Bella is a stipper and she gets pregnant and meets edward and then he takes care of the baby when bella left


any ideas??



Mockingjay delivers

Tuesday August 24, 2010 at 5:37 PM

So I got Mockingjay and have to say I'm not disappointed at all. Anyone else think Susan really delivered a classic?



ranger edit: i'm considering this a spoiler post, and i'm not going in because i'm not done reading mockingjay yet.  please do everyone the courtesy of not coming into this thread unless you're prepared to discuss the book.  do NOT bark at people that you haven't finished it yet.  please assume thar be spoilers ahead, and act accordingly.


Are you hiding in the closet?

Tuesday August 24, 2010 at 2:50 PM

Last night I was talking on the phone with another fabulous camper, And she mentioned that she saw Eclipse with 23 other ladies! 23! OMG so jealous I don't have a single friend irl who likes Twilight. I did get one to read the books, but I have since realized that she mostly did this to be better able to mock me....

Anyway, I excitedly asked how many of her friends she had introduced to fic, and the answer was, "Weeeeeellll, I'm actually kind of a closet ficster...." She even said that she was reading Volition at work on her Ipad, (which I will be reading today, as I am laid up in bed with a flippin ovarian cyst.) and a coworker who is from Belfast and lived there in the 70's asked her about it, and wanted to know the author's name so she could get it off Amazon.... she said, "Well it was written by a woman named Rochelle Allison, but it's kinda hard to find...."

Mega LOLZ. Plus, I'm pretty sure if she googles that fic, it'll probably pop up... Her days in the closet are numbered!!!!

Anywho, I wanna know, do you wave your Fic Flag proud ladies, or do you keep it to yourselves? I outed myself ages ago. Everyone thinks it's weird, but it's not like they didn't already know I was nuts:)

and this pic actually popped up when I googled images for "freak flag" go figure;)


A Campire about my Boob Pt 2

Tuesday August 24, 2010 at 12:59 PM

Hello my lovely campfire friends! I promised to keep you all posted as to the well being of my breasts so here it is. I had a needle and core biopsy today. It was not nearly as painful as I thought it would be and they had to use 3 different needles before they found one that reached it. Unfortunately the doc does not think it is a cyst which is what I was hoping for. She took 2 samples and they left a marker in thats kind of like a little staple. So then they had to do another mammogram to make sure it is in place. I went from never having a mammogram to having 3 in a 3 month period. They say results may be in as early as Thursday.

Thank you all so very much for sharing your stories w/me and for the support. It gives me hope.

Also this campfire was approved by the lovely wolvesnvamps!

XO- Alicia

Follow me on Twitter: @wytchwmn75


The memory of a fish

Tuesday August 24, 2010 at 12:23 PM

Usually, I have a very good memory. I'm like an elephant! But when it comes to fanfics, I force myself to do a list of everything I read, otherwise I forget. So I'm a fish, when it comes to this!

I'm looking for a particular fanfiction. It's a One-shot where Bella agrees to go to a party thrown by -i think- the Volturi family. She wanders in their mansion for a while and catch a few couple...well, goign at it XD Until she finally finds Edward in a bathroom, if I remember well. Anyway, I also remember that the Volturi want Bella for some reason, and it ends by Edward telling Bella they have to get out of there, and they run into the night! XD

Oh and at some point, someone say this : "Irina, my pet." Have you read it? I'm sorry to just throw this at you all, haha.

Do you remember every fic your read? Are the kind of people who remember tons of details, but never the most important thing? (...Like the title..? Hahaha)

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