
Game Time!

Saturday August 21, 2010 at 9:09 AM

Hello you wonderful, wonderful people. The beautiful ssarrahh1 and I have joined forces to bring you this little activity we have concocted. It’s called…..(drum roll please)


It’s similar to gif wars, but instead of sending gifs to one another, we will be posting songs. You can call someone out or make it public and let anyone reply to it.

For example:

Sarah’s song was:

And I replied with:


Okay now it’s your turn. We love the campfires when everyone comes out and makes new friends so make sure to have some public serenades as well.


Edit: make sure to mark if the video is for everyone or to a certain person.


Since it's FFA and this is too hilarious

Saturday August 21, 2010 at 9:01 AM

A friend just sent this to me, and I have been cracking up all morning. Maybe I'm just weird, or, maybe, some of you will enjoy it too. 




What do you regret?

Saturday August 21, 2010 at 8:47 AM

One of the things I love about this fandom is the spread in ages. There are a lot of college-aged campers, and a lot of us who are *cough* older. And there have been a couple of posts by younger campers asking for advice about specific issues; what to take to college, etc. 

It made me wonder...older campers, if you could pass on some words of wisdom to our younger friends, what would you say? I hesitated to use the word "regret", because, at least in my case, I'm pretty happy with my life now, and everything that's happened to me so far, good and bad, got me here, so I don't regret anything.

That said, there are still things I wish I'd done, chances I wish I'd taken, when I was younger. As you get older, careers, significant others and families make it much harder to jump at random opportunities when they come up, or to make crazy life-altering choices. So some of the things I wish I'd done when I was younger will now probably always stay on that list of "wish-I'd-done's".

So campers, what's on your "wish-I'd-done list"? What wisdom and advice would you want to pass on to the younger generation if you could? I'll start it off with mine in the comments.



Saturday August 21, 2010 at 1:00 AM

Today is my 27th birthday and one of my good friends gave me this....



At first I thought it was Rob and Anna and then did a double take. That's me! I laughed for a good ten minutes so I thought I'd share it with all of you! And to make this interactive, if you have any manip pics of yourself and Rob or any other celeb, post them! I'd love to see them...and it's my birthday so you all have to do what I say :P

The Offspring

Is It Still Free-For-All-Friday?

Friday August 20, 2010 at 11:32 PM

If not, rangers feel free to delete this. I have had a song stuck in head for DAYS!!!!! This is the one. To make this interactive, what songs have been stuck in your lovely heads?


Twilight Convention

Friday August 20, 2010 at 8:33 PM

So, it looks like I'm going to the Dallas convention. I can't believe I just agreed to it.  A friend just called all excited that tix went on sale, and that PFach was added to the roster (not going to lie - this was the selling point for me). But she wanted an answer right away as to whether I wanted a ticket or not. OMG, I said yes. I wonder if this just took my new cell phone fund back down to nothing..anyway, yeah so I got some questions!

What can I expect?

Did I just get seriously ripped off?

What do you actually DO there?

At the very least it's a nice weekend away w/ the besties right?

What have I done? 


Thanks for any and all insight!



Friday August 20, 2010 at 8:15 PM

I'm bored tonight and decided to have a Buffy marathon :)

I realized how much I miss the Scooby gang. Anyone else miss this show? 


This just happened.

Friday August 20, 2010 at 7:58 PM

So...Chaske Spencer on Twitter just said...First five questions get answered.  So I asked a question. And he responded.


Pakistan Flood

Friday August 20, 2010 at 7:56 PM


Hey guys! Since it's FFAF, I just wanted to raise awareness about the terrible flood that's affected nearly 20 million in Pakistan.

Hopefully, we can all dig deep into our hearts [and pockets] to donate something. I've posted the link from oxfam but you can use unicef/other charities.



I needz Dictionarial Help puhlease.

Friday August 20, 2010 at 6:46 PM

The beautiful Jazzy-Cullen has graciously agreed to be my ficwife.

She is funny and adorable, and will make a wonderful trophy ficwife, which will make all the rest of you jealous, which is clearly priority number one in any marriage.

Oh, and we are also totally just MTB, kwim??? ;)

There's only one problem, neither of us actually knows what a ficwife IS exactly. I just see people talking about theirs all of the time, and it makes me want one. It isn't listed on the Wiki page for FF terms... any help???



Bring on teh happeh.

Friday August 20, 2010 at 5:29 PM

Yay. It's Friday.

Disclaimer: If you choose to show negativity in this campfire then punkfair will PUNKSMASH you and you will most likely lose limbs. Js.



Friday August 20, 2010 at 5:21 PM

Go see the Happy Post above!

That Girl There x

Ladies and Gentlemen!!!!

Friday August 20, 2010 at 5:07 PM

Well.. To be honest I'm DRUNK!!!



Isnt it fantastic, you can connect with other people who are drunk, people who you would have never talked to before!!..

Or text a few guys that.. well to be honest.. shouldn't be texted.. :D..

Has anyone made some drunken mistakes that were down right embarresing, or that actually worked out for the better??


My story-- Last week there was a big weekend in my town, where it involves a lot of sailing, and even more alcohol (the regatta weekend should be named after me and a few lads i know!). anyway. on the first night of this mad weekend.. I ended up drinking way too much on an empty stomach and messing around with a guy I really shouldn't have.. He is my neighbour, about 7 years older than me... and is also involved in Scouts, where another leader was not pleased.. anyway.. Tonight, almost a week later.. after being completely mortified, I actually got to have a complete conversation with said guy (we were both tipsy, but it still counts).. He apologised for what happened, for being completely drunk, and also making me feel embarrased.. It was very sweet.. :)


So now.. I want to have your stories, or just drunken chats..

Before I fall asleep.. haha




Guess what time it is?!

Friday August 20, 2010 at 4:22 PM

And what time it wasn't last week?!

Which was absolutely my fault for the Karaoke fail. I was...my computer was fail, it was a really stressful night, and I was nowhere near a working computer. I'm sorry. And now that that's out of the way, we're going to start SINGING! :)

Obviously, I'm boring. So no themes. :D I'll leave that to bloodlust, because I like to sing whatever the eff I like to sing. Even if it's bad. You guys encourage me. (:

For the record though, someone should sing me a positive and happy song to cheer me up. :) I've had another stressful day, and my life is stressful, but this isn't the time and place to talk about it. Or is it? ;) Think about that.

As for the rules, put your request for songs in BIG COLORFUL LETTERS. Use vocaroo to record your lovely singing. (: And when you're posting, you click the "Embed Media" button. It's right by the spell check. Which you should always use. And also, include the link when posting. Not all media vocaroo things work for everyone.

And I think that's it. Have FUN and SING your heart out! :D


Who do you appreciate?

Friday August 20, 2010 at 3:29 PM

I have noticed a trend in a lot of campfires that campers stick with the people they know. And love and appreciation posts are the same why. The friends you have made in the forest know how you feel about them, I sure hope my friends do <3!!!!!! But is there someone here at ADF that you appreciate from a far because you don’t know them. Is there someone you would like to know better? Come out of the shadows and let them know. Say hi to someone you’ve never spoken to around here. Let campers know that though they feel like no one notices them; you notice them.

Mine will be in the comments.

Pretty for your time:



Friday August 20, 2010 at 2:56 PM

Ok, here's the deal. 

I absolute LOVE the "HAPPY POST" we do each Friday. 


I do not, so much, love the "crappy week" post each Friday.  


I tend to avoid all that negative energy unless I see that someone is truly hurting.


However, I totally get to start this week's SH*TWEEK post. 

Why, you ask? 

Well let me tell you since you're so interested.


I accused someone of something that they COMPLETELY did NOT DO.  Another 30-something adult.


So.  While I am not averse to being wrong, I HATE EATING CROW. 


I know, I'm an a-hole like that.



To make it interactive, share your "Wah-wah...MISTAKE OF THE WEEK."


FFAF & Fibromyalgia?

Friday August 20, 2010 at 2:06 PM

I'm having a particularly fatigued and painful Friday, even though I only worked two days this week.  I'm being punished by my Fibromyalgia for going to a concert last weekend.  Oh yes, and the week before.  Before anyone thinks I'm moshing or dancing in the GA floor or crowd surfing, I'll mention these were Rob Thomas charity concerts benefiting the Sidewalk Angels Foundation that he and his wife created to help the homeless, pets in shelters, school music and others.  I sat quietly in my seat taking pictures now and again and singing along with the songs.  Both concerts required long drives and I think that's what really did me in, but who knows, really? 

I just miss being the mostly normal person I used to be, who could walk till the cows came home and spend a day at Disneyland with not much more than really sore feet.  I'm tired of hurting all over my body regardless of whether I've exerted myself.  I'm tired of being exhausted all the time.  I'm fed up with my brain being in a fog all the time till I can't put my thoughts together because I can't think of what I want to say, much less how to say it.  There are 7 tablets and 6 capsules I have to tak every morning.  Various meds I have to take just to keep me somewhat functional.  That doesn't count the two different types of pain pills I take at various times during the day, not to mention the three more tablets, and two more capsules I take every night. 

Sorry bout the rant.  I'm just feeling pretty hopeless atm.  Are there any other FMS or CFS sufferers here in the Forest?  I'd really like to hear from you on here or on my Twitter.  I'm Silvara7 on there as well.

ILY all and have a beautiful weekend!

ETA: pretty color. :-D


Target ain't people....

Friday August 20, 2010 at 1:52 PM

Has anyone seen this? What do you think? Should corporations be allowed to donate massive amounts of money to political campaigns??? Have you ever boycotted something for any reason? Did it work? Will you boycott Target??? Not really trying to start a gay rights convo, (but if you're wondering, I am 100% Pro-Human rights, and pretty sure that gay peeps fall under that category.)




Blast from the Past

Friday August 20, 2010 at 1:29 PM

If anyone from back in the day remembers the fic 'Sacrifices' by Enthralled, she has just updated!

I remember when this story first posted (December 2007). It was a really great story at the time...and has held up well, I believe. Once it completes it will definitely be worth putting on your TO READ list. And the author is a real sweetheart!




Friday August 20, 2010 at 1:03 PM

Hey chicos I need to compile a list of jokes.SO if you've got a joke bring it in here. It can be a bad joke, a long joke, a short one, knock-knock, children's joke, blonde jokes, pick-up lines (funny or not), or even dirty jokes. ANY jokes--the good, the bad, and the ugly. I need.

So let me have your jokes please!

Also if you know of any good joke list websites, that would be awesome too!

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