
Why Kristen Flips off the Paps

Wednesday August 18, 2010 at 10:25 AM

A timely reminder of exactly how scary and infuriating it can be for R & K to just walk through an airport, and how what we see in a split-second paparazzi shot simply doesn't tell the whole story.  Ever. 

You know, I really think they could alleviate a lot of this if they would just come out and say something about their relationship.   I am the first person to stand up and say that Rob and Kristen don't owe us a flippin' thing of their personal lives, but I really believe that if they just put out a press release that basically says "Yeah -- we're dating, so you can all back the f*ck off," the price on "compromising" photos of them would go way down and the pap feeding frenzy would die off considerably.  Since they have chosen, or been told, not to say anything, Kristen needs to do some deep breathing and try to come to some kind of peace with all the insanity going on around them.  Flipping off the paparazzi is just infantile and only hurts her because fans don't see how the paps behaved; they just see what looks like her giving them the one-finger-salute.  And the internet is forever

The TwiSlash Awards

Wednesday August 18, 2010 at 9:26 AM

Once upon a time there was a group of fans with a vision…

…a wish…

…and a dream.

That dream was an awards community dedicated purely to the slashy couples in the Twilight Saga. The pairings that weren't getting enough love because they were always downplayed by the more popular hetero pairings in the series. This group of fans wanted a place where slash fanfiction could shine and grow, a place where the jakeward wouldn't lose because of Edward's love for Bella, a place where Alice and Bella could reign supreme as more than sisters, but lovers.

So after a push, and a shove, and one hell of a big sigh we created The TwiSlash Awards for your reading, nominating, and voting pleasure! Spread the love and take a bite of our apple!


Nominations are closed, but we have a really great reading list of nominees for our voting round which officially begins on September 14th. I encourage all twislash fans to check out The TwiSlash Awards @ livejournal.


To keep this campfire interactive lets all name off our favorite Twilight Slash fanfiction. Make sure to include links as well because this camper is looking for some new fanfiction to read. :)


LJ Summers

Femmeslash Fics

Wednesday August 18, 2010 at 5:52 AM

Happy Hump Day, Campers!

It's Wednesday and that makes it the HUMP of the work week... Finish today and the rest of the week should slide down easier...

Oh, I did a quick Google Image search for "happy hump day" and this was one of the, erm, more family-friendly images I found so I thought I'd put it here:



I had a request on the MASTER FIC LIST for a femmeslash campfire because this is a category that does get overlooked in the general stream of slash fics.  This is not a category with which I am familiar, (ETA: I just remembered one that includes femmeslash so I linked it!) so I will once again leave it to YOU, amazing CAMPERS OF ADF, to share the best of femmeslash with the Forest!

AH and AU, it's all good.  If you have a story with some girl-on-girl slash, share it with the class! ;-)


Remember to check the MASTER FIC LIST if you are looking for ANY good fics to rec to readers!  I update that list with the new links all the time and I check it every day.  We now have twenty-three categories of fan fiction listed there...and there are more to come!


Thanks for sharing your favorite femmeslash fics around the fire!  


The Mouth

Wednesday August 18, 2010 at 5:13 AM

After discussing how we'd love to run our hands through the amazing tangles that make up Robert Pattinson's hair - preferably when in the midst of a heated kiss (cue swoon) - and his perfect scruff-covered jaw... let's talk about those lucious lips.

Do you like them smiling, talking, making suggestive motions, occupied with fingers/cigarettes/coke bottles... What do you like about them?

As always, a selection is in the comments.


FYT one of my favs...


The rules of the game

Wednesday August 18, 2010 at 5:06 AM

Help, help, I have discovered that there is fanfiction here and I started reading and commenting. It seems, though, that authors cannot answer reviews. Is it really so? There goes any motivation to review,unless you are a masochist. Please tell me.

I tried to ask some ranger, suggesting that this has to change, but how the hell does one contact them? The icons are not movong or leading anywhere. What does it mean "page us"? how?

And, finally, how does one ask to be alerted if one of the stories has a new chapter posted? Very frustrating


Bring. It. On.

Wednesday August 18, 2010 at 1:18 AM

So, most author's should be familiar with the infamous


I just received my first one today! It said something along the lines of, "Well, this was a waste of a few minutes."

I don't care if people flame me. Go hard. I'm going to keep writing regardless.

But, sometimes the things they say just make me go, "Um, alright? That's cool?"

Like, if you thought it was a waste of a few minutes, why did you read the whole thing? You can stop halfway through, you know? It WILL NOT hurt my feelings, I promise.

One of my non-anonymous flames was something like, "I saw the title and summary, and was looking forward to it. Then you wrecked it by writing about drunken teenagers. Honestly, this isn't even realistic, and teens don't just do that."

Funny thing was, it was based on what I did one Saturday evening with my friends. No joke. Pretty much exactly what I did. So, I replied with, "Well, your welcome to having an opinion, but just thought I'd let you know, I'm one of those teens. This is my life. Welcome."

How do you deal with flames? Hate them? Love them? Don't give a *bad word*?


Follow Up Post #1

Tuesday August 17, 2010 at 11:05 PM

This is a follow up to my post yesterday about abuse, etc as romantic plot points in fanfic.  It seems that definition might be a key so I'd like to conduct a little experiment.  I'm going to ask a series of questions asking you all to 'define' certain things.  You don't have to answer everything if you don't want to.  This is, of course, mostly just for fun but I think the results could be interesting.  Try not to read other people's answers before submitting your own and don't think too much about "well I already said this for this question".  Just write whatever comes to mind first.


What characteristics does fic Edward need to have in order for you to consider him to be canon?

What characteristics does Edward need for you to consider him to be dominant?

What characteristics does Edward need to be considered dark?

A manwhore? (yes, I'm being lazy but you get the idea now)

How about abusive?


Now for stories in general:

What elements does a story need in order for you to consider it canon?

What elements does it need to be considered a dark story?

What elements does it need to be considered a BDSM fic? (I realize that may seem obvious but bear with me)

What elements does it need to be considered a rape fic?

What elements does it need to be considered a love story?


Now some general questions:

In your own words tell me what you think BDSM is.

In your own words what constitutes rape?

How about abuse?


In the real world what traits would your ideal partner have?


*I'll post my answers in the comments.  Remember this is just for fun and to sate my curiosity.  No judgment is meant and I do realize that fantasy is different than reality.  And as always, everyone play nice with each other please.




Epic Love Poem

Tuesday August 17, 2010 at 10:17 PM

What twilight character/actor are you obsessed with? Show your love here with an epic poem or clever haiku. It’s rhyme time. (rhyming not required ;) )

Mine’s in the comments.



Tuesday August 17, 2010 at 8:58 PM



Hello Again,

Just a reminder that there're 3 more days until OFFICIAL SIGN UP CLOSES at the twilightbigbang community on livejournal. Sign Ups are still open for authors, artists and betas. If you missed the previous post, Big Bangs are long-fic challenges. The idea is to write a complete fic of at least 16,000 words.

The Twilight Big Bang Challenge is an event aimed at generating long fanfics about any characters in the Twilight Saga.

Just click below and come join us.



 Thanks to Jandco who approved all TwilightBigBang posts.


It was epic

Tuesday August 17, 2010 at 8:05 PM

It's a bittersweet day in the forest, campers! Come mourn with me.

My partner in crime VIP author Ciaobella27 completed Living Backwards today. I'm going to miss these crazy kids. 



please answer "yes" or "no"

Tuesday August 17, 2010 at 7:16 PM

quick question

would you be uncomfortable having a hot gynecologist?

part b: if your gynecologist is hot, tell us what it's like

i'm not trying to be funny, i'm genuinely curious

this is stemming from a conversation i'm having with another ranger on gchat

ps- i do not diagnose, so if you have a medical question, my answer is "go see your doctor" (and you know that, nameless ranger.  gosh.)


Image and video hosting by TinyPic


An hour to late to meet Ashley Greene

Tuesday August 17, 2010 at 4:51 PM

Ashley Greene is currently filming the remake of "LOL" in Grosse Pointe Farms, along with Miley Cyrus and Demi Moore. I work in GPF and have been down to the set (in a local high school) a couple times. I went to get some gelato at a cafe right across the street from the set and as I was enjoying my treat the owner casually mentioned that Ashley was in his cafe only an hour ago! Bummer! I would have loved to at least seen her! It was'nt a total loss though someone spotted Billy Ray Cyrus on the street so I ran out and caught a glimpse of him!


Pap hilarity ensues

Tuesday August 17, 2010 at 3:47 PM

Okay, I normally despise all pap videos, but this one has its moments of mirth.


Poor Kristen channels Bella, but makes a good recovery.

Her usual bodyguard is with Rob though, and he wards off evil-little-pap-in-stripes from getting her shot.

But the best is stroller dad.  WTF?

ETA:  I stand corrected (thanks Dallianna), that's K's personal assistant and furthermore the video was taken by a  fan who clearly resisted the urge to run up to them like a crazy.


imperfectly perfect

Tuesday August 17, 2010 at 2:10 PM

am i the only one who just got the email?

the amazing jandco just started an amazing new story.


it's amazing.


and I'm overusing the work amazing, but whatever.




(imma going to go read it now)


it's a KStew Tuesday free for all!

Tuesday August 17, 2010 at 11:37 AM

We're sharing our favorites today -- pics, gifs (don't go too crazy, my browser will crash and this is ALL ABOUT ME), and QUOTES. Just come in and play with us, maybe tell us where you're from, when you realized you love Kristen, your favorite KStew movie, etc. Let's mingle and get to know each other a little better, yes?

I have too many favorites and wouldn't know where to start, so I'm focusing on Kristen as Mallory, Joan, Em, Bella, and Marylou.

She looks so pretty in WttR. I can't wait to see it. November, you are too far away.

Her face in the last scene in TR is perfect. She grew up, just like Joan. And I loved her little smile.

She was so awesome as Em in Adventureland. Her eyes here...

She gave Bella a personality and made her real.

And omg we got to see what she looks like as Marylou! She's so pretty in these pictures!


Back to school

Tuesday August 17, 2010 at 11:17 AM

Back to school time for many campers and their kidlets* and some may even be receiving their letter from Hogwarts.

Go here and find out which house you're going to be sorted into.

Then come back and tell us, obviously.

I'm a Ravenclaw, which I'm happy with. We have the best name... I mean it's RAVENCLAW, which is badass...and also have the smarts to smuggle in Firewhisky and throw the best parties without getting caught.  We're also devious enough to sneak into the Hufflepuff dorms to spend time with a certain Triwizard Champion by the name of Cedric Diggory.

WTVOC would like to make it clear that she is Head Boy and in Gryffindor. This means she has the ability to dole out punishments as she sees fit.


*This is evil, actually. Going back to school in August is wrong and should be illegal. Schools in the UK don't go back until September when summer is officially over and done with. 



Tuesday August 17, 2010 at 10:44 AM

I'm about to start some maintenance on our server.  I don't anticipate much if any downtime, but if you get an error or page not found in the next 15-20 minutes that is why. 

I apologize in advance if anything goes off the rails :)





Tuesday August 17, 2010 at 10:40 AM








Tuesday August 17, 2010 at 10:05 AM

Hi! I know that many of us, myself included, are going to go start college here soon. I for one can't wait. And that brings us to this post. All of you out there in the forest who went to college, what advice would you give us? Who to date, who to avoid, what classes to take or not take, how to not kill your roommates, just the basics. Even if you didn't go to college, tell us what you think might be important fo us to know. And for all the freshman, tell where're you're going to schoo. I'm going to Alice Lloyd College, a small college in an even smaller town.



Approved by the lovely Jandco



Tuesday August 17, 2010 at 7:37 AM

HI GUYS!!! While talking to a friend last night, I was reminded of this one shot I read a while ago but I can't find it.

It was like a crack fic but o/s. AU. I think the main point was that Charlie had somehow discovered the Cullens' secret/saw something supernatural and they all had to start doing crazy and funny things so that he would think it was all a dream. Carlisle impersonated tarzan for some reason and I think Alice dressed up like a fairy? 

Gosh, I can't remember the name of the One Shot or the author. I read this a zillion years ago and just remember it was one of the most hysterical things I've ever read. So... If any of you have read somehting similar please link me?



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