

Friday August 13, 2010 at 12:05 PM


Your turn! Inner anger campfire.


Your 5 Best

Friday August 13, 2010 at 11:50 AM



I was reading an author's profile and she was recomending a story that had one the "best/favorite Edwards" she had read. This intrigued me. So please give me your 5 favorite/best Edward's/Bella's. I want read them and fall in love with them. Thanks.


EDIT: Teo pointed out it might be too hard with so many good Wards/Bellas around. I'll take your current favorite if you can.




Friday August 13, 2010 at 11:36 AM

1) I never reply to e-mails or PMs in a timely manner. ever.

2) I haven't even looked at ch14 of High Noon yet, even though 13 had a cliffhanger.

3) I never respond to my #FFs on twitter.


tell me why you suck.

or, you know, tell me why i suck. i don't mind.


What should I read??

Friday August 13, 2010 at 10:50 AM

I just finished reading Brown Study and it was AMAZING


Now I am in a dilemma, what next? what can follow THAT?


I have the following on top of my to read list::

Edward Cullen, Dick for Hire


Dirty Dancing with the Devil Herself

Midnight Son of a Bitch

Neverending Math Equation


Which one should I read next? what do you suggest?



i want a new toy (no not that kind :) )

Friday August 13, 2010 at 10:40 AM

I think i want a kindle or nook......I know this has been discussed before but i cant find it in old campfires and ive googled it but i trust you guys way more than google so....should i get one? which one?  Can i get on the internet with the wi-fi, not just to order ebooks but get on here or to read fanfic? Is it REALLY worth replacing a good ol paperback book????  Thanx in advance for anyone who helps me out!!! oh and HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!


Unusual 'Wards'

Friday August 13, 2010 at 9:42 AM

Okay, so thanks to Photoshop, cult favorite fanfictions and active imaginations, we have a lot of amazing 'Wards' to choose from, including/not limited to:






OJWARD (hint, hint)


Those are some of the popular ones.

But, what about the Wards that haven't been written yet?

To start off, lemme give a few that were dancing around in my head last night:







Encyclopediaward (I don't know even who the eff this guy is)


If one of those catches your eye, go ahead and see what you can do with them. I'm not going to sue you. ;)


Friday August 13, 2010 at 9:20 AM

Montreal is awesome. On the Road is going to be awesome. Kristen is awesome. Rob is awesome, and looks so, so happy.

I'm late to something, so I'll just leave the pics here. Discuss. Play nice. Have a lovely Friday!




Movies of your childhood.

Friday August 13, 2010 at 8:42 AM

Last week we did the crushes of your childhood.  This week lets take a look at the movies of your youth. 



What movie did you watch religiously? What film was on that VHS tape that you wore down to nothing? What piece of cinematic cheesyness will you sit down and watch when you find it on a random cable channel no matter how many times you've seen it before?


Hurts so good

Friday August 13, 2010 at 8:41 AM

Ok, so I've been on an 80's music kick the last couple of days.  Then I got a terrible song stuck in my head.  So I thought we should discuss our favorite songs from the 80's that we love to hate!  Go ahead and post 'em!  If you can't think of one you hate, then just put your favorite! 

So to kick us off, here's the horrible song that is stuck in my head. 

The Offspring

My Favorite Drink

Friday August 13, 2010 at 7:29 AM

Now I know this may seem lame, but my favorite drink is soda. I'm not kidding. I drink so much of it that a 24-pack has lasted me for 2 weeks. I can't live without it. Isn't that sad? I actually have a dentist appointment on Monday and I'm terrified. I hate the dentist. So, to make this interactive, Tell me your favorite type of soda.

Right now, this one is mine.


Fail/Lame book

Friday August 13, 2010 at 5:28 AM

Have a serious case of Friday fever and i cant get any work done so i've been messing around on Failbook and Lamebook.

I cant believe how lame some people are out there;




please put up more

Luna StarFire

Pixel Crush Anyone?

Friday August 13, 2010 at 4:56 AM

Okay so I know one way or another we all like somebody from Twiligiht

So here's my FFAF Question - Who is your Pixelated Crush?  

My choices are will be on the inside.



Friday August 13, 2010 at 1:18 AM

okay ladies and (gents?)

i want to know all about your

NON TWILIGHT obsessions.

 my current two are these


im in love with this game:



and this TV show: 







What Are You Obsessed With Besides Twilight and/or fanfiction?



Friday August 13, 2010 at 12:35 AM

I couldn't have handled today at work with these pictures all over the place!!!



In case I need to explain these pictures...that's Robert Pattinson in Montreal on the OTR set coming out of Kristen Stewart's trailer looking all yummi!

And the last picture...well that's the amazing Kristen Stewart in costume being all Marylou on the OTR were taken yesterday 12th of August


For the Summer

Friday August 13, 2010 at 12:20 AM

Let's discuss the awesomeness that is For the Summer by the amazing camoozle.


There's only an epi left, ladies and gents! Who else is on the verge of a breakdown?



Some yummies to keep youmyself from crying myself to sleep tonight...

Rob's sad that it's almost over, too. :(

But, he's happy that he got to spend so many wonderful Friday's reading about the ups and downs in FtS.

Love, love, love for camoozle. xx, darl. You wrote an absolutely amazing story.


Reader LOVE post

Thursday August 12, 2010 at 10:59 PM

Hola chicos!

Not gonna lie, this whole mess of hiatus authors has p****ed me off. Seriously. And, wait for it, get this I'm a hiatus author. TRUE FACT. If you've been following Stolen Souls, then you know that I've been sitting on my non-updating a** chillaxing.

But the one thing this whole mess has made me realize is that I have the BEST READERS ever. EVER. And I'm so thankful for them. So I thought, that if you're a writer like me who DOES feel like they do owe something to their readers, let's show them the love.

So screencap a review that has meant a lot to you. As you'll see from the review I chose, it doesn't have to be the perfect review or anything but absolute love for the story, but a review that has meant something to you. Not every review needs to be praise to mean something to you. Not every reader needs to agree with everything you write to appreciate your work. So let's show love for our readers who take the time to LOVE what we do so much that they care to be invested in a story.

My love is going to my reader/reviewer Bluecanoe. She's been with my story since the beginning (on Twilighted) and I don't think we've EVER agreed on the characterizations of my story. I'm serious. She hates what I've done with Jasper. If I were a man she would have castrated me when I married Tanya and Edward. And she's never short on her opinions and she's blatantly told me when she thinks I'm doing the wrong thing. We've argued over everything in the story practically and I LOVE HER MADLY. *as you'll see*

SO writers give us a screencap of a review that's meant something to you. Or tell us about it. Readers talk about a review you've left that maybe wasn't perfect praise, or maybe it was, but it moved you to emotion because of the story.



Thursday August 12, 2010 at 10:53 PM

I never really look around on   I read MOTU there but thats bout it.   Now that you can change the background so that it doesn't murder the eyes, I thought I poke around there a bit.   What are some of your favorite Twilighted stories to get me started.   I tend to read mostly AH stories.


Is mah birfday :)

Thursday August 12, 2010 at 10:44 PM

I know this is totally self serving but I'm hoping the rangers will see how hard I am trying to not make typos even though I've been drinking... there is a lot of backspacing going on!!!

I just wanted to say hi and say that I've turned thirty today. Yup... and ya know what??? I'm totally okay with it. Any other over thirties in the forest? Shout it!!!!!

And also, as my gift to you all for me being awesome and thirty:

Here are some of the pics from the 100 Monkeys shows I went to at the Viper Room last weekend :)


Sword fighting

Thursday August 12, 2010 at 10:22 PM

Dearest campers,


Could you all be dolls and rec me some slash. I don't care if it's male/male or girl/girl. and I don't really care if it's Harry Potter or Twilight. What I do care is that it's not just Jasper/Edward.




I've read a lot of slash, and I really wanna read some Emmett slash or Jacob slash. unggggggggggg




he ate my heart

Thursday August 12, 2010 at 9:41 PM

Remember that free for all goes from 12AM EST to 5PM EST SATURDAY

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