Sir Rachel


Friday August 13, 2010 at 8:26 PM

I just offered Ranger Jenny(f**king)Fly a backrub on twitter.

So...who's gonna rub mine?

The Forest is ever-growing, so stop by and say hi. And while you're at it, join the backrub chain and offer one up to the person above you. At least we can all have virtual-happy muscles, right? (and while you're busy rubbing their back, chat them up! Make a new friend!)

Just for giggles.

Now come drop by and make me happy by seeing all your beautiful faces!


Need some help!

Friday August 13, 2010 at 8:26 PM

OK I had a story on my favs and it's been removed somehow. It was a B&E AH story. Bella is in college and is engaged to a guy. (can't remember his name) Anyway she ends the engagement and he doesn't take it well. She meets Edward on campus when the guy is confronting her and she gets Edward's attention to help her. She also meets Jake on a hill while he is playing frizbee. They both help her out with keeping the ex away. Also Rose is her roomate and gets attacked and raped at a campus bonfire. If anyone can help out let me know. Thanks.

And for those that helped me out the other day with not being able to start a campfire cause of the add, I had to use firefox to start this one. So thanks for everyones help.


Friday night funny: Team Pacey

Friday August 13, 2010 at 8:14 PM

I was just hanging with the ex watching some funny or die videos when I came across this gem.  I loved Dawson's Creek and I was totally Team Pacey.   My favorite part of this video in when Joshua Jackson starts talking fanfiction.  Twilight Fanfiction was my first but I had a friend in college who totally read Dawson's fanfiction.  Does anyone know great Dawson fanfiction (pref Pacey/Joey)?

Also Are you Team Pacey of Team Dawson??


C'mon, Get Happy!

Friday August 13, 2010 at 6:27 PM



Disclaimer: Any negativity in this post will result in YOU having to come up with disclaimers forever because we said so. 



Friday August 13, 2010 at 6:22 PM

Hey all! Is it still Free For All Friday?

I'm taking my 16 and 12 year old nieces to Harry Potter World in Orlando next week.

I am expecting heat, annoying crowds, and tired feet.

What else can I expect? Anyone been there?



Friday August 13, 2010 at 6:11 PM

It's a Twitter Post, Ya'll!!

Come on in and make Frands...

@feistyybeden  tweeted this earlier today and it made me LOL

In 140 Characters or LESS...tell us yer twitter and something about you so we can be yer friend!  I've noticed quite a few new get in here and make yourselves known!
And don't forget to add @DIFFERENTFOREST and the RANGERS too!
*Ranger Jennday currently has a protected account, but that will be changing soon so feel free to add her :)

Not all!

Friday August 13, 2010 at 5:08 PM

Ok, I am officially popping my campfire cherry...i have been a creeper/lurker from the early days of ADF, but have never ventured out of my comfort here goes...

Because I am completely slow (mentally, lol) during the week, I totes missed the amnesia fire, even though I needed to ask for something!  So here's my brain fart:  I had this fic saved on my faves, I went through the 250+ on there and decided that this one (based on the summary only) I didn't want to read, so I deleted it, and now I want it back!  The summary was a little cryptic, basically it said that Bella had everything, but was in a loveless marriage and if she left, she'd be with out anything.  I assume it is a b/e fic, that's usually where I lean, I'm guessing it's AH, since that just seems logical...whaddya think?  Do you know my fic?


And to make this more interactive, and so that I get at least a comment or two on my cherry poppin' fire, and because it's FFAF, gimme supthin' good!  Regale us with a tall tale, share with us your happy moment for today, show me some jaw porn, or my girl (KStew) some love, vids are wicked cool too!  Just give us something fun to look at/read!

Again because I am slow, I can offer no incentive, not hawt pics of my fave twi-males, no funny vids, no links...because I don't know how!  I have tried, several times and can't figure it out!  So FYT I offer my happy moment of the day....opening my ADF and seeing the amazahzing pics from fun to see them together again lol!!


Its still FFAF, right?

Friday August 13, 2010 at 3:58 PM

Okay, so my friend linked me to a video where Joseph Gordon-Levitt says some very simple things in French, (just film titles and directors names) but they were soo damn sexy!


So I've been searching the internet for more gorgeous/sexy/cute/french videos and pictures of him, but i have to admit i'm a bit of a fail, so i would LOVE it, if you could just overload this campfire with any pictures/videos/gifs you have already or can magically find of him? im not sure if there is stuff on LJ maybe? but as i said, im a failure and LJ confuses me :/

Please and Thankyou :D

and to make this more interactive... maybe just post photos of your fav actor ever/of the moment? Sound good? :)

oh p.s. any actor swearing is a serious bonus and very sexy. i dont know why it just is ;)


Plug It Up, Plug It Up...

Friday August 13, 2010 at 2:51 PM

^ I Apologise ^

The subject matter of this campfire just sparks the image of Sissy Spacek being bullied in Carrie.


Ok, on with the Campfire. So, i had a very interesting discussion today with a few ladies at the office, about Menstrual Hygiene. For the XY's among us, this may be a good time for you to bow out of the topic...

We were discussing our prefered methods and products, as you do, when the words 'Diva Cup' came up. Now, this is probably TMI, but i've been part of 'the big girls club' for 26yrs so far, and i have NEVER heard of this product. I've never felt so clueless and out of the girl loop in my life. Out of the six or so women who were part of this discussion, i was the only one who hadn't heard of such a thing.

So, my question is: Am i really that clueless? Are there others among you who weren't familiar with this product? And has anyone actually used one and care's to share the pro's and con's, from their point of view?




Sorry if this subject grosses some of you guys out, but it is FFAF and i was interested in the perspective of my fellow campers!


BtVS Appreciation Post

Friday August 13, 2010 at 2:45 PM

What the title says, come in here and let's talk about the awesomeness that still is BtVS. Tell me your favorite characters, favorite episodes, quotes and anything else you want to show love for. (mine will be in the comments)




Let's talk about High School

Friday August 13, 2010 at 2:42 PM

So I have been thinking about making this campfire for a few days. It kind of a get to know you or who you used to be kind of thing. Ever notice that in all high school movies where there is a new student there is always a scene where they introduce the groups or 'cliques' some may call them.

Mean Girls:
10 things I hate about you:
And of course Twilight:
So tell me everyone what category would you have been in? Were you the geeky nerds, the jocks and cheerleaders, or the stoners. Or did your school really have the different cliques? Mine will be in the comments and feel free to post clips from high school movies.







Friday August 13, 2010 at 2:40 PM


Who do you stalk in the forest or on twitter etc... ?

Who have you always wanted to have a conversation with but were too intimidated or the oppertunity just never arose(HA!)?

Confess your stalkees (is that a word?!?) and love your stalkers!


I'll answer inside.


Brain Fart

Friday August 13, 2010 at 2:37 PM

Hello campers... I actually remembered it was FFAF while it was happening this week. Wooo!

So, I have to be annoying and ask for you all to find me a story.

I was reading something the other day, can't remember what, but it went like this... Bella was rich and had a one night thing with Edward, who was poorish. They were both teenagers. Bella winds up pregnant and gets kicked out of her house... It was really good. But then I lost the name of it somehow. I was able to finish what she had updated though.

Also... Are there any other stories like this one out there??

I'll be on my way home from my vacation tomorrow (12 hours in a car from South Carolina to Pennsylvania) and will need something to read on my iPhone.

Thank you!

(ps- I have nothing for your time except virtual hugs. I'm sorry)


Expectations and Other Moving Pieces

Friday August 13, 2010 at 2:29 PM

First campfire but had to share this as I see this fic recced and mourned over a lot...


chrometurtle has updated a new story with the following message...


'I'm very sorry about the wait, to everyone who has been waiting. I have not been okay and I will try not to let it happen again. E&OMP will resume regular updates when this short story is done, for anyone who may still be interested. Thank you to everyone for your messages and reviews. I can't apologize enough.'


Am having a HUGE happy-dance that this is going to be continued!

EaOMP fanatics gather here, and send some love to chrometurtle who has obviously been having a rough time *hugs*



Friday August 13, 2010 at 2:27 PM

Confession 1: I own The Host, but I've never read it. I can't figure out why I haven't started it yet. I do want to read it. But, I guess I feel like I'll either be disappointed that it's not Twilight, or I'll be disappointed that that's all there is, or I'll be disappointed that it's better than Twilight? I don't know. Have you read The Host? If yes, what did you think? If no, why not?

Confession 2: I own Remember Me, but I haven't watched it yet. I was accidentally spoiled on the ending by Twitter, and I can't bring myself to watch, because I don't like being sad at the end of a movie. So, have you seen Remember Me? What did you think? If you haven't, why not?

And if neither of these is exciting enough for you, do you have any confessions you'd like to make? Let loose in the comments. (:

The Hat Does Nothing

Get Yourself A Bad Boy

Friday August 13, 2010 at 2:25 PM

I Havent Made A Campfire In A While.
And It IS Free For All Friday! :)
So, Let's Talk Bad Boys.


Who's Your Bad Boy?
Is He A Vampire With Attitude?
Is He A Glee Kid/Football Star With A High Level Of Badassness? :)
Is He A Wizard Playing For The Wrong Team?

Tell Us! Let Us Discuss! Our Bad Boys!
And Feel Free To Post A Picture! Cause We Love Pretty!
(One Of Mine Will Be In The Comments)



Intergalactic Travels To Pigfarts!

Friday August 13, 2010 at 2:09 PM

So, LookingForHoofPrints (Lily1129 on twitter) and I have decided to jump ship on all things Twilight, and start our own NoPantsIsland where we discuss all HP related things. 

In this island of ours, we are not allowed to speak about Twilight, sorry guise. Instead, we have:


And more! 

So campers, show us what would YOU like to bring to our NoPantsIsland? 

Hot boys? Music? Books? SHARE THEM WITH US! 

just, you know, no Twilight, please. 


We are also taking applications to join our Inception team. Wanna be the chemist? The architect? The muscle? TELL US! 




Friday August 13, 2010 at 1:43 PM

So I came across this news story today:

Long story short, some stupid man gropes a nurse as she is pushing his laboring wife into her labor room and is blaming it on an accident he had years ago.  He is a compulsive boob grabber....Which reminds me of one Dr. Cooper from Nurse Jackie, no?


So in honor of complusive boob grabbers everywhere, here is some Dr. Coop...(Note: I do not actually condone random acts of boob grabbing...unless of course it is in fact from Peter Facinelli...I will let him slide).



Risky Business...

Friday August 13, 2010 at 12:56 PM

Ok...I know, I all hate the "I can't remember which fic this is" campfires, but this is seriously bothering me right now, so I'm going to ask away...

Someone mentioned on Twitter today, "Hey, someone needs to write a E/B fic with Risky Business-style train sex."  I said "Hey!  I've read something along that line.  Only I believe E/B had to bail either Em/Ro or A/J, or possibly all four, out of jail for getting caught."  And now I can't back up my thoughts.  All I can remember is that, and it was a fic full of pure fluff.

Someone HAS to have read this...what is it?!?!?!?!


Other works of literature...

Friday August 13, 2010 at 12:13 PM

Or really, the title should read:


This chick has created characters that I identify with. 

She has also made me love serial killers and forensic/crime thrillers.


I also love Charlaine Harris's Harper Connelly series.


YUM, I want my own Tolliver.


Got any other good authors that do the same with forensic thrillers? 

What other authors/genres do you like to read?

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