
An hour to late to meet Ashley Greene

Tuesday August 17, 2010 at 4:51 PM

Ashley Greene is currently filming the remake of "LOL" in Grosse Pointe Farms, along with Miley Cyrus and Demi Moore. I work in GPF and have been down to the set (in a local high school) a couple times. I went to get some gelato at a cafe right across the street from the set and as I was enjoying my treat the owner casually mentioned that Ashley was in his cafe only an hour ago! Bummer! I would have loved to at least seen her! It was'nt a total loss though someone spotted Billy Ray Cyrus on the street so I ran out and caught a glimpse of him!


Pap hilarity ensues

Tuesday August 17, 2010 at 3:47 PM

Okay, I normally despise all pap videos, but this one has its moments of mirth.


Poor Kristen channels Bella, but makes a good recovery.

Her usual bodyguard is with Rob though, and he wards off evil-little-pap-in-stripes from getting her shot.

But the best is stroller dad.  WTF?

ETA:  I stand corrected (thanks Dallianna), that's K's personal assistant and furthermore the video was taken by a  fan who clearly resisted the urge to run up to them like a crazy.


imperfectly perfect

Tuesday August 17, 2010 at 2:10 PM

am i the only one who just got the email?

the amazing jandco just started an amazing new story.


it's amazing.


and I'm overusing the work amazing, but whatever.




(imma going to go read it now)


it's a KStew Tuesday free for all!

Tuesday August 17, 2010 at 11:37 AM

We're sharing our favorites today -- pics, gifs (don't go too crazy, my browser will crash and this is ALL ABOUT ME), and QUOTES. Just come in and play with us, maybe tell us where you're from, when you realized you love Kristen, your favorite KStew movie, etc. Let's mingle and get to know each other a little better, yes?

I have too many favorites and wouldn't know where to start, so I'm focusing on Kristen as Mallory, Joan, Em, Bella, and Marylou.

She looks so pretty in WttR. I can't wait to see it. November, you are too far away.

Her face in the last scene in TR is perfect. She grew up, just like Joan. And I loved her little smile.

She was so awesome as Em in Adventureland. Her eyes here...

She gave Bella a personality and made her real.

And omg we got to see what she looks like as Marylou! She's so pretty in these pictures!


Back to school

Tuesday August 17, 2010 at 11:17 AM

Back to school time for many campers and their kidlets* and some may even be receiving their letter from Hogwarts.

Go here and find out which house you're going to be sorted into.

Then come back and tell us, obviously.

I'm a Ravenclaw, which I'm happy with. We have the best name... I mean it's RAVENCLAW, which is badass...and also have the smarts to smuggle in Firewhisky and throw the best parties without getting caught.  We're also devious enough to sneak into the Hufflepuff dorms to spend time with a certain Triwizard Champion by the name of Cedric Diggory.

WTVOC would like to make it clear that she is Head Boy and in Gryffindor. This means she has the ability to dole out punishments as she sees fit.


*This is evil, actually. Going back to school in August is wrong and should be illegal. Schools in the UK don't go back until September when summer is officially over and done with. 



Tuesday August 17, 2010 at 10:44 AM

I'm about to start some maintenance on our server.  I don't anticipate much if any downtime, but if you get an error or page not found in the next 15-20 minutes that is why. 

I apologize in advance if anything goes off the rails :)





Tuesday August 17, 2010 at 10:40 AM








Tuesday August 17, 2010 at 10:05 AM

Hi! I know that many of us, myself included, are going to go start college here soon. I for one can't wait. And that brings us to this post. All of you out there in the forest who went to college, what advice would you give us? Who to date, who to avoid, what classes to take or not take, how to not kill your roommates, just the basics. Even if you didn't go to college, tell us what you think might be important fo us to know. And for all the freshman, tell where're you're going to schoo. I'm going to Alice Lloyd College, a small college in an even smaller town.



Approved by the lovely Jandco



Tuesday August 17, 2010 at 7:37 AM

HI GUYS!!! While talking to a friend last night, I was reminded of this one shot I read a while ago but I can't find it.

It was like a crack fic but o/s. AU. I think the main point was that Charlie had somehow discovered the Cullens' secret/saw something supernatural and they all had to start doing crazy and funny things so that he would think it was all a dream. Carlisle impersonated tarzan for some reason and I think Alice dressed up like a fairy? 

Gosh, I can't remember the name of the One Shot or the author. I read this a zillion years ago and just remember it was one of the most hysterical things I've ever read. So... If any of you have read somehting similar please link me?



LJ Summers

Jacob/Bella Fics

Tuesday August 17, 2010 at 6:35 AM

RANGER EMIBELLA! You sure know how to throw a party. It is STILL going on!  Wowza!  

My computer has a pixelated hangover, I'm fairly certain.

However! I am shaking it off with Hair of the Werewolf. Or something. ;-)

Today, for the Fic Rec List, I am looking for Jacob/Bella stories.  He told her that he was the natural path her life would have taken, without the magic that existed around them.  There are great stories that explore this possibility, both in Alternative Universe (AU) and in the All-Human worlds.  

So, if you have some favorite Jacob/Bella stories, bring them on! We have wolfgirls here in the Forest that want to read them!  


Remember, the purpose of these lists is so that we can share recommendations for fics with people who are interested in a certain KIND of story.  Here in this list, let's get a great collection of Jacob and Bella, AU or AH, to share. All ratings are solicited!

Remember the rules:  Keep the rec simple and no discussions. Y'all are totally getting this now, but I thought I'd put it out there anyway.

The MASTER FIC LIST is still active and I check it every day.  Check there if you are looking for a specific kind of fic!


My first recs will be in the campfire, just like always.


Thank you for sharing the best in Jacob and Bella stories!


From the Darkness Comes Light

Tuesday August 17, 2010 at 3:19 AM

I just read the first chapter of this new fic, and I'm completely in love already.

Check it out.

From the Darkness Comes Light by DreamsOfEdward1


Master of the universe II

Tuesday August 17, 2010 at 12:45 AM


And i don't know if its just me, but I found the chapter a bit disappointing. Maybe I was expecting too much ...

What do you think?


A Kiss with a Fist

Tuesday August 17, 2010 at 12:14 AM

Warning: Mature content ahead.

Awhile back over in Edwardville I had asked the members there why they read all human stories.  Now I come to you campers with a similar question.  There are a number of stories in our fandom that utilize rape and/or kidnapping and/or mental/emotional/physical abuse as romantic plot points.  Quite a few of these stories are actually really popular.  While I maintain that I try not to judge I admit that I end up often times looking like this:

Usually after reading summaries like these:

The frist time Edward sees Bella he is obsessed. He steals her away and keeps her locked up as his love prisinor. Dark more sadistic Edward but still sexxy .


Edward Cullen hunts down innocent girls and uses them to enjoy himself. One day, he hunts another victim, Bella Swan. Will desire for her make him forget about his little games? warning:DOM/POSSESSIVE EDWARD.

Both of these stories have hundreds of reviews and in one of them Edward rapes Bella in the first chapter but of course later on she ends up liking it and falling for him.  And on top of that this fic claims to be a D/s fic and I can promise you that in real life D/s that is NOT how things would go down.

Okay, deep breath, trying not to judge here.  Sorry, that particular bit is a sensitive issue for me as some of you already know.  So in that spirit tell me, dear campers, if you read these kinds of stories why do you read them?  What about it appeals to you?  Is it just basically going on the same concept of real life rape fantasies where you don't actually want to be raped but you like imagining it sometimes?

I admit this trend concerns me because as we all know there is a huge portion of underage readers out there and I'm sure at least some of them are reading these stories.  I worry that the really young ones, the twelve and thirteen year olds for example will walk away thinking that rape = love.  Or kidnapping or abuse.  You get the idea.  So if there are any teens reading this that would like to chime in I'd love to hear from you.  Are you aware that in reality these types of relationships are unhealthy?  Are you able to discern the difference between a fantasy that maybe isn't so healthy and what would actually be appropriate in a flesh and blood relationship?

I realize this may be a hot button topic so as always, please try to remain respectful of everyone's tastes and styles and lifestyles and opinions.  No name bashing or anything like that.  I'm just curious and it's been brewing in my head this week because I received a review from a reader praising me for my Edward and Bella's dysfunctional relationship in my story Breaking and Entering.  I was a bit taken aback because in my mind they love each other very much but also if they were indeed dysfunctional I wondered, why is that worthy of praise?


*wolvesnvamps approved


the boy with the wooden wand vs...

Monday August 16, 2010 at 8:22 PM

... the boy with the sparkle peen*.

When the Twilight craze first took over, it was forever being compared to the Harry Potter phenomenon. The hype and fan frenzy may be comparable, but that’s kind of where the similarities end….well, at least for me.

Basically this picture sums it up.


Twilight has a good story with good characters and mediocre writing. Harry Potter has great everything: great characters, great story, great writing…overall, it's just amazing.

But this is just my opinion. I want to know yours.

Where do your allegiances lie?

Are you Team The Boy Who Lived or Team Sparkly Vamp/Wolf Boy?
Are you as heavily into HP fic as you are Twific, or are you more like me, who thinks the HP books were so great that I don't need fic? And for those of you who don't like the Twilight books but love the fic, which do you prefer -- the HP books or Twific?"

I am somewhat of a closeted Twilight fan, but I will proclaim my love of Harry Potter until the day I die.

I am also curious to know if you yourself, or anyone you know of, have read HP and hated it. I can’t seem to fathom the idea of people hating it, so please enlighten me.

Oh and just one last thing: a few of us were throwing around the idea of re-reading all seven books before the release of the first installment of Deathly Hallows in November. It was mentioned on twitter and several people expressed interest, so we will be holding a Harry Potter read-a-long on Les Racontuese.
If you've read the series and want to join us re-reading it, please do. And if you haven’t read the series, OMG, do yourself a favour and go pick it up now!!!!!! Then come read with us. ;)


*sparkle peen approved by drunk gaw  


Idiosyncrasies, Got Some?

Monday August 16, 2010 at 5:51 PM

So for those of you who know me, this won't come as a surprise. I'm an odd duck. I have ticks and fidgets and I'm more than a little OCD about some things. And I've discovered that my quirks have bled over into my writing and writing process. For example:

Every single time I start up a new chapter, I follow the exact same procedure. If I don't, I can't think straight.

1. Open document

2. Copy and paste disclaimer at the top

3. Adjust font and size and zoom on window.

4. Type out loving acknowledgment to beta and pre-reader

5. Skip downto bottom of page and insert A/N space.

6. Copy and paste question from previous week (I do "cawfee talk" with my readers). Answer my own question.

7. Type out this week's question.

8. Scroll back up and type out blank line for title for chapter at top of page

9. Write chapter - in order.

10. Name chapter.

11. Send to beta

12. I never edit once it's been sent to beta. Chapters post exactly as they come back from her. So, load to FFn and post. 

In addition to all of this, I've found that it's virtually impossible for me to write out of sequence. EVER. I write chapters in order and inside each chapter I write start to finish. I also have the compulsive need to write more than one thing at a time. Hence I have 3 WIPs and one secret project. And for two of the WIPs I feel the need to post on a schedule. The third WIP I have no idea, but I've somehow allowed myself to write just whenever. But that's out of the norm for me.

OH and I have issues with ending sentences with prepositions even if the voice of the narration is meant to be casual and colloquial.

Reading? Got some quirks there, too.

So, tell me your weird ticks and habits so I won't feel so bizarre. Or make some up. That's okay, too.


A Love Game for Everyone

Monday August 16, 2010 at 4:57 PM


Here is the deal...

Every few days or weeks we seem to have a LOVE post where everyone writes the names of the campers that they love most and then those people go "awwww thank you, I love you too" and then they make there own and include everyone who included them etc, etc. 


And it SUCKS.

Now, I am a flippin' RANGER who posts almost every day and I feel this way! How about those of us who don't post all that often or are new?! They must really feel like they are not a part of things!

I am not saying that you have to stop those posts, they are lovely and everyone loves to feel loved by the loving, but I want to do something DIFFERENT.

Today we are going to love everyone. 

Put yourself out there. Write your name and tell us something about you. What kind of fanfiction you like to read? What is your favorite scene in the movies? What other fandoms get you riled up? Who is the hottest guy on the planet? The hottest girl? 

THEN I WANT PEOPLE TO RESPOND TO THESE INTRODUCTIONS. If you agree or disagree or just to say "Hi! I am glad you are here!" or "Oh! I've seen them in concert!" or "Nice Abs!"  

We are going to MIX IT UP and MINGLE.

Because, that's right, Emibella is hosting this dinner party. I have hot waiters walking around with champagne and canapés and everyone is dressed in their finest.

So join in and don't be shy.

I want to see everyone making everyone else feel welcome! Who knows? You might make a new friend for the next time a love post comes along!


Green goldfish's stories missing?

Monday August 16, 2010 at 4:27 PM

I was just on starting to read green goldfish's Midnight_Son_of_a_Biotch. When I had completed chapter one and was going to chapter 2 states the story  isn't there and her profile is missing too.

Did I miss something and the story was pulled? And if so is it posted anywhere else? I really need a good dose of humor as a break from all the angst turns in stories I'm reading.





Breaking Dawn

Monday August 16, 2010 at 3:39 PM

I'm guessing somebody's already posted about this, but I thought I would just in case!!

According to IMDB Breaking Dawn part 1 will be in 3D

From the wesite:

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 (2011)
aka "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 in 3D" - USA (3-D version)


link here:

It's under additional details!!

So what's your opinion??


Is fail today?

Monday August 16, 2010 at 3:39 PM

Hi, just wanted to know if is acting funny today? I haven’t received any update notifications at all today and Lord knows I have enough stories on alert that I should get at least one a day.

That brings me to a second question, how do you find stories that have recently updated on


I know to go to the top left and click ‘Just In,’ and tell it that I want Twilight fiction. But, after that, I don’t know how to access stories that are anything other than stories rated K or T, and it only gives me the first 50. Am I missing something? Any help would be appreciated.


Monday August 16, 2010 at 1:28 PM

I am posting on Twilighted net a two shot called Carmen's story. Of course Eleazar is one of the main characters. Do you know if the actor doing Eleazar in Breaking Dawn has been selected? Who is he? I'd like to post a photo if they exist.

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