So for those of you who know me, this won't come as a surprise. I'm an odd duck. I have ticks and fidgets and I'm more than a little OCD about some things. And I've discovered that my quirks have bled over into my writing and writing process. For example:
Every single time I start up a new chapter, I follow the exact same procedure. If I don't, I can't think straight.
1. Open document
2. Copy and paste disclaimer at the top
3. Adjust font and size and zoom on window.
4. Type out loving acknowledgment to beta and pre-reader
5. Skip downto bottom of page and insert A/N space.
6. Copy and paste question from previous week (I do "cawfee talk" with my readers). Answer my own question.
7. Type out this week's question.
8. Scroll back up and type out blank line for title for chapter at top of page
9. Write chapter - in order.
10. Name chapter.
11. Send to beta
12. I never edit once it's been sent to beta. Chapters post exactly as they come back from her. So, load to FFn and post.
In addition to all of this, I've found that it's virtually impossible for me to write out of sequence. EVER. I write chapters in order and inside each chapter I write start to finish. I also have the compulsive need to write more than one thing at a time. Hence I have 3 WIPs and one secret project. And for two of the WIPs I feel the need to post on a schedule. The third WIP I have no idea, but I've somehow allowed myself to write just whenever. But that's out of the norm for me.
OH and I have issues with ending sentences with prepositions even if the voice of the narration is meant to be casual and colloquial.
Reading? Got some quirks there, too.
So, tell me your weird ticks and habits so I won't feel so bizarre. Or make some up. That's okay, too.