
Your Life in 6 Words?

Sunday August 15, 2010 at 6:58 PM

So, yesterday I was at a friend's house and I was looking at this book called "I Can't Keep My Own Secrets: Six Word Memoirs By Teens Famous and Obscure" and it got me thinking.... what would be your six word memoir?  This friend of mine is going to be teaching high school English and is using this book for a "get to know each other" activity when school starts, which I think is an awesome idea.

Here are some examples from the book (all written by teens):

Met online; love before first sight.

I fulfilled my awkwardness quota today.

According to Facebook, we broke up.

Tried being reasonable, now I'll rebel.

Always helping others, never helping myself.

A boy wizard saved my life

I won't need photographs to remember.

Music is love, band is drama.

I never got my Hogwarts letter.

So tell me campers................ One Life. Six Words. What's Yours?


What's wrong with this picture?

Sunday August 15, 2010 at 4:55 PM

What the hell is wrong with this girl? Ignoring TomStu? Leaving him sitting alone on the curb? I AM NOT AMUSED NOR PLEASED




What's your hard limit?

Sunday August 15, 2010 at 4:45 PM

I think it's safe to say that here in the land of Twific, just about every line has been crossed. With all of the Darkwards, Domwards, Geekwards and Douchewards, we've stretched the definition of OOC as far as it can go and then some. 


Canon pairings have proven to be just a starting point. Why stick with basic Edward x Bella when there's Jella, Roseward, and every permutation of slash imaginable?


Through it all, I know each of us has that personal line we can't cross; the pairing that feels like an unholy alliance to us, the character depiction that makes our skin crawl. So, tell me yours, campers. What can't you do? What do you see in a summary that will make you flounce before you even start? 


To get us started, I'll share mine:

I can deal with small doses of almost all non-canon pairings, but never Edward x Alice. In my head, she will always be his sister. Period. I don't care if they've never even met in a particular fic. Alice x Edward is against the natural order of the universe! I just can't go there.

As for out-of-character depictions, I can wrap my brain around all kinds, but I always have a hard time seeing Charlie as a bad guy. In my head, Charlie is always soft-spoken, well-meaning, and good-hearted, and it hurts my heart a little if he's a baddie. I love Charlie hard.


And for your time, the pairing I can always read:




Secrets & Confessions Vol. 2

Sunday August 15, 2010 at 12:36 PM

(idk about you guys... but i need this...)


Tell me your darkest, your deepest..

get it off your chest.

You can make it pretty... you keep it plain, just keep it HONEST.

There's no judgement here.

Here's mine:



Sunday August 15, 2010 at 9:16 AM

I need some help. And it's about children.

Now, I have absolutley no freakin' idea when it comes to kids because frankly, i'm only 18 years old and they're the last thing on my mind atm. So, Yummy Mummy's, I need some help!

I'd like to ask a few questions (and you can add as much detail as you want when answering them) about your children who are currently aged between 4-6 years old.
For my Final Major Project at College, I want to make something entertaining (eg. A fun video with fictional characters I have created to make a story) for children however, I need to so some research before I can take any steps forward. So I thought because there are some cool-ass mothers at ADF, here is the best place to start.

I'll post my questions in the comments.

Thank You Capricorn75 for approving!


Recommendation Campfire!

Saturday August 14, 2010 at 7:14 PM

If you had to choose just ONE fanfiction to recommend to someone who already reads fanfiction

(in other words, not the OBVIOUS choices)


Answer THIS first, then recommend as many as you like!

Remember to LINK IT UP.

For me especially, because I always skip the ones that you don't link.




Outtakes You Need.

Saturday August 14, 2010 at 6:10 PM

You know how sometimes you MISS a fic once it's over?  Or you think...Hmm...I'd like to have seen EPOV of a certain chapter.  Or I wonder what E & B did on a random Saturday in X fic...or I wonder what those crazy kids from The Caged Bird are up to (because i think that one a lot)  Or I'd like to know whats up with Emmett and Alice from The Elite...(i really would like to know)

you get the idea.

So, tell me what fic outtakes you'd like to see.  Be as specific as you want "I want to read Bare's Bella and Edward on a Tuesday afternoon having lunch in an outdoor restaurant" or as vague as you want "I would love anything Volition has to offer"

maybe we can get an author to come in and oblige, on the grounds that it doesn't have to be spectacular, just impromtu.

*inspired by a Volition outtake I cannot wait for


There Are No Words

Saturday August 14, 2010 at 2:15 PM

I present to you...Edward Cullen cat:


Poor kitty.

Hm, how to make this interactive...post pictures of your kitties?  Bonus points if they're dressed like Edward. :)


Crush/Appreciate Post

Saturday August 14, 2010 at 1:00 PM

Finally! I've been unable to post for weeks now because the ad kept covering the "Start New Campfire" button. Stupid Internet Explorer. Just got Firefox and it's working like a charm.

But that's not what this campfire is about. It's about a little crush I have formed from looking at all these get to know you post. Whether she knows it or not, I have become enamored with RaggdollofTwilight

She is funny, nice, an amazing singer, and absolutely gorgeous! (see pictures in all hail ADF campfire and you'll see what I mean).


Okay not it's your turn. Tell us all about your secret (or not so secret) crush on someone in the Forest or just someone you really appreciate.


Photobucket" />


Edit: I forgot to put who I appreciate *facepalm*

Melissa Cullen, ssarrahh1, Luna StarFire, karalynn79, Themys, HeBelongstoMe, and a ton of others.

I would post more but I have to go make cookies for a cookout tonight. But seriously, you all are fantastic!



Saturday August 14, 2010 at 11:18 AM

Hello, you beautiful people. And I know you're beautiful because I just saw your pictures in the other campfire. Mcruscito and I have joined forces to bring you this fun little activity.

Okay. Let's play a game. My most favorite campfires are the ones where people come out, talk about themsleves, and make new friends!

So everyone come in and say 3 things about themselves. 2 being completely true and 1 being completely false. Then everyone has to guess which ones are true and which ones people are lying about.


And since Cristina and I think that John Krasinski doesn't get the ADF love like he deserves:




If Only Life Were As Easy As It Is In Fanfiction

Saturday August 14, 2010 at 9:56 AM

Can I still call free-for-all friday?  Rangers, feel free to delete if it's not.

Please don't read if you don't want to listen to my whiny dating rant lol.

Main post in comments


all hail ADF.

Saturday August 14, 2010 at 8:03 AM


i have read the stories

i have read the campfires

i have seen the videos

i have seen the fan arts

i also have seen the banters

and felt the obsession


i have seen and felt the things that the forest can offer.


friends, anti-boredom posts and stories and even the orgasmic pics and other things.


can i see the people who makes the forest live?


post some pics of you. put your name, screen name.

in some site they call it fansign, others, salute (or whatever you want to call it.) get a cam and take a picture of yourself. if you don't want the people see your face, put anything. screen name, etc. just wanna see if you are really real. :))


ps. see mine on the comments. and pls. don't mind the grammar. i suck at it. :))


Fic suggestions for a girl new to the fandom!

Saturday August 14, 2010 at 6:42 AM

So, um, hi! I'm not the girl new to the awesomeness that is Twilight, my cousin is! I introduced her to this EPIC fandom, and got her hooked! I also introduced her to FFnet, but she hasn't really read that much... I want to get her to read WA and  MoTU, but I think we should work our way up there. I need some help here! She's Team Jacob (booo!!!!), so our tastes differ a little. Please leave me your suggestions! I REALLY need help here!!!!





Desperately Seeking Happy

Saturday August 14, 2010 at 6:01 AM

Hope it's still free for all!

So, as a few of you know, I've had a really REALLY bad couple of weeks, which all came to a head yesterday.

I need HAPPY.

Please please please.... give me some happy. Happy fics. Happy pictures. Happy videos. Just a general pick-me-up and cyber-hugs.

Love my forest-dwellers.


This is cliche, but...

Saturday August 14, 2010 at 2:18 AM

Okay, this is going to be totally cliche, but, whatever.

I'm kinda, sorta in love with one of my friend's boyfriends

and it sucks. Srsly. He's an awesome guy, and she's a sweet girl, but at the same time, I'm like, fuck. Please break up.

Anyone else in this awkward and devastating situation?

I so sadddd. and drunk.


Foster Parenting

Saturday August 14, 2010 at 12:43 AM

I know this is a random topic...I have yet to find a Mr. Right and my plumbing doesnt work anyway so the possibility of becoming a parent through fostering has been running through my mind more and more lately.  Do any of you in the fandom have any experience in this area? Do we have Foster Moms or Adoptive Moms in the forest? If so please share with me any positive or negative stories you may have.


My Dorkitude. Let Me Show You It

Friday August 13, 2010 at 10:50 PM

Last night I went on a mad cleaning/organizing spree in my bedroom and ended up doing this:


Yes, it's a shelf dedicated to Twilight.  Here's another shot:

Sorry it's blurry.  There's more here:  http://octoberland.imgur.com/twishelf

First order of business is show me yours.  Please?  Do you have a Twi-shelf?  Or corner?  Or whole room?  I wanna see!  Pics please.


Also, and I'm totally making two posts in one here, am I the only person who's never heard of this?


It's from a few years ago but I've never seen anyone anywhere mention it.  Have any of you read it?  How was her story?  To make this even more interactive what random Twilight related things have you run into recently that you never knew existed?




Friday August 13, 2010 at 10:28 PM


Before you, Heather, our lives were like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars--points of light and reason... And then you shot across our sky like a meteor. Suddenly, everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty... 

OH WAIT... I think I remember that line from somewhere...







I love her fics so please help me out :)

Friday August 13, 2010 at 9:26 PM

It's still Friday here and I just noticed this recent profile update by Ooohlalaa http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1821470/d0tpark3r My only request is please anyone link me to her other profile where she is saying she still has some stories. Please please please ) Thanks much.


Lovely people of the forest

Friday August 13, 2010 at 9:02 PM

How do you picture the forest? Your typical campsite? Totally Twilight-y or more Lord of the Ring-y, or like were the Ewoks live?! Or maybe teepees?!!! 




If I were to venture out of the world of Twilight fanfiction into the great unknown, what fandoms would you recommend? Do you have a rec that can represent?

Who do you prefer: Dwight Schrute or Cosmo Kramer?

Mucho amor



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