

Friday August 13, 2010 at 2:40 PM


Who do you stalk in the forest or on twitter etc... ?

Who have you always wanted to have a conversation with but were too intimidated or the oppertunity just never arose(HA!)?

Confess your stalkees (is that a word?!?) and love your stalkers!


I'll answer inside.


Brain Fart

Friday August 13, 2010 at 2:37 PM

Hello campers... I actually remembered it was FFAF while it was happening this week. Wooo!

So, I have to be annoying and ask for you all to find me a story.

I was reading something the other day, can't remember what, but it went like this... Bella was rich and had a one night thing with Edward, who was poorish. They were both teenagers. Bella winds up pregnant and gets kicked out of her house... It was really good. But then I lost the name of it somehow. I was able to finish what she had updated though.

Also... Are there any other stories like this one out there??

I'll be on my way home from my vacation tomorrow (12 hours in a car from South Carolina to Pennsylvania) and will need something to read on my iPhone.

Thank you!

(ps- I have nothing for your time except virtual hugs. I'm sorry)


Expectations and Other Moving Pieces

Friday August 13, 2010 at 2:29 PM

First campfire but had to share this as I see this fic recced and mourned over a lot...


chrometurtle has updated a new story with the following message...


'I'm very sorry about the wait, to everyone who has been waiting. I have not been okay and I will try not to let it happen again. E&OMP will resume regular updates when this short story is done, for anyone who may still be interested. Thank you to everyone for your messages and reviews. I can't apologize enough.'


Am having a HUGE happy-dance that this is going to be continued!

EaOMP fanatics gather here, and send some love to chrometurtle who has obviously been having a rough time *hugs*



Friday August 13, 2010 at 2:27 PM

Confession 1: I own The Host, but I've never read it. I can't figure out why I haven't started it yet. I do want to read it. But, I guess I feel like I'll either be disappointed that it's not Twilight, or I'll be disappointed that that's all there is, or I'll be disappointed that it's better than Twilight? I don't know. Have you read The Host? If yes, what did you think? If no, why not?

Confession 2: I own Remember Me, but I haven't watched it yet. I was accidentally spoiled on the ending by Twitter, and I can't bring myself to watch, because I don't like being sad at the end of a movie. So, have you seen Remember Me? What did you think? If you haven't, why not?

And if neither of these is exciting enough for you, do you have any confessions you'd like to make? Let loose in the comments. (:

The Hat Does Nothing

Get Yourself A Bad Boy

Friday August 13, 2010 at 2:25 PM

I Havent Made A Campfire In A While.
And It IS Free For All Friday! :)
So, Let's Talk Bad Boys.


Who's Your Bad Boy?
Is He A Vampire With Attitude?
Is He A Glee Kid/Football Star With A High Level Of Badassness? :)
Is He A Wizard Playing For The Wrong Team?

Tell Us! Let Us Discuss! Our Bad Boys!
And Feel Free To Post A Picture! Cause We Love Pretty!
(One Of Mine Will Be In The Comments)



Intergalactic Travels To Pigfarts!

Friday August 13, 2010 at 2:09 PM

So, LookingForHoofPrints (Lily1129 on twitter) and I have decided to jump ship on all things Twilight, and start our own NoPantsIsland where we discuss all HP related things. 

In this island of ours, we are not allowed to speak about Twilight, sorry guise. Instead, we have:


And more! 

So campers, show us what would YOU like to bring to our NoPantsIsland? 

Hot boys? Music? Books? SHARE THEM WITH US! 

just, you know, no Twilight, please. 


We are also taking applications to join our Inception team. Wanna be the chemist? The architect? The muscle? TELL US! 




Friday August 13, 2010 at 1:43 PM

So I came across this news story today:

Long story short, some stupid man gropes a nurse as she is pushing his laboring wife into her labor room and is blaming it on an accident he had years ago.  He is a compulsive boob grabber....Which reminds me of one Dr. Cooper from Nurse Jackie, no?


So in honor of complusive boob grabbers everywhere, here is some Dr. Coop...(Note: I do not actually condone random acts of boob grabbing...unless of course it is in fact from Peter Facinelli...I will let him slide).



Risky Business...

Friday August 13, 2010 at 12:56 PM

Ok...I know, I all hate the "I can't remember which fic this is" campfires, but this is seriously bothering me right now, so I'm going to ask away...

Someone mentioned on Twitter today, "Hey, someone needs to write a E/B fic with Risky Business-style train sex."  I said "Hey!  I've read something along that line.  Only I believe E/B had to bail either Em/Ro or A/J, or possibly all four, out of jail for getting caught."  And now I can't back up my thoughts.  All I can remember is that, and it was a fic full of pure fluff.

Someone HAS to have read this...what is it?!?!?!?!


Other works of literature...

Friday August 13, 2010 at 12:13 PM

Or really, the title should read:


This chick has created characters that I identify with. 

She has also made me love serial killers and forensic/crime thrillers.


I also love Charlaine Harris's Harper Connelly series.


YUM, I want my own Tolliver.


Got any other good authors that do the same with forensic thrillers? 

What other authors/genres do you like to read?



Friday August 13, 2010 at 12:05 PM


Your turn! Inner anger campfire.


Your 5 Best

Friday August 13, 2010 at 11:50 AM



I was reading an author's profile and she was recomending a story that had one the "best/favorite Edwards" she had read. This intrigued me. So please give me your 5 favorite/best Edward's/Bella's. I want read them and fall in love with them. Thanks.


EDIT: Teo pointed out it might be too hard with so many good Wards/Bellas around. I'll take your current favorite if you can.




Friday August 13, 2010 at 11:36 AM

1) I never reply to e-mails or PMs in a timely manner. ever.

2) I haven't even looked at ch14 of High Noon yet, even though 13 had a cliffhanger.

3) I never respond to my #FFs on twitter.


tell me why you suck.

or, you know, tell me why i suck. i don't mind.


What should I read??

Friday August 13, 2010 at 10:50 AM

I just finished reading Brown Study and it was AMAZING


Now I am in a dilemma, what next? what can follow THAT?


I have the following on top of my to read list::

Edward Cullen, Dick for Hire


Dirty Dancing with the Devil Herself

Midnight Son of a Bitch

Neverending Math Equation


Which one should I read next? what do you suggest?



i want a new toy (no not that kind :) )

Friday August 13, 2010 at 10:40 AM

I think i want a kindle or nook......I know this has been discussed before but i cant find it in old campfires and ive googled it but i trust you guys way more than google so....should i get one? which one?  Can i get on the internet with the wi-fi, not just to order ebooks but get on here or to read fanfic? Is it REALLY worth replacing a good ol paperback book????  Thanx in advance for anyone who helps me out!!! oh and HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!


Unusual 'Wards'

Friday August 13, 2010 at 9:42 AM

Okay, so thanks to Photoshop, cult favorite fanfictions and active imaginations, we have a lot of amazing 'Wards' to choose from, including/not limited to:






OJWARD (hint, hint)


Those are some of the popular ones.

But, what about the Wards that haven't been written yet?

To start off, lemme give a few that were dancing around in my head last night:







Encyclopediaward (I don't know even who the eff this guy is)


If one of those catches your eye, go ahead and see what you can do with them. I'm not going to sue you. ;)


Friday August 13, 2010 at 9:20 AM

Montreal is awesome. On the Road is going to be awesome. Kristen is awesome. Rob is awesome, and looks so, so happy.

I'm late to something, so I'll just leave the pics here. Discuss. Play nice. Have a lovely Friday!




Movies of your childhood.

Friday August 13, 2010 at 8:42 AM

Last week we did the crushes of your childhood.  This week lets take a look at the movies of your youth. 



What movie did you watch religiously? What film was on that VHS tape that you wore down to nothing? What piece of cinematic cheesyness will you sit down and watch when you find it on a random cable channel no matter how many times you've seen it before?


Hurts so good

Friday August 13, 2010 at 8:41 AM

Ok, so I've been on an 80's music kick the last couple of days.  Then I got a terrible song stuck in my head.  So I thought we should discuss our favorite songs from the 80's that we love to hate!  Go ahead and post 'em!  If you can't think of one you hate, then just put your favorite! 

So to kick us off, here's the horrible song that is stuck in my head. 

The Offspring

My Favorite Drink

Friday August 13, 2010 at 7:29 AM

Now I know this may seem lame, but my favorite drink is soda. I'm not kidding. I drink so much of it that a 24-pack has lasted me for 2 weeks. I can't live without it. Isn't that sad? I actually have a dentist appointment on Monday and I'm terrified. I hate the dentist. So, to make this interactive, Tell me your favorite type of soda.

Right now, this one is mine.


Fail/Lame book

Friday August 13, 2010 at 5:28 AM

Have a serious case of Friday fever and i cant get any work done so i've been messing around on Failbook and Lamebook.

I cant believe how lame some people are out there;




please put up more

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