
Let you entertain me

Friday August 6, 2010 at 1:14 PM

Okay guys, I need some help. (Honestly, I'd rather maintain a bit of anonymity with all this twi fandom stuff, but I'm totally out of ideas.)

I am the Artistic Director for a not-for-profit group for performing arts. We have a cabaret coming up (A cabaret. We are not doing the show Cabaret- I work with kids.) and I am running out of ideas for songs. I pretty much have free reign with the music, since we have titled the event "From Billboard to Broadway" (catchy, I know). 

So Campers, here's where you come in: Rec me your favorite, "what I'd love to hear at a cabaret", family fare appropriate, from any decade or genre song. 

**we are trying to stay away from stuff they've done on Glee, so it doesn't seem like we have no imagination whatsoever, but that totally sucks b/c they've done a lot of great music on there

Also, if you have any vids of covers that you like, that would be great too!

I have a girly crush on Pixie Lott for some unfathomable reason, so here's a cover for you:



C'mon, Get Happy!

Friday August 6, 2010 at 1:12 PM


This is early because I need some happy.

Give me your best!


Disclaimer: Any negativity in this post will probably make me cry. Do you want me to cry? DO YOU?!


Additional Disclaimer: Pics of Rob would also count as happy. Just saying.


ADF job hunters club

Friday August 6, 2010 at 12:47 PM

It has come to my attention through Twitter and the like that I am not the only camper currently seeking employment.  The job hunting process is a tiring, endless soul-sucking venture so I thought it might be nice to start up a little club where we can help each other and keep morale up (kinda hard to do when you're limited to 140 characters).

Tell me:

What are you looking for?  What do you think you're good at?  What's your ideal job?

What have you done so far?  How have you gone looking for jobs?  What sites have you been on?  What books have you read?

Do you have any tips for the rest of us?

Even if you aren't looking at the moment, feel free to share any tips and resources you've found in the past :).

My story will be in the comments.

We can run this as a weekly thing if people want to so you have people there to hold your hand and whine at when you get yet another rejection letter/email for the job you really wanted.

Approved by GrownAssWoman who will have to put up with me stalking her with campfire ideas forever more.


Your Zodiac

Friday August 6, 2010 at 11:35 AM

Ok, so i'm pretty much a lurker when it comes to lighting up my own campfire. I'm more of a commenter inside other people's campfires. It makes me nervous when i'm letting myself "out there".

However, today as it is Friday, I want to take advantage of it and talk about the zodiac and our signs and to find out whether your star sign matches your personality. You can find yours out by looking over the internet and finding details about your star sign.

Mine's in the comments.

Thanks guys!



What's your contest and award fancy?

Friday August 6, 2010 at 10:41 AM

The fandom is being overrun by contests and awards. What makes you want to enter/be nominated/read /vote in one over the other? What do you require from a contest or award for it to get your attention/time?

I love contests where the author is anonymous until the winners are revealed. Or, ones that have an award for the most votes but also an award decided upon by the people running the contest. Often times, the two have very different results. I appreciate reading fics in contests that are judged based on the writing versus popularity. I’ve found some new authors that way.

The same goes for awards. I prefer awards where the voting is limited to one vote per person versus ones where there’s no limit on the amount of times someone can vote. To me that’s a more honest representation of a fic and it’s public appeal. It sort of feels shady when the voting isn't secure. I just don't trust any of the wins are honest so I tend to blow those awards off.

I'm also not a fan of contests and awards that set strict rules then don't even ensure their final entrants/nominees fit the criteria. It's sort of half-a$$ed and i just can't be bothered.

How do you choose?



Friday August 6, 2010 at 10:30 AM

So yesterday in the "Dear ____" post I wrote a little note to my wonderful H to ask him to get home soon so we could go see inception and to bring me chocolate. So imagine my surprise when he walks in with the cutest little puppy ever. And I mean EVER.

I was so surprised, in fact, that I didn't believe it was an early birthday present for me for about 5 min. I even ran outside to look for one of his friends to see if they were hiding out there. But no. That adorable dog was mine, and all mine. 


By the way, her name is Dixie. :]


So have you been surprised lately?? Or have you surprised someone lately??

Come share!! :]


Water for elephants!!!

Friday August 6, 2010 at 10:11 AM

I want to discuss this lovely book!

I finished reading it a few weeks ago and I loved it! Everyone should read it! Anyone agree? Someone who doesn't perhaps?

When I finished it, I had high hopes of checking out some fanfiction of it! But there was only ONE!!!! At least on ff. 

Um, yeah. I don't exactly know where I want to come with that. Maybe: Is anyone planning on writing ff about it? If so, I'm veeery curious about what it's about! :D


Save me!

Friday August 6, 2010 at 10:07 AM

I'm sitting here at work on a sunny, hot Friday morning BORED out of my gourd.  I've tried to get on and it's down!  Gah!  I'm beginning to get the shakes since I'm jonesing for my fics.  Anyways, to distract me I figured I'd start a campfire dedicated to...


Post some vids and pics of musicians and actors etc. before they made it big.

Here's my find:

It's Stefani Germanotta before she became...Lady Gaga.  This girl has oodles of talent coming out of her fingers.


Friday August 6, 2010 at 10:00 AM

Does anyone know when TLYDF will be up and running 100%?  I really miss some of their features.


Stupid things

Friday August 6, 2010 at 9:45 AM

So, I've spent this afternoon hiding from my landlord with my flatmates. Finally one of us escaped out the back and ran round to let him in, after he wouldnt give up, only for us to discover he wanted to get in everyone's rooms (where we were hiding). So after getting stuck in a wardrobe (and hurting my ankle in the process) and then having to climb out a window, we ran (or hobbled) round to the front of the house like nothing had happened.


So campers, whats the stupidest thing you've ever done? Have you ever done something that seemed like a good idea which then quickly became a very bad one?

This song will forever remind me of this afternoon!
FYT a bit of Daddy C

Writing *not fanfic* and my first time ;)

Friday August 6, 2010 at 9:26 AM



A Camp Fire about My Boobs

Friday August 6, 2010 at 9:19 AM

So last week I did a campfire right before I had to go for another set of mammography's. Turns out that appointment was cancelled, so I went this past Tuesday. I had three very uncomfortable boob-squishing pics taken then an ultrasound which believe it or not also hurt b/c the tech had to press so damn deep.

Well, they found "something." Not like what you see in T.V. where there's a clear image of say a nickel or pair of scissors seen on the x-ray. Nope, just this little spot. Could be a cyst. Could be fibroids. Could be worse.

So on the 24th I get to go back and have a needle biopsy done! Doesn't that sound fun? Needless to say, I will be doped up on my anti-anxiey meds beforehand.

I'm hoping for cysyt b/c if its fibroid they may tell me to lay off the coffee and that is so not happening. Me with no coffee does not a pretty picture make.

Everyone was so supportive last week that I just wanted to give an update. I appreciate all the love that was sent and hope had everyone fun in that campfire.



FGB- Still taking donations?

Friday August 6, 2010 at 8:43 AM

I found out this week that both the Master of the Universe and Living Backwards FGB outtakes were still available! I was not able to donate during the actual event and am pleased as punch to be able to do so now...

SO - are there any other FGB teams that people are still able to join?


*Just wanted to say that FGB is such a wonderful idea and its great how the Twilight fandom gets involved.



Friday Confusion

Friday August 6, 2010 at 8:41 AM

I get the whole FFAF but This whole friday thing confuses me because I don't understand the times of it at all. You guys are all just starting your Fridays and mines is just about over.

In Aus right now it is 11.48 pm so I would like to ask you what country/state you are in and what time is it? And when are you all mostly on ADF night, morning, afternoon or all three??

Very random campfire but could be fun lol

But it has a little bit of teasing candy...

Our Kellan being a huge tease.

and I'm just lovin' this old style.


Project Team Beta

Friday August 6, 2010 at 7:53 AM

So I've decided to use PTB for my new story and I've got a few questions if anyone can help

1) Once you submit your application how long does it take them to get back to you?

2) I know that all Betas have different styles, some just focus on grammar and spelling and stuff and some get more involved with making the story flow and pointing out parts which don't fit, so is it up to the Beta what they choose to do?

3) Does it bother you that your using different Betas on different chapters or do you like the variation?

Thank you for you help, and for your time:



Friday August 6, 2010 at 7:28 AM

I don't know about you but I could not be happier, my god...It's been a long week.

I think I'll meditate on this image for a minute.

Ahhhh. That's better. :D


Sooooo...Let's talk about you.  


What are you doing this weekend?


I wanna do a little of this....


And a little of this....


I may be irrationally obsessed with Jersey Shore. Reality TV in general.


Tell me your highs, your lows, what you watched last night, explain to me why FF is so troubling right now...ANYTHING.


Examples of early writing?

Friday August 6, 2010 at 6:59 AM

This may possibly be the most stupid-est campfire ever...

So! I was just looking through old school folders and found a story I wrote when I was 15. It was... to put it simply... AWFUL. But I got an A*. The mind boggles y'know? I haven't done Creative Writing since I left school but every now and then I think to myself "I want to start writing again." So, I was just thinking... We all had to start from somewhere y'know? Some of you girls on here are excellent writers, but as they say "An expert at anything, was once a beginner." So how about we all share some examples of our early work... However embarrassing.



"Oh, Faith - that's a beautiful name." He said, this unnevered me, I'd never been complimented on my name before, especially by someone who I'd just met, but to be polite I said thank you.

"What is the problem?" he asked.

"I'm not sure to be perfectly honest, just started making weird noises," I replied.

At this, Chuck's eyes widened. He suddenly developed a stutter and struggled to say "I-I-I-I'm g-g-going to h-have a l-look under the bonnet."

I nodded my head but his presence scared me a little, so I locked my doors. After he'd hummed and hahed around my bonnet for a few moments he said, with a hint of worry in his voice, "I-I-I need you to come check this out, p-p-please."

Why I got out of my car is beyond me, but I did. As he pointed towards some pipe in my bonnet, he grabbed me by the waist and started to drag me to his cottage.


It was a story about a serial killer that had broken out of prison. He'd hidden in the back of Faith's car, waiting to kill her and steal her car, but our little friend Chuck saw him, dragged Faith into his cottage, saved her life and they got married and had 2.4 children. The End.


Haha. I can't believe I'm putting this up here. But, how about some tips on how to improve our writing? I'm guessing I'm not the only person here who is interested in starting to write some fanfic. And I'm guessing I'm not the only person here who is interested in seeing some awful writing, from author's who we deem, pretty perfect.

(Delete this if it's unnecessary and/or has been done, and/or is really, really stupid)


Kristen Stewart. ARGH!

Friday August 6, 2010 at 6:44 AM

I might possibly get shot for writing this. Maybe. Who knows.  I'm home alone on a friday night, with a disgusting virus, my friends are out drinking flirtinis and dancing to gangsta music, my-not-really-but-sorta-boyfriend is out getting drunk with the boys. Cut me some slack. About what i'm about to write I mean. Kristen Stewart. WHO I JUST DON'T GET.

Acting? Yeah. Okay, you've acted.But this doesn't necessarily mean that you are good at acting. You were in a car commercial once. Woo. You were in a movie with Jodie Foster and you looked like a boy. BUT YOUR FACE DOESN'T MOVE!!! Like it only moves so that you can bite your lip. According to you lust, and getting cut open deserve the exact same expression. Here are some examples.

1.Getting your heart ripped out and torn into a gazillion tiny little pieces by a beautiful boy:

2. Getting your arm ripped into a gazillion tiny pieces by a different beautiful boy:  

3. Entire body getting ripped into a gazillion different pieces? Yep same ole'

Yes. I'm sure heartbreak, pain, and fear all deserve the same expression. Hey? I know when i'm about to get mugged i'm delirious with happiness. Same when I spill red wine on my new white dress.

What about Personality? Nah. None. You act like you're so above it all. That you're way too good for it. And I will NEVER get over the time you said you wanted to drive from LONDON to RUSSIA. Fail.

Skip to around 5.00 onwards for the cringe.

So anway, whats the deal? Your face won't move unless you want to gnaw on your lip, you have the personality of a droid. Why the big fuss? Like. Seriously. What?

Maybe all you other campers could help me out. Feel free to hate on me for hatin' on Kristen.

Here is a happy song for a not so happy rant:


 ranger edit:  ADF does not endorse hating on Kstew.  We do, however, endorse not censoring opinions.  If you enter this campfire, please play nice and fair and clean. 

authour note: Woah!  I didn't expect this to get such a reaction out of you all. I respect that the majority of you like her, but I don't think that some of you can accept the fact that I just don't. Simple. She does nothing for me. And here, in a tiny little Australian capital city, many people think the same. I'm thinkin' each to his own in this case. BUT thankyou so much for all the comments, I read every single one, and I'm sure I will continue to. I respect your opinions, but I think some of you need to respect mine.

LJ Summers


Friday August 6, 2010 at 6:40 AM

This is the Master List of Recommended Fan Fiction from the Campers of A Different Forest!


Book Lists









Famous Edward Fics 

Daddyward Fic List

Darkward Fic List

Husbandward Fics

Sportsward Fics

Domward Fics (AH/AU)

Badward Fics (AH)

Subward Fics

Jerk- or Bluntward

Vigilante Edward Fics

Doctorward Fics

Businessward Fics

Vampward Turns Human Fics

Geekward/Geeksper Fics*

Heroward Fics

Niceward Fics

Sickward Fics

Westward Without Teeth Fics

Militaryward Fic List

Tattward Fic List

Copward Fic List

Artistward Fic List

Brokenward Fic List

Internationalward Fic List

Mafiaward Fic List

Lawyerward Fic List

Politicianward Fic List

Nannyward/Nannyella Fic List

Chefward (or Chefella!) Fic List

Homelessward/Homelessella Fic List

Averageward Fic List

Raceward Fic List

Religiousward Fic List

Ruggedward Fic List

Possessiveward Fic List

Bossward Fic List


All Other Twilight Lists



VIP Authors Fic List


Pregnant Bella Fic List

Ranger JennyFly's Fic List

AU FICS - Lemony Goodness

Canon Fics -- All Kinds 

AH Fics - Lemony Goodness

Wolfpack Prose - Fic List 

Angst & Heartfail Fic List

Rated T Fic List 

Slash Fic List 

Fluffy Fic List 

Volturi Fic List 

One-Shot Fic List 

Non-Canon AU Fic List 

AH Non-Canon Fic List 

Crack or Funny Fic List 

High School Fic List

Epic Fics Fic List

Meet on Holiday Fic List

Historical Fics

Completed AU Fics

Jacob/Bella Fic List

Femmeslash Fic List

Completed AH Fics

Emmett/Rosalie Fics

Jasper/Alice Fics

Carlisle/Esme Fics

Mystery Fic List

Bad-A$$ Bella

Pretends to be a Boy Fics

Carlisle/Bella Fics

Love/Hate Fics

May-December Romance Fics

Jasper/Bella Fics (AU/AH)

Crossover Fics

Horror Fics

Emmett and Bella Fics

"Fan Fix" Fics

Best Friends Fall in Love Fics

Childhood Sweetheart Fics

NEW FICS OF THE MONTH [This list is being taken under advisement. Please stand by.]

Love Triangle Fics

Outcast Fics


Sci-Fi Fics

Big Brother Emmett Fics

Real Person Fics

Teacher/Student Fics

Platonic Canon Family Moments

Alternative Backstory Fic List

Polyamory Fic List

Holiday-Themed Fics

Edward/Alice Fics

PTSD Fic List

Bella's Sick! Fic List

Time Travel Fic List

Enchanted Fic List

Indie Fic List

Food Fic List

Songfic Fic List

AH Supernatural Fic List

Charlie-Centric Fic List

Teacher, Teacher! Fic List

Revenge Fic List

VampBella Fic List

Arranged Relationship Fic List

Stomach-Flipping UST Fic List

Short-Story Fic List (30K and under, multichapter)

Mid-Length Fic List (30K - 80K, multichapter)

Road Trip Fic List

Meeting Online Fic List

Curvy Bella Fic List

College Age Romance Fic List

Friends With Benefits Fic List

Peter and Bella Fic List

Weird* Fetish Fic List

Hallowe'en Themed Fic List

Drabble Fic Fic List

One-Night Stand Fic List

Not So Lemony Fic List

Cross-Cultural/Interracial Fic List

Close to Canon, but AH Fic List

Romance with Disabilities Fic List

Summer Lovin' Fic List

Fake Relationships Fic List

Cougarella Fic List

Canon Edward POV Fic List

The End of the World as We Know it Fics





= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 

PLEASE REMEMBER:  These lists are meant to be works in progress.  If you have a fic that you think fits into any of the above categories, go add it!  If you have made a rec in any of the above categories and you have MORE, go add them!  

IF anyone thinks of other categories that really ought to be included, please PM me and I'll make another list. :D  AND I'll add that list to THIS LIST so that the Master List stays current.

Please do not make additional recommendations to THIS LIST. Please make your recommendations to the lists linked above.  

Thanks SO MUCH!


We have a G-Docs Spreadsheet with Fic links in it, too!



Is it Friday Free For All yet?

Friday August 6, 2010 at 2:06 AM

I'm pretty sure it is!

And well it's a slow night so . . . .

1-2-3-4 I declare a gif war!


Let's make it happen people.

Note to all who enter here, it's probably gonna get dirty and raunchy and WAY too slow-computer-down-y (I know, it's bad) real soon.

Umm . . . TRUST, you've been warned!

First --- | >> | 1061 | 1062 | 1063 | 1064 | 1065 | 1066 | 1067 | 1068 | 1069 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
