I might possibly get shot for writing this. Maybe. Who knows. I'm home alone on a friday night, with a disgusting virus, my friends are out drinking flirtinis and dancing to gangsta music, my-not-really-but-sorta-boyfriend is out getting drunk with the boys. Cut me some slack. About what i'm about to write I mean. Kristen Stewart. WHO I JUST DON'T GET.
Acting? Yeah. Okay, you've acted.But this doesn't necessarily mean that you are good at acting. You were in a car commercial once. Woo. You were in a movie with Jodie Foster and you looked like a boy. BUT YOUR FACE DOESN'T MOVE!!! Like it only moves so that you can bite your lip. According to you lust, and getting cut open deserve the exact same expression. Here are some examples.
1.Getting your heart ripped out and torn into a gazillion tiny little pieces by a beautiful boy:
2. Getting your arm ripped into a gazillion tiny pieces by a different beautiful boy:
3. Entire body getting ripped into a gazillion different pieces? Yep same ole'
Yes. I'm sure heartbreak, pain, and fear all deserve the same expression. Hey? I know when i'm about to get mugged i'm delirious with happiness. Same when I spill red wine on my new white dress.
What about Personality? Nah. None. You act like you're so above it all. That you're way too good for it. And I will NEVER get over the time you said you wanted to drive from LONDON to RUSSIA. Fail.
Skip to around 5.00 onwards for the cringe.
So anway, whats the deal? Your face won't move unless you want to gnaw on your lip, you have the personality of a droid. Why the big fuss? Like. Seriously. What?
Maybe all you other campers could help me out. Feel free to hate on me for hatin' on Kristen.
Here is a happy song for a not so happy rant:
ranger edit: ADF does not endorse hating on Kstew. We do, however, endorse not censoring opinions. If you enter this campfire, please play nice and fair and clean.
authour note: Woah! I didn't expect this to get such a reaction out of you all. I respect that the majority of you like her, but I don't think that some of you can accept the fact that I just don't. Simple. She does nothing for me. And here, in a tiny little Australian capital city, many people think the same. I'm thinkin' each to his own in this case. BUT thankyou so much for all the comments, I read every single one, and I'm sure I will continue to. I respect your opinions, but I think some of you need to respect mine.