
Prefrence anyone?

Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 10:23 AM

Okay, so not much has been going on in the forest lately, aside from the rec campfires, so let's start something that everyone has an opinion on - maybe you'll make a new friend ;D

What character personality do you love reading the most - the ones that make you continue reading a story with a plot you hate because you just can't get enough of your one and only?

Are you a fan of Darkward, Tormentward, Stalkerella, Emoward, Dadward, Momella, Darksper?  Rant about what you prefer!

Mine's in the comments ^^


The gift that keeps on giving...

Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 9:09 AM

... KStew's bitchface.

Okay, so I was going through my Kristen pictures this morning, thinking I'd have HUNDREDS of bitchface pics to share. THIS WAS NOT THE CASE. In fact, homegirl smiles A LOT. But the ones we do have??? Epic. They never get old. I love her bitchface so, so much. I know everyone has a fave, so SHARE THEM WITH ME and your fellow campers. Also, feel free to share pics of her looking badass. Also, any awesome quotes that make you want to hug her until she gives YOU the bitchface.


Pics are in the comments. Play nice. You guys rock.

patent peekaboo poses


Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 8:40 AM

Anyone know some good AwkWard fics? I read the contest ones, and loved them.


I just need a laugh atm. It's one of those days..

LJ Summers

Meet on Holiday Fic List

Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 6:59 AM

Those were some amazing Daddyward fics yesterday!  I am loving how great everyone is about participating in these rec lists!  You Campers are AMAZING!

I got a specific request last week for a certain kind of fic.  I perused my lists and do NOT have one of these marked – I do not believe I've read one! So I will leave this up to those of you who have:

Fics where Edward and Bella meet while on vacation/holiday!


(FYI: Above pic taken on a webcam at Fort Myers Beach, FL during spring break a couple of years ago.)

All ratings apply here. :) 

To refresh your memory:  The Master Fic List is here ---->  CLICK!  I am keeping it updated with the links to ALL THE REC LISTS, so if you haven't been keeping each one favorited (by punching the heart at the top of the campfire) please refer to the Master List to find what you want. :)

Again, I haven't read any like this that I can recall so I don't have a rec to leave in the comments. Those, I leave to YOU!


Thank you so much for sharing your Meet on Holiday recs around the fire!

Baruka Athena

WANTED: grammar/spelling nazi

Tuesday August 10, 2010 at 6:53 AM

Hello lovely campers!

I was writing on my fic yesterday and I realized something when I had no idea whether to use lay, laid, lie whatever. I NEED A GRAMMAR NAZI. So I was wondering if somebody would help me out. 

I already have a beta who is helping me with the flow of the story and minor spelling/grammar checking. But since neither of us is a native English speaker, I need some more help. Basically, I need someone who is willing to read a finished chapter and correct it before I post it on 

The story is called Who Are You? and it's a Darksper story with a feisty Bella, also starring Peter and Charlotte. There quite some smut and minor foul language. It's 8 chapters in for the moment and the next chapter is almost finished. 

To make this a little more interactive: If you are in need of a service of any of the campers, just ask. I feel like a nice footrub myself, so if anyone is offering?




Idk if I'm dreaming/making this up

Monday August 9, 2010 at 10:38 PM

Someone tweeted these tonight.

I can't be bothered to go back and find the source, it's some kid who says he saw Kristen (and she's 'perfect') in Montreal tonight.


or 'tomstew' as ranger tor just called them.


(p.s. garrett looks hot. don't hate. i'm js)



Monday August 9, 2010 at 10:38 PM

so summer days seem to be too long without school, and i need something to keep me entertained.

can anyone reccomend me some really CAPTIVATING fics?

like fics that keep you reading, and pull you in?

AH and preferrabley ExB but i can read others too.

i just got up to date with secrets lies and family ties, and Just Wait, and both of those are the kind of stories im looking for

something that completely sucks you in.

for your time:

IDK if this is fake or not but i thought it was funny.



Monday August 9, 2010 at 10:32 PM

 Nope, not this



nor him

Though for some reason this picture kills me in a way to which I would love to become accustomed

Rob + Obsession - we'd need a new word for Obsession.

I digress (who wouldn't?), well actually many, but IDC, it's my fantasy.

No I'm not talking about our Twilight obsessions, but I am talking about the obsession one gets when one has updated a fic, or, gasp, posted a completely, brand spanking sparkly new one. I'm talking about the obsession we authors have with our stat counters over in

It's affecting my life. Now, I've heard that once an obsession spills out over into your life one should seek immediate help - but I don't want to let go of mine.

Watching that little graph with it's blue and yellow towers (or building blocks in my case) indicating that someone out there is reading my work is something I wholly enjoy. I love it. I do. It's the first thing I'll do in the morning after the night before (you know, the night before when you went all the way and posted that chapter that had YOU on the edge of your seat - and you know what's going to happen after the little cliffhanger you've just left your readers tiptoeing along)

I was supposed to have written at least 2k today - I was doing swimmingly - until I posted the chapter-to-end-all-chapters and the prologue-to-end-all-prologues.

Please, tell me I'm not alone in this colossal waste of time, watching little numbers change on a computer screen?

Does anyone else do it?

Sir Rachel

You know the drill.

Monday August 9, 2010 at 8:13 PM

No, not this High Noon:


The one by J and J, of course!

Then come discuss with me! Cause I owe J and J about 5000 words in reviews.


Facepalm Score: 7.3.

Monday August 9, 2010 at 7:55 PM

So, I was leaving Starbucks tonight, and when I walked around back to my car, a cicada killer (this is what they look like) flew at my face and I screamed, and accidentally set off my car alarm. Two guys from the front ran around to see if I was okay. LOL. Seriously, I can't make this stuff up!


Ever have moments like these?  GIVE ME YOUR EMBARRASSING STORIES! Pretty Please?


ok, i give up.

Monday August 9, 2010 at 7:29 PM

alright, i know there is a weekly amnesia campfire, but i can't remember when it is, and i have been searching for this fic all day, so help me out?

I think the title may be in latin or something... can't quite remember.....

Forks WA is overrun with vamps, the bad kind.  Said vamps use humans as their willing, (and unwilling) blood donors and sex slaves. There is a daily blood collection van that drives around getting blood from the humans.....

Bella and Charlie are major players in the resistance. Bella is close to Seth Clearwater, and when he is injured during an escape attempt she is overtaken while trying to save him?

Edward rescues her and takes her to the cullen house in Oregon....

I remember lots more, but i don't want to give away the whole plot if someone hasn't read..... I think it is a biggish fic though??? Hope it didn't just stop updating!



Whatcha buying?

Monday August 9, 2010 at 7:22 PM

I went on a bit of a beauty kick this week and bought some fun nail polishes. Show me some of your recent purchases and why you bought/love them or do you have buyer's remorse?



Bye Bye, Hat Guy

Monday August 9, 2010 at 5:15 PM

It's a bittersweet day.  One of my favorite fics of all time from one of my favorite people of all time ended today.  Let us celebrate both the perfect ending to Brown Study and my partner-in-Tom, littlesecret84, by showing her some hat love.

Congrats, Ser!!  


Published Fics???

Monday August 9, 2010 at 5:04 PM

So, flipping through the pulled/not been updated in forever campfire, I couldn't help by notice that is was mentioned that some of the fics have been published. I personally haven't been involved in the fandom long enough, (or maybe just not involved enough period) to be aware of any of these. I did notice that "Three Daves" book advertised on you know where has been published. I've thought about giving it a shot. But I'm curious, how many of these thing are out there in published form? And are they any good? And if you've read them before and after, do like like them as much, (better?) after all Twi references are pulled? Do they leave the LEMONS intact???


Oh, and where can I get them???

thanks for satiating my curiosity!!!


Twilight Guilty Pleasures REMIX

Monday August 9, 2010 at 3:13 PM

So...I'm addicted to Facebook games because I'm just THAT cool.
A few weeks ago, while playing one of my favorites, Petville, I came across this little gem of a game update


Obviously I had to screencap that so I could show everyone here, but that didn't happen right away because I'm not very good at making things interactive.
So last night, after a conversation with some very interesting thought processes, some ADF friends and I were able to come up with a connection between this "Dusk" collection and Twilight guilty pleasures.
If you really need to know how this makes sense, I'll tell you, but it's not very important

(cue awkward transition to the interactive portion of the campfire)

Obviously we're all here because of our love of Twilight, but I'd guess many of us take this love obsession a lot farther than we'd like to admit.
For this campfire, let's be open about our Twilight guilty pleasures.
Did you purchase a manillow? Make bad fan art? Good?
Be honest. How many hours a day do you spend in your daughter's room while she's at school because your husband won't let you put the posters on your wall?
Tell me everything.

Here's where the REMIX comes in.
I know we've visited this topic before, so let's change it up a bit.
Maybe you don't have a guilty pleasure, but I bet you've heard stories. So instead of, or maybe in addition to your own guilty pleasure, tell us about something crazy you've just heard about.
But that's not all. I've got one more option for your response. We're all about having fun around here, right?
Unless you're new, I'm sure you've seen the rumor and prank campfires.
In that spirit, MAKE UP a story. It can be extreme and obvious or something really mild. Let's see if people can guess if it's a truth or a lie.

Tell truths, tell lies. Got one of each? Perfect. Let's make this fun.


Monday Monday~~

Monday August 9, 2010 at 7:09 AM

Hello Campers!!


is it good to you?


is it all you hope it would be?

How was your weekend, Campers?!?
Last night the Teen Choice Awards were taped in LA.  The show will air tonight on Fox (idk what time).  But if you were anywhere near the internet I'm sure you've seen something indicating who already won. (does anyone even care about this?)
Here are some pics...
I won't SPOIL the awards show in case you wanted to watch it and be surprised... but here's this...
Twilight won like 16 awards I think... and Rob won a non-twi thing that he was pretty happy about.
Some Random for yer Monday....

~Approximately 60% of the water used by households during the summer is used for watering flowers and lawns.
~Sound travels fifteen times faster through steel than through air.
~The 7-Eleven Extreme Gulp is 50% bigger than the volume of the human stomach!
~22% of people leave the glob of toothpaste in the sink.
~The average garden-variety caterpillar has 248 muscles in its head.
~Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.
~The U.S. eastern seaboard consumes almost 50% of all ice cream sandwiches.


Tell me something good!

LJ Summers

Daddyward Fic List

Monday August 9, 2010 at 5:54 AM

Just when you thought it was SAFE to come to the FOREST again!

I have been wowed by the terrific fanficking recommendations the Campers of ADF have put forth for the entertainment of one another. This is SO COOL.

When I posted my Master Fic List last Friday, I received several ideas for more lists!  So, I am going to continue posting these lists for fic recommendations until, I guess, I run out of requests. 

Today, we're looking for Daddyward Fics.  Stories where Edward (vampire or human) is a father.  So share with us the very BEST Daddyward fics!

If you're looking for all the links for all the rec lists, I refer you to the Master Fic List.  There were sixteen on that list last week and I am NOT going to post them all here. lol 

Remember the Campfire Rules:  

1.  Keep it simple.  This is not a regular rec campfire. This is a listing of your favorite Daddyward stories.

2.  No discussions.  Just copy, paste and go!  


My first recommendation will be within.

Thank you for sharing your favorite fics around the fire!


The Cutest things

Monday August 9, 2010 at 12:28 AM

At the relentless insistance of my friend Robyn, a.K.a. the Mominator, I have found my way over here :)


For my first Campfire, I want to talk about the cutest things.

My hubby and I were driving, on our way to go shopping and I can't remember what happened to make me say it, but I told him that "I think I just lost my stomach."

Of course, the curious little ears in the back seat happens to pick up on everything and says "No you didn't, it's still there..."

That was the cutest thing from her.


What are some of the cutest things you can remember, whether it was from your kids, friends, family, or significant other?




Heather, a.K.a. Bella Quinn
And for my photo of the day....


Our darlin' Angel



Sunday August 8, 2010 at 11:41 PM

Yeah, I know, it's another campfire from me. I've just been busy in the fandom today!

Anyway, so I've got quite a bit on my writing plate right now. I've got two three WIP's, a fic that I'm writing in advance, FGB stuff, AND a fic that I'm attempting to edit.


Is anyone else a little more than stressed about the amount of writing that's expected from them? Whether you brought it on yourself or not. ;)


What is the name of this FIC???

Sunday August 8, 2010 at 11:17 PM

hey guys i was just wondering is anyone knows the name of this fic. it was pretty popular so im hoping someone might know what im talking about. the story was about bella and edward going to carlisle's funeral and then they had to stay because i think edward got a job there anyway bella doesnt like being near edward for some reason i cant remember now but i do remember bella living in edwards parents old house which is really old and emmet fixes the roof and e&b make edwards room together.

yeah hope that helps i cant really recall a storyline just bits and pieces though. 

thank you

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