
What are you looking for?

Monday August 2, 2010 at 6:26 PM

Welcome to the

*Request Campfire*

Request a type of fic, request help finding a new book, request some advice

or request anything at all*

Just remember to put your request in

Big Colorful Letters!




*no downloads, of course. Do I need to keep saying this?


kristen shot JR

Monday August 2, 2010 at 4:57 PM

spoiler campfire

nothing that hasn't come out yet, please

The Hat Does Nothing

Old School... Yo?

Monday August 2, 2010 at 4:01 PM

Ladies, I Hope Ya'll can be Super-Mega-Foxy-Awesome-Hot Right now.
(Yes, I have been watching AVPM&AVPS On Repeat)
Im In A Serious Search For REALLY GOOD Od School Rap Songs.
So Far I Have;
Let Me Clear My Throat - DJ Kool


Bust A Move - Young MC


And Ice Ice Baby - Vanilla Ice


But I Want More. So 80s & 90s Kids And All The Other Ladies!
HELP! Oh, And You Can Blame
Just One Of the Guys
by SorceressCirce

For Inspiring This Campfire :)



FF Sneak Peek

Monday August 2, 2010 at 2:59 PM

Do you write fan fiction?

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

Don't forget to include a link!

Add banners, artwork, videos too if you want. Show us what you got. Tease away!!!


Just Wait Updated

Monday August 2, 2010 at 2:03 PM

Poor Edward :(

Read it then come discuss!!



Monday August 2, 2010 at 1:10 PM

Why is no one talking about this?


I don't know what I'm going to do till Sunday! Gah!


Monday News and More...

Monday August 2, 2010 at 8:00 AM

Hello Campers!

Happy Monday to ya!!

I hope you all had a fantabulous weekend.  Mine was quiet, and relaxing, and I got a TON of writing done! I am OVERWHELMED by the response to the Secrets campfire yesterday.  You all are such an amazing group of beautiful people.  I'm in awe :)

So let's get straight to business.... Some News:

Unless you've been hiding under your bed for the past week, you already know that my stalker, Robert Pattinson, took some time from making my life miserable and spent the weekend fliming Water For Elephants in GA and TN.

He was seen at some bar in Chattanooga:

looks like he had a good time. source


Also... apparently Rob saw this dog and decided to get the hell out of there...

It's being reported that Rob was so taken by the pooch that he wants to adopt it.  The trainer was all like dude it's gonna cost you a grip, this isn't just a dog, it's an ACTOR.  Rob doesn't care though...he just wants a new friend.  No news yet if he was able to get the dog or not.  Srsly...this is pressing news. source


It's clear that Kellan Lutz doesn't mind being photographed when he's out and about.  He was seen golfing at Pelican Hill Resort in Cali over the weekend.  He even posed for a few pics...  source


Rachelle Levere is featured in the July issue of Tails magazine for her work helping animals.  She's the face of a campaign battling puppy mills and irresponsible breeding.  Read the whole thing here if yer interested.



~In Texas, you can be legally married by publicly introducing a person as your husband or wife 3 times.
~85% of men who die of heart attacks during intercourse, are found to have been cheating on their wives.
~You can only tell the gender of a Macaw through an operation. They lack exterior genitals.
~An oyster can change its sex once every seven days.
~Richard and Carol Roble are the most re-married couple. They wed each other 56 times, beginning in 1969.
~The average shelf-life of a latex condom is about two years.
~An adulterous Greek male was sometimes punished by the removal of his pubic hair and the insertion of a large radish into his rectum.



Someone amazing just sent me this--


So tell me something good campers!  Or just give me a good song to work to...
Have a great Day!!! (or night)
LJ Summers

Crack or Funny Fic List

Monday August 2, 2010 at 6:27 AM

Good morning and HAPPY MONDAY!

In my world, MONDAY is the best day of the week. SERIOUSLY.

Now, an unusual thing has happened in the Forest.  People have been using their PM function and sending me little notes!  *bounce* Because of these notes, I am going to be asking you, CAMPERS OF ADF, to help us out and bring on some more fics for specific lists.

Today, as you surely read as you entered the campfire, is for Crackfic. Funny stuff.  Things that should make a reader laugh, darn it.

For this, I figure ANYTHING GOES.  Recommend your AH, AU, G - NC-17 favorite fun fics.  One shots or multichapter experiences.  Anything that you find funny so that if someone says, "I'm having a ROTTEN day and I need to LAUGH. What've ya got?"  We can point them to THIS LIST.

I'm gonna figure you all know by now to keep the responses in this list to the story titles and authors and links.  You KNOW we're not discussing them here, right?  


GOOD! :)

Right now, our entire List of Fic Listings is located at the AH Non-Canon Pairing List.  So click there if you're looking for the lists.  I am thinking that later this week I will make a post that is a list of lists.  So you can punch the favorite heart and keep it for a favorite campfire if you're so inclined.

Ready?  Bring on the funny, people!

My first recs will be in the campfire.


Thank you, so much, for sharing your rec's with the Forest!


In desperate beta need

Sunday August 1, 2010 at 9:46 PM

My betas are out of commission. I have a slashy o/s in need of a beta right quick cos it's due ASAP.

I'm sorry rangers if this isn't allowed. I'm super desperate as I thought my girls would be able to help me out but alas, I am sans beta.


Anyone good with Femmeslash and wanna do a lil look through/ content-clarity assist? I would be indebted greatly and I always repay my debts!



I want your opinion

Sunday August 1, 2010 at 9:01 PM

So tonight we have touched upon the fact that T rated fics don't get read as much as M rated fics and I was wondering why that was.

I write a T rated fic that I beleive is well written, there is no smut and minimal swearing, so I don't see any need to xhange it to a Mrating except for maybe gaining readers.

What are the opinions of the wonderful and all-knowing campers as to why T rated fics seem to be left in the dust?




Palefaces in Arizona?!

Sunday August 1, 2010 at 8:33 PM

I have a small pet peeve that I'd like to share with you.  It's about something pretty inconsequential.  I know this.  But I've reached my limit and need to get it out.

Not everyone in Arizona is tan.  No, really.  I (unfortunately) live here, so I know.  Lots of us are pale.  We wear sunscreen every day, or hats, or even carry around umbrellas. (I don't do the latter two.  Honest.)

Now it's true that there are tan people here, and not even from the sun; my town has an ungodly number of tanning salons where young women pay MONEY to increase their risk of skin cancer over and above the frightening levels our state blesses us with already.  But as a state, we are no more tan than, say, New Jersey.  

So, my dear fanfic writers, you can feel free to give that cliche a rest.  I'd be super grateful.  In fact, as a token of my advance appreciation, I'll leave you with this piece of hysterical fabulousness from The Onion.


Al-Qaeda Calls Off Attack On Nation's Capitol To Spare Life Of 'Twilight' Author


Author Age in Fanfic

Sunday August 1, 2010 at 7:45 PM

I saw this post a good while back with an author who was 13 and writing M-rated stories with no lemons in them.

This is sort of like that, but sort of different.

I was wondering if you guys think that being underage in any way alienates certain authors.

I ask because I'm 18 (holla!) and I began writing M fics when I was 17. Honestly, I don't feel any more mature now than I did six months ago, but it's like my life in the fandom has completely changed. People are willing to (gasp) talk to me now like an equal! Of course, I'm not going to name any names, but I was surprised by the turn around of some people that wouldn't even acknowledge me when I was 17.

Honestly, ya'll have to admit that M-rated fics get much more attention than T-rated fics anyway. So, what would be the appeal of writing a T with half the fan base?

So, do you think it's right to punish or ignore an author that writes above their age?

I would like to reiterate that I am NOT talking about underage readers. ONLY UNDERAGE WRITERS. 

I don't know if this campfire isn't allowed. If it's not just let me know and I'll delete it.

Some yummy fyt:


I need some rec's...

Sunday August 1, 2010 at 7:33 PM

Harry Potter's birthday was like two days ago and it got me thinking about Harry Potter fan fic. I have only read about two or three HP fan fics and they were REALLY bad. I can't remember much about them, just that I didn't wanna waste my time on them. So I gave up on the HP fan fic thing. But in the last, few days I've been searching and looking for some well written HP fan fic, and they seem to avoid me. And that makes me sad.

Soo, I started my career as a fan fic reader in the Twilight fandom, but I know some of you have been reading/writing HP fan fic and been active in that fandom for years. So could you rec me some good HP fan fics? Pretty please with sugar on top?

I'm not picky, all I'm asking is that it's well written. I'll take all ships too.

For your trouble, I give you this man as a gift:

You're welcome

Ps. I've saved Finding Himself by Minisinoo and will start reading very soon 


Twilight Dreams of The Change

Sunday August 1, 2010 at 6:58 PM

Last night, I had an insanely detailed dream that involved wolves and Cullens and all sorts of stuff.   I'm kinda embarassed, but hoping for some others who've had similar experiences will come forward.  Have you dreamed yourself into the world of Vamps?

In the dream, I was Bella (natch) and I convinced Edward to change me (yay!).  He does so by just scraping his teeth over pulse points in neck, arms/wrists, ankles and over my heart.  We'd all prepared for a place for the 3 days to pass and wolves were watching for bad guys, but the bad guys got to the house and wrecked it till it couldn't be used.  Come to find out, I had a non-burning Change...  Just itched like hell for 3 days.  No laying there, screaming - just continuing to go about my business under everyone's watchful gaze.  There was some terrible accident on the road nearby and the injured had to be removed to hospital so they wouldn't incite possible bloodlust.  Edward and the Wolf pack took care of getting them all to hospital and jobs and such.  By the time they got back, the change was almost done, cemeteries and games and road trips ensued.  And... then I woke up.  It made way more sense in the dream!

I got caught up with High Noon yesterday, so maybe that's why?  Please tell me I'm not the only wacko who has vampire dreams once in awhile.





Sunday August 1, 2010 at 6:56 PM

Ninapolitan has updated 'The Wingman'

You should read the chapter and then discuss it with me ;)



Self-ish Publishing

Sunday August 1, 2010 at 6:44 PM

This is my first Campfire but I've probably semi-lurked around her for the most part of this year.  So, hello there all you fabulous ADFers!

My small contribution to the world of fan fic is a handful of stories and some avid fangirling over some amazing Twific authors, many of whom are VIPs here in the Forest.

Now...a little about me.  I am probably old enough to be your mother.  In fact, my own mother is 87 years old and she LOVES to read.  The retirement community she lives in has a library that is filled with all sorts of novels, many of the romance version.  Mom has read well over 500 books since my Dad died four years ago. 

Anyway, getting back to the Fandom:  Mom found out that I have a few stories on line and she wants to read one of them, specifically "The Mail Order Bride."  The problem is, how?  She has an archaic computer with a dial up modem.  She never uses it -- it was more my Dad's thing when he was alive.  I tried to load TMOB onto her computer but its version of Microsoft Word is older than mine and it wouldn't open.  I tried updating her version online but her connection was too piss poor.  I looked to see if I could print the thing out and guess what?  We are looking at over 1,000 pages or more in a print large enough to for 86 year old eyes to read (and my printer to survive).

So, I've been looking at on line publishing sites like Lulu.com that is a form of self-pub.  I figured I could get a few copies of the thing printed out and give it to Lady Gwynedd, Sr. for her reading pleasure -- she swears the lemony stuff won't bother her. 

I have no intention whatsoever to print more than a couple copies for my own self-indulgence and my mother's use.  I have never been interested in selling my stuff.

Have any of you ever done this?  TMOB is really not at all recognizable for being something from Twilight, except for the names of most of the major characters. The characteristics and plot are really as far from Forks as you can get (even though at one time I was thinking of throwing a few vampires in there but my readers were tactfully saying WTF? So, I didn't.)  Would I have to change their names, even if I wasn't trying to sell my books?

Any suggestions, ideas?

Thank you.


Happy Birthday WhatsMyNomDePlume!

Sunday August 1, 2010 at 6:36 PM

It's the lovely, talented WhatsMyNomDePlume's birthday!  Leave her some love, or poem, or whatever tickles your fancy!

Happy Birthday, ANYA!


ILY WHATSMYNOMNOMNOM! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥



Sunday August 1, 2010 at 6:07 PM

Official ADF

True Blood Sundays

Post gifs, pics, commentary, spoilers, gripes, whatever.

Just keep it True Blood related!

wolvesnvamps approved


Double Whammy!

Sunday August 1, 2010 at 5:50 PM

I'm totally killing two birds with one stone with this :D

Today I spent most of the afternoon reading "With Teeth" by TalulaBlue. I had been putting it off due to how much angst I've heard was is in it. But I finally relented this afternoon and I have to say this is what I looked like for the past 5 hours... only my face was a bit more distressed.

I thought it was so ridiculously amazing that I completely forgot the world around me. I had been planning on doing quite a bit this afternoon, but got totally distracted with this and got nothing done. One of my roommates told me I was going to get back pain for hunching over my laptop and that I needed to do something productive with my time besides staring at a computer screen for hours on end.

So, my question is, when you guys get so sucked into a fic that everything you planned to do and all your surroundings are completely forgotten, do you feel unproductive? Or do you say it's the same as getting into a really good book? Do you feel that just because you sit at the computer for 4 hours reading instead of with a 400 page book in a big, comfy chair people automatically assume you're doing nothing constructive? People say reading a good book works your brain; why can't reading fanfiction online do the same thing?


Also! I just finished reading this on Friday afternoon.

I'm 99.8% sure it was THE heaviest, hardest and most depressing book I've ever read. It was fantastic, so I recommend it to everyone, but now, I definitely need some lighter reading. When I say lighter, I don't mean funnier, just something that it doesn't physically hurt to read haha. I looove love love drama in books, the kind that has me wanting to shake some sense into the characters.

So, can y'all share with me books you are reading now or have read previously that left a mark on you.
I have to ask though, no "The Millennium Trilogy" or "Hunger Games trilogy" as I've read and adore them already and am an anxiously waiting for the final one of latter :)



Jasper Whitlock

Dr. Feelgood is Here

Sunday August 1, 2010 at 2:04 PM

Ask Jasper

Anything you want, campers.  I'm here for you.

I've decided that black font will be my signature.  One of the campers here told me to pick a signature color, and Alice says black will never go outta style.

Oh, and this was posted with permission from that ranger with a fascination for the KStew.

First --- | >> | 1064 | 1065 | 1066 | 1067 | 1068 | 1069 | 1070 | 1071 | 1072 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
