Good afternoon and HAPPY FRIDAY!
(I mean, you know, for those of us for whom it is Friday upon stopping by this campfire...)
Gather 'round and bring your munchies for this Friday Fic List Compilation.
Today, I'm asking you to share with the Forest and all our guests the best you know in ALL HUMAN NON-CANON PAIRINGS.
Yesterday, there was some confusion. Yesterday, the request was for ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE (i.e. vampire and werewolves et al) NON-CANON PAIRINGS...and, ah, some humans showed up anyway.
They're entirely welcome to return to the campfire today!
Let's share stories where our favorite Twilight characters are just human beings, but they're not with their canon sweetie! Carlisle and Bella, anyone? Bella and Embry? Esme and Jacob? Hey, if they're human, bring them!
This is the last of the planned fic lists. Here, then, is the sum total of the lists that the Campers of ADF have compiled:
AU - Lemony Goodness
Canon - All Kinds
AH - Lemony Goodness
Wolfpack Prose
Angst & Heartfail
Rated T, PG, PG-13
Slash Fics
Fluffy Fics
Volturi Fics
Alternative Universe, Non-Canon Pairing Fics
That's a lot of fan fiction! Wow!
Now, if you're just joining us, these lists have been carefully compiled by Campers here at A Different Forest for the purpose of future reference. If you click on the heart at the top of a campfire, you can mark the campfire as a FAVORITE. Then, when you wish to refer to it again, you merely go to the campfire icon and find My Favourites in the drop-down menu. Click on that and you'll see all the campfires you've marked.
Regarding these lists, you can refer folks to them the next time someone says, "I'm looking for a great _________________story. What do you recommend?" We've got it covered!
REMEMBER: These lists are meant to be works in progress! If you have already contributed to them but have new fics to add, by all means return to the campfire and edit your prior comment there. If you haven't, you can add a new comment with your recommendations. :)
Remember the rules of the campfire: Keep it simple and no discussions. I think y'all have it wired, by now. ;-)
My recs, as always, will be within.
Thank you all so much for sharing your favorite ALL HUMAN NON-CANON PAIRINGS around the campfire!