
Panic Attacks.

Thursday July 29, 2010 at 8:02 AM

I know this has nothing to do with Twilight or fanfiction, or anything Robert Pattinson related. But I need advice, and I really have nobody to turn too. So, rangers, feel free to pull this is you don't find it appropriate. And if nobody replies, I'll delete it. 

I'm an extremely awkward person. In bad situations, I laugh because I don't know how to handle it. When somebody is crying, I try my best not to laugh. I know I shouldn't, and I don't do it purposefully, but I do it. I can't help it. 

My boyfriend has panic attacks. He's had them for years, but I've only known him for a couple months. Sometimes they're bad, sometimes they're not. I've only been around him a handful of times while he was having one, but he always comes to me when hes panicing via phone call, msn, or text. And I'm like what do I do? My mother panic's too, but I've never witnessed that.

My boyfriend just told me he was having a panic attack. And I'm like what? Because he was fine just a second ago. I have no idea what to say! I have no idea what to do. We were laying in bed, and he started having one, and I just laid there and rubbed his back. He likes it when people talk to him, and help him get him mind off them, but I like go blank, and have no idea what to say! I try to encourage him, saying "you're fine. Nothings wrong with you. You aren't dying, just breath" but I feel like that doesn't help.. I feel useless..

I know that no matter what, I'll never understand them, because I don't have them. I can google them and research them as much as I want, but I'll never truly understand. 

Anyway, my questions: Do you suffer from panic attacks? Do you know somebody who does? How do you handle it? 

posted with permission by wtvoc


WFE moving to Georgia-

Thursday July 29, 2010 at 7:54 AM

Water For Elephants wrapped shooting in LA yesterday...

The film's director tweeted this from the set--

Rob on set yesterday...

Later this week... the final scenes will be filmed in Tennessee and Georgia---

Major Hollywood film to be shot in Chattanooga area

CHICKAMAUGA, GA. (WRCB) - A family in North Georgia is about to become part of movie history. Carol Cross says her husband and his brother own the home where scenes of the movie Water for Elephants will be shot later on this week.

The Cross family says they were approached about the film in the spring. Since that time numerous film crews have traveled back and forth to Chickamauga, Georgia to scout and prepare the site.

"A man just approached him and asked him who owned the house and wanted to know if it would be ok if they considered shooting a movie there, "Carol Cross says.

The family says crews spent months and miles on the interstate trying to find the perfect location to shoot the scenes dating back to the 1930's.

"It has no electricity it has no water, no one has lived in it for 12 years," Cross says.

Channel 3 Eyewitness News has learned actor Robert Pattinson, famous for the Twilight movie series, will be coming to Chickamauga later this week to film scenes.

Much of the equipment used to shoot the movie is being held at the Chattanooga Choo Choo hotel.

"Sure we are going to be part of the history and there is gonna be people talking about this for years to come," Cross says.

Choo Choo officials wanted us to make it very clear they have extra security on the scene for the movie equipment.

We have also learned film crews will also shoot at the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum.

source, source


Leaving Reviews

Thursday July 29, 2010 at 7:48 AM

This question goes out to the writers out there.

I read a lot of FanFic. Some I truly adore and some I can't believe I spent time on, but I have never written a review. I do however, pass the links on to people that I think would like the story as much as I did...

My question to you is: What is the best way to review your story? By the chapter I just read or wait until the story is finished? Do you actually respond to questions that may be posted to you (time allotting of course) Can some reviews upset you if they are not quote on the nice side, and if so- do you appreciate the honesty or would you rather not even get that type of review?

I ask this as I was at the Comic Con FanFic panel and reviews were mentioned so I would like the authors I am currently enjoying to know how much I like what they are doing. (and I don't want to sound mean or super critical in any review- it is truly for constructive purposes only, as I am NOT a write)

Thanks for the info!!


LJ Summers

Non-Canon AU Fic List

Thursday July 29, 2010 at 6:34 AM

Good morning!

Sorry for bailing yesterday on the my own, self-imposed schedule for putting up Forest-Recommended Fic Lists, but I was occupied with maternal moments for at least half of yesterday.  


Today is Part One of the Non-Canon-Athon.  AU = Alternative Universe = Supernatural elements (vampires, werewolves, angels, Olympian Gods... it's all good if it's Twilight!). The only hitch is that the stories in THIS list have to contain NON-CANON pairings!

Want to read how Jacob gets Bella?  Or how about Major Whitlock with the brown-eyed girl?  Some Leah and Edward sexual tension?  Rosalie and Edward?   Alice and Emmett?  Bring it!

We've done a slash list already, but they ARE non-canon pairings so feel free to include them here, too!

Remember the Rules of the Campfire:  KEEP IT SIMPLE  &  NO DISCUSSIONS.   Just share the title, author, their summary and let it speak for itself.

OH, a special thank you from the One-Shot list!  A big THANKS to everyone who contributed and highlighted, emboldened, whatever the WORD COUNTS on that list.  Looked great! :)

On to your AU Non-Canon listings...!  My first recs will be inside the campfire.

Thank you all for helping us to gather such amazing fics to recommend! 


Added for emphasis:  This list is for AU stories.  Meaning, Alternative Universe as opposed to All Human.  All Human Non-Canon will be the next list.


Can't Find Anything Good!

Thursday July 29, 2010 at 6:20 AM

I must have started 15 different fics so far and I couldn't get into any of them (maybe an exaggeration, more like 10).

So if anybody knows of any good, completed, B+E, AH fics pleeeeeease let me know.

Rob is preying for your assistance and thanks you for your time : )


You Get Me Closer to God, CD B made E?

Thursday July 29, 2010 at 5:11 AM

By americanxidiot of course!


I recall that Bella made Edward a Cd, that went along the lines of something like 'Songs for Fucking' But in French?


Anyway, when it was on FF a while ago, the songs that were on the CD were listed, and I remeber it was great! Only my computer crashed and I have no ANYTHING left, so if someone could tell me  and or link me to the track listing I will love you forever.


Jaw, anyone?


Writer's Block?

Wednesday July 28, 2010 at 10:34 PM

What do you do when you have writer's block? I'm suffering a massive case and I feel like the more I think about it the more I'm stuck, but I have missed my deadline three weeks in a row and I don't want people to be disappointed. SO... rangers, campers, VIPS, what do you do?



Pimp Your Stuff

Wednesday July 28, 2010 at 7:16 PM

There are 15,000 of you and you all do SOMETHING here in the Twiverse.

What better way to tell us more about yourself than to PIMP it.

Link us up, show us your goods, tell us what YOU do in the twiverse and how WE can be a part of it.

What do I do in the twiverse? I have been writing the same fic FOREVER because I am slooow, I am a ranger at A Different Forest and I beta an amazing little fic by Jennyfly and Jandco called High Noon. You should all read it. :)


The calm after the storm?

Wednesday July 28, 2010 at 6:50 PM

I certainly hope so. Took these a little earlier tonight. Let's hope it brings some tranquility to the Forest. They were taken on my phone, so sorry for the poor quality. Please feel free to post any happy, peaceful, zen, tranquil, beautiful pics you have in this campfire.




Wednesday July 28, 2010 at 6:38 PM



notice the details!



now go hug a tree in the forest or show me something funny!


Sweet Moments!!

Wednesday July 28, 2010 at 6:26 PM

Hey everyone:D

SO I was thinking that maybe we can have a campfire about the sweetest/most memorable moments of the fic we've read....I have read about 250 fics and all of them have their moments. Tell me the sweet parts of the fics you've read...so I can remember them...

mine is in the comments I dont want to spoil anything for anyone so:D

No quotes are required just explain what you remember...


Tonight's #readalong

Wednesday July 28, 2010 at 5:40 PM

Hey all...just a quick note to let you know that in less than half an hour (8pm CST) tonight's #readalong starts and it is a good one!


I'm hosting it tonight...follow me on twitter and don't forget the hastag #readalong and reviews.  Here's my Twitter handle:  @jennifer_lyn215

Click for details...



another day, another deep thought

Wednesday July 28, 2010 at 4:30 PM

MelissaCullen - bring the pic :)

I've seen peeps mentioning they feel like they are on the outside looking in....that they want to belong.

there is an excellent friends post below, but I've had 2 oat sodas (aka Magic Hat #9) and I am feeling very kumbayah and pollyanna all rolled into one.

I've felt on the outskirts at times too - we all have.  So I offer up this...anyone that has ever felt like they were on the outside looking in - step up, say hi, tell us a tiny bit.  Let's get this party shaking, break down the walls, and connect the dots.

I'll go first :)

Hi, I'm Heather.  People are afraid to talk to me, and it gets lonely.  I like Tommett (see avi), sports (go Buckeyes!) and dark chocolate. I write, I beta, I try to cheerlead, and most of all, I can be counted on to find good picspam.

Come on all you peeps who feel like they are on the fringes, jump in - the water is warm!


Details Magazine..

Wednesday July 28, 2010 at 3:02 PM


i have no idea how to post a video. so check out the link. HAVE YOU SEEN THIS!? OMG! so hot. 

robert pattinson photo shoot with details magazine. don't look if your under 18! 


ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday July 28, 2010 at 2:15 PM






"Jacob & Bella/ w. Edward // The Kiss" by Estaaaas  <- THIS IS FOR ALL YOU JACOB/BELLA LOVERS OUT THERE.


and a "Remember Me" vid, b/c when I find a good one, I've gotta post it!


"I'll Sing it One Last Time for You II Remember Me" by Vera241241




No Pants Club!

Wednesday July 28, 2010 at 12:53 PM

Yet another GREAT idea born straight from the dark recesses brilliancy of twitter :)


I, along with lookingforhoofprints, RebekahandRobert (@IAmToWait), Kaitlyn145, and Agueatworld and hot4j (sorry I forgot you :'( ) decided that wearing pants is just...well, boring.  And quite honestly, they're so prohibiting, especially in the hot summer months.  You are all witnesses to the start of the No Pants Club!

EDIT: by no pants, we mean, no pants/shorts/etc., with the exception of underwear.  I don't walk around naked from the waist down! :)

We are the No Pants Pioneers and we invite you all to join us!  Please, it's much breezier here ;)

Come join us and leave pantsless pictures, videos, stories of yourself with no pants on... Whatever!  Come and celebrate the awesomeness of not being confined to pants!
This was approved by the most awesome WolvesnVamps <3


Wednesday July 28, 2010 at 11:47 AM

Want to make some new friends?
Here’s the place to do it!
I know that a lot of you like me can be quite shy here in the forest, and I know some of you sometimes feel left out, so here’s your chance to get involved!
My challenge for you, should you choose to accept it, is to post five facts about yourself or the things you love. Then read through other peoples replies. If you see anything you have in common or anything you want to talk about in their post then PM them, start a discussion it’s the only way you’re going make friends!!

I’ll post my five in the comments
Approved by the awesome grown.ass.woman


I am woman, hear me....howl?

Wednesday July 28, 2010 at 11:17 AM



(sry-- Ranger Edit-- this post is too awesome to go unnoticed...carry on)

I think Wednesdays are designated Wolfpack days, but either way i would like to talk about the lady of the pack.  And no matter her ability to shapeshift, she is still a lady.  I want to hear your thoughts on Leah and what you think her future should look like.  Do you think SM threw her to the wolves?  I do, but I'm not sure I understand what motivated SM to do so.  What purpose does Leah's character serve in the books overall?  Is the fact that she can't have children from the books or did SM say it in an interview somewhere? 

Considering i havent read the books recently, I dont remember how much of Leah we actually are exposed to.  So i wonder where you writers get your inspiration when you do write Leah.  I think my impressions of Leah are based more in fic than in canon and so the Leah I usually envision is the one characterized by Minisinoo in Cowboys and Indians (linked).  Who's version of Leah has stuck in your mind?

So campers, this is a Leah free for all campfire.  there's so much to discuss when it comes to her, so please share your thoughts.  and link stories if you have favs and maybe also talk about how Jacob and Leah should be together (or not).

oh, and i pronounce her name Lay-ah


Little Ashes!

Wednesday July 28, 2010 at 10:43 AM

So, I've watched Little Ashes, once again today for probably the 20th time. I'm not sure what it is with that movie, but I really enjoy it. But there is one part in the movie where I have absolutely no idea what the heck Robert Pattinson (Salvador Dali) is saying. It's at the very end, probably the last scene in the movie. Salvador Dali has just found out Federico has died. He's painting, and his wife (Gala?) has called for him. He has paint all over his face, and he says something. I was thinking, maybe "coming" in Spanish. But I googled it, and it doesn't work, lol. I've actually googled this after every time I finished watching this movie. My friend says it sounds like "chucky." 

Anyway, I have no sweet clue. And it is driving me nuts! Somebody who has watched this movie, please help. Who knows, maybe I'm being a complete moron. 



Wednesday July 28, 2010 at 10:24 AM

So I have recently had a brainfart. I read this awesome story, and I didn't save it. Edward ends up killing Bella on her first day in Forks, but then he up relives that day (February 2nd) over and over while he struggles to keep himself from killing her over again, but he mostly just fails and kills her. It's like Groundhog Day, but Twilight.

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