LJ Summers

One-Shot Fic List

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 8:50 AM

Good morning!  No hangover today, I'm just running later than usual because I was, gasp, doing Wife And Mom Stuff this morning before I got to play too much in the Forest!

We're winding down on my List of Fic Lists and in fact we have had a list like this before.  I am just bringing it forward to your attention today.

The One-Shot Fic List

Now, a few months ago, we had a post requesting one-shots.   I used the Handy Dandy Compass Icon and searched for that thread and all its amazing fics.

It is HERE.  <----  So that is one place to go to look for The ADF Recommended One-Shots.  Do you have a favorite that you'd like to set off in this campfire? BRING IT!

AU, AH, K - NC-17. Angst, fluff, death & destruction or an HEA.  All it has to be is fully complete in ONE SHOT.  It might only be a few hundred words; it might be several thousand!  But it's all contained in that one screen...

SOMETHING FOR THIS CAMPFIRE ONLY:  Do include the word count for the one-shot, if it's posted.  Some folks want to be able to read their fanfic in ten minutes or less and some of these epic one-shots will take considerably longer!

Remember the Rules of the Campfire:  Keep it simple.  No discussions.


My recs will be within.

Thank you for contributing to our general compiled knowledge of good, quality entertainment in the Forest! :)



Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 8:30 AM

I know we're probably all on Twitter discussing this, but why oh why isn't there a campfire about this?!

Yes, I know it's a pap shot, and therefore an invasion of privacy and what not, which I totally agree is sad and disturbing, but still...

Let's put that aside and discuss the EPICNESS that is his peen! :D Because I couldn't let this pass up...






In seach of competition...

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 7:47 AM

Can you guys hit me up with your favorite site to find fic writing and o/s contests?



Show Us What You Got

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 7:05 AM

Calling all Twific writers:

We have a Pimp Your Stuff campfire and sneak peek one, but we have so many great authors here in the Forest, both VIPs and campers and I want more. As writers, we all have that feeling at least when we write one line or paragraph we absolutely love. A line that makes the whole writing process worth it. It may not be the line your betas loved or your readers quote (or it may be), but it's the one you liked writing the most.

So whether from a current story or an old one, from a drabble or a multi chap, show us lines/paragraph/short excerpt you've written that you're excited about. Yes, SHOW OFF! Humility has a time and place, THIS CAMPFIRE IS NOT IT. Write it loud and wear it proud. Don't forget to post links to your profile/stories and the title of the work its from--who knows who might see what you loved writing and fall in love with reading it!

This campfire was approved by both Ranger Jandco and Grownasswoman cos I'm needy so you should really really post. Please.


The Wolpack...hanging out...

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 6:55 AM

Tinsel Korey, Alex Meraz and Julia Jones were spotted hanging out at Lavo Restaurant and Nightclub in Las Vegas on Saturday...

looking good, looking good!



You seem so out of context.

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 6:53 AM

Saw this pic today.  Along with an article saying Mr. Pattinson "glared" at paparazzi for good times yesterday.  Meh.  In the series of pics, it doesn't seem like it, and this shot was 1/8 of a second where he looked pissed.  I don't blame him either way. 

Maybe he glared.

Maybe the sun was in his eyes.

Maybe this is all just a good excuse for a picture post. 

SHOW ME YOUR OUT OF CONTEXT PICS.  Or even you're in context pics where you deny it's in context.  Anyone still following that babbling? 

What you do is post a pic.."In this pic, I LOOK drunk, but really, I'm just tired."  or "In this pic, it looks like that's a big zit, but it's really just a shadow"...you get the idea.  Don't tell if its what it appears to be or not.  Just have fun with it.  (forgive the not red "S".  this thing isn't behaving.)


Kellan Lutz seen out and about...

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 6:44 AM

Kellan was seen coming out of Body Image Gym in North Hollywood yesterday.  Apparently, Lutz has suffered some sort of hearing loss or whatever from all of the Eclipse promotion stuff.  And this, evidently, hindered him from schmoozing at Comic Con over the weekend. 



Trust in Advertising

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 12:41 AM

Hi everyone. For those who loved vjgm's story Trust in Advertising, or her other story Boycotts & Barflies. And, like me, miss them terribly. Well you're in luck! You can now purchase these stories, they are original works written by Victoria Michaels (vjgm).


http://omnificpublishing.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=19&products_id=30&zenid=199844638fa9aca1e9f0ad5491b07c87 for TiA


http://omnificpublishing.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=19&products_id=15 for B&B


Show your support and buy her work, it's only $4.99 for the ebook.


I've read the first few chapters of Tia in its original work and it's great!!!



I just wanted to thank everyone for their opinion on this. I had an idea that some people might not like that it got pulled and published, but never thought people would react so strongly.

I feel as though my perspective on this matter has been widened today, so thanks ladies (and gents???)!!!

I'm halfway through reading TiA in published format, and am loving it as much as I loved it in FF format.

It is easy in some parts to compare the story to B/E but at the same time, I can feel them being completely different people, so it's bringing a new dimension to it.

Thanks again!


good night, sweet forest~

Monday July 26, 2010 at 9:16 PM

We're all in different time zones and I know a few of you are just now starting your day.  Or maybe you're just settling down for the evening with a glass of wine and good fic.  Whatever, where ever... I wish you well.  I'm 'using' my medication and going to bed.  I just wanted to leave you with this...

Rob on the WFE set~~

(more in the comments)


Sleep well, Good night, good evening, or good morning!! 

See you all on the flip side!




Monday July 26, 2010 at 1:03 PM

I feel stupid asking this... 

How do you post a story on LiveJournal?

Is it as simple as clicking post? How do you get the summary to show? 

I must be making it harder than it is... 


time for everyone's favorite game

Monday July 26, 2010 at 10:41 AM

ask dirty uncle wtvoc


blurry comic con DB and e.desch on my camera for your time:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


FF Sneak Peek

Monday July 26, 2010 at 10:40 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

Don't forget to include a link!

LJ Summers

Volturi Fic List

Monday July 26, 2010 at 9:35 AM

Good mor – er, AFTERNOON!

Am I slightly hung-over after the VIP bonfire last night?  If so, I thank our AMAZING RANGERS for throwing a huge shindig.  There was an open bottle of champagne in my cabin this morning, courtesy of m7707 and a pie from katinki and I swear I saw JandCo sprawled on my floor...

JennyFly was passed out. We're letting her sleep in. Shhh...

It was a GREAT party! :) Thank you all for coming!


In honor of it being Monday and all, we're compiling a fic list. The VOLTURI fic list.  Want a little Italian in your fic du jour?  Today, I'm soliciting stories that FEATURE a member of the VOLTURI. All ratings, all pairings.  Ending with horror or an HEA, I'd love to see them here.

Remember the Rules of the Campfire:

1.  Keep it simple.  Just the title, author and summary from wherever you're finding the story.  No additional pimpage.

2.  No discussion.  This should read like a list when the campfire is open.  


So far, these are the lists that are in progress, all linked within the Forest.

AU - Lemony Goodness

Canon - All Kinds

AH - Lemony Goodness

Wolfpack Prose

Angst & Heartfail

Rated T, PG, PG-13

Slash Fics

Fluffy Fics


These lists are being compiled so that if anyone asks, "Hey, can you rec me a good ____________ fic?" you can respond with a link to all the best _______________ fics the Forest can think of, right there in one spot!

So remember to punch the heart to mark this as a favorite campfire!  It'll make these lists SO MUCH EASIER to find! 


As always, my fic recs will be within.

Thank you so much for sharing your favorites around the fire!


Yay Monday!!

Monday July 26, 2010 at 9:30 AM

Hey there Campers!!

Unlike a lot of you... I actually LOVE Mondays.  It's my RELAXATION day.  With my work, I tend to be much busier on the weekends, and this past weekend was no exception. (mondays during the school year are even better!)

I just got back from the drug store.  If you follow me on twitter, you'll know why.  If you don't know what I'm talking about... just know that I've been a bit... under the weather... so to speak.  Hopefully things will be back in order here soon.


If not, then hop on over to the cabin area (look above, its the icon with the three little houses) and say HI!  We are so excited to have such a talented and diverse group of authors here at ADF.

Some pretty for you....

this is an oldie, but goodie.

Some Random Facts related to Women and Women's health~~

~The vibrator was originally used as a medicinal treatment for female "hysteria" during the 19th century. The vibrator-induced orgasms helped doctors dissipate hysteria's anxiety-related symptoms.
~A woman will spend approximately 3,500 days menstruating.
~Walt Disney made a movie about menstruation titled “The Story of Menstruation” in 1946. It most likely is the first film to use the word “vagina.”
~In almost every country worldwide, the life expectancy for women is higher than for men.
~Ancient Egyptians used softened papyrus as rudimentary tampons. Hippocrates notes that the Greeks used lint wrapped around wood. The modern tampon was invented by Dr. Earle Haas in 1929, which was called a “catamenial device” or “monthly device.” He trademarked the brand name Tampax.
~The breasts of human women are much larger in proportion than those of other female mammals. The prominent size, while not necessary for milk production, is most likely a result of sexual selection.
~Everyone has some nipple hair. Each woman has between 2-15 dark, straight strands growing.
~Semen contains zinc and calcium, both of which are proven to prevent tooth decay.

So Campers...

Tell me about your weekend...

Tell me what yer reading...

Tell me what's on yer mind!


I'll just leave these here

Monday July 26, 2010 at 1:31 AM

If you go to the VIP Village, and you're half blind like me (from staring at a computer 18 hours a day 7 days a week), you might be having the same problem I am: The cabins are little & the detail is difficult to see.

So, I'll just put up pictures of the new cabins here for you all to appreciate & then you can pay a visit to your fave writers and soon-to-be favorites and wish them welcome (AGAIN-- because yes, i've seen the great response so far).

Actually, I'll put the thumbnails here & put the full size images in the first comment, that way this campfire doesn't take up a mile of the front page. OK.


If you want a better look at the new Cabins, step inside the Campfire.

Oh, and maybe once a week or so I should post some of the cabins (the LARGE version of the images) here in a campfire and prod the middle of the night folks (like me) to leave messages for the Authors.


Paparazzi ?

Sunday July 25, 2010 at 5:12 PM

So, I saw my first paparazzi swarm on Thursday and it was one of the strangest things I've ever seen.  One, they were swarming Josh Duhamel (I didn't realize anyone cared about him); two, it was in NYC and I thought that we were pretty immune to that kind of thing; and three it was scary how much both parties seemed....unhappy?  He didn't smile, he jumped in a taxi and they chased after him in a car.  He looked unhappy and the photographers looked miserable (like men you would see at last call in a dive bar at 4am -- it wasn't pretty). 


So then today, I stumbled upon another twilight related blog that had footage of Rob being harassed last night by the paparazzi and it was one of the most heartbreaking things that I've ever seen.  I actually have a lot of respect for Rob, and am a fan of his outside of twilight -- I"m excited to see where his career will take him.  But, I'm sad that his popularity has turned against him. He stopped and asked for help from the police, and they let the craziness continue.


What do you think? It's difficult to stay away from paparazi pictures in the fandom because they ignite like wildfire.  How do we keep up on Rob without harassing him?


Here's the link to the blog -- I feel bad posting a link to the youtube video.

Rob's Harrassment by the Paparazzi Last NIght



Sunday July 25, 2010 at 10:50 AM

Please join us in welcoming the





author of "Bourbon and Tea" and other fantastic stories!


author of "Bright Like the Sun" and "Ethan Church"


author of "Major Misconduct", "Tangled Web" and "Weaving the Web"


author of "The Cullen Campaign" and other equally fantastic tales!

Majesta Moniet

author of "Zenith" and other amazing Jacob/Bella stories!


Author of "Songbird", "Such Great Heights" and other wonderful fics!

Feisty Y. Beden

Author of "Goodnight Noises, Everywhere" and other awesome stories!


Author of "Awake in the Infinite Cold" among other wonderful fics!


Author of "Dark Games and Twisted Minds", "Renfield and Chiclets" and other amazing tales!

Kristen Nicole

Author of "The Caged Bird", "Bella Swan: Zombie Killer" and equally superb stories!


Author of the amazing Imprint series of fics, starting with "First Imprint: Sam's Story"

silver sniper

Author of "Eye Contact", "Ugly" and other wonderful stories!


Author of "Underexposed" and equally fantastic tales!


AKA Rochelle Allison, author of "With or Without You" and other amazing fics!


Author of "Legendary" among other tantalizing tales!


Author of "The Woods are Lovely, Dark, and Deep" and other fantastic stories!

lj summers

Author of "The Hardest Part" and a collection of other amazing fics!


Please join us in a HUGE BONFIRE, showing them what it is like to party in the forest!


Ch. 11 The Hostage!

Sunday July 25, 2010 at 10:41 AM

by: EBalways

I really loved hearing all the theories that float around when I post these campfires, so here I am again with Ch. 11!

If you didn't get it...posted last night. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5956114/11/

So tell me everyone...what are your thoughts on Morris and will Edward eventually get to punch him?

Also, what do you think about Bella's past? Personally, I want to shake her and tell her that it wasn't her screw ups...it was people taking advantage her. I was so proud of her for standing up to Paul before he left for good.

What do you think the big secret with Renee is?

BIG Question: How will the big convo with Edward and Bella go? Will we see the beginnings of friendship or a friendship with a promise of more later?

Let me hear your ideas.....GO!


Freaky or Flattering?

Sunday July 25, 2010 at 9:16 AM

Men can now buy R-Patz undies.

According to The Guardian:

"Dubbed the R-Pant, the low-rise briefs and trunks are designed to be worn under skinny jeans and trousers, a look popularised by the likes of Russell Brand and Mark Ronson, two celebrities the chain cites as design influences."


Pattinson will not star in an advertising campaign for M&S. But a spokesman said the Twilight actor has been seen shopping for underwear at the store. The new range will go on sale in September."



Would you be freaked out or flattered if someone designed a line of under-roos after you?







Play us a song Rob!

Sunday July 25, 2010 at 8:20 AM

If Robert could play one song for you on his guitar, which song would you choose?

First --- | >> | 1072 | 1073 | 1074 | 1075 | 1076 | 1077 | 1078 | 1079 | 1080 | 1415 | 1416 | --- Last
