
Married With Children

Saturday July 24, 2010 at 10:43 AM

 I just recently got my own DVR and I set it record Married with Children. On todays episodes both David Boreanaz and Matt Leblanc Played the role of Kelly's boyfriend... not on the same episode.

Come post pictures of your favorite stars during their "I can't believe they were on that show" phase.



I'm going into withdrawl or sumthin'....

Saturday July 24, 2010 at 10:16 AM

I think I'm gonna get the shakes.

I Just read Emancipation Proclamation from start to the last update in 2 days.

UGH! Does she have a blog or something???? How often does this thing update?!?!?!

Everyone seems to think that there are only 3 chapters left, how do they know this?!?!?!?

I also feel like I need to rant about how much I LOVE this fic. Why the hate :(

Probably some whiny spoilers in the comments.

Diana Wolfskill

Lunch Post

Saturday July 24, 2010 at 10:10 AM


vampire taco
It's  noon here.
I think I'm gonna go to Bullritos and get Mexican food for lunch.
I spend too much money on eating out for lunch.
It's still Free For All Friday, right?
What do you usually have for lunch? I need ideas.

Any Jake/Rose lovers here?

Saturday July 24, 2010 at 9:41 AM

Hi campers!

Can you recommend me some good Jake/Rose fics? I'm suddenly in the mood, don't know why...


He's got legs....

Saturday July 24, 2010 at 8:56 AM

It's not untagged or in HQ yet, but still very enjoyable!


Please give this story some love

Saturday July 24, 2010 at 8:47 AM

Ok. I am a lurker here. I fully admit that. This is I think the second campfire I've started. I tend to come and read, lurk, laugh, but not post. But I'm here asking you lovely ladies to please give this story some love! It's called Mary, Full of Grace, and it's the story of Alice, as a human. It's Canon, pre-twilight, and oh so lovely. I've been reading it for months. The author is a slow updater, but she does in fact update. I just read and reviewed the latest chapter, and was surprised to learn that it was only the 150th review. Now, I'm not certain where I first stumbled upon this story, but I thought it was from TLYDF, so I was sure that it would have a high review count.  So now I'm in the lovely position of bringing you a new fic to read. It's lovely, well written, has hints of Jasper, and is definitely going somewhere good. Please take the time to check it out!



On the bandwagon

Saturday July 24, 2010 at 8:41 AM

Country music has caught Twilight fever. I'm not exactly sure how I feel about this...I'm a little disturbed though.



NM - deleted scenes

Saturday July 24, 2010 at 8:16 AM


ok. the third one is in the comments. the preview pic for the vid is a little inappropriate for the main page. 


Dirty Laugh

Saturday July 24, 2010 at 7:22 AM

I am in a foul mood.

I am listening to music.

I am thinking of Anniej13 and Wonderwallthefirst.

I am about to send them some music from a fabulous new band that I am obsessed with.

All of these things added up and made me remember this song:


I adore this (and Zooey). It cracks me up everytime I listen, especially the chorus: "Whore no more."

(Though I do like the riff at the end about calling at 10:59 but not past 11:00.)

Dirty laugh? Dirty song? Bring it.

Get me out of this funk!



Saturday July 24, 2010 at 7:07 AM







Saturday July 24, 2010 at 3:05 AM

So If you scroll down you'll see a campfire by Mary_Weather asking what diaperward was/is/whatever.

Anyways I'd never heard of It either so I followed the link in one of the comments and I have to say after only reading a couple of chapters that may be the most disturbing Fan Fic I've ever read. It may well get better but I just can't read any more.

So my question is, anyone else had that reaction to a fic before? What's the most disturbing Fic you've ever read?

I'm pretty open minded about stuff but now I feel the need to read some T rated fluff! : )


Jennyfly in San Diego

Saturday July 24, 2010 at 2:37 AM

This is a very short tale.

I drove to San Diego to meet up with some of the good folks flocking in for the Twilight fanfiction panel at COMICON!

I got to town around midday and ended up lunching with several peeps: H Monster, ElleCC, theHeartofLife, Daisy, someone named Jen who rather hilariously sat right next to me so I kept looking up when H talked to her, Jen's sister, MJ!, an Aussie who lives in NYC but whose name I never caught because I'm awful, a pretty lady with glasses, and another pretty lady with armcandy. I took some photos, but I never post pics of people without their permission, so too bad for you.

We drank. We ate. We lingered. Then I had a spazz attack over leaving my car parked in the lot any longer because it would cost a fortune to pay the parking, so we decided to split up. I ACTUALLY HAD TO PHONE HMONSTER FROM THE PAY KIOSK AND ASK FOR $2 BECAUSE I DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH CASH MONEY! oh the shame :(

So once I got my car out of jail, I drove a few blocks and parked at a meter & went to STARBUCKS so I could use the INTERNET and get some work done, but then I never heard from the triumphant visitors again, so I figured they were either having all the fun or all the sleep.

So I drove back to LA.

Here is a photograph of my lunch!



its still friday in forks

Friday July 23, 2010 at 11:39 PM

so its still friday for us west coasters and one thing has been on my my lately.

how so many little things in fics bug me.


1. over use of the pet name love. especially in ah fics. its fine if he is a old vampire but it bugs me when he is just  like a 20 year old guy and calls bella love like 80 million times.

how about calling her babe. or hun. idk

2. edward pulling bella into his lap when she is upset. this is overused way to many times. and i just cant picture him literally pulling her into his lap unless he is like, a body builder or something.

i could see him pulling her into his side, or something, but lifting her into his lap? thas just a little over doing it...


What LITTLE things in fics bug you?

not things that make you flounce, or super obvious things, just things that make you internally cringe.



Friday July 23, 2010 at 11:10 PM

The concept is some what foreign to me... I have been working on trying to do a fluff o/s and apparently it's not working as I've just been told it's angsty. Pfft, i don't think it is but...

So what is fluff?



Friday July 23, 2010 at 10:59 PM


I keep hearing weird comments and remarks - and not just on here - about diaperward... 

Can someone please explain to me what this is and why everyone thinks it's kinda horrible?


Just to give this a little more life what's one of your pet-peeves about FanFiction?  Do you hate it when an author gets half-way through and drops it?  When they add unnecessary drama so it can go on for 10 more chapters?  When it's too short?  Too long?  When they say the same word at least 15 times in one paragraph?

What makes you just want to scream "Screw it!" and close the window?


Life In A Day

Friday July 23, 2010 at 9:21 PM


Life In A Day is a historic global experiment to create a user-generated feature film shot in a single day. On July 24, you have 24 hours to capture a glimpse of your life on camera. The most compelling and distinctive footage will be edited into a feature film, produced by Ridley Scott and directed by Kevin Macdonald.



YouTune Channel Link


Let's help the guy yeah?Wouldn't awesome to participate in something like this? What are your thoughts on this?


My Mind is Blown

Friday July 23, 2010 at 8:14 PM

Okay fellow campers, my mind is completely blown away right now. I just got back from seeing Inception which was amazing, and not just because I've carried a torch for Joseph Gordon-Levitt for forever. The graphics, the story, the freakin' suspense, just all of it. I was on the edge of my seat, practically screaming at the screen, with my hands waving madly all over the place the entire movie. The ending was just I can't even find a word for it because my brain is mush.


So have you seen it? Did you love it, hate it, didn't care?


Also have any other movies just completely blown you out of the water? Which ones and why?





Friday July 23, 2010 at 6:58 PM

I was checking out a spoof on Inception (see below) when I found this New Moon spoof:  Check these share your favorite spoofs too



I adore the shrug
Oh and here is the Dora does Inception spoof
And some hot boys for your trouble.

Happy Birthday

Friday July 23, 2010 at 6:08 PM

so today is a special day for me I just turned 23 yayyyz whoop whoop **throws confetti**.. but want to know what's cooler its also this guys birthday.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


He just turned 21 :O I can totally feel good about the naughty thoughts i have about him now soo yea HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANIEL RADCLIFFE!!!!


Worst Line - Best Line

Friday July 23, 2010 at 6:04 PM

Just for fun...

First --- | >> | 1072 | 1073 | 1074 | 1075 | 1076 | 1077 | 1078 | 1079 | 1080 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
