
I'm a firestarter

Friday July 23, 2010 at 2:36 AM

Twister firestarter I know xD

Was just wondering, am I able to get a Kindle in the UK? and is it really any better than the Sony 505 e-reader?

do any of you have e-readers? if so which one, and why did you buy it?


The Vamp!

Friday July 23, 2010 at 1:46 AM


also if you have a nervous disposition, heart conditions or are pregnant you may want to look away now.

So I'm sat at home last night, getting really annoyed about the fact that my internet doesn't work when I get this text:

"Whoa apparently you can get vampire dildos :/ they're meant to be cold and hard and sparkly :/ I hope it's a lie!"

from my boyfriend

So this morning (when I internet was back) I looked it up

What I found is disturbing and in the comments.


Whew felt the need to make a campfire

Friday July 23, 2010 at 12:50 AM

Its been forever since I've actually contributed to FFAF and thought I would start out by saying HAPPY EFFING FRIDAY PEEPS!!!!

Anyways got my truck smogged today...my wallet is lighter but you know what the thing passed finally so I can rest easy for a while...but thats not really the point of this campfire...this Sunday me and the bestie are going to see 100 Monkeys in the flesh and I AM SO FREAKIN EXCITED I CAN HARDLY CONTAIN MYSELF!!!!

Anyways yeah have you ever been to a 100 Monkeys concert...if so share pictures and/or video footage are you going to the San Francisco show...if so we should totally meet up before the show...I am also attending the Fresno show on the 2nd of August...anyone going to that one as well??

FYT: My favorite monkey :)

I think I Ben G is my number 2




Comic Con Meetup

Thursday July 22, 2010 at 11:51 PM

I read that there was a meetup opportunity for Twilight Fanfic people at Comic Con Friday at some park. Does anyone have details about that? Is anyone allowed to come? Thanks!!



Awkward Family Photos

Thursday July 22, 2010 at 11:38 PM

This first one is actually a pretty tough shot to get, considering how brief giraffe mating is...

Do I really need to say anything about the second one?

Please, by all means, discuss, submit your own, gawk disbelievingly, share stories of  your awkward family moments.

Pictures courtesy of the hilarious awkwardfamilyphotos.com


Thursday July 22, 2010 at 11:36 PM

Pandering, Forgive me...I'm not a real fan of Song Fic's but the moment i heard "Glitter in the Air" by Pink it made me think of Jasper and Alice...so, Randi needs writer to fulfull her song fic dream.

What songs make you think of Cullen Couples?



Thursday July 22, 2010 at 10:51 PM

I felt the need to share this.



Post yer best hot Dad/Mom and kid pics.



Thursday July 22, 2010 at 10:42 PM

Doucheward's are everywhere in the fandom. Doucheward's turn out to be loveable characters despite their original douchiness.

But, would you actually like these Doucheward's in RL?

Some Doucheward's bring me to tears, and I'm not even the one in the situation, and haven't been in that specific situation before.

Don't get me wrong, I love me some Doucheward. He might be my favourite -ward of all time, because in the end he'll change. He always changes. In the fandom.

Let's discuss some of the worst Doucheward's in the comments, so we don't spoil the douchiness for other campers. Maybe even give some recc's on the best Doucheward's. Also, how would you react if that Doucheward was real? My rant will be in the comments. :)

The Offspring

All The Supernatual Lovers Unite!!!!

Thursday July 22, 2010 at 10:29 PM

So I started watching Season 5, and I am just blown away. I'm a little wary to see what they're doing with it, but I can't wait to see the whole thing!!!

So campers....If you had to choose Sam or Dean or Castiel The Angel, who would you pick and why?


It's FFFA, YO!

Thursday July 22, 2010 at 9:08 PM

(i've got this song stuck in my head thx to LightStarDusting)
Post whatcha like...
just keep it clean (at least on the front page) and INTERACTIVE!
Back to our regularly scheduled programming at 5pm EST Saturday!

Bitching Block

Thursday July 22, 2010 at 9:02 PM

Okay, so I'm in the mood to bitch...anyone want to join?


*my bitching will be in comments*


What to think?

Thursday July 22, 2010 at 8:26 PM

Ok...so I know we've had a few campfires lately on reviewing.  I know I'm not the best reviewer, and I have apologized many times to authors about not reviewing every chapter, but something happened today that sort of bothered me.

I had added a story to my favorites list on ff.net and it was one that I really haven't sat down and read.  Just did some skimming at the airports the other day in between flights.  I haven't had a chance to actually sit down, read it and review it.  Tonight, I've got a PM from the author, literally begging me to go back and leave a review because she feels she just dosn't get as many as she feels she should be getting.  Which kind of turns me off to wanting to read and review this fic.

So...readers...how does this make you feel?  Does it make you want to go back and leave a review right away because you felt like a jerk for not doing it, or does it make you feel like the author is just fishing for compliments?

Authors...is this something you'd even consider doing?  Is it out of line?


A Campfire about Ships

Thursday July 22, 2010 at 7:26 PM

Good evening campers! Gather round the nice warm fire, its time for another sing-along! Last night's discussion was so interesting, thank you to everyone that participated!


Tonight we're going to discuss alternate shippers. I want to know which alt ships make your knees weak? Which one want to make you vomit yesterday's lunch? If there is a certain story that made you an alt ship believer, tell me about it.


I've become Carlisle/Bella fan. I love the two-shot Wicked Game by MyEdiction. I read it for the DILF contest back in October. In February I started talking to her and we are now happily married fic wives. I've also got a slash/poly sweet tooth, but that's a conversation for a different night.

I can't read: Edward/Rosalie, Edward/Tanya, Bella/Jacob. Almost anything I can do.


Please remember my campfire rules, this is a circle of love so no putting yourself or other campers down. 


It's Wine-O'Clock!!

Thursday July 22, 2010 at 6:55 PM

Hey Campers!

Today has been weird.

It started off as a crappy day. Then I had coffee, played on gchat for a bit and got some good news via email, so everything was great.

THEN I got some bad news and I've been ranting/whining on twitter all evening.


Let's have some fun, y/y?


do the following:

*What's ONE song you can NOT stop listening to right now?

*Name ONE fic you will drop everything for when it updates (must be a WiP!!...and only ONE)

*What's your favorite meal for dinner (tonight we had french toast & bacon -i ate my feelings-, but i'm running out of ideas)

*Tell me a JOKE (make it a good one!)

*Show me something pretty!


mine is in the comments


Six degrees of separation

Thursday July 22, 2010 at 6:53 PM

Hi dee ho campers!

I just found out my hubby met Taylor Swift at a business meeting with some promotional company his firm is working with. He met her weeks ago and didn't realize who she was. He said she looked familiar. Must be the pictures on our daughters wall. Anyway. I was trying to explain the degrees of separation to my team Jacob crazy 9 year old and it hit me. If hubs knows Taylor Swift and I'm sure Taylor Swift has met the other Twilight people I'm really only 2 degrees away from my favorite Cullen men! Rob knows the Harry Potter people and probably met David Tennant on the set of Goblet of Fire so I'm only 3 degrees away from my favorite Doctor. I don't think my heart can take anymore tonight.

I am curious to know if anyother campers have connections to Twilight celebs.



Thursday July 22, 2010 at 6:19 PM









Thursday July 22, 2010 at 6:04 PM

What IS an Amnesia Campfire?

Well, some of us have trouble remembering the name of a new fic that we just started, the name of a fic we used to read or the name of just about anything. 

Now I have a confession to make. I AM ONE OF THESE PEOPLE. My fellow Ranger, Tor, can attest to this as our fic conversations usually goes as follows:


Emibella: I read a fic today and I just can't get it out of my head.

Tor: What is it called?

Emibella:  I have no idea, but it disturbed me.


Emibella: I just read a fic today and I swear that Edward is Batman.

Tor: Oh, I know that one.

Emibella: Good, because I have no idea what it is called. But Edward is Batman. Trust me.


Poor Tor has to deal with my broken brain, let us help YOU so you don't have to burden anyone like I burden her.





Just for s*%@s and giggles...

Thursday July 22, 2010 at 5:26 PM

I was browsing around a HP website and I found this...

I don't think I've seen it posted here before...

11 Ways to Use Harry Potter to Annoy a Twilight Fan

1. Steal their copy of Twilight and replace it with one of your Harry Potter books in a Twilight dust jacket.
2. Tell them that Edward is a "hand-me-down" because the Twilight movies got him after the Harry Potter movies were finished with him.
3. List other "hand-me-downs" from the books, like the last names of Black and Clearwater...
4. State that you think Edward would be hotter if he had a lightning scar on his forehead.
5. "Accidentally" call Edward, Sanguini.
6. Explain in detail how any wizard can possess all the gifts (seeing the future, reading minds, etc.), that a vampire would only have one of.
7. Whenever they mention Jacob Black, innocently ask if they meant Stubby Boardman.
8. Say that Bella and Filch would make a cute couple.
9. Flinch whenever they say "Edward" and tell them to say "You-Know-Who."
10. Whenever they describe the vampires of the Twilight series (sparkly skin, no fangs, etc.), contradict them, and tell them what "real" vampires, out of Harry Potter, are like.
11. Explain how Twilight werewolves are really Animagi, and ask whether they've registered with the Ministry.


Well, it made me laugh, anyway!

And if all hand-me-downs looked like this... well, words fail me...


Rec me some sad Ones shots.

Thursday July 22, 2010 at 3:33 PM

Basically, I was looking around on You Tube when I found this video:

Vid Description:

NEW MOON AU (alternative universe, which basically means, i changed things)
at the beginning; i think it's pretty obvious: it's bella's birthday and the tragic papercut happens. edward drives her home, intends to give in her wish to kiss her but stops and drives back home, determined to leave her so she'll be safe from him and his family. the wood scene follows and loads and loads of depressed bella shots. she kind of lives with the illusion of edward still being there and desperately trying to find him, even if she just imagines him.
the twist in the story?
edward indeed comes back BUT years later when bella is an old lady. ( i was inspired by the movie 'tuck everlasting' in which (major SPOILER follows here!) the protagonist leaves his love and comes back too late just to see her gravestone.


Besides being an awfully emotional and extremly well done video, it made me want to read those really sad one shots where Edward comes back years later to find Bella either sick or already dead (I specifically remember one one shot where Bella was married with Jacob and was dying in Alzheimers I think, and another one where she wrote Edward a letter which her daughter gave him).


And because I want to finish this kind of depressing campfire with something a little lighter as a thanks:



Thursday July 22, 2010 at 12:47 PM

Ok so today is the first day of my summer holidays, as I finished my last Uni exam yesterday. Hubby is on business trip, I have the house to myself with a bottle of wine and Jacket potato for dinner and I am desperately looking for some fanfic to read.

Could anyone recommend anything AH (Unless it is a fantastic AU) and without clichés please? I would love complete stories and I don’t mind One shots either.

Lots of love XXM

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