

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 10:10 PM



Remember when Emmett visited the camp a few weeks back when most of our US campers were sleeping?

Well, he's back and ready for more shenanigans.

Prank your fellow campers - swap out their bedding, replace their E/B fic list with J/B recommendations, plaster their tents with posters of their most despised music bands.

You know what to do - oops, gotta run, Emmett's at it already and he can go a little too far in his fun, as we all know!


Shane Dawson is Team Edward?

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 9:31 PM

My absolute favorite Youtuber is Shane Dawson. He's sweet and sensitive and hilariously uncensored.

 I'm woman of few words so, just gonna leave this here. Enjoy. 




Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 9:07 PM


Here are some carefully chosen pics to accompany this post. Aka things you find when you google "Happy birthday banana" LOL.


Comment or leave birthday goodies in Ms. Pancakes' cabin!!!


What do you write too?

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 9:00 PM

I can't write unless I'm listening to something. Background noise doesn't really do it for me. For right now, I listen to the song "You're not sorry" by Taylor Swift, over and over again. It makes me inspired. So my question is, what music or songs inspire you? 


The Awesome that is the Eclipse Soundtrack

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 8:26 PM

This soundtrack is ah-mazing. Blame my sentimental mood, and the fact that my fiance and I have seen each other for a week this summer since he is doing military training, I'm going to focus on the emotional songs on the album.

What are your favorite songs

Sia: My Love

Howard Shore: Jacob's Theme
If these YT videos don't work, let me know- I've never embeded media before.


Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 7:01 PM

Do to unforeseen and terribly unfavorable circumstances, I haven't been around for the past few days. So yes, this campfire usually goes up on Sundays but I really think we all need to blow off some steam and have a CHAT POST.

You can be happy or cranky or rage or gush....

Any subject is fine, just play by the rules remembering to put the subject you wish to chat about in BIG COLORFUL LETTERS.

So, come on Campers, let's blow off some steam!


Fanfiction, Help?

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 6:50 PM

okay, so I've read this story... it was VERY popular, almost over 20000 reviews? i think thats right. but i can't for the life of me figure out the name of it! 

Edward was all tatted up, and Bella's family had died in a plan crash on a way to her wedding. It's on the tip of my tongue, but i can't think of it! I feel stupid, lol. I thought it was on my "favorites" on fanfiction, but I can't find it. did it get deleted from fanfiction? and what is the name! 


Breaking Dawn Casting Rumors...

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 6:29 PM

So... the word on the street (E! News) is that Pushing Daisies actor LEE PACE has been cast as GARRETT in BREAKING DAWN.

Maybe, maybe not.... read this, according to GOSSIP COP:

Eclipse is still in theaters, but rumors are already swirling about potential casting for Breaking Dawn.

On Tuesday, Lee Pace entered the discussion.

An E! Online report claims the former “Pushing Daisies” star is “thisclose” to being cast as a vampire in Breaking Dawn. Specifically, Pace would play Edward Cullen’s pal Garrett, who has “a lightness and element of humor about him.”

“Lee is the top person in the running to play Garrett,” E! quotes a source as saying.

Gossip Cop suspected it was premature to call Pace — or anyone else — “thisclose” to the role, and it looks like we were right.

A production source tells Gossip Cop no one has been cast, and a rep for Pace informs us the actor has not been approached.

So while it’s certainly possible that Pace tops a current wish list for producers, Summit, or director Bill Condon — much like Joseph Gordon-Levitt loose “connection” to Batman 3 — Pace’s casting shouldn’t be considered imminent.


While GC is good for dispelling stupid rumors, it's also know for pandering to celebs and studios, putting forth information THEY want US to know...and not necessarily the absolute truth.  We shall see!

Who would YOU like to see as Garrett?



Review Advice

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 5:41 PM

Advice appreciated.



Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 5:11 PM

I've been looking for a fic I once read for ages now and still can't find it!!

It's a jasper/bella story

Edward leaves Bella and Alice leaves Jasper

Jasper saves Bella when she jumps off a cliff

They go away together and fall in love

Edward and Alice come back and decide they want Bella and Jasper back

Jasper and Bella agree but want one more night together and that's as far as I got

Please help!! 

LJ Summers

Giving vampires a bad name

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 4:36 PM


Spousal Unit found this and shared with me.   I had to pass it along.
I think the lyrics are at the youtube link...?

Food Post

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 4:22 PM

Ok, ok! So the chocolate-Fingered Vishous pic made me hungry!

Ok, so its summer in the northern half of the world, right?  Winter down south.

According to where you are, post the YUMMIEST thing you have eaten or created this season and tell us where and when!


SHARE!  (and bonus points for pics of food you made yourself since I didn't take a pic of my masterpiece!!!)

(my post will be in the comments to keep the OP small on the front page and suck up to the Rangers who approved this poast!!!)


forest-y picture associations

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 3:36 PM

tell me how you really feel

in picture format.


leave a comment.  we'll tell you how we feel about you using ONLY pictures, .gifs, and videos.


i hope your browser can handle the load



Let's talk about Robert's butt

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 2:10 PM

haha what butt? (even Rob looks amused)

I kid, I kid.

Omg, so you know I appreciate KStew ALL DAY LONG, but you should know I LOVE ROB TOO. And you know who else adores Rob? KStew Grownasswoman20 and Wolvesnvamps, who helped me put this campfire together.

You know how it goes - post your favorite pics, comment on stuff other people have posted, be nice, and chill out!

sorry... I couldn't resist.




They've finally push my love to the edge

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 2:01 PM

We all know rob is usually all smiles for the paps, but today he had enough no fun loving its okay to take my pics here. I mean they are really taken things to far, take a few pics okay , but to corner him to the point where he has no where to go and has to call the cops they need to be stop.
Please feel free to rant with me.

A Campfire about Movie Replacements

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 12:04 PM

Howdy campers! It's time to gather round the circle again for another discussion about life & its meaning. Oh who am I kidding?

Hopefully today's campfire will be fun because tomorrow I have to go get more tests on my bewbies & I need to laugh. I'm slightly worried.

So, I was watching t.v. w/my sister the other day and she says this to me about the "bad guy": "So that's basically Victoria, right?"  The light bulb went off. Now some of you may have guessed that I love Wonder Woman. She's just awesome. Well one day while searching for pics to use as avi's I came across a picture of The Justice League (just go w/it) posed like the movie poster for The Breakfast Club. For those of you that may be saying "The What?" The Breakfast Club was an awesome 80's movie starring most of the Brat Pack. That's a different campfire.

Anyhoot I thought it'd be fun to take a movie and apply the Twilight characters to it. So I'm going to suggest three movies to start it off,  you tell me what characters from Twilight would play the characters in the movie. Then you suggest your own movies. I'm breaking out the s'mores and there are plenty of sticks for everyone. Just don't throw them.

As always my #1 rule for any of my campfires is that you do not put yourself or others down. I'm serious about this. This circle is about the love.

I'm also going to ask that if you know anyone who has had or has breast cancer that you just mention it. You don't have to name the person. I'm just curious to know how many people know someone. 

The Movies: Pride & Prejudice, Dazed and Confused and Scream (any of them). I'll list mine in the comments.

I've known many woman who have had breast cancer, that being said, my Aunt Vera was the closest to me.

And follow me on Twitter: @wytchwmn75


Deep Thoughts....

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 11:27 AM

I was going to say with HMonster4 - but a group convo in San Diego over....hmm...it was either a lager drink or a coffee drink that inspired it...

ElleCC, TheHeartoflife and I were talking about the emotional impact that reading Twilight had on us.  You remember those first few days after finishing the book, where a strange funk hung over you?  Profmom was the first one to bring it up that I can recall - back in the fall on a blog for another site.  Anyway - her point was, and what we were discussing was the odd gloom that we settled into after first consuming the twilight books.  Married/single - it didn't matter - there was this "I want that and I don't have it" feeling that was all encompassing.  I can remember it clear as day. I finished reading Eclipse (a week before BD came out), and I headed out with the hubs and mini to play 9 holes of golf, and I just couldn't shake it...I don't do Emo Funk, and this was brutal.  In realization now, it was aspiration for that fleeting moment, that first love that came and went - it was a first time that will never be recaptured.  Everyone in the conversation admitted to going through the same odd sort of daze, and it got me to thinking - why is that?

So I was noodling on it this am as I drove to work - random thoughts lead to more random thoughts - and something hit me.

It was those damn first 14 chapters of Twilight.

I started extrapolating it out - first love and the excitement of something new.  Most of us have been there. I remember mine - right before I turned 17.  It had a lot of the same dynamics - the rush, the fire, and sadly, a lot of the possessive inappropriate behaviors that we call Edward and Jacob out for in New Moon and Eclipse.  I have a lot of thoughts on the whole boy/teen dynamic - but I am going to hold on to that one for now, because I want to hear other people's perspectives.

So here is my deep thought/conversation starter for you ADF -

1. Did you go thru that post reading funk? Looking back on it now, can you pinpoint why?

2. Do you see parallels (good bad or otherwise) to your personal history?

3 If there was one thing you could go back and tell yourself before hitting that great first love, what would it be?

4. Did you have hopes that the high of the later books would get back to what you experienced in Twilight, or did you maintain that sensation throughout?


katniss everdeen is worthy of my admiration

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 11:19 AM

why aren't you reading the hunger games yet?

the books are cheap.  you can read them in a day.  what the censored 'cuz it's the front page are you waiting for?

all right, get in here and argue over peeta and gale.  i'll be sitting here on my forest-y throne, rooting for cinna.


"I love her hair" -- R. Pattinson

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 10:00 AM

Don't you love that interview or whatever it is they did in Paris during Twilight promo where Rob and Kris were asked what they liked about each other? It's so cute. They're so young. He's so dirty. Her hair is so awesome.

Anyway, moving right along... I used to hate Kristen Stewart. She used to disgust me. I'd see pictures of her last summer and feel sick. I'm being completely serious right now. I thought she had an attitude. I thought she needed to take a shower. I wondered why someone as hot and adorable and perfect as RPatttz would even look twice at her. But he didn't look at her... he had to spend time with her because of his job. I mean, why else would he want to be around THAT? Like, seriously... those pics from CC and TCA weekend... NO.

Then something happened. I saw her in person. My head kept shouting, "LOOK THAT'S ROBERT PATTINSON TWO FEET AWAY FROM YOU. FOCUS." My heart said, "F*** that, look at her. She's gorgeous." And her hair was pretty gross, but it was cute - all up in a messy sorta ponytail and super dark and her skin... oh her skin. ANYWAY, they were both adorable. And so was TomStu in his dirty sneakers. But enough about that... today's topic: KStew's hair.

Show me what you love. Show me what you hate. Be honest. Share pics. Wavy. Straight. Blonde. Bella-brown. Red. Black.

My favorites will be in the comments.Oh, and thank you to Bubbly90 who made the awesome collage! I love her.


Sparkly Cake Pops

Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 8:53 AM

I was just browsing around on Bakerella, one of my favorite baking blogs. She has a new section with pictures sent in from readers, and I found these. http://www.bakerella.com/pop-star-dee-in-texas/ Sparkly vampire cake pops! And dark chocolate for Team Jacob too. I just had to share.  Anyone else want to take a big bite out of that Edward one?

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