I was going to say with HMonster4 - but a group convo in San Diego over....hmm...it was either a lager drink or a coffee drink that inspired it...
ElleCC, TheHeartoflife and I were talking about the emotional impact that reading Twilight had on us. You remember those first few days after finishing the book, where a strange funk hung over you? Profmom was the first one to bring it up that I can recall - back in the fall on a blog for another site. Anyway - her point was, and what we were discussing was the odd gloom that we settled into after first consuming the twilight books. Married/single - it didn't matter - there was this "I want that and I don't have it" feeling that was all encompassing. I can remember it clear as day. I finished reading Eclipse (a week before BD came out), and I headed out with the hubs and mini to play 9 holes of golf, and I just couldn't shake it...I don't do Emo Funk, and this was brutal. In realization now, it was aspiration for that fleeting moment, that first love that came and went - it was a first time that will never be recaptured. Everyone in the conversation admitted to going through the same odd sort of daze, and it got me to thinking - why is that?
So I was noodling on it this am as I drove to work - random thoughts lead to more random thoughts - and something hit me.
It was those damn first 14 chapters of Twilight.
I started extrapolating it out - first love and the excitement of something new. Most of us have been there. I remember mine - right before I turned 17. It had a lot of the same dynamics - the rush, the fire, and sadly, a lot of the possessive inappropriate behaviors that we call Edward and Jacob out for in New Moon and Eclipse. I have a lot of thoughts on the whole boy/teen dynamic - but I am going to hold on to that one for now, because I want to hear other people's perspectives.
So here is my deep thought/conversation starter for you ADF -
1. Did you go thru that post reading funk? Looking back on it now, can you pinpoint why?
2. Do you see parallels (good bad or otherwise) to your personal history?
3 If there was one thing you could go back and tell yourself before hitting that great first love, what would it be?
4. Did you have hopes that the high of the later books would get back to what you experienced in Twilight, or did you maintain that sensation throughout?