Completed story!
Friday July 23, 2010 at 12:32 PM
After a year of working on this bad boy... it's finally completed :)
It's angsty and full of... lots of crazy stuff. But... I'm so glad to have it done.
So campers... have you completed your fics? Do you have a favorite completed fic?
Yay for Hal for finishing a fic :)
Friday July 23, 2010 at 11:58 AM
Post what your listening to lately :) (videos i you can)
I've been listening to a lot of Dobie Gray and Neil Young...
Fall out of love???
Friday July 23, 2010 at 10:00 AM
Here recently I have ran into the problem that I can't seem to get back into fics I used to love. It is really upsetting. When Emancipation Proclamation would update I used to run to read the update, that fic seriously owned me! Now I haven't read the last couple updates and every time I try I just can't do it. *hangs head in shame*
My question is have you ever had this happen? if so what fic was it?
How did you fall back in love with a certain fic?
and some pretty FYT:
Let's All Go to the Movies
Friday July 23, 2010 at 9:55 AM
I love movies. I mean what's not to love? Action. Horror. Drama. BRING IT!
So what cha' watching?
I saw Inception last weekend...starring my new baby daddy:
Seriously....I luvs him. <333
I'll probably take my little gumbas to see this tomorrow morning:
Friday July 23, 2010 at 9:43 AM
As those of us on Twitter know today is Follow Friday. A certain comment made by a certain Twi-star got me thinking about celebrity Twitter accounts and why I follow the ones I do. I thought it might be fun for us to post the ones we follow with or without commentary. Who knows? Maybe you'll find some fun new celebs to follow. And of course feel free to post your own Twitter accounts as well.
I follow:
Okay, those aren't celebrities, heck they're not even real people, but the great thing about them is they'll follow you back and interact with you and for a geek like me that's a lot of fun.
I also follow:
I actually follow more but I'll stop there. :) So why do you follow the ones you do? I follow the ones I do because they are funny and/or offer me a glimpse into their lives whether it be through pics or just little tidbits of the ordinary. I don't bother with celebs that only tweet about their latest book or movie or album because to me that's boring and I can read that anywhere on the web. I like to get inside their heads. I love pics of their pets or what they're eating or whatever silly little things that actually bring them down to Earth and make them human. That's the side I like to see.
And in case you're interested here's mine:
It's set to private but if you add me I'll add you.
live music
Friday July 23, 2010 at 9:14 AM
This is my first campfire so I figured FFAF was a good time to start!
I am going to see Sir Paul on Monday in Nashville. I'm so EXCITED because he's at the top of my must-see concert list, but it got me thinking...
What's at the top of YOUR must-see concert list?
Or what's the best concert you have ever seen?
Let's talk live music.
Is your top this guy, like me?
or are you hoping this guy will decide to tour?
unfff...I wish.
Confessional Campfire
Friday July 23, 2010 at 8:47 AM
Okay, so it's been awhile since we've had one of these. I think.
For Free For All, I need to get some stuff off my chest.
Anyone care to join me?
Come in and confess what's been hanging over your head.
Hate your job? Hiding something? Were you the one that TP'd your neighbor's house?
I'll give mine in the comments.
A littleTaylor Kitsch for doing the right thing:
With what? :O
Friday July 23, 2010 at 6:19 AM
Okay. sooo everyone I know is all,
AAAAH read With Teeth AAH!!
and im all. waaah? why?
Because I'm a push over I finally started and ooohmigowd! what a slow progression. So now I'm like f@#! it.
But can anyone tell me what happens??(details would be good) :)
Is it worth all the waiting??
Can anyone give me all the details?
Good fics:D
Friday July 23, 2010 at 5:32 AM
Hey campers. I'm moving away in like 19 days. SO I only have 19 days to read fics.
I have a list. They are like a 100 fics on it. All of them are good. But I want to make a Good list out my list.
In your comments can you tell me the fics you absolutely think I should read.
A few that are on my list:
With teeth
For the summer
Dead on my Feet
Thank you everyone:) I got my list:)
I'm a firestarter
Friday July 23, 2010 at 2:36 AM
Twister firestarter I know xD
Was just wondering, am I able to get a Kindle in the UK? and is it really any better than the Sony 505 e-reader?
do any of you have e-readers? if so which one, and why did you buy it?
The Vamp!
Friday July 23, 2010 at 1:46 AM
also if you have a nervous disposition, heart conditions or are pregnant you may want to look away now.
So I'm sat at home last night, getting really annoyed about the fact that my internet doesn't work when I get this text:
"Whoa apparently you can get vampire dildos :/ they're meant to be cold and hard and sparkly :/ I hope it's a lie!"
from my boyfriend
So this morning (when I internet was back) I looked it up
What I found is disturbing and in the comments.
Whew felt the need to make a campfire
Friday July 23, 2010 at 12:50 AM
Its been forever since I've actually contributed to FFAF and thought I would start out by saying HAPPY EFFING FRIDAY PEEPS!!!!
Anyways got my truck smogged wallet is lighter but you know what the thing passed finally so I can rest easy for a while...but thats not really the point of this campfire...this Sunday me and the bestie are going to see 100 Monkeys in the flesh and I AM SO FREAKIN EXCITED I CAN HARDLY CONTAIN MYSELF!!!!
Anyways yeah have you ever been to a 100 Monkeys concert...if so share pictures and/or video footage are you going to the San Francisco show...if so we should totally meet up before the show...I am also attending the Fresno show on the 2nd of August...anyone going to that one as well??
FYT: My favorite monkey :)
I think I Ben G is my number 2
Comic Con Meetup
Thursday July 22, 2010 at 11:51 PM
I read that there was a meetup opportunity for Twilight Fanfic people at Comic Con Friday at some park. Does anyone have details about that? Is anyone allowed to come? Thanks!!
Awkward Family Photos
Thursday July 22, 2010 at 11:38 PM
This first one is actually a pretty tough shot to get, considering how brief giraffe mating is...
Do I really need to say anything about the second one?
Please, by all means, discuss, submit your own, gawk disbelievingly, share stories of your awkward family moments.
Pictures courtesy of the hilarious
Thursday July 22, 2010 at 11:36 PM
Pandering, Forgive me...I'm not a real fan of Song Fic's but the moment i heard "Glitter in the Air" by Pink it made me think of Jasper and, Randi needs writer to fulfull her song fic dream.
What songs make you think of Cullen Couples?
Thursday July 22, 2010 at 10:51 PM
I felt the need to share this.
Post yer best hot Dad/Mom and kid pics.
Thursday July 22, 2010 at 10:42 PM
Doucheward's are everywhere in the fandom. Doucheward's turn out to be loveable characters despite their original douchiness.
But, would you actually like these Doucheward's in RL?
Some Doucheward's bring me to tears, and I'm not even the one in the situation, and haven't been in that specific situation before.
Don't get me wrong, I love me some Doucheward. He might be my favourite -ward of all time, because in the end he'll change. He always changes. In the fandom.
Let's discuss some of the worst Doucheward's in the comments, so we don't spoil the douchiness for other campers. Maybe even give some recc's on the best Doucheward's. Also, how would you react if that Doucheward was real? My rant will be in the comments. :)
All The Supernatual Lovers Unite!!!!
Thursday July 22, 2010 at 10:29 PM
So I started watching Season 5, and I am just blown away. I'm a little wary to see what they're doing with it, but I can't wait to see the whole thing!!!
So campers....If you had to choose Sam or Dean or Castiel The Angel, who would you pick and why?
It's FFFA, YO!
Thursday July 22, 2010 at 9:08 PM
Bitching Block
Thursday July 22, 2010 at 9:02 PM
Okay, so I'm in the mood to bitch...anyone want to join?
*my bitching will be in comments*
A Different Forest is an all-inclusive user-generated supernatural community.