
What to think?

Thursday July 22, 2010 at 8:26 PM I know we've had a few campfires lately on reviewing.  I know I'm not the best reviewer, and I have apologized many times to authors about not reviewing every chapter, but something happened today that sort of bothered me.

I had added a story to my favorites list on and it was one that I really haven't sat down and read.  Just did some skimming at the airports the other day in between flights.  I haven't had a chance to actually sit down, read it and review it.  Tonight, I've got a PM from the author, literally begging me to go back and leave a review because she feels she just dosn't get as many as she feels she should be getting.  Which kind of turns me off to wanting to read and review this fic. does this make you feel?  Does it make you want to go back and leave a review right away because you felt like a jerk for not doing it, or does it make you feel like the author is just fishing for compliments? this something you'd even consider doing?  Is it out of line?


A Campfire about Ships

Thursday July 22, 2010 at 7:26 PM

Good evening campers! Gather round the nice warm fire, its time for another sing-along! Last night's discussion was so interesting, thank you to everyone that participated!


Tonight we're going to discuss alternate shippers. I want to know which alt ships make your knees weak? Which one want to make you vomit yesterday's lunch? If there is a certain story that made you an alt ship believer, tell me about it.


I've become Carlisle/Bella fan. I love the two-shot Wicked Game by MyEdiction. I read it for the DILF contest back in October. In February I started talking to her and we are now happily married fic wives. I've also got a slash/poly sweet tooth, but that's a conversation for a different night.

I can't read: Edward/Rosalie, Edward/Tanya, Bella/Jacob. Almost anything I can do.


Please remember my campfire rules, this is a circle of love so no putting yourself or other campers down. 


It's Wine-O'Clock!!

Thursday July 22, 2010 at 6:55 PM

Hey Campers!

Today has been weird.

It started off as a crappy day. Then I had coffee, played on gchat for a bit and got some good news via email, so everything was great.

THEN I got some bad news and I've been ranting/whining on twitter all evening.


Let's have some fun, y/y?


do the following:

*What's ONE song you can NOT stop listening to right now?

*Name ONE fic you will drop everything for when it updates (must be a WiP!!...and only ONE)

*What's your favorite meal for dinner (tonight we had french toast & bacon -i ate my feelings-, but i'm running out of ideas)

*Tell me a JOKE (make it a good one!)

*Show me something pretty!


mine is in the comments


Six degrees of separation

Thursday July 22, 2010 at 6:53 PM

Hi dee ho campers!

I just found out my hubby met Taylor Swift at a business meeting with some promotional company his firm is working with. He met her weeks ago and didn't realize who she was. He said she looked familiar. Must be the pictures on our daughters wall. Anyway. I was trying to explain the degrees of separation to my team Jacob crazy 9 year old and it hit me. If hubs knows Taylor Swift and I'm sure Taylor Swift has met the other Twilight people I'm really only 2 degrees away from my favorite Cullen men! Rob knows the Harry Potter people and probably met David Tennant on the set of Goblet of Fire so I'm only 3 degrees away from my favorite Doctor. I don't think my heart can take anymore tonight.

I am curious to know if anyother campers have connections to Twilight celebs.



Thursday July 22, 2010 at 6:19 PM









Thursday July 22, 2010 at 6:04 PM

What IS an Amnesia Campfire?

Well, some of us have trouble remembering the name of a new fic that we just started, the name of a fic we used to read or the name of just about anything. 

Now I have a confession to make. I AM ONE OF THESE PEOPLE. My fellow Ranger, Tor, can attest to this as our fic conversations usually goes as follows:


Emibella: I read a fic today and I just can't get it out of my head.

Tor: What is it called?

Emibella:  I have no idea, but it disturbed me.


Emibella: I just read a fic today and I swear that Edward is Batman.

Tor: Oh, I know that one.

Emibella: Good, because I have no idea what it is called. But Edward is Batman. Trust me.


Poor Tor has to deal with my broken brain, let us help YOU so you don't have to burden anyone like I burden her.





Just for s*%@s and giggles...

Thursday July 22, 2010 at 5:26 PM

I was browsing around a HP website and I found this...

I don't think I've seen it posted here before...

11 Ways to Use Harry Potter to Annoy a Twilight Fan

1. Steal their copy of Twilight and replace it with one of your Harry Potter books in a Twilight dust jacket.
2. Tell them that Edward is a "hand-me-down" because the Twilight movies got him after the Harry Potter movies were finished with him.
3. List other "hand-me-downs" from the books, like the last names of Black and Clearwater...
4. State that you think Edward would be hotter if he had a lightning scar on his forehead.
5. "Accidentally" call Edward, Sanguini.
6. Explain in detail how any wizard can possess all the gifts (seeing the future, reading minds, etc.), that a vampire would only have one of.
7. Whenever they mention Jacob Black, innocently ask if they meant Stubby Boardman.
8. Say that Bella and Filch would make a cute couple.
9. Flinch whenever they say "Edward" and tell them to say "You-Know-Who."
10. Whenever they describe the vampires of the Twilight series (sparkly skin, no fangs, etc.), contradict them, and tell them what "real" vampires, out of Harry Potter, are like.
11. Explain how Twilight werewolves are really Animagi, and ask whether they've registered with the Ministry.

Well, it made me laugh, anyway!

And if all hand-me-downs looked like this... well, words fail me...


Rec me some sad Ones shots.

Thursday July 22, 2010 at 3:33 PM

Basically, I was looking around on You Tube when I found this video:

Vid Description:

NEW MOON AU (alternative universe, which basically means, i changed things)
at the beginning; i think it's pretty obvious: it's bella's birthday and the tragic papercut happens. edward drives her home, intends to give in her wish to kiss her but stops and drives back home, determined to leave her so she'll be safe from him and his family. the wood scene follows and loads and loads of depressed bella shots. she kind of lives with the illusion of edward still being there and desperately trying to find him, even if she just imagines him.
the twist in the story?
edward indeed comes back BUT years later when bella is an old lady. ( i was inspired by the movie 'tuck everlasting' in which (major SPOILER follows here!) the protagonist leaves his love and comes back too late just to see her gravestone.


Besides being an awfully emotional and extremly well done video, it made me want to read those really sad one shots where Edward comes back years later to find Bella either sick or already dead (I specifically remember one one shot where Bella was married with Jacob and was dying in Alzheimers I think, and another one where she wrote Edward a letter which her daughter gave him).


And because I want to finish this kind of depressing campfire with something a little lighter as a thanks:



Thursday July 22, 2010 at 12:47 PM

Ok so today is the first day of my summer holidays, as I finished my last Uni exam yesterday. Hubby is on business trip, I have the house to myself with a bottle of wine and Jacket potato for dinner and I am desperately looking for some fanfic to read.

Could anyone recommend anything AH (Unless it is a fantastic AU) and without clichés please? I would love complete stories and I don’t mind One shots either.

Lots of love XXM


It can't be done?

Thursday July 22, 2010 at 12:46 PM

High Noon just updated and...

how shall I say this without being a spoiler?

hmmm... well..... if you are one of those people who thought that a fade to black is the only way to make something stay PG-13 and, in being such rated, even if it wasn't fade to black it wouldn't be steaming HOT, you are going to want to give this chapter a good read. Maybe even read it twice. Or, if you are like me, three times.

Chapter Link: Just Try It


SM to be producer on BD

Thursday July 22, 2010 at 11:05 AM

I found this:

Stephenie Meyer is stepping forward in the midst of the Breaking Dawn should-it-or-should-it-not be rated R debate. And guess what she's saying? She'll be there every day to make sure the movie accurately reflects her vision as the movie's latest producer.

"It's really a lot about the room," the Twilight author confides. "And it's going to be a lot of upheaval in my life, but I felt like it was important. And then also, it's the last one. So I kinda feel like, I'm going to commit to this for this year, I'll get it done, and then I won't do that again."

The suits at Summit still claim they can do the book justice without creating an R-rated movie. Producer Wyck Godfrey reveals, "I'm unwavering in my belief that these will be PG-13 movies. And really, I say that not because I know what we're shooting but because I feel that they should be. I feel like the audience of the books and the movies, many of them are under 18...I can't make an R-rated conclusion to the franchise."

Not to mention that Stephenie's Mormon faith counsels against watching R-rated movies. So she'll probably want to keep it PG-13 anyway.

The Team Edward vs. Team Jacob battle may continue on, but it's looking like Team PG-13 has it in the bag.

original article here 

So what do you think? Good thing, bad thing?

Personally I think it'd be a good thing having her there, because in the end isn't it her book? So shouldn't she know what's going on better than anyone?

just thought I'd share seen as I didn't see a fire about it before.


'With Teeth' updated

Thursday July 22, 2010 at 7:27 AM

The fantabulous TalulaBlue has updated at Twilighted. As always, go read and then come back to discuss and debate :-)

Link: Chapter 25


Hey all!

Thursday July 22, 2010 at 7:20 AM

Hi everyone! I've only just joined up, so I was going to do a little about me with this blog/campfire.

TwilightNut is my nickname given to me by my friends. I am crazy about twilight, 100% Team Edward cause I like to be kept cool. I have only read the books 5 times each, but can tell you the entire story plot with my eyes shut....Thats if you like having your ear chewed off. I am a avid twilight role player, but I only role play as Bella. Why, you may ask? Its because I look like Bella, apart from the fact that my body mass is bigger and my eyes are blue, and because no one else in my friends can do Bella as well as I can. I also write fanfiction and I have a deviantart, both under then name twilightnut, but I haven't been updating on either for a while, and I'm hoping that this site can help me get my passion for writing fanfiction and doing fanart back. If you have anything else you want to know, don't hesitate to ask. I will answer any questions you have.



See a TREND?

Thursday July 22, 2010 at 6:43 AM

When Robert Pattinson isn't made of marble, it seems he is always beaten to a pulp! Oh No!

New shots from Water For Elephants


So, I have a question. What is YOUR favorite "look" for your favorite actor? Do you like fresh scrubbed? Hobo? Fight Club? Billionaire Playboy? Let's see them pictures!

and, no, they don't have to be of that guy, obviously!

LJ Summers

Fluffy Fic List

Thursday July 22, 2010 at 5:28 AM

Can you believe we aren't done making Forest-Recommended Fan Fiction Lists yet?  Well, we're not!  This is the last one for this week and next week I'll solicit another category or two from you.  

Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your favorites for our lists!  Remember, these lists are compilations in progress. That means you can ADD TO YOUR RECS if you find something that fits.  I know I've been doing that the past few days. If you've favorited the list, go to the campfire icon and click on it to find the pink heart and link that says My Favourites.  Click on that and you'll find all of your favorite campfires. Then, it's a simple matter to just click on the list you want and add to it.  

Today, I ask you to share with us your favorite fluffy fics.  These are AU or AH stories that don't tie us up in knots. They're sweet and have little to no angst and/or heartfail.  Suspense, sure, but nothing really heavy.  All ratings are acceptable.  You might even want to dig deep into that rarely-visited K/G category if you have some of those tucked away! 

Remember the Rules of the Campfire:

1.  Keep it Simple.

2.  No discussions.  


So far, these are the lists that are in progress, all linked within the Forest.

AU - Lemony Goodness

Canon - All Kinds

AH - Lemony Goodness

Wolfpack Prose

Angst & Heartfail

Rated T, PG, PG-13

Slash Fics


My recommendations for Fluffy Fics will be within.

Thank you for contributing to this Fluffy Compilation! :) 


reccomend me this

Thursday July 22, 2010 at 12:23 AM

okay i have two requests. both AH.

first, ive been loving dissapear here, and its got me in the mood to read some more rebel bella stories. drug use, drinking, partying, beig a bamf.

that sort of thing.


another easy one, i want some where like, rosalie jasper and edward are friends, or something where how they meet is mixed up. it seems like its always the same. alice and edward are bro/sis or its ed,jas, and em are friends and rose,ali and bella are friends. just soething that mixes up the pairing a little.

like i said AH and preferrably completed.

thanks lovelies.

for your time:


Hit Me With Your Best Shots

Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 9:46 PM

Well, since the fic I was looking for has been pulled (tear) I need some really good recs. I'm a tough critic, especially since I'm reading tons of fics right now. But I'm kind of looking for something completeled because sometimes these wait periods between chapters is KILLING me because I'm such an eager beaver (beaver just made me laugh...bahaha!) So, as the title of this post says HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST fic recs.


Disclaimer: I've read or am reading tons of highly rec'ed/favorites stories right now, so ya gotta dig real deep for those good ones.

Thanks campers!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 8:39 PM

...And not of the mental kind (even though it has been heavily recommended.) Anywho, I'm not sure if I totes hallucinated this, but I remeber reading a story about a Bella who designs furniture-or something of that nature. This Bella has a son and the father is a mystery (but we figure out quickly it's Edward.) Edward is a domineering, aggressive businessman with a dark past(?) Anyway, Carlisle plays a different role than the runabout Daddy C. He's smexy, single, and is very protective of Bella and her son.

Anyone have any idea of the name of this fic is?!? Or have I totally gone mad?!!!

Grazi =] 


Banner Makers

Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 7:55 PM

Where can I find banner makers? I have two stories that I would like banners for. Any suggestions??


What do YOU do in the Twiverse??

Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 7:34 PM

This week I want to know what YOU do in the twiverse...

What do you write? Tell us! Link us up! Show us your banner!

What do you read? Give us a reason to pimp to YOU SPECIFICALLY!

What contests or twiverse events do you run or support? Let us know how we can be involved!

What do your friends do that makes you proud to know them? Tell US!

We want to know it ALL!! 

I am going to go beta the wonderful, epic new chapter of High Noon (aka...Chapter ICantTellYouWhatHappensButYou'llLoveIt) that was supposed to be out today but J&J took the time to make it even MORE fabulous. . . look for it tomorrow and if you haven't started this fic yet OR HAVE YET TO REVIEW IT...I AM WATCHING YOU AND YOU MUST START NOW!!!! :)

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