Tennessee Campers!!

Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 9:30 AM

I may or may not come sleep on your couch... js....

Robert Pattinson headed to Chattanooga, TN to film scenes for ‘Water For Elephants’


An anonymous source sent us this casting call for extras that was recently posted in Chattanooga, TN:

Feature Film
Casting Director: Sande Alessi Casting-Kristan Berona
Shoot/Start Date: July 30th through August 2nd, 2010
Location: Chattanooga, TN
age 25-50. In good shape, willing to get a haircut (short on the sides). MUST either live in or close to Chattanooga.
Caucasian girls, age 9-11 years old. Caucasian boys age 7-15 years old. Must be willing to get a haircut. MUST either live in or close to Chattanooga.

We had heard rumors that Water For Elephants, which stars Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon and has been filming in Ventura County, CA, would be filming scenes in Chattanooga too, but now we have the proof, and filming dates!

If you’re interested in applying to be an extra, you can contact the casting company here.

If you spot Water For Elephants filming in Tennessee, let us know about it in a comment below or via email at!

*Just to clarify, though it seems likely Rob will be in TN for the shoot, we have not had any confirmation of which cast members will be there.

found via @H2OforElephants


The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo

Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 9:15 AM

I've recently begun reading the Millennium series by Stieg Larsson and I love them! I've learned that there might be an American movie made of the first book and that Twilight's Kristen Stewart is very interested in playing Lisbeth Salander. Have you read these books, Campers? Like ' 'em? Do you think Kristen is a good fit for Lisbeth?



Live Free or Twihard

Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 8:10 AM

I saw this video posted on twitter... it made me LOL, as these things usually do..

The interesting thing here...
The dude who tweeted it, Patrick Donahue, also wrote, directed and plays Edward Cullen in the video. 
Patrick Donahue also plays "(uncredited) .... Benzini Roustabout" in Robert Pattinson's upcoming film, Water For Elephants.


Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 8:03 AM

Okay, let me first just say that I love Kristen. But.... This, needed to be shared.


Thoughts, comments? haha



Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 8:03 AM

[Did "Independant Women" by Destiny's Child pop into anyone else's head as they read the title of this post? No? Just me?]

I've been trying to read stories on Story Telling but I usually only do it through recc's. Is there a way to look through the fics availabe here by reading a summary?


I'm on the hunt. I'm after you.

Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 6:44 AM


*because let's be honest, they'd be way more fun to hang out with than vampires.

Can you, Campers, give reasons as to why they'd be more fun?

Also, I gotta say, I'm pretty sure the wolves get a bad rep. for no good reason. 

I'll elaborate in the comments.

and also Wolf Recs!

got any?


LJ Summers

Slash Fic List

Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 5:29 AM

Up and r u n n i n g, I thought to put a kick in your get-along in the middle of the week with this list compilation.  Today, we're looking for SLASH.

Slash and femslash are romantic pairings that are homosexual in nature, whether that sexuality is acted upon or not.  Slash fics can come in T-ratings as well as M or R or NC-17, depending upon how they're written.  Male/male, female/female, and I don't discount polyamorous groupings here either, if they swing that way.

This list can be AH or AU, because it's all welcome here!

Remember the Rules of the Campfire:

1. Keep it simple. Title, author, author's summary.

2. No discussions.  This should read like a list going down the page as it's building. 


These lists are compiled for the purpose of being recoverable, so make sure to punch the heart to favorite it if you want to find it again!

My recs will be within, as always.

Thanks so much for your help in compiling these lists! 


Below are the links to the fic lists already in progress:

AU - Lemony Goodness

Canon - All Kinds

AH - Lemony Goodness

Wolfpack Prose

Angst & Heartfail

Rated T, PG, PG-13



Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 3:22 AM

Morning all,

So I just bought myself a kindle. Ordered it on Monday from the states and it arrived here in the uk today, how quick is that?!

Anyway my question is this is there anyway I can read fanfiction on it or can I only download the kindle books from amazon?


Emancipation Proclamation

Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 2:53 AM

New EP chapter is up!

After reading chapter 77, I've got to say that this story is one of the best fics ever.

I remember someone on this site complaining about how badly written it was.  I strongly disagree with this person. EP is amazing, if you are not reading it yet  you must.


I love Carlisle even more after this chapter, what did you think?



ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 2:07 AM


This is being posted so early that most of you will probably miss it today.  But honestly, I won't be able to post it any other time, so I appologize.









"Race to Volterra" by verotruth <- I thought this was a great version of the "saving Edward" scene.


Fan Art

Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 12:27 AM

Do any of you look at fan art? There are so many amazing artists on deviantART. One of the fan artist's even gave a prize away for the For the Love of Jasper Contest hosted this past fall, if I'm not mistaken. I watch her on dA, and her stuff is amazing.

One of the greatest fan artist's I watch on dA is a lovely girl by the name of *burdge-bug. She does fan art for Harry Potter, Twilight, The Hunger Games, Percy Jackson, and many, many others. Not only has she introduced me to many great books, she's also made the characters look exactly how I've imagined them, especially the Harry Potter ones.

Here's a link to her profile on dA:

Seriously. Go check her out. She's got 385 pieces of awesomeness.


tweeter said i over tweeted

Tuesday July 20, 2010 at 10:16 PM

So I'm here on ADF making a campfire. 

Gimme your tweeter. or twitters. doesn't really matter. :) I'll follow and everyone else will follow and it'll be a big follow party.

although, I don't think we'll ever break twitter again. that was a good day.

mine: ichimpz

and don't forget to follow all the rangers. most of them have the same name. idk, i'm too lazy to post all the links.

what's your tweeter? :)


Devil's Pitchfork

Tuesday July 20, 2010 at 9:19 PM

I devoured the entire story today, and was completely enthralled.  I'd gotten to what felt like the 3/4 mark and then read the magic words: "the end."  And now I'm really confused.  Did the author write herself into a corner and decide to end things ambiguously? Did she have writer's block? Was this planned from the beginning?

Anyone know why the story ended where it did?

For the record, I'm not looking to start a nasty chat about the aforementioned author.  I'm sure she had her reasons - I'd just like to know what they were!


Wherefore Art Thou, Edward?

Tuesday July 20, 2010 at 5:31 PM

This is something that has been bothering me with increased intensity lately so I decided to make a campfire so we can discuss it.

Edward is all but missing from Breaking Dawn. Oh, he's present but that's about it. He goes from being a central character without which the books could not be written to being a peripheral character. In essence, he becomes no more than "Bella's husband." His role is small and insignificant and aside from his fathering the kid and changing Bella, the book could have been written without him even in it. He contributes nothing. This really bothers me.

I assume this is because SM fell out of love with Edward and in love with Jacob while writing NM and it just kept getting worse. This is acceptable because they're her characters to do with as she pleases. But what about the readers? And why didn't the publisher step in and say, "Uh, Steph, we need more Edward" or something?

I was discussing this with camper bondedtojasper earlier and she agrees with me. She said that Bella all but forgot about Edward after she was changed, after she she got what she wanted. She pointed out the only time Bella spends with Edward is while they're hunting or doing the nasty, and that Bella all but forgets about her soulmate after she's changed. I tend to agree with her.

So, campers, what do YOU think? I wanna hear it.


deal with yet another comic con campfire

Tuesday July 20, 2010 at 5:02 PM

are you going to comic con?

if so, please leave a comment here with a big, fat ME and maybe the days you're attending.  i'm trying to decide how sober i will be on saturday to get up early for breakfast before attempting to get near the harry potter panel ('cuz lol, like i'll be able to actually get in), but if i am able to wake up, i'd like to meet some of you over buttery marmalade-ed toast and a diet coke.  (you can also feel free to PM me with your cell phone numbers so's i can actually contact you.  i promise not to send any inappropriate picture messages unless expressly invited to do so, and even then, you'll most likely get pictures of in-n-out burgers or the beach.)

or you know, use this campfire as a way to try and find a comic con buddy as i've got dibs on ezrocksangel, but trust me- if you're going for the first time, you should have a buddy.

also, for the seasoned vets, leave some advice here on how to survive (i read an article by seth rogen on the subject suggesting extra deodorant, which is really great advice), tell us the good spots to hit to maximize free swag, or just, i dunno.  gloat or something.

discuss comic con.

for jandco's and my time:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Guess what I forgot to do yesterday??

Tuesday July 20, 2010 at 5:02 PM

It's the weekly


Need Free Advice? Here is the place!

Want a new, fantastic fanfic to read? Ask for suggestions!

Need a beta reader or want to bounce an idea off of the crowd? I bet you'll find what you are looking for!.

No request is too small or too silly!

(except for downloads, right?)

So ask ask ask ask ask!

And hopefully you shall receive! 


OMG not another HG/CF post

Tuesday July 20, 2010 at 3:02 PM

Yes another HG/CF post!

What is HG/CF you ask?

Why, it’s none other than The Hunger Games and Catching Fire.

Pardon me? You still don’t know what I am talking about? Well, let me enlighten you.

The Hunger Games and its sequel, Catching Fire, are the most splendiferous books I have read in ages. I may be more taken with them than I am Twilight.....but not Harry Potter. js.

Many of you have seen a few of us gushing over these amazing pieces of fiction, and some of you have even crossed over to the dark side with us. For those of you that STILL haven’t checked it out....


The third and final instalment of The Hunger Games trilogy, Mockingjay, comes out in just over a month. This gives you plenty of time to read the first two books. Heck, you could probably read them twice.

If you already know and love these books, as I do, there is no better time to refresh your memory before the release of Mockingjay.

Our District 13 is hosting a read-a-long. We are just winding down with The Hunger Games and will be starting Catching Fire shortly.

Worried you won’t be able to catch up? Trust me when I say you will be done reading these books before you know it. I can pretty much guarantee you will not be able to put them down.

If I still haven’t convinced you, I will leave a synopsis in the comments and you can decide for yourself.

We hope to see you in the District soon.


~This campfire was approved by Esme and Mr. Pattinson's stalkee and may or may not be just an excuse to show off my new avi.


A Campfire about Fire

Tuesday July 20, 2010 at 1:18 PM

This is my first campfire, so I'm not sure if anyone has already brought this up. 

In Eclipse, Edward kills Victoria and breaks out a lighter to torch her.

Hmmm, wouldn't that lighter have come in handy the night before when Bella was freezing her human ass off and forced to share a sleeping bag w/Jacob?

I  know, I know, its not the point. I'm not supposed to ask that. But the next morning she's walking around without a coat on after practically turning into a Bellasicle the night before!

I won't even get into how she got on Jacob's bike in front of Edward at school. That was a slap in the face to all of us.

So my question is, and this can go for any of the movies, was there a scene that you picked apart (even when we weren't supposed to) because it ticked you off? Maybe it was how Bella was dressed at the grad party. Or how sometimes a character says someone else's line. 


My Soapbox...

Tuesday July 20, 2010 at 9:49 AM

I need to rant...sry.

Something is seriously wrong with the world we live in.  I was perusing the interwebz this morning and stumbled across a gossip site with a LIVE feed of Lindsay Lohan going to jail.  Why is there an appetite for this?  What kind of person takes pleasure in the misfortune of others?  I mean, celeb gossip is one thing, but the poor girl has been falling apart before the world's eyes for years, and now that she's bouncing on the bottom someone has to shove a camera and mic in her face for entertainment.  It's sick and disgusting.

What's even worse is APATHY.

The other day, I was driving up a busy street in the middle of the afternoon. On my left, I saw a car haphazardly parked in a driveway, the tail end hanging out in the road. And I saw a man and woman in a physical struggle. The man was pulling on the woman’s purse and she was fighting him, trying to get it back. Suddenly the traffic slowed significantly as the passing cars watched the scene before them. I drove ahead half a block and turned around to see what was happening. My main concern was for the safety for this woman, and the little boy who was standing beside her.

From what I saw - and the whole thing happened rather quickly - not a single car stopped. Not a single person bothered to offer this woman and her child a helping hand.  When I approached the area where the woman was struggling with the man, I noticed that the man and his car were gone. The woman was slumped in the shade, face in her hands, crying as her small child, no more than four or five years old, hugged her. It broke my heart.

I pulled over and asked the woman if she was okay, if she needed any help. She told me she was fine. I turned my car around, and passed her once again. Once again I asked... was she okay. Could I give her a ride, could I call someone. Again, she assured me she was fine, and I hoped that she was.

No one else stopped, no one offerd to help or stop the man from taking her purse.  I don't know what the situation was, maybe she knew him, it could have been a domestic dispute.  But that's not the point. 

The point-- PEOPLE WATCHED.  NO ONE OFFERED TO HELP.  That could have been you, or me, or your sister or friend. 

It's just gross to me how people can take pleasure in the misfortune of someone else.  Or how a person can just be blatantly apathetic to another human being in need...and watch a crime like they're watching a television program.

Something is wrong.

So here's my challenge to you, Campers.

Don't watch that crap on TV about Lindsay Lohan.  DO something nice for someone today.  Give a co-worker a compliment.  Hug your best friend.  Call a family member and tell them you love them.  Leave a nice review to the next fic update you read.

Spread LOVE.  This world so desperately needs it.



nedd help finding a site

Tuesday July 20, 2010 at 9:15 AM

I need help finding a website.I once found a very cool website where all the ongoing contests or challenges in fanfiction were listed and when they start,when they end,the rules etc. It might also be a homepage,I just totally forgot what it was and I forgot to save the page.It also might be that there were only contests that are on FFN...But I don't think it is "the lazy yet discerning ficster" it had only the challenges,I think.


Can anybody please help me out?

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