
Favorite Completed AH Fics

Sunday July 18, 2010 at 4:47 AM

Starting my first campfire! lol

Don't you hate it when you find a great WIP, get all caught up with the posted chapters, and then wait a month (or longer!) for an update? Me too! What are some of your favorite completed all-human fanfics?



unf unf baby!

Sunday July 18, 2010 at 12:29 AM

So, for those of you following my twitter, you'll note that I've recently become crazy obsessed interested in this guy right here:


Photobucket But then, as I started googling, I became...a little distraught. I mean, he's ridic gorgeous (don't get me wrong, me and henners are still otp, but this boy could keep a girl warm on a cold night, js), but he's got a public twitter, tumbler and who knows what else. I mean, I want to tell him to just...stop! Keep some piece of himself private so that if he blows up, his whole life isn't on the interwebs. idk, campers, tell me what you think about celebs who don't guard their privacy. or tell me how holy fuck hot this boy is. Tell me something good. (more pix of yum inside.) ps - posted with permission of the always awessome JennyFly!


The Hostage Ch.10!

Saturday July 17, 2010 at 8:51 PM



Okay, last week I posted about the newest update of The Hostage to get your thoughts on who the taker was. Now my questions for everyone:

Do you really think it was the taker who was found in the burnt out car or is this just a setup? Also, what did you guys think of Bella standing up to Jessica after her flashback?

Probably the most important question of all: How about that kiss?! **swoons**


Leader of the (Wolf) Pack

Saturday July 17, 2010 at 8:38 PM

It's Saturday night.
Let's discuss the Twi-wolves.
Or Taylor's abs.
Or jailbait BooBoo.
Or Alcide hottstuff.
Or werewolves in movies.
Or motorcycles.
Or alphabits.
I don't care.
Love's to Blame

Saturday July 17, 2010 at 7:14 PM

Bored? Want to make new friends as you become a character? Do you love twilight??? join real vamps sparkle 

Available Character Inside


Black lives matter

Saturday July 17, 2010 at 6:06 PM




Saturday July 17, 2010 at 5:25 PM

I have a request, is a simple one really, I want you guys to help me do my deskt top background (which changes every 30 seconds) I ask for you guys to share YOUR hottest pics of one Mr. Pattinson so my background is all nice and pretty. Small request please don't put any pics of Rob smoking, is a sensitive issue in my family and family members would kill me if they saw I supported smoking.


Thanks for the help guys.


Saturday Rec

Saturday July 17, 2010 at 3:49 PM

What is you FAVORITE story right now?

What is something NEW that you fear no one is reading?

What story can't you stop talking or thinking about?

Give us your diamonds in roughs and your needles in haystacks

Because how do stories get attention?



coming to a theatre near you

Saturday July 17, 2010 at 2:37 PM

Now that Eclipse is in theatres, and everyone has seen it once or twice or 5 times, all’s quiet in the fandom.

Next up is the epic two-parter BREAKING DAWN.
I for one am really excited for it, but not for reasons you would think. Yes I look forward to mocking it mercilessly, but really I am excited to see how they try to market this sure to be train-wreck.

So campers, what I am wondering is how YOU would market this.

Write a synopsis or tagline, make a movie trailer, or record your very own Mr. Movie Phone description (since everyone is loving vocaroo lately) and come post it here.

Or at least tell me what you are most looking forward to with the BD movies.



How Do You Do It?

Saturday July 17, 2010 at 2:08 PM

So, I was talking with my alphabeta the other day about process.  I started writing a fic about nine months ago or so.  And I realized one day this week when I was adding to it that it's almost complete.  Now, you may wonder how I couldn't know that it was almost complete, and I'll tell you that with very few exceptions, I write my fics like you'd make a movie - entirely out of order.  I usually start with a pivotal scene - the scene that plants the idea in my head in the first place.  And then more scenes come, so I write those.  And eventually, I have enough to make a whole story, just adding in what I call the "connective tissue."  (I'm gross -sorry.)

I feel like this works well for me because I'm writing the stuff I love - the stuff that's inspiring me - and only later adding in the boring bits to make it all smoosh together. 

But my alphabeta (FarDareisMai2) is baffled by this.  She writes in a linear fashion, starting with "once upon a time," and ending with "and they lived...ever after."  (She is NOT one to guarantee an HEA.)

So, I wanna know - what's your process?  Do you outline?  Do you wing it?  Do you write all over the place or do you write from one step to the next, never skipping ahead.

Tell me campers - how do you do it?


Don't Leave Us!

Saturday July 17, 2010 at 2:03 PM

Hey Campers!

We hope you're having a great weekend.  FFFA was a blast weekend :)

I just wanted to give you all a helpful TIP when you create LINKS in your Campfires and Comments!

If you add _blank at the end of your URL then your link will open in a NEW WINDOW!

This is awesome because we don't want you to leave us! 


And if yer like me, you get antsy when you're outside of the Forest, this way we can check out your sites and things without really leaving home :)

Here's how to do it:

-Type the word you want to LINK and highlight it

-Click the little Globe with chain thing in the task bar.


-Add the URL into the box as pictured above



-Then click on TARGET, and in the drop down, highlight NEW WINDOW, then click OK, as above.

And you're done!




Saturday July 17, 2010 at 1:21 PM

Enough r's, ya think?

So, you should get the point of this campfire. If you have a tumblr, link it. If not, you should get one.

Tumblr is basically...a mini blog. You can post pictures, text, links, music, quotes, a bunch of stuff. It's a lot of fun and you can reblog just about anything. :) I know a lot of people in the fandom have it, so links please! :)

And if not...well, either ask some more questions or sign up. Or post random pictures. idfc. :)

Here's mine: ichimpz which, I also run another blog: fuckyeahmilak It's just a lot of pictures of Mila Kunis(:



@LiviaCullen don't fall asleep

Saturday July 17, 2010 at 12:37 PM

There was a fly in my coffee at brunch today!

post your favorite videos from when you were a kid, stuff that still pops into your head today when silly things happen.
(remember my tutorial on how to post videos?)

What would you replace?

Saturday July 17, 2010 at 12:25 PM

I am having to rebuld the Breaking Dawn playlist from the book. I normally LOVE S. Meyer's playlists, but this one... well some of the songs SUCK.


So what would you pick to replace these songs?

Billy Idol — White Wedding

Beach Boys — Wouldn't It Be Nice

Aerosmith — What it Takes

Right Said Fred — I'm Too Sexy

Simon and Garfunkel — Hazy Shade of Winter


My thoughts will be in the responses!


Make me laugh?

Saturday July 17, 2010 at 11:52 AM


So I am trying to find a video on youtube that I first saw when someone posted it here ages ago. It was two girls that had a song about douche bags and pretentious pregnant people. Does anyone know what I'm talking about??

Also Feel free to post any movies or pictures that make you laugh =)


FYT: The end of the world nsfw



Midnight Son of a what the hell is going on now???

Saturday July 17, 2010 at 11:40 AM

hmmmm care to Discuss the Most awesome and confusing fic out there right now.... Midnight Son of a Biotch!

Dont get me wrong... im completely in love with this fic... i have never laughed so hard... but... um... WTF the last few chaps??? 


So lets tear this right open.... get in there and share your thoughts on the latest update!



Saturday July 17, 2010 at 10:02 AM

It's still FFAF(I think?) so I'm gonna take advantage of it.

I want to talk about the movie INCEPTION.

I just saw it last night and omg I can't even describe how amazing this movie is. It just blew my mind away with the concepts it introduced. Seriously this movie in insanely good! I'm probably gonna go see a couple more times this weekend.
So did anyone watch it yet? Are you planning to watch it?
Go see this movie as soon as you can cuz you will definitely not regret it! I've seen a lot of movies and this is by far the best movie I've ever seen.
Plus it has leo in it so that should be a good enough reason for anyone to watch it ;)
LJ Summers

Italian, anyone?

Saturday July 17, 2010 at 9:59 AM


Italian Translator

I have a quasi-decent translator on my computer which generally serves me well, but I was wondering if any native Italian speakers are lurking in the Forest?  

I don't need a book or something translated. Just occasionally random words for a story, if someone is willing and able to help me out.

COMPENSATION:  I do a wicked improv fic in ninety seconds to custom prompt. *grin* But really, I just planned on giving a shout out to helpers in my A/N. :)

IF INTERESTED:  Please send me a PM (Just click on my avi and you'll get to your message area!) or drop me a line within.



Thanks so much!!


Anyone else need help in the Fic Classifieds?  Hairstyles? Historical Details? Lingual Linguistic assists?  


Is it still FFAF?

Saturday July 17, 2010 at 12:02 AM

I went on an adventure today and wanted to share my photos.  Boston Harbor Cruises was doing a free ferry thing out to the islands and since I've never been to any of the Boston islands I decided on a whim to go for it.  I chose Georges Island because it has Fort Warren and I have a thing for abandoned spaces.  Here's a link to my photo set:

There are some random pics in the beginning not from the trip but here are a couple of examples from the trip:


To make this more interactive what are you doing this weekend?  Bonus points if you include pictures.  Tomorrow I'm going here:



Love's to Blame


Friday July 16, 2010 at 11:09 PM

I'm bored so if i was to start a skype party in the next half hour how many people would join? 1 person? 2?

EDIT: the chat is over but who's up for another one sometimes in the future (one at a decent hour)

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