Ask Me Anything!

Wednesday July 14, 2010 at 8:37 PM

...and I do mean anything...

Do you need advice?

Do you have a problem you just don't know how to solve?  Or maybe you're too embarassed to ask a friend or family member?

Is there something you've always wanted to know?

Well Now Is Your Chance!


I will be hosting ADF's First Advice Campfire

I'll post a campfire around 10:30pm EST and I will answer your questions LIVE (until i'm too drunk to type coherently)

I'll answer ANYTHING.

Here's what you do...

You can just wait until tomorrow and ask in the comments.


You can PM me your questions (just put ADVICE in the subject line) and i will post the question & answer in the comments tomorrow.  If you want to remain ANONYMOUS...then just let me know --your secret is safe with me-- and I will not reveal your name!


So bring your dark secrets and bring your wine... I'll be ready!!


Where can I get one of those?

Wednesday July 14, 2010 at 8:25 PM

I need a beta. Is anyone interested? 

I'm writing a Rachel and Paul story... 

Yeah, I know. There's a lot of vampire love going on in this site, but if there are any closet werewolf fans that would like to take pity on my poor beta-less story, that would be great. 


I realize there is such a thing called Project Team Beta. If I must, I'll do that. They are great, but if anyone is interested NOW... Awesome. Thank you. 




Our blog needs YOU! and your Recs :)

Wednesday July 14, 2010 at 7:52 PM

Hi campers!

My beta/author/BFF SuperstarNanna and I have started a smutty lil blog and we are looking for recs. Slash and Threesomes more than anything but anything you consider PWP would be lovely. Any recs?


I did extra just cos I love you guys :)



Wednesday July 14, 2010 at 7:08 PM


and that vampire fellow

patent peekaboo poses


Wednesday July 14, 2010 at 6:58 PM

I was browsing through some fics, and I read Fourteen by crimsonmarie... and I was in love with it - with the plot, the characters (esp. Bella), and the style. It's angsty, but snarky.

I was wondering if there are any other fics which deal with weight control (not bulimia, anoxeria)...?


Here's a thank you gift in advance:


Emancipation Proclo.. what...

Wednesday July 14, 2010 at 5:59 PM

I got an alert yesterday that EP updated- but it seems to be an old chapter..


Is anyone else having that problem?


Boys Will Be Boys

Wednesday July 14, 2010 at 5:35 PM

Did Rob Do A Bad, Bad Thing?


So, i was reading some old Rob interviews over my lunch hour, you know, just for kicks...  And i came across a comment he made about being expelled from school, when he was 12yrs old. I of course jumped to the conclusion that it must have been for fighting as i myself got into quite a bit of trouble around that age for fighting at school. Anyway, this got my curiousity flowing and i decided to do a search for the reason he was expelled. I came up with all matter of nonsense among them: That he had been stealing food from other kids during lunchtime. And that he set up a camera in the girls changing rooms. Hmmm, not sure how i feel about the last one.


So, my question to you guys is this. Anyone know the real reason he was expelled? Or have you read any other outlandish theories banding around the web?




Sir Rachel


Wednesday July 14, 2010 at 5:27 PM

It updated. Again.

While I was at home this time! (thanks jennyfly and jandco!!!)

GO READ!!!! Then come and gush/discuss with me!


How far would you go??

Wednesday July 14, 2010 at 5:13 PM

Taylor Lautner is filming his new movie right down the street from my house today. All day I was at work and everyone I know that lives in my town posted pics on their facebook of him but these girls had to crawl in the woods to see him. My question is how far would you go to see your favorite stars?"

I totally pulled this off one of my friends FB but would you seriously climb a tree and go through this. This is like the sticks of my crappy town...


Pimp Your Stuff

Wednesday July 14, 2010 at 4:47 PM

You know the drill


Pimp it here!

And remember to read the HIGH NOON UPDATE, I LOVE this chapter. It sounds cliche but I laughed AND I cried!

*pinned by request of way too many campers to mention!*


Hey you writers--

Wednesday July 14, 2010 at 3:58 PM

So many writers are also avid readers.  I was wondering if any of you ever experience what I call

the imposter after-effect.

This is where you've been reading a superb novel for several hours.  You stop, or even finish it, and for  maybe an hour afterwards you can practically write at the level of that author.  (Or it feels like it anyway).

Example:  the wittiest, snarkiest chapter I ever wrote was just after finishing 'Lucky Jim' by Kingsley Amis.  I was witty; I was urbane; I shone.  This was during my HP fic days.  No, I won't link it, after such a declaration.

Example two:  The most lucid, intelligent prose that ever appeared at the tips of my fingers was just after several hours of reading 'Atonement' by Ian McEwan.  Yeah, okay also HP.

I felt I could step into their brains for just a little while and write as beautifully, as fully, as intelligently.  Or a close enough approximation for me anyway.  Then it was over, as fast as it came, and I was back to my usual pedestrian blather. 

Anyone else experience this?   

OR, you readers:  a similar thing happens after reading HOURS of Jane Austen.  You start speaking as if you were a character in her novel.  Ever happen to ya?



Nikki Reed and Robert Pattinson

Wednesday July 14, 2010 at 3:14 PM

So i was on Tweet deck looking all my twitter and i get this one tweet on my news feed and it says "If I ever see Nikki Reed I'm going to show her that picture" So that makes me curious and so of course i Click on it  and this is what popped up....

2) Nikki Please for the love of god GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY MAN 
3) ughh i hate this jealousy feeling ....

ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday July 14, 2010 at 1:55 PM








"Eclipse - Frozen" by TheRaggDolliish


Post-BD Fic: Horizons

Wednesday July 14, 2010 at 12:26 PM

Hey guys! My name is Christine and this is actually my first campfire though I've been lurking around the forest for ages.

The thing I love most about this fandom is the unending supply of Twilight literature. I just can't get enough of Edward and Bella.

Anyway, I recently had a weird dream. I dreamt of Robert and Kristen (as Edward and Bella) in a post-BD scene that I would really like to see in the movie. Sort of like an epilogue where they both get to enjoy their lives together doing ordinary things in the succeeding decades. I remember them biking together with crappy music in the background. Anyway, this prompted me to find a post-BD fic. I searched in twilighted and found Horizons.

It's incredible. I'm still reading, 14 chapters in and I just can't stop.

Here's the link for anyone who hasn't read it.:

I think it's also available in

To anyone who has read it, can you please share what you liked best about the story?



ADF REVIEW CHALLENGE *with bonus game!

Wednesday July 14, 2010 at 7:08 AM

It's time to play a new kind of GAME wrapped up in a CHALLENGE! 

My goal today is to get as many of you to review a story right her on ADF as possible. It can be a one shot, it can be something you already read or it can be something from an author that you haven't tried before (which, considering this is a challenge, would be preferable!)


I am going to walk you through this:

Step one: Go to Storytelling!


Step Two: Find a story and read it!

OMG, Look at that! Over 2000 reads and no reviews! I must change this! 

(also, notice that you can put authors, and even stories, on alert!)

Step Three: Review!

Notice that the REVIEW box is much like the comment box! You can color your text, change the size and even add pictures or songs if the story or chapter really inspires you! It's by far the most unique place to review a twilight fanfiction!




Once you have reviewed, come back here and POST your review in this campfire. It doesn't have to be an essay. A little review is fine! Then OTHER CAMPERS can guess which story you reviewed! (If you want to leave them additional hints, you can!

So, Campers, will you meet my challenge? GREAT! THEN GO FORTH AND REVIEW! 

LJ Summers

AH Fics - Lemony Goodness

Wednesday July 14, 2010 at 6:14 AM

Hello!  Starting off my morning at (for some) a very early hour with another Fic List Compilation.

Thanks to all of you who have so far contributed to our Forest Fic Lists! 

So far, we have done AU - Lemony Goodness and Canon - All Kinds.  

Today, I thought we'd hit the list I am SURE will have input from many...

AH - Lemony Goodness!

What are these?

These are the All Human fics (no vamps, werewolves, angels, demons, etc.) that are notable for their lemontastic scenes.  Smut. Sex. Sensuality.  THAT. Yes.


1.  Keep it simple.  No pimpage of the fics. Just the title and the author and the author's summary from whatever website you're linking.  FFn, Twilighted, TWCS, LJ journals and so on.

2.  No discussion.  This isn't a conventional pimp and rec fire; this is just meant to be a list in which campers can list fics for the purpose of reference and recommendations.  

Remember to PUNCH THAT HEART if you want to find this thread again.  If you want to add fics later (assuming you're still reading fanfics) you can then more easily find it for yourself and refer others to it.

My first recs will be within.

Thanks so much for sharing your favorites around the fire!


memory lapse

Tuesday July 13, 2010 at 9:18 PM

Missing: One fic.

Reward: All my lurve. <3

Ok so there was this story and I don't remember much except it's AH and the gang's all young adult/teens. Bella's not there (she was killed when she was like 7 when she fell off her porch) and Alice keeps seeing some swan symbol in her dreams, which later when Edward dies (or at least I think he dies), you find out was her predicting that Bella and Edward were meant to be together until Bella died when she was little. That's all I remember. I know, I suck.

Anyone know what fic this is?

Some purty FYT:


Why you should always review...

Tuesday July 13, 2010 at 6:13 PM

Forgive any mistakes, I've had a few glasses kwim?

So, I suck at reviews. Especially early reviews because at the beginning of the story, you don't know where its heading or the author's motivation. I also feel like its not necessary when the author already has thousands of reviews. I feel that after reading something awesome, what can I say that really has any meaning. Then I started reading Small Town Gossip.....

A while back, Emibella started a campfire that encouraged us to up our review counts. Mine were abismal, so I have been doing a little better, trying to put myself in the writer's shoes and think about how much it means to someone putting forth the effort to make me laugh, cry, and/or get me away from reality for a while. So, I have been trying. I decided that even if it's stupid, I can at least tell the author something positive about their hard work. Numbers attract more readers so, its my way of doing my part. Then I started reading Small Town Gossip.....

And while there have been stories that have moved me more, and stayed with me longer, I just wanted to tell this woman that I really loved her Charlie. That reading her story was making a really sucky day so much better...but then I remembered I couldn't.

I am not an author (yet) but I know that I would love to hear from anybody who could read anything I had written. If you are taking the time to read a story no matter whether its the greatest or just so-so, leave a review. Even just to say, "hey, I am here. I'm waiting to see where you take this thing". Because some fic writers will become published and others will just have this wonderfully rewarding hobby. You don't want to be a reader who has to say, "gee- I loved that story. It really made my day but I never let the author know and now its too late" because they flounced or ...


Its the least a reader can do.

Readers, why don't you review as often as you should?

Authors, how much do reviews mean to you?


Shyward... please

Tuesday July 13, 2010 at 3:07 PM

hello! So I'm making this on behalf of ineedyoursway who is an idiot and relies on me all the time. She's useless

Anyway I would like you all to rec us some great Shy Edward stories that you really enjoyed. As long as there is a sweet shy Edward, I dont mind what you send.

Here is a Tom Sturridge picture because ineedyoursway loves him and this campfire is basically hers anyway




Tuesday July 13, 2010 at 3:05 PM

Well, at least it is here...


Anyway, Cleolinda has posted her version of Eclipse. And I have to say, it's my favorite so far.


For those of you who don't know her, she does parodies of movies, books, etc on LJ.  She did both previous Saga films and read the book with her thoughts.


She's a genius.

Here are the links for the previous 2:


New Moon

ETA: As incentive to read, here is an excerpt:

A Magical Sunny Meadow Filled with Pretty Purple Flowers

[Okay, now I know what movie we’re in.]

[You know what? If we’re going to call this a ~*saga*~, I think we need more Vikings.]

[EDWARD CULLEN was a fearsome sparklepire, bronze of hair and mighty of fangirls, and after many trials that could have been avoided if he hadn't been a total dick, he brought back to his beloved his favorite meadow (he has a favorite meadow), and thereupon fair Bella did recite to him the songs of her English textbook.]


... so I can choose fire
or I can choose ice;
If you don't get that metaphor
I can reread it twice.

EDWARD: That's a nice poem. Marry me.

BELLA: Edward, I'm trying to study!

EDWARD: Marry me.

BELLA: No! I'm too young to get married before I die!

EDWARD: Marriage bridal wedding husband me marry marry marry.


EDWARD: marrymemarrymemarrymemarrymemarrymemarrymemarrymemarryme


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