
Nikki Reed and Robert Pattinson

Wednesday July 14, 2010 at 3:14 PM

So i was on Tweet deck looking all my twitter and i get this one tweet on my news feed and it says "If I ever see Nikki Reed I'm going to show her that picture" So that makes me curious and so of course i Click on it  and this is what popped up....

2) Nikki Please for the love of god GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY MAN 
3) ughh i hate this jealousy feeling ....

ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday July 14, 2010 at 1:55 PM








"Eclipse - Frozen" by TheRaggDolliish


Post-BD Fic: Horizons

Wednesday July 14, 2010 at 12:26 PM

Hey guys! My name is Christine and this is actually my first campfire though I've been lurking around the forest for ages.

The thing I love most about this fandom is the unending supply of Twilight literature. I just can't get enough of Edward and Bella.

Anyway, I recently had a weird dream. I dreamt of Robert and Kristen (as Edward and Bella) in a post-BD scene that I would really like to see in the movie. Sort of like an epilogue where they both get to enjoy their lives together doing ordinary things in the succeeding decades. I remember them biking together with crappy music in the background. Anyway, this prompted me to find a post-BD fic. I searched in twilighted and found Horizons.

It's incredible. I'm still reading, 14 chapters in and I just can't stop.

Here's the link for anyone who hasn't read it.:

I think it's also available in

To anyone who has read it, can you please share what you liked best about the story?



ADF REVIEW CHALLENGE *with bonus game!

Wednesday July 14, 2010 at 7:08 AM

It's time to play a new kind of GAME wrapped up in a CHALLENGE! 

My goal today is to get as many of you to review a story right her on ADF as possible. It can be a one shot, it can be something you already read or it can be something from an author that you haven't tried before (which, considering this is a challenge, would be preferable!)


I am going to walk you through this:

Step one: Go to Storytelling!


Step Two: Find a story and read it!

OMG, Look at that! Over 2000 reads and no reviews! I must change this! 

(also, notice that you can put authors, and even stories, on alert!)

Step Three: Review!

Notice that the REVIEW box is much like the comment box! You can color your text, change the size and even add pictures or songs if the story or chapter really inspires you! It's by far the most unique place to review a twilight fanfiction!




Once you have reviewed, come back here and POST your review in this campfire. It doesn't have to be an essay. A little review is fine! Then OTHER CAMPERS can guess which story you reviewed! (If you want to leave them additional hints, you can!

So, Campers, will you meet my challenge? GREAT! THEN GO FORTH AND REVIEW! 

LJ Summers

AH Fics - Lemony Goodness

Wednesday July 14, 2010 at 6:14 AM

Hello!  Starting off my morning at (for some) a very early hour with another Fic List Compilation.

Thanks to all of you who have so far contributed to our Forest Fic Lists! 

So far, we have done AU - Lemony Goodness and Canon - All Kinds.  

Today, I thought we'd hit the list I am SURE will have input from many...

AH - Lemony Goodness!

What are these?

These are the All Human fics (no vamps, werewolves, angels, demons, etc.) that are notable for their lemontastic scenes.  Smut. Sex. Sensuality.  THAT. Yes.


1.  Keep it simple.  No pimpage of the fics. Just the title and the author and the author's summary from whatever website you're linking.  FFn, Twilighted, TWCS, LJ journals and so on.

2.  No discussion.  This isn't a conventional pimp and rec fire; this is just meant to be a list in which campers can list fics for the purpose of reference and recommendations.  

Remember to PUNCH THAT HEART if you want to find this thread again.  If you want to add fics later (assuming you're still reading fanfics) you can then more easily find it for yourself and refer others to it.

My first recs will be within.

Thanks so much for sharing your favorites around the fire!


memory lapse

Tuesday July 13, 2010 at 9:18 PM

Missing: One fic.

Reward: All my lurve. <3

Ok so there was this story and I don't remember much except it's AH and the gang's all young adult/teens. Bella's not there (she was killed when she was like 7 when she fell off her porch) and Alice keeps seeing some swan symbol in her dreams, which later when Edward dies (or at least I think he dies), you find out was her predicting that Bella and Edward were meant to be together until Bella died when she was little. That's all I remember. I know, I suck.

Anyone know what fic this is?

Some purty FYT:


Why you should always review...

Tuesday July 13, 2010 at 6:13 PM

Forgive any mistakes, I've had a few glasses kwim?

So, I suck at reviews. Especially early reviews because at the beginning of the story, you don't know where its heading or the author's motivation. I also feel like its not necessary when the author already has thousands of reviews. I feel that after reading something awesome, what can I say that really has any meaning. Then I started reading Small Town Gossip.....

A while back, Emibella started a campfire that encouraged us to up our review counts. Mine were abismal, so I have been doing a little better, trying to put myself in the writer's shoes and think about how much it means to someone putting forth the effort to make me laugh, cry, and/or get me away from reality for a while. So, I have been trying. I decided that even if it's stupid, I can at least tell the author something positive about their hard work. Numbers attract more readers so, its my way of doing my part. Then I started reading Small Town Gossip.....

And while there have been stories that have moved me more, and stayed with me longer, I just wanted to tell this woman that I really loved her Charlie. That reading her story was making a really sucky day so much better...but then I remembered I couldn't.

I am not an author (yet) but I know that I would love to hear from anybody who could read anything I had written. If you are taking the time to read a story no matter whether its the greatest or just so-so, leave a review. Even just to say, "hey, I am here. I'm waiting to see where you take this thing". Because some fic writers will become published and others will just have this wonderfully rewarding hobby. You don't want to be a reader who has to say, "gee- I loved that story. It really made my day but I never let the author know and now its too late" because they flounced or ...


Its the least a reader can do.

Readers, why don't you review as often as you should?

Authors, how much do reviews mean to you?


Shyward... please

Tuesday July 13, 2010 at 3:07 PM

hello! So I'm making this on behalf of ineedyoursway who is an idiot and relies on me all the time. She's useless

Anyway I would like you all to rec us some great Shy Edward stories that you really enjoyed. As long as there is a sweet shy Edward, I dont mind what you send.

Here is a Tom Sturridge picture because ineedyoursway loves him and this campfire is basically hers anyway




Tuesday July 13, 2010 at 3:05 PM

Well, at least it is here...


Anyway, Cleolinda has posted her version of Eclipse. And I have to say, it's my favorite so far.


For those of you who don't know her, she does parodies of movies, books, etc on LJ.  She did both previous Saga films and read the book with her thoughts.


She's a genius.

Here are the links for the previous 2:


New Moon

ETA: As incentive to read, here is an excerpt:

A Magical Sunny Meadow Filled with Pretty Purple Flowers

[Okay, now I know what movie we’re in.]

[You know what? If we’re going to call this a ~*saga*~, I think we need more Vikings.]

[EDWARD CULLEN was a fearsome sparklepire, bronze of hair and mighty of fangirls, and after many trials that could have been avoided if he hadn't been a total dick, he brought back to his beloved his favorite meadow (he has a favorite meadow), and thereupon fair Bella did recite to him the songs of her English textbook.]


... so I can choose fire
or I can choose ice;
If you don't get that metaphor
I can reread it twice.

EDWARD: That's a nice poem. Marry me.

BELLA: Edward, I'm trying to study!

EDWARD: Marry me.

BELLA: No! I'm too young to get married before I die!

EDWARD: Marriage bridal wedding husband me marry marry marry.


EDWARD: marrymemarrymemarrymemarrymemarrymemarrymemarrymemarryme



'sup hotcide

Tuesday July 13, 2010 at 1:55 PM

this is a hot werewolves appreciation campfire

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

this is joe manganiello, the meat  piece of ace guy who plays alcide herveaux on true blood

let's celebrate werewolves in here

bonus points for hot julia jones pics


The One-Shots Awards

Tuesday July 13, 2010 at 1:09 PM

There are Awards for vampires, AH stories, even for the wolf-pack, but one-shots are always forgotten, we felt like we needed to create this to give the recognition the best Twilight one-shots around the fandom deserved.

There will be 3 rounds in this contest. We'll call them Cullen Round, Wolfpack Round , and Volturi Round . The names of the rounds don't mean that you can only nominate one-shots about the Cullens, or the Wolfpack, or Volturi. It's just a name for the rounds. There are categories in each round, right now we're in the first round still. 

Here's the link:

So head on over and nominate!

Oh, and if your interested, you could join the Validation Team, we have a lot of stories to look over.



Tuesday July 13, 2010 at 11:39 AM

That's right, put on your party hats and pop the champagne!


In honor of this happy event, let's spam the little bratty vamp with LOTS OF LOVE and FANTASTIC PICTURES!



Kristen has pretty eyes!

Tuesday July 13, 2010 at 10:27 AM

Omg it's Tuesday and I get to start my first KStew Tuesdays campfire!

Okay, so once a week I'm going to devote a campfire to something I love about Kristen Stewart. I didn't come up with this idea--blame our lovely VIP, ciaobella27. She may not love Kristen with the passion and intensity that I do, but it's okay, she's awesome, and she suggested devoting each week to a different part of Kristen. I decided to start with Kristen's eyes, because legs would be too obvious, and as much as I love her legs, her eyes are one of her best features. And her facial expressions... ahh! Ugh, I guess I should devote an entire week to her facial expressions.

ANYWAY, I'm going to shut up before this campfire gets really creepy and weird.

So what do I want from my fellow Campers? Your favorite pictures of Kristen's eyes. And if you want to throw in gifs, interviews, pics of her legs, nose, throat, butt, GO RIGHT AHEAD. Do you miss Rob? Show me some Rob. He also has BEAUTIFUL eyes. TomStu? Fuck, Tom has nicer eyes than both Kris and Rob. Taylor? I love him! Billy Burke?! His eyes are sex! I don't care what you do. I'm bored, so play with me. Include something about yourself, because I've been here for a while but haven't met a lot of new people, and I WANT TO MEET YOU GUYS.

I don't want to spam the main page with pics, so my compilation is in the first comment! It's coming up in a few. For now, stare at this:


Flaunt it if you got it.

Tuesday July 13, 2010 at 9:16 AM

Whilst cleaning out my documents, I came across a ton of fics I started, or completed, that never quite got posted for various reasons.  And then I thought to myself...I'd like to see this.  But I don't want to put the work in.  And this got me thinking this MUST be the case for many others.  And then I thought to myself i see a lot of "I don't write fic, but I have this plot idea..."


Do you have something, a plot idea, a few paragraphs of a story you never saw through that you'd like to share?  Maybe someone can offer some ideas, or someone will pick up your idea.  At the same time, if you don't fancy yourself a fic writer but have a plot you'd like to share, post it and maybe someone will write it.

post ONLY IF you don't mind someone else offering advice or using your idea.  You can specify if you're looking for advice or for someone to take your stuff over--but please keep in mind this is a public board, so if someone is not nice and snatches it...they just will.

But, play fair and nice.  If we do, it could be fun AND productive. 


The Onion: Al-Qaida Loves SMeyer!

Tuesday July 13, 2010 at 9:00 AM

Video: Al-Qaida Calls Off Attack On Nation's Capitol To Spare Life of Twilight Author


Could you help me?

Tuesday July 13, 2010 at 8:18 AM


Hello campers!! Morning to y'all!! :)

So.. it's a horrible cold day today here! :( I'm sick in bed and have lots to study, either way I need a distraction right now! :)

I need a rec!! :)

One small one-shot, and I mean small! Something you can read in less than 30 minutes? Can you help me out?


Thank you to y'all! :D


The News~

Tuesday July 13, 2010 at 8:00 AM

This is the time when things are quiet in the larger Twi-fandom.  It's just after the release of one big film.... nothing going on in the Twi-film world for a while.  The actors are all busy with other projects.... no real drama taking place.  But this doesn't mean there isn't NEWS... so I'm laying it all here in one convenient place...


We know he's musical, and we love when his long dexterous fingers strum a guitar and tickle the keys of a piano.  Maybe we'll get more of that?  Rob told Paris Match he's thinking of recording with his sister, Lizzie:

"I’m seriously thinking of doing music with my sister. It’s a project that should be done before the end of the year."

Yay!  I look forward to this!


ROB vs. Courtney Love?  Not really...

Okay... do you remember months ago there were these rumors about Rob possibly playing Kurt Cobain and twitter exploded and the internet basically killed itself for about 20 minutes?  Well Coutney Love went off saying stuff like "it would be 'stupid' to cast Pattinson in the role"... and..."it would have been 'ridiculous' for him to play the part."

This was A WHILE AGO..ok..

So evidently either Rob is just now hearing of this, or he made these comments back then and they're just NOW coming out.  His reaction:

"Sometimes these things just appear. I love Nirvana, but I love them a bit too much - I'd be embarrassed....And you see all these comments, like from Courtney Love, saying 'What the f*ck! He's totally wrong for it', and I'm like, 'I f*cking said no, you d*ck!' I didn't get offered it. For one thing, I'm too tall, and I can't sing like him, I'm nothing like him' It's ridiculous."

So last night on Twitter... Coutney Love said this to Perez Hilton...

@PerezHilton i know! i read it and i felt so bad! ( re RPatz) he does positively shimmer doesnt he>? er but the fact is i dont HAVE a"d*ck"


@PerezHilton as a former movie star i know the rules, you really arent allowed to be calling anyone " a d*ck" as a movie star.


@PerezHilton on the other hand he couldve called me a "p*ssy" and then id be REALLY mad! im not mad i just feel bad i hurt his feelings!

Aww Courtney... I was hoping for a fight.  She's just too nice these days :(



ROB's short film THE SUMMER HOUSE is available for download on iTunes today.

Download HERE (i think that works idk)

From MTV:  "First-time director Daisy Gili said she actually cast Rob because she was recommended him by Campbell Mitchell, who had worked on props for another of his early projects, The Haunted Airman. 'He said, this guy is amazing, and he's really nice, and I think he'd be really up for working on a short film,' Gili told MTV News. 'I saw a picture of him and I thought, he's fantastic.'"


In NON-Rob news...

THE RUNAWAYS will be available on DVD next week.  You can get it now for $14.99 on iTunes a full week before its official July 20th release date.

This is good for me, I haven't seen it yet.



She is featured in the "Women of the Year" July issue.

“And the first time I met Robert Pattinson, I kept thinking, ‘Cedric Diggory from Harry Potter!’ He never got his guitar out on set, but always carried a beaten-up book, like an English poet.”

LOVE her!



The Harry Potter Alliance has been hard at work trying to earn the votes necessary to score $250,000 in cash for very worthy goals through a competition Chase is running currently.

We’re teaming up with common fandom to support this effort, and encourage you to vote: the HP Alliance is neck-in-neck for first place, and if they succeed they can expand their effort of donating books (55,000 already) to communities in need, support LGBT rights and if all goes well, also form an online coalition of fan sites such as ours to encourage efforts to help with places in need in the future, such as Haiti where the Alliance has already raised a great deal of money on its own.

The voting process is simple and will take mere minutes:

* Go to the voting page on Facebook and follow the directions to vote for the Harry Potter Alliance
* Vote soon, as voting ends at midnight tonight and the HP Alliance is neck-in-neck for first place


You are now informed!!  Have a great Tuesday!

SOURCE for pretty much everything



For those of you looking for The Summer House download on iTunes...

iTunes is aware there is a problem~ "technical difficulties" ~ and they are working to fix it.  That's all I know for now.


douche edward..

Tuesday July 13, 2010 at 7:19 AM

i really really am in a mood to read a fic where edward is a real meanie to bella before of course they fall in love hahaha...


any recommendation??? pretty please : )

LJ Summers

Canon Fics -- All Kinds

Tuesday July 13, 2010 at 7:07 AM

Good morning!

Yesterday, we started an AU - Lemony Goodness fic rec list powered by all of your enormous FAVORITES lists, I'm sure!

Today, let's jump over to CANON FICS.

Canon means that it is true to the characterizations, plot iterations and suppositions written by Stephenie Meyer in the original four books (plus Midnight Sun, since it came from her mind) of the Twilight Saga.

Canon can be PRE-TWILIGHT as well as POST-BREAKING DAWN, as long as the above-mentioned standards apply.  (I.e. Fics where Edward is changed by Carlisle per his stated history is canon. Fics where Edward was involved with Bella in 1918 is not canon.)

For this list, BRING THEM ALL.  All ratings, all types of story (romance, fluff, angst, one-shots, whatever)

Rules of the Campfire:

1.  No pimpage.  Just the title, link, author and author's summary/story info as listed in FFn, Twilighted, TWCS, LJ blog, wherever.

2.  No discussion.  This is just supposed to be a list, not a regular rec campfire.


Remember to punch that heart if you want to find this thread again!  You are TOTALLY welcome to add to it at any time in the future!

My first recs are within. 


Thanks so much for compiling a list of FOREST FIC RECS! :)  




Monday July 12, 2010 at 10:40 PM

Often times when I get excited about a story I make a banner for it. I usually just keep it for myself but my question is this: Authors, what are your thoughts on some one sending you a banner they made for your story? Does it kind of weird you out? Or are you flattered?

Also, show me your favorite banners! 

I adore the one for HL5.

First --- | >> | 1084 | 1085 | 1086 | 1087 | 1088 | 1089 | 1090 | 1091 | 1092 | 1415 | 1416 | --- Last
