
Audio Books

Monday July 12, 2010 at 12:54 PM

Have you guys ever listened to Twilight Saga in Audio Format? I personally enjoy Audio Books since they distract me from my road rage during my daily commute to work. And the twilight saga are among my favorite recordings. The Reader "Ilyana Kadushin" did a great job recording the books and voicing all the characters, especially Alice's.


So what do you prefer in general Books or Audios? or Both?


Can you guys recommend any books in Audio Format, I am dying for Romance recs. Are there any good ones, I find it very difficult to look for Romance Lit as the book covers scare the heck out of me in general,


This campfire is approved by grown.ass.woman


Today on Live! Daddy C!

Monday July 12, 2010 at 12:48 PM

I went to the Live! With Regis and Kelly this morning.  Did anyone catch it? 

I took my mom, and we had a great time.  The first guest was Peter Facinelli who plays Carlisle and Dr. Cooper on Nurse Jackie.  (Which is a great show by the way.)

I hope that works.  Link
I will post pictures, there are only a few, in the comments.

What's your platform?

Monday July 12, 2010 at 11:54 AM

I love this guy:


With a lot of celebrities, it seems like they put on a show for some random charity that they only care marginally about at best, and they tend to choose only the ones that will give them the most visibility. It's kind of a paradox: the charity needs to put their face out there as much as possible to drum up more support, so publicity for the charity doesn't necessarily mean the celeb is an attention whore, yet would the actor get involved at all (donating money, volunteering time) if they weren't going to get credit for it?

In a world where celebrities buy trophy animals and dress them up like dolls, there's a vicious cycle of breeding-buying-abusing/neglecting-dropping off at already full shelters going on. Kellan has the money to buy any pet he wants, and when he chose to adopt Kola instead, it wasn't just one animal being saved--it was potentially thousands more as people who admire him are inspired to adopt.

Thing I like about Kellan also is almost every single one of his tweets is either promoting a charity event or responding to a fan's tweet. I'm the first one to eyeroll at people who have to reply to every single tweet a celeb makes like they were seriously looking for our approbation, but this guy actually does care what we think. He's always tweeting happy birthday or passing along a prayer request or telling some girl she's special.

Anyhoo, if you suddenly became as famous as our Twilight actors, J.K. Rowling, Stephenie Meyer, etc, what would you use your celebrity to promote?

EDIT: It doesn't have to be a specific organization. You could just do animal rights in general, or encourage awareness of a disability, etc without a sponsor behind you.


Is it just me?

Monday July 12, 2010 at 10:40 AM

Does anyone else using a mac have trouble linking in campfires?

Whenever i press the little link button and try and paste the address nothing happens. 

I was just curious, prob me failing with technology once again but if you know what I'm doing wrong, let me know. 

Thanks : )


Merit Badges

Monday July 12, 2010 at 10:22 AM

Hello Campfire Girls!

I'd like to earn my "Historical Romance Merit Badge" and I need YOUR help to do it! I've been reading Twilight Fan Fiction for a year now, and I can truly say I've just about seen it all. Poor Edward, Bella, Jasper, and even Carlisle have had just about every unfortunate situation known to man happen to them! *Mel wipes a tear away*

So recently I stumbled upon a few fics that were different; set WAY back in the past. First I found "Alton House" which totally rocked my world, but hasn't updated in a long while! *sadness ensues again*

Then I found "The Mail Order Bride". Excellent, well written story with a good plot, interesting characters, and hot citrus thrown in for good measure. BUT I finished it and then I was sad again (I need to get a better hold on these damn emotions!)

Then I found a story special to my heart because it was set in New Orleans (I have lived there before!) called "Enchante". It is also well written and very interesting! But again, I have caught up with all the updates and am WAITING (tick tock, tick tock...) for another chapter!

SO... Here's where you come in! Recommend some Historical Romance fics for me to read.

Here are a few things that I find important:

*needs to be well written with a good storyline

*doesn't have to be canon as long as it has Bella paired up with one of the Cullen Men

*All Human, please

*Historical setting, but I will not limit the time period or place

*Lots of Lemons please, because I like them *I am smiling dreamily now!*

*Complete (or almost complete) is preferrable, but I will accept suggestions that are not complete if the author updates regularly.


Ok Campfire Girls, that's my request for today! Thanks so much for your help! I hope that you all have some nuggets of wisdom to share in this area; let me see your creativity shine!

~ Mel ~


there's a lot of people

Monday July 12, 2010 at 10:05 AM

around this pool.




it's obvious, but still

edit blowup:


And I...Want to Thank You

Monday July 12, 2010 at 9:48 AM

Oh hell - here she goes again.

Yeah, I'm back - and I am on a tear.

We all have faults, bad habits we want to break, right? Well for me, I forget sometimes to say thank you.  I just assume (cough) that people know how much I appreciate what they do.

I'm fixing that today.

This one is for all the people that help, cause you know, people need people.  Let's make sure those unsung heroes get some love today.

Rangers - this one is for you.


Thank you for fostering a supportive community full of amazing men and women. Thank you for bringing together people of disparate backgrounds under the banner of fun and picspam.  You are tireless in your effort - and you deserve all the kudos in the world.

Okay forest - here is your challenge - in one quote, song or picture - give a heartfelt thanks to someone that has helped you find your way in fic land, who gave you a nudge when you were down, or made you laugh when you felt like you were going to cry.  And give up some love for our amazing rangers too.  As my mother likes to remind me (and I typical roll my eyes - who cares how old I am) You can never say thank you enough.



MONDAY... blehh~~

Monday July 12, 2010 at 7:32 AM

Happy Monday Campers!!

How are you today?  How was your weekend??

I'm waiting for the repair guy to come to my house since my garbage disposal BROKEN and I can't use it and now the water won't drain properly.  Also..for some reason the dishwasher is also connected to the same pipe so I can't use that.  SOOO ANNOYING!!

All I know is that if Edward Cullen were here, I wouldn't have this problem.  I'd just wake up to a newly remodeled kitchen.


First... I thought I was I took some weird pregancy test...then it turned out i WAS PREGNANT...but I decided to go out with some friends and since I couldn't drink I decided to STRIP at this bar.  I actually kinda enjoyed it.  But then I left, and I walked home...but not to my home, to these people's house who had a baby that I needed to breast feed (WTF) I do that, then someone was grilling chicken and hotdogs and stuff but they were doing it wrong so I got mad at the dude and go in the house and take a bubble bath. And when I got home ESME yelled at me for stipping in a bar. WTF?!?




Wish her a Happy Birthday here or in WTVOC's awesome campfire just a few stops below :)

Didja see these......

more here

guhh it was a good weekend...

Some Random For ya...

~Minnows have teeth in the throat.
~Porn star, Ron Jeremy, has a masters degree in Special Education.
~Women who read romance novels have sex twice as often as those who don't. does ff count? i think so!
~Most dust particles in your house come from dead skin.
~160 cars can drive side by side on the Monumental Axis in Brazil, the world's widest road.
~During the 1600's, boys and girls in England wore dresses until they were about seven years old.
~Only male fireflies can fly.


-about your weekend

-your weirdest dream

-something random!

LJ Summers

AU FICS - Lemony Goodness

Monday July 12, 2010 at 6:46 AM

Greetings and Other Expressions of Salutations!

Pursuant to the discussion on THIS CAMPFIRE, I thought to start the Fic Lists in earnest.  

Today's list will be AU (i.e. have a supernatural aspect or not all human, which is AH) stories that are remarkable for their lemony goodness (Thanks, Diana!)

Rules of the Fire:

(heh, let's see how this works, shall we?)


i.e. no pimpage. Just the name of the story and the link and the author's summary as provided by FFn or Twilighted or TWCS or their blog.


i.e. no replies to each recommendation, whether in affirmation or WTH-isms.


* * *

Remember, the idea is to be able to mark these for yourselves so that you can find this list as a Favorite (hit that heart, remember!) AND to make this a search-able list (so someone can go to the compass icon and type AU FICS in the search field and hopefully turn up this thread.

Also remember this is a totally add-on-able campfire.  Keep tending it. :)  



Now...let's see how this works. I'll start off in the first reply.



ETA:  A reminder.. this is an AU CAMPFIRE.  This means Alternative Universe and in the fanfic world of Twilight, it means Supernatural Stuff. Like VAMPS, WEREWOLVES, and even ANGELS and OLYMPIAN GODS and ANY OTHER magic/supernatural stuff that y'all can dream up. :)

SOON SOON SOON there will be an AH campfire for lemony goodness.  That means ALL HUMAN, which means no vamps, et al.  For THIS CAMPFIRE, though, we're going AU.


Thanks so much!!




Please Help!

Monday July 12, 2010 at 6:16 AM

Does anyone know where I can watch the most recent episode of True Blood for free?

Usually I use yidio, but the only links they have right now require a subscription.

(Also, I live in canada, so that also complicates things.)

Please help!!!

For your trouble:






Thank you forest!


party, drink bacardi, don't give an eff

Sunday July 11, 2010 at 9:48 PM

happy birthday, my darling tkmoon

if you live under a rock and/or you don't follow @tkmoon712 on twitter, you may not be aware that it has been 46 minutes into sasha's birthday

so get in here, wish my darling a good one

spam this campfire with pictures of david boreanaz, mark salling, buffy, glee, sexy sexy pictures of waffles and other foodstuffs, and post other delights you think she would enjoy

or you could make a bunch of drunk tweets in her honor, idk idk


Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

k back into my hole to cram study


Untagged and in HQ

Sunday July 11, 2010 at 9:15 PM

In case anyone wants to add these to their RobPorn library. Also, I won't get to post in the morning before work, so I'll just say now HAPPY MONDAY and HAVE A GOOD WEEK EVERYONE!!!

The rest of the shoot is inside.


Fireside CHAT

Sunday July 11, 2010 at 6:36 PM

That's right Campers, grab your sticks and marshmallows,

it's time for our

Sunday* Fireside Chat.

Anything goes. Just put what you want to talk about in


and if you want to talk about a fanfiction, for the love of Rpatz, put up a SPOILER WARNING!

I have a spot next to me on the blanket and a bottle of Sancerre chilling....let's get to some girl talk....


*yes, yes, some of you live in Tomorrowland. Happy Monday!


Vamp Mythology Question

Sunday July 11, 2010 at 5:55 PM

Hey, ladies, I've got a question for you:  do you think that even old injuries are completely repaired in the transformation to vampire (in SM's created world)?  I read (and loved) "In the Blink of an Eye" by that_writr, and that story pretty much landed on the idea that old, healed injuries wouldn't necessarily be healed (fyi, she used the issue of circumcision to debate it, which I thought was brilliant). 

However, we don't really see vamps in SM's world with any tatoos, human scars, or residual weaknesses, so that makes me think that her original intent was that you just become your super-self when you change. 

My story's next chapter is set in China, and I wanted to make a significant character have bound feet, as would have been appropriate for her human self, but as I was writing it, it occurred to me that maybe her feet would have been healed in the transformation process.  What do you think???


I Needith a Beta!!

Sunday July 11, 2010 at 5:08 PM

So I have no idea how this works. I've been working on a story and I really want to post it. I just don't want to go head first and put it out there. If someone could please Beta my story for me it would be highly appreciated. I don't know how the selection works either. If you have some experience with it, that would be great! If no one does, that's also fine, I just really want someone to check it before I post it. Note: I am not a scholarly writer this is just something I do on my downtime just incase you have expectations...maybe I shouldn't put myself down like that....anyway!!  just someone who is kind enough to help and keep me going!! 


thankie tankies!!!



MTV Interview

Sunday July 11, 2010 at 1:57 PM

So I used the searchy tool and couldn't find this so I'm guessing it hasn't been posted

But I know we've all see clips of this interview, people have the sparkly lube hand as avis all over the place

However I found the whole ten minutes :D and it was one of those interviews that I enjoyed - even if they talked shop a lot, most the time I simply can't watch them, but this was good.

Anyway just thought I should share :)


AND to make it interactive, do you guys have any favourite interviews of our lovely twilight cast?

What The What?!

Sunday July 11, 2010 at 12:31 PM

Brace yourselves for one helluva useless campfire, ladies!

For the past three years, I've been living abroad [Europe/ME] with the hubby - it is exciting and all that jazz, but it leaves me out of the loop frequently when it comes to pop culture. I do visit the good ol' USA every summer but that time is all about family.

So, naturally I wasn't in the know about just how BIG Twilight is. I mean, it IS big in the ME...but, with the younger crowd [literally 11-17]. I'm 26 and my Twi-related convos go along the lines of, "Oh, you know this book - blah blah Twilight blah blah RPattz blah blah HE IS A SERIOUS ACTOR"...

Back in the UK [hubby's a brit] no one even really cares about Robert.According to my sister-in-law, "he looks like every other English guy", not anything really special, I guess.

I thought I was like, one of the few in this lil' community on ADF that loved RPattz. All quirky and cute.

Anyway, I just got back to the USA and I went to see Eclipse and was shocked to see the the middle of a WEEK day.

I had to give up on trying to get tickets after waiting 15 minutes!


On top of that - my mom [who has NO interest in Hollywood] goes, "Well, of course - everyone loves Robert Pattinson". WHAT? Why does my mom know RPattz. Why does my dad know about Team Edward?

I feel betrayed. I feel overwhelmed. I feel very insignificant.


I am no longer a unique snowflake who has a penchant for overly made up and strangely stoic vampires in teen love triangles.

I think I'm going to stick to FF for a while.


This is it!

Sunday July 11, 2010 at 11:27 AM

The 2010 World Cup Final

Netherlands vs. Spain




Are you ready? Come in here and talk about it with me. Talk about!!!!

2010 World Cup Champions SPAIN!

*approved by super awesome Jennyfly*


Sanctuary has me wondering: what inspires you?

Sunday July 11, 2010 at 9:46 AM

I just finished reading the Sanctuary epilogue and I’m feeling happy and sated and melancholy, all the same time. I almost never feel this way when a story reaches its end, but Sanctuary is different. That story has had a special spot in my heart for a long while now: it was one of the first fanfics I ever read, and Jennyfly was the first writer to respond to one of my reviews (in which I brazenly corrected her about a passage that mentioned Chet Baker, and she graciously replied.) Back then, I wrote stupidly long, analytical, gushy reviews for Sanctuary, because reading it made me feel like I was back in college, sitting in one of my American Lit classes, mulling over characterization and the use of symbols and imagery and motif. (Why, yes ... I am a geek.)

As writers, we all come across exceptionally well-written prose, stuff that’s so good we want to close our notebooks and just give it up. But we don’t; instead, we use those authors and those stories to push ourselves to keep improving, to keep reading and learning and trying. And that’s what both Jennyfly and Sanctuary have done for me.

Thanks, Jennyfly. :) <3

So, in the comments, tell me what Sanctuary has meant to you, and then tell me what inspires you to keep doing what you do, and to keep trying to do it better.



Reasons to continue reading "The weight of words"

Sunday July 11, 2010 at 9:04 AM

I've started reading "The weight of words" by georgeygirl and I'm stuck at chapter 22.I usually read every story til the end,but I'm thinking of giving up.It really isn't a bad story or anything.It is well written,but I somehow can't read it as fast that I'm used to and get distracted too easily and I don't really know why.

So please give me reasons why I should read on,without giving too much away.

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