ok. so some of you might remember a long time ago, i started a campfire with the idea that adf would author a fic all together and things would be harmonious and lovely and serene and we'd all have this massive one shot that we wrote and YAY.
i finished piecing it together 3 days after that fire was posted.
to say the very best...it still isn't too cohesive. everyone submitted WONDERFUL passages...and then the idea was for me to take these passages and make a cohesive story out of 'em.
um. i'm not claiming brilliance or even semi-coherent crack fic here...but i have it just the same.
the chicks on twitter busted me and called me out...so here it is.
the adf collab, written by:
Dawnmarie Dreaming, Mrz.JasperHale4evr, Baruka Athena, Shouvley, Grownasswoman, Jennyfly, LJ Summers, flor_p, Perfect Meadow, Wonkeygirl, Hmonster4, Feeb01, Cranberryjello, Yasmina2005, Nayarit, Juliesbutterfly, Kell, Erica_lopeezy, MickisE, Chalger3, Billa, littlestar300, Jenward, Miztrezboo, Duskwatcher, Capricorn75, Spritedoll83, litljazzbird, reesa710, VampiresHaveLaws, DawnTwilight0000, scarletoctopus, lookingforhoofprints, lababykarla, Irony, bondedtoJasper, Ibeesavamp, Vampella, EbJ, Serendipitous, nataliem, neuroticris, aerochick, DianaWolfskill, alwayshave, aliceelizabeth, classictwilight, Bratty_Vamp, hidingfromsomeone
it will be in the first comment.
don't you judge me, yous.