Untagged and in HQ

Sunday July 11, 2010 at 9:15 PM

In case anyone wants to add these to their RobPorn library. Also, I won't get to post in the morning before work, so I'll just say now HAPPY MONDAY and HAVE A GOOD WEEK EVERYONE!!!

The rest of the shoot is inside.


Fireside CHAT

Sunday July 11, 2010 at 6:36 PM

That's right Campers, grab your sticks and marshmallows,

it's time for our

Sunday* Fireside Chat.

Anything goes. Just put what you want to talk about in


and if you want to talk about a fanfiction, for the love of Rpatz, put up a SPOILER WARNING!

I have a spot next to me on the blanket and a bottle of Sancerre chilling....let's get to some girl talk....


*yes, yes, some of you live in Tomorrowland. Happy Monday!


Vamp Mythology Question

Sunday July 11, 2010 at 5:55 PM

Hey, ladies, I've got a question for you:  do you think that even old injuries are completely repaired in the transformation to vampire (in SM's created world)?  I read (and loved) "In the Blink of an Eye" by that_writr, and that story pretty much landed on the idea that old, healed injuries wouldn't necessarily be healed (fyi, she used the issue of circumcision to debate it, which I thought was brilliant). 

However, we don't really see vamps in SM's world with any tatoos, human scars, or residual weaknesses, so that makes me think that her original intent was that you just become your super-self when you change. 

My story's next chapter is set in China, and I wanted to make a significant character have bound feet, as would have been appropriate for her human self, but as I was writing it, it occurred to me that maybe her feet would have been healed in the transformation process.  What do you think???


I Needith a Beta!!

Sunday July 11, 2010 at 5:08 PM

So I have no idea how this works. I've been working on a story and I really want to post it. I just don't want to go head first and put it out there. If someone could please Beta my story for me it would be highly appreciated. I don't know how the selection works either. If you have some experience with it, that would be great! If no one does, that's also fine, I just really want someone to check it before I post it. Note: I am not a scholarly writer this is just something I do on my downtime just incase you have expectations...maybe I shouldn't put myself down like that....anyway!!  just someone who is kind enough to help and keep me going!! 


thankie tankies!!!



MTV Interview

Sunday July 11, 2010 at 1:57 PM

So I used the searchy tool and couldn't find this so I'm guessing it hasn't been posted

But I know we've all see clips of this interview, people have the sparkly lube hand as avis all over the place

However I found the whole ten minutes :D and it was one of those interviews that I enjoyed - even if they talked shop a lot, most the time I simply can't watch them, but this was good.

Anyway just thought I should share :)


AND to make it interactive, do you guys have any favourite interviews of our lovely twilight cast?

What The What?!

Sunday July 11, 2010 at 12:31 PM

Brace yourselves for one helluva useless campfire, ladies!

For the past three years, I've been living abroad [Europe/ME] with the hubby - it is exciting and all that jazz, but it leaves me out of the loop frequently when it comes to pop culture. I do visit the good ol' USA every summer but that time is all about family.

So, naturally I wasn't in the know about just how BIG Twilight is. I mean, it IS big in the ME...but, with the younger crowd [literally 11-17]. I'm 26 and my Twi-related convos go along the lines of, "Oh, you know this book - blah blah Twilight blah blah RPattz blah blah HE IS A SERIOUS ACTOR"...

Back in the UK [hubby's a brit] no one even really cares about Robert.According to my sister-in-law, "he looks like every other English guy", not anything really special, I guess.

I thought I was like, one of the few in this lil' community on ADF that loved RPattz. All quirky and cute.

Anyway, I just got back to the USA and I went to see Eclipse and was shocked to see the the middle of a WEEK day.

I had to give up on trying to get tickets after waiting 15 minutes!


On top of that - my mom [who has NO interest in Hollywood] goes, "Well, of course - everyone loves Robert Pattinson". WHAT? Why does my mom know RPattz. Why does my dad know about Team Edward?

I feel betrayed. I feel overwhelmed. I feel very insignificant.


I am no longer a unique snowflake who has a penchant for overly made up and strangely stoic vampires in teen love triangles.

I think I'm going to stick to FF for a while.


This is it!

Sunday July 11, 2010 at 11:27 AM

The 2010 World Cup Final

Netherlands vs. Spain




Are you ready? Come in here and talk about it with me. Talk about!!!!

2010 World Cup Champions SPAIN!

*approved by super awesome Jennyfly*


Sanctuary has me wondering: what inspires you?

Sunday July 11, 2010 at 9:46 AM

I just finished reading the Sanctuary epilogue and I’m feeling happy and sated and melancholy, all the same time. I almost never feel this way when a story reaches its end, but Sanctuary is different. That story has had a special spot in my heart for a long while now: it was one of the first fanfics I ever read, and Jennyfly was the first writer to respond to one of my reviews (in which I brazenly corrected her about a passage that mentioned Chet Baker, and she graciously replied.) Back then, I wrote stupidly long, analytical, gushy reviews for Sanctuary, because reading it made me feel like I was back in college, sitting in one of my American Lit classes, mulling over characterization and the use of symbols and imagery and motif. (Why, yes ... I am a geek.)

As writers, we all come across exceptionally well-written prose, stuff that’s so good we want to close our notebooks and just give it up. But we don’t; instead, we use those authors and those stories to push ourselves to keep improving, to keep reading and learning and trying. And that’s what both Jennyfly and Sanctuary have done for me.

Thanks, Jennyfly. :) <3

So, in the comments, tell me what Sanctuary has meant to you, and then tell me what inspires you to keep doing what you do, and to keep trying to do it better.



Reasons to continue reading "The weight of words"

Sunday July 11, 2010 at 9:04 AM

I've started reading "The weight of words" by georgeygirl and I'm stuck at chapter 22.I usually read every story til the end,but I'm thinking of giving up.It really isn't a bad story or anything.It is well written,but I somehow can't read it as fast that I'm used to and get distracted too easily and I don't really know why.

So please give me reasons why I should read on,without giving too much away.


HG theories/team war/HG-related randomeness

Sunday July 11, 2010 at 8:53 AM


Is me again. goldenhair. I'm bored & I'm trying to get someone *cough*silver*cough* to comment here (omg don't ignore me)


I want to talk about this

& this & this!!!!!!


First off, if you haven't read it: why the hell not? I know the plot might put off some people, but I implor you to try it. For my sanity. And then come harass me on twitter about your theories about Peeta & the Capitol

Here is my Peeta (v. original)

& here's my Finnick

I have no Katniss & no Gale. I am open to suggestion.

Give me your theories. I want to hear what you think about how CF ended (omg I threw my book against the wall). Also, I am going to ask, because I need to talk about it and I'm crazy: which team are you and why?

Come defend your man. I'm Team Peeta.

Also, about the movie.


Aaaaand at last because I can't seem to be able to shut up, give me your favorite HG fics.

To me, these o/s are a must read Three Seventy One & Burning Alive & The Cave  And this story is a post-CF fic that's absolutely gorgeous and very well-written. It will quench you MJ thirst (a little) Scars

Remember, I'm team Peeta, so if you're team Gale don't click on those. But please do give me your recs! I was Team Switzerland (aka fencesitter) until the quell, so I'm not opposed to Gale. Convinve me. Or come swoon about Peeta with me. Idk.

Approved by grown.ass.woman

Just one last thing: while I am all for collective swooning and playful team wars, please remain civil. I am not here to create drama.


Gif Giving!

Sunday July 11, 2010 at 8:24 AM

Hello campers!

Lately I've been seen a lot of campfires and I've been getting quite a few PM's about people wanting Gif avatars/icons, but can't figure out how to shrink them/upload, etc.


So, I've decided to help out.

In this campfire comment with a gif that you want as an icon, and I'll make them for you! (it'll take me awhile, because I'm slow as molasses)

Make sure that your gif is uploaded to an image hosting site like photobucket (you have to register), tinypic (you don't have to register, but sometimes it's in German.), or imageshack ( I think you have to register, but I'm not sure as I don't use that particular site.). Please, be warned that with photobucket, you only have a certain amount of bandwidth. What that means is that if a lot of people view that image, and it's hotlinked (i'll tell you what that means in a sec) your account will be suspended for a short while, and all your images will say, "This image has exceeded it's monthy bandwidth, or something along those lines)

Hotlinking is when you take an image that's not from your account, and you link it everywhere. Some of you might have seen some pictures on different sites, and they have underneath them all, "You can take, but please don't hotlink."


I didn't mean to be this chatty, I swear.

As I was saying, make sure that you image is uploaded somewhere, and then post it in this campfire. ( if you don't know how to post the image after it's uploaded, find the direct link. I think John has made commenting with images fairly easy with his comment box things. If you're still stuck, then PM me, and I'll help) I will be adding this campfire to my favorites by clicking the heart at the top (omg my best idea for the site yet) so that I can come back to it easily without going back 4567800794993 pages.

Make sure that when you comment you click on the button that says, "Notify me when someone replies to me" that way when I finally get to your comment/gif, you'll know when you've recieved it!

I think that's it!

Oh, and to ensure that you have a clear icon, please make sure that your gif is in good quality, and isn't choppy. By that I mean, make sure there's no extra text on it, because when the image gets smaller, the text will be distracting and will make your icon look like shit.

So you know those gifs of Rob/Kris and they've come from ET, or fanvids? Yeah, no.

Okay that's really it.

For this tl;dr(too long; didn't read... look at me educating you) campfire I'll leave you with:

omg i hate this version with Usher

Sweet Jesus

Sunday July 11, 2010 at 6:50 AM

For those of us that find Xavier Samuel attractive, I'm just going to leave this link here:

NSFW.  I swear, it's like Christmas come early.

Now Rob, if you're feeling a little frisky after seeing those pictures (heaven knows, I am), feel free to do something similar.


'Is that your kid?'

Sunday July 11, 2010 at 5:59 AM

So, I went on holiday to the States - Yes, I did go to Nokia Plaza and Rob looked absolutely delicious!!! And yes, I went to see Eclipse twice while in NYC, and the second time Xavier Samuel made an appearance. And yes, will be going again next week with a friend who was so busy writing her thesis that she hasn't been able to go yet - with dark auburn hair (check my avatar) but the sun bleached it to a lighter auburn/copper-y color.

Then, upon returning, I visited my cousin, who just had a baby boy. The cutest little thing! And her two-year-old is too adorable for her own good. She also likes me a lot and totally owns me! I took some pics and there was one of her and me which was so cute, I made it my profile pic on FB.

Then a friend started commenting that she looks so much like me that she really had to remind herself that I do not, in fact, have a child. Okay, so far, understandable. But then other friends started agreeing with her.

Okay, I get it, somewhat: same eyes, similar nose, similar wavy auburn hair (though mine is a little artificial, it's as close to my natural shade as I can get), same big grin and damn, does she nail my lip-bite!

So when she's gonna visit (I told her mom it would be okay once she's completely potty trained) I'm definitely gonna show her off in town and with my friends.

Wanted to share this with you guys. And my question for the campers is now: has stuff like this ever happened to you? Share with pics and stories!

Oh and by the way, I totally think she could pass for Renesmee, too! What do you guys think? Do any of you have kids in your social circle (or old pics of yourself) that could really be one of the characters - or even actors?


Sanctuary epilogue !!

Sunday July 11, 2010 at 2:45 AM

One of the best AH Fics in this fandom.  Ever And if you haven't read it yet, it's finished now and daayum, what are you waiting for??  Click here

Oh yeah and these pictures appeared.

I am giddy with squee.

COMMENT ON EITHER the wonderful-ness that is Sanctuary or the hawt-ness of these photos.  OR BOTH.

More photos in the comments.  And one more from jennyfly in the post below too.



Saturday July 10, 2010 at 10:25 PM

it's saturday night. show me something.



Saturday July 10, 2010 at 10:22 PM

okay so i hope i can do this, if not rangers please delete



i just saw eclipse yesterday.

my comments will be in the comment section obviously.

please tell me your opinions. i havent read any of the previous eclipse campfires, for obvious reasons.


The Hostage by EBalways

Saturday July 10, 2010 at 9:55 PM

So I was wondering who else is reading this story? It just updated again tonight and I kinda wondered if anyone had any ideas about who the taker is.


Rpatzz is calm and a saint! (to littlesecret84)

Saturday July 10, 2010 at 8:51 PM

grownasswoman posted a video with partying Rpatzz. bur our friend little scret was distraught!  so lets post pics of good siant aand cutie Rpatzz to littlesecret everyone!

This is how Rpatzz felt when he knew about the video....

but no worries!



grownasswoman ruined rpattz for me... HELP

Saturday July 10, 2010 at 8:50 PM

So I came home tonight and the first thing I saw on ADF was GAW's campfire. I saw a video. Of Rob. Drunk. I thought this would be amazing to watch. I love Rob. I love silly Rob. I thought I loved drunk Rob, but somewhere after the 40 second mark I realized... I'm over it. I'm over him. I'm repulsed. I can't do it. And this makes me sad, because I want to love Rob forever.


(note: showing me Bel Ami pics will only make things worse)

Until then, I'll stare at the only thing that can make me happy:


help locating this fic!

Saturday July 10, 2010 at 8:30 PM

ok so  i've been looking like crazy for this fic, i don't remember the name

bella and edward are in high school they don't like each other much but they have a bet on something to do with sex.. can't remember much but it was really good

renee is a drunk. i remember this particular scene where she shows up at a party and embarrasses bella and edward comes to her rescue andtakes renee away from the party. bella runs away from the party and edward finds her..


description sucks i know : (


ahhhh i can't remember the name, it was a WIP. and i really would like to finish reading it!!!

help plzzzzz




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