

Wednesday July 7, 2010 at 2:58 PM

So after Completeirony posted the very nice pic of Big Daddy C from Twilight I realized what was bothering me about him from Eclipse.  We've all talked about the wig fail but is it just me or does Carlisle's wig in Eclipse make him look like he cut his hair with a flowbee? 

So in your opinion who has the best or most improved hair in Eclipse (aside from Rob) and whose is the most unfortunate?

Also what was your worst haircut ever?



oh em gee

Wednesday July 7, 2010 at 1:42 PM

Hubby found this today....yes ladies and gents this is a wolfpack tattoo.

Do you think he told the tattoo artist what it was?


Semi-final 2

Wednesday July 7, 2010 at 11:47 AM

Germany vs. Spain!!!

A match deserving of a final.

Come in here and let's talk about it. Fernando sitting out. Müller not playing. How much Manuel looks like Hoyt. How hot Xabi or Lucas is. Your Professor love of Joachim Loew. Okay, some of those things may only apply to me---but come talk World Cup with me and the meeting of these two amazing teams. What are you thoughts or opinions?

*approved by Jennyfly*


Melissa Rosenberg on Breaking Dawn

Wednesday July 7, 2010 at 11:24 AM

Melissa Rosenberg shared some interesting new details at the Twilight convention in Paris this past weekend on what she'll be including in the script for 'Breaking Dawn'


I'll post her comments in the comments.

I'm curious Campers, after watching Eclipse are you more interested in watching Breaking Dawn, less interested, or neither? Esplain, please. :)



Wednesday July 7, 2010 at 9:55 AM

Ranger edit:

We Love the Wolf Pack here in the Forest and since we're already here celebrating our favorite Wolf-Dad, we decided to declare today


Give us your pics, your gifs and your favorite Wolf-Pack Fics!

Wolf Pack Wednesday featuring:


Here are the TOP TEN REASONS why Gil Birmingham is so fantabulous.

10) Gil guest starred in a 1997 episide of BUFFY.

9) He's the only man in America who can wear this shirt in public without getting his a$$ kicked

8) He played BRAVE #1 in a 1997 episide of DR QUINN MEDICINE WOMAN

7) He's an accomplished singer and guitarist, and has traveled all over the country performing with Eric Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and even Jimi Hendrix.

6) Billy Black is down with the kids

5) He's a total Badass

4) He has an OFFICIAL TWITTER account.. omg FOLLOW HIM

3) Gil is of COMANCHE decent and has proudly represented Native Americans on television and film for over 20 years.

2) He's magnificent

1) He's the Native American TOM SELLECK - classic, handsome, timeless, and 100% MAN


He's amazing!

So c'mon, Campers....show GIL, and the other members of the Wolf-Pack some love! 


(and bonus points to anyone who can find me a Carlisle/Billy black slash omg)


Hospital waiting room

Wednesday July 7, 2010 at 9:27 AM

So I am in the ER writing this campfire on my iTouch waiting to be seen and I am very very bored. Anybody got any good recs for the sickly girl? Lesser known fics are best, cause I am kinda a fic junkie. Also given my local any Carlisle heavy or Doctorward fics would be great!

Love, CompletedIrony

Edit: Can you imagine having this waiting for you on the other side of the hospital doors?


Edit 2:  Thank you everyone for the kind wishes!


Rob & Kristen out and about~

Wednesday July 7, 2010 at 7:32 AM

So Rob & Kristen have been out and about the past few nights...

On Monday they surpised fans at a LA IMAX screening of ECLIPSE, thanking fans for the movie's opening success.  Rob said it would be embarassing of everyone didn't like it.  (hey Rob---read my review.  you better act yer ass off in this circus movie, all i'm sayin!)



Then, last night... the were spotted at a Sam Bradley concert at Hotel Cafe in LA.

See more pics HERE.


The couple-y nature of these two is no secret, with the producer and director of Eclipse each confirming the romance on seperate occasions. 

I do think it's cool that they braved the screaming hoards of fans to stop at a screening.  Honestly, I was hoping GIL BIRMINGHAM would show up at the theater when I went to see Eclipse with CAPPIE. 

But....no such luck.


Eclipse in LOL cat!

Wednesday July 7, 2010 at 7:24 AM

It's finally here!!!!

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse: with Cats





This is just a little bit of it, go laugh!


Help with fic

Wednesday July 7, 2010 at 1:25 AM

Hey i need help finding a fic, i read it long time ago but now when i tried to look for it i couldnt find it. it has bella as a college student and all the cullens and hales are agents. charlie hired them to look after bella in college. it involves bella's mysterious necklace. edward is trying to figure out what is charlie hiding while protecting bella. 

i dont remember the name or the author. if anyone can help i would really appreciate it. 


Denali Clan?

Tuesday July 6, 2010 at 10:19 PM

I'm really curious as to why Summit would leave the Denali clan completely out of the Eclipse movie. I may or may not have seen it for a total 10 times so far, but it dawned on me today what I felt was missing.

In Eclipse we learn:

1. Who they are and the Tanya & Edward never-happening

2. Carlisle calls upon them to help against the newborn, but they say no because the Cullens won't step aside so Irina can avenge Laurent's death

Which leads into Breaking Dawn

1. The Denali clan attenting the wedding and apologizing for not showing their allegiance

2. Irina coming to visit to apologize when she stumbles upon Nessie and this running to the Volturi

3. The Denali are the first to accept their role as witnesses

4. Elezaar exposes Bella's shield as her gift

5. Kate uses her gift of pain to force Bella to practice pushing her shield out...thus saving everyone from certain doom!

Someone mentioned that they thought it was odd that Rosalie didn't mention she was visiting her friend late who had just had a baby and how much she wanted child thus leading into why she agreed to help Bella in BD...but this seems like an even bigger ut-oh!

The Denali are too important to be glosses over IMO...

Thoughts? Opinions? I'm reading too much into this?

It's my first campfire, hope it's okay.



Tuesday July 6, 2010 at 9:44 PM

I heard a rumour.

I heard that Struckathesky, the most fabulous author of Bound to a Secret, came out of retirement and posted a one shot. 



The Lurker and I posted The Underbelly:  Beer, Blood, and the Ashes


We missed the boats for pimpage and sneak peeks. We will try really hard to time it better next time.


(Summaries and links inside)


I just saw Eclipse

Tuesday July 6, 2010 at 8:41 PM

so i'm mega late i know but, i was lookig back at other campfires and i could help but notice no one brought up the special effects for the movie. i did love the movie but something has been bugging the ever loving censored by a ranger! out of me. ranger edit: to find out what's buggin', come inside to this SPOILERY FOR THE MOVIE CAMPFIRE

and please remember, many other countries do not have eclipse yet, so let's be kind!



Tuesday July 6, 2010 at 8:00 PM


We have some announcements that are making us want to dance naked around a campfire tonight.

ADF is proud to announce our newest Rangers:

littlesecret84-who is also a VIP author here in the forest and ultimate Kristen Stewart lover. We can chat for hours with her because she is sugar and spice and nothing too nice. Don't be afraid to say hello-she knows all. We are thrilled to have her in our Ranger ranks.

capricorn75 (aka Cappie)-Wow. What can we say? Cappie is a legend in the fandom. She is smart, sassy and always has something interesting to say (we listen intently as she is usually right on the money). She has been a major force here in the forest since the beginning and we are pinching ourselves that she said yes to taking on the intense Ranger status.

ADF is growing by leaps and bounds. It's all because of our incredible campers. Don't ever forget that it's YOU that makes the forest what it is. We love you all.

Now let's celebrate.


Show Me Yours....

Tuesday July 6, 2010 at 7:07 PM

I want to see your desktops :) I want to see what the Forest has on their computer to make them smile. Mine is in the comments.


Approved by jennday


Dear....(fill in the blank)

Tuesday July 6, 2010 at 6:41 PM

I just had a wee bit of fun trying to get Theheartoflife fired up....I'll post it under the fold. 

In return - I challenge you to write a letter of inspiration to another camper/ranger....be creative, be inspirational.


Extra points if you're silly.  A round of drinks from me if there are pretty boys (MY KINDA PRETTY BOYS)



summer lovin' had me a blast

Tuesday July 6, 2010 at 6:26 PM

What's happenin', ADF!? I haven't been around much lately, omg such a bad Ranger.








Have you ever had some summer lovin'? HOW WAS IT? DID IT HAVE YOU A BLAAAST?






Also post your favorite summer jams. ANYTHING THAT REMINDS YOU OF SUMMER


Tuesday July 6, 2010 at 5:57 PM

Hello Fellow Campers!

This is my first campfire, so be gentle! Yesterday, on Twitter, someone tweeted a link to a fanfic where Bella is a housewife and reads Edward's books to escape her lackluster life.  I think the title may have had the word Escape in it.  Help please! I thought I had saved this story to  my favs, but apparently, I didn't. I even tried to search Fan Fiction.net but no results. Has anyone heard of this? Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated!


Weird European Twilight Eclipse Toy Commercial

Tuesday July 6, 2010 at 4:43 PM

Has this been posted yet? Cuz it is hilarious.


*Caution Mature Content ahead, NSFW


talk to me, campers

Tuesday July 6, 2010 at 3:20 PM

come sit around the fire and get toasted your marshmallows with me

or, you know

answer the following questions and make some new frands


i never leave the house without putting this on:


ONE author i would pay any price, stand in any line for any length of time to get the newest book is:


my go-to CD/record/album/whatever when i want to be left alone/sulk/be depressed/be melancholy is:


i love this, and i don't care who knows it:


dear (fellow camper/ranger), we don't know each other, but i've always wanted to say this to you:


my latest obsession is:


and of course, here's my gift to ranger wtvoc:

sokka rathbone and wtvoc thank you for your time.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


So I was away in Vegas... WTF happened?

Tuesday July 6, 2010 at 1:50 PM

I was in Vegas for five days with some Twi buddies and I was reading unholy.obsessions How to Save a Life whilst traveling. Thank goodness I finished the last actual chapter in flight last night BUUUUT where'd it go?!

I saw her thing on FF saying she had conflicts. but but but but.... *sniffle*

I didn't get to read the outtakes and wasn't there to be an epi? And I was reading on my phone so I was waiting til today to go through and review using my PC, but now I can't even compliment her. I wanted to offer my beta services to her for anytime she wanted to write more and well... I just wanted to make sure she knew that I was reading since I couldn't review and just tell her her story kicked ass. :(

Anyone have an email or something so I can tell her? She disallowed messaging on FF too. I thought she was a VIP here, but I don't see her.

If anyone has the scoop or a way to contact her, hollah back please :) Or if you just wanna talk about how HtSaL made you wanna cry a little. That's okay too!

Here is some TIA-

First --- | >> | 1090 | 1091 | 1092 | 1093 | 1094 | 1095 | 1096 | 1097 | 1098 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
