

Friday July 9, 2010 at 12:37 PM

In the spirit of the first date horror campfire, I'm doing an idiot coworker campfire.

When I have a bad experience with a store, I like to go on consumer sites and read about people who got it worse than I did. When I hate a book or movie, I feel very relieved when someone else does, too. No one likes to be alone.

And so I appeal to you now to halp me, campers. For the next four weeks, I will be covering volunteer shifts for a woman who "loves working here" but doesn't actually do so very much. (Maybe there's a connection?) In the six months I've been volunteering, or 24 weeks, I estimate she's been out 16 of those. She can't even be bothered to help with the prayer request emails that you can sign into from anywhere in the country. Plus it's been six weeks since the new phone extension got added for our online volunteers, and she still has no clue how to use it.

Not only does no one say anything, but the coordinator doesn't even seem to notice.

I know it could be worse. I've had worse, many times. And I've also, quite recently even, read The Devil Wears Prada. I should be immune. But my mind is, just now, stuck in a rut of loathing how she can get the same recognition as the rest of us for doing a quarter of the work and doing it half-assed.

Tell me about your coworkers so I can get out of that rut until next week when I'm working her shift again.

For your time, a picture of a pretty horsie:


Because I'm a creeper

Friday July 9, 2010 at 12:28 PM

Okay so I'm totally bored and deranged and out of my mind so I went to this website where you can morph yourself with someone else to see what your baby would look like. Of course I was curious sooooo I did rob *eye roll* anyway...this is our love child ...its all blurry and crazy..but you kinda get the idea..heres the link if you wanna do it too lol


What are you reading?!

Friday July 9, 2010 at 11:54 AM

I want to see what you're reading. Show me your alerts list or whatever that thing is called on FFn. Does ADF have one of those? I'm like, the best ranger ever, because I know nothing. But this isn't surprising. It just took me 45 minutes to prepare some Kraft mac & cheese. Ugh, anyway, here's mine! Show me yours? Please?



And here is a random gif I came across in my ridiculously large "Robert and Kristen Gifs" folder. So cute and weird. This has nothing to do with this post, but hey, if you have something cute/funny to share, please do! I'm having one of those days.

Rob is ridiculous



Hunger Games read-a-long

Friday July 9, 2010 at 11:42 AM

Hunger Games read-a-long

I know many of you have read the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. (and if you haven't what the hale are you waiting for??)

The third and final book in this amazing trilogy comes out August 24th. Just for fun a few of us at District 13 are re-reading both the Hunger Games and Catching Fire before Mockingjay releases. 

Yes we've already started, but really the book is not that long, so it won't take long to catch up.

Click on the picture to come and play!

(and don't make fun of my terrible banner making skills)


Have you read the Hunger Games or are you planning to read it?

Did you love it? Hate it?

Why or Why not? 



Rosalie Week

Friday July 9, 2010 at 11:27 AM

Hey guys,

So I've started this blog called For the Love of Non-Canon

Each week we have a "Theme of the week" and next week is Rosalie week.

So, I'm wondering what are your favourite Rosalie fics? Even canon ones I'll put up but the more Non-Canon fics, the better!

And if any of you would like to be a member of staff on the blog; fic surfing, putting teasers up, HTML, writing about pairings and posting loads of fics etc.

Let me know :) Either on here or by going onto the blog and filling in the form.

Oh and if you want tweets and stuff we're @NonCanonLove :)

So... your Rosalie recs??


No. More. Drama.

Friday July 9, 2010 at 10:35 AM


My Challenge to you:

I've been having some stressful days at work lately.  It's the busy season for my company, and I've been working about 60 hours a week... every week.

Like most of you, in my spare time I read all the fic I can get my hands on... to the point of obsession.  Even though some of my favorite stories are ultra-angsty and full of drama, I just can't handle that right now.  I need to de-stress in my downtime, so I want your recs for fluffy TwiFic.

My requirements: well-written, low or no drama, something like Port Angeles Players, can be a one-shot but I like multi chapter fics better, preferably E/B


I need a HEA on FFAF

Friday July 9, 2010 at 10:00 AM

A co-worker just came in and she had just seen Toy Story 3, so we started talking about it and of course I started to get all choked up because I tried to talk about the part that shall not be named which is quite frankly more sad than all of the Nicholas Sparks sobfest movies combined.

So really, I just need some recs for fics that have a happily ever after ending.

The preferences:

-Completed. Please, I can't add any more drama in my life. Waiting for the ones I'm already waiting for is painful enough.)
-Doesn't have to be entirely canon, but I prefer Bella/Edward. I'm a purist like that.
-Um, good quality? I prefer things to be well-written. Consider it a result of having a BA in English Lit. Some angst is okay, but I need to know they'll make it through the rain, so to speak.
-Please no recs for fics where they use any form of thirteen-year-old girl speak: "OMG Hes Lyke SOOOO UR BF!" (*Unless it's used in an ironic way...)


Other than that, I don't care if it's Vamp or AU or AH or whatever.


In all honesty, I would ask for you to send me your "Worst Fic Ever" recs for the laughs, but I think that would be in violation of the Don't Be Mean rule on ADF...


Don't let the bed bugs bite!

Friday July 9, 2010 at 9:56 AM

Usually, I sleep like the dead. I literally do not move once I find a comfortable position.

Occasionally, when I'm sick and/or drunk, things get a little...crazy when I go to sleep.

First of all, I snore when I'm drunk. Loudly. And I sleep in the vampire position. Like, laying on your back, hands crossed over your chest. I didn't know this until I had a sleepover with my best girl friend a couple of weeks ago.

Now, when I'm sick, I have crazy dreams. I've been sick for the past couple of days, and my dreams have been vivid. I had a dream that I had a boyfriend, and we were in my bed, and I was licking his chest? (Yeahhh, IDEK) I woke up licking the blanket that was in front of my face. Last night, I must've been having a wild dream, because I threw my Kleenex box across my room, kicked all of my blankets minus the one I fondly call my Ernie-Bert blanket (Yeah, I still sleep with one of my baby blankets. Get over it.), had my entire body against my wall, and kicked off my pants. It must've been one helluva night for me.

What do you do in your sleep? Sleep talking? Sleep walking? Kicking? Snoring? ANYTHING?


Let's Talk~

Friday July 9, 2010 at 9:45 AM

We've all had them.

Whether is was your VERY first date, or your first date with a new guy (or girl)

Did the guy have super bad breath?

Did you spill water all over your white shirt revealing the fact that you weren't wearing a bra?

Did you get home to realize you had parsley in your teeth the whole night?


Mine is in the comments


Karate pants, costumes and a new still

Friday July 9, 2010 at 8:46 AM

Entertainment Weekly  ran an interview with the Eclipse costume designer which i thought was pretty interesting.

One of the revelations was that these pants from the training scene (which btw I'd been trying to figure out since the first stills)

are actually karate pants

Designer Trish Monaghan reveals - • Robert Pattinson wanted to wear karate pants for the training sequence. “So we got him some karate pants, and it’s like the crotch hangs down to the knees, and I just thought, Ugh. Who’s gonna go for this? Because everything has to be approved by Summit,” Monaghan says. “We took them in a little bit, and they loved the karate pants. Who knew? I was so surprised.”

The rest of the interview is pretty long so I'll post it in the first comment

highlights include

-Rosalie's wedding dress and a deleted scene (that I can't wait to see on the dvd)

-Jake's too-tight tshirts

-Kstew almost in a swimsuit


 I've had a lot of complaints about the clothes in the movies, but Eclipse was the most improved imo. The flashback scenes were awesome and the Cullen's denim looked better on screen than in the stills.

What were your favourite and least favourite aspects of the clothes and style in the movies? Share pics and be thankful for the lack of khaki!

or idk, laugh at the whole karate pants thing

(and i guess there might be some spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen Eclipse yet)


Dear Abby(normal):

Friday July 9, 2010 at 8:27 AM

An Advice Campfire


It's no secret that the forest is chock full of intelligent and insightful people.

Sometimes I need advice but I don't want to ask anyone who is too invested in me personally. I don't really like people I know knowing certain things about me anyway. For instance, if I tell my mom stuff, then she worries too much.

So, in this post I invite you to ask for advice about anything at all, and then see what the forest has to say!

We have already seen that there is pretty much no such thing as TMI here, by the don't be shy.

My question will be in the comments.

And: HECK YES. It's Fuh fuh Friiiiiiday! I love this day.


OMG, Yeah!!

Friday July 9, 2010 at 8:23 AM

You know what this means Campers...


Post what you want... have FUN with it, but remember to keep this interactive and share with the class!

We'll return to our regularly scheduled programming at 5pm EST Saturday

(and no we didn't forget, sometimes Rangers go to bed early)


It's also #FOLLOWFRIDAY on Twitter,

so go on there and follow a bunch of new people,

make some FRANDS!

And don't forget to follow the Rangers because we freaking love you guise!











And of course...



Leave your Twitter in the comments so people can Follow you too!

LJ Summers

Fic Lists

Friday July 9, 2010 at 7:48 AM

Okay.  I had a thought. Granted, it's a thought engineered by a cortex with a perpetual sleep-debt, but yeah.

What if we started lists for the purposes of Favoriting them (punch that pink heart, baby!) so that those who wish to know what we at ADF recommend as certain kinds of fics can refer to them? No pimpage necessary beyond a link and a summary.  I was just thinking it'd be cool then people could copy and paste to their own computers for reference or refer to their own Favorites list.

ALSO if you favorite the list, you can find it again when you find new fics that fit into this category.

Any takers?  Thoughts?  Hm?


cam  shmar



Be brave!



We'd probably have to put them into categories and I know I'm not a Ranger, but this is a user-generated site (content wise) so I thought I'd toss this out there.

I'll post an example in the thread, just to see if I am making sense. Heh...  If you find this thread disappears, it's probably because I am suffering from post-cortexual exhaustion...


Fool Me Once...

Friday July 9, 2010 at 7:28 AM

     Practical Jokes!



Have you ever been the victim of one? Or are you the jokester?

I ask because my hubby is always pulling pranks at my expense. I could regale you with many examples of things he's done to me, but i will just share todays mischief.

So, i woke this morning to a sudden pain on my butt/tush/boo-tay (pick your poison). Anyway, once i woke up to the point of awareness, i realised someone - or something - was yanking at my pj bottoms. Literally trying to pull them down! And furthermore, that the pain in my butt was infact one of the dogs biting me. Turns out, one of my dogs had a firm grip of my pants, tugging at them like a chew toy. while the other two were trying to take the more direct route by burrowing in from the waistline. As it turns out, my lovely husband had deposited a handful of little dog biscuits down my pants while i was still sleeping. Then made his escape to the office before his dastardly deed was discovered.


So, do you live with a rascal like mine? Care to share any anecdotes about past crimes?


I've been calling my hubby, Richard, Dick Dastardly for years.



It is Friday-Free-For-All, right?


River Dam

Friday July 9, 2010 at 5:43 AM

Last fall DeeLovely and I pooled our money and purchased a story by JennyFly in an auction. The prompt we gave her for the story was the song 'The River' by Bruce Springsteen, a song that both of us could relate to for personal reasons.

Jenny created an incredible story, better than either of us expected, and as an added bonus brought in Jandco as her consultant and partner in crime.

Today the last chapter of 'River Dam' has posted.

Go read, enjoy, cry a bit, and then come back here to talk about how awesome this story and the authors are.



Fell Off the Wagon

Thursday July 8, 2010 at 11:55 PM

So, I've been gone for a while (lurking here and there). My husband was deployed and I was planning a vow renewal ceremony with the whole nine yards since we didn't have it the first time around. Then moved back to the hell hole we are stuck in til the military sends him somewhere else. 

Anyways, since I've came back I can't really get back into fan fiction and I'm hoping you lovely ladies (and men) can help me out. 

Give me your fan fics that would make you come back every time. 

And to make it a little more interactive, have any of you ever drifted from fan fic and tried to come back?




I will read absolutely anything you guys will give me. AH, AU, whatever. And I love angst. 

Sorry I forgot to mention earlier.


What? Twilight's Funny?

Thursday July 8, 2010 at 10:32 PM

Has anyone read any of the books lately? Or anytime after your love for the books deflated?

I'm only asking because last night I decided to crack open Twilight after a more than a year of being neglected. I couldn't sleep, and...well, it was glaring at me from it's spot on one of the shelves.

Anyway, I don't remember Twilight being funny. I remember it being the most boring out of all them. But reading it again I'm, like, laughing, and smiling (and rolling my eyes a bit, too). And, now that I'm not obsessed with Edward anymore, I'm not smiling because of him. Bella has a humor, and Edward can't seem to teasing her, which makes her snap and get irritated at him pretty frequently.

Does anyone remember this the first, or even second time you've read it?

Because I don't. At all. Am I the only one who was too, eh, mystified by Edward to actually pay attention to the story?


So I've been hearing about this fic...

Thursday July 8, 2010 at 9:36 PM

But I can't find it anywhere. Does anyone know where I can read "Emancipation Proclamation" and should I bother to???


I'm feeling sad!

Thursday July 8, 2010 at 7:53 PM

This thread is totally self-serving, but I hope you'll muddle through it. 

So, I've just finished my 3rd full length fic and I'm already feeling the loss. I've poured my heart and soul into it for months and now it's over. I've loved these characters and how they've developed. I'm feeling sad. 


I've moved on to the next project, but new stories are hard for me. I struggle with the plot and worry that it won't be as good as the last story. Does everyone go through that?

Anyway, I thought you guys might check it out now that it's done? 

A World Away

Summary: Bella thinks military men are arrogant womanizers. That is, until she meets Edward, a hot and unpredictable Navy SEAL who quickly deploys for six months. Will he change her mind or leave her brokenhearted? Rated M for language and lemons. BxE.

Thanks for indulging me! I'm totally sad! 


Funny Story

Thursday July 8, 2010 at 7:15 PM

ok so, i have to share this story with everyone because i LMFAO when i heard it. (and yes it's twilight related)

i have this co-worker, she knows of Twilight but doesn't know really anything about the movies or the books. she just knows that a few of us at work are fans and she heard all of us talking about how we were going to go watch Eclipse.

apparently she thought we meant an ACTUAL Eclipse. the night of the midnight release she went out in her front yard in her PJs and stood out there waiting for an Eclipse. when her husband asked what she was doing she just said she was waiting for the eclipse to happen and i guess her hubby and his friends looked at her like she was nuts. it wasn't until she texted her cousin that she learned that everyone had been talking about the movie. i think she stood outside for a good 15-20 minutes. 

i'm pretty sure we made her retell the story to everyone at work. 

anyone have any funny/embarrassing twilight related stories? i'm bored. entertain me plz. 

FYT (a funny yet terrifying BD manip. omg, i can't wait for more of these as we get closer to the movie. oohhh...we could turn this into a bad manip campfire. i've discovered TONS of them. ok so just tell me a story or give me a bad manip. i'm really really bored. kthnxloveyabai.)

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