Entertainment Weekly ran an interview with the Eclipse costume designer which i thought was pretty interesting.
One of the revelations was that these pants from the training scene (which btw I'd been trying to figure out since the first stills)
are actually karate pants
Designer Trish Monaghan reveals - • Robert Pattinson wanted to wear karate pants for the training sequence. “So we got him some karate pants, and it’s like the crotch hangs down to the knees, and I just thought, Ugh. Who’s gonna go for this? Because everything has to be approved by Summit,” Monaghan says. “We took them in a little bit, and they loved the karate pants. Who knew? I was so surprised.”
The rest of the interview is pretty long so I'll post it in the first comment
highlights include
-Rosalie's wedding dress and a deleted scene (that I can't wait to see on the dvd)
-Jake's too-tight tshirts
-Kstew almost in a swimsuit
I've had a lot of complaints about the clothes in the movies, but Eclipse was the most improved imo. The flashback scenes were awesome and the Cullen's denim looked better on screen than in the stills.
What were your favourite and least favourite aspects of the clothes and style in the movies? Share pics and be thankful for the lack of khaki!
or idk, laugh at the whole karate pants thing
(and i guess there might be some spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen Eclipse yet)