Ranger edit:
We Love the Wolf Pack here in the Forest and since we're already here celebrating our favorite Wolf-Dad, we decided to declare today
Give us your pics, your gifs and your favorite Wolf-Pack Fics!
Wolf Pack Wednesday featuring:
Here are the TOP TEN REASONS why Gil Birmingham is so fantabulous.
10) Gil guest starred in a 1997 episide of BUFFY.
9) He's the only man in America who can wear this shirt in public without getting his a$$ kicked
8) He played BRAVE #1 in a 1997 episide of DR QUINN MEDICINE WOMAN
7) He's an accomplished singer and guitarist, and has traveled all over the country performing with Eric Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and even Jimi Hendrix.
6) Billy Black is down with the kids
5) He's a total Badass
4) He has an OFFICIAL TWITTER account.. omg FOLLOW HIM
3) Gil is of COMANCHE decent and has proudly represented Native Americans on television and film for over 20 years.
2) He's magnificent
1) He's the Native American TOM SELLECK - classic, handsome, timeless, and 100% MAN
He's amazing!
So c'mon, Campers....show GIL, and the other members of the Wolf-Pack some love!
(and bonus points to anyone who can find me a Carlisle/Billy black slash omg)