
I thought this was funny, so I decided to share

Saturday July 3, 2010 at 8:15 AM


The soundtracks

Saturday July 3, 2010 at 8:02 AM

I want to discuss the twilight soundtracks. 

Which one is your favorite?

I think I will have to say New Moon, then Eclipse, last Twilight.

What did you think of the Eclipse soundtrack? What were your favorite songs?

I really liked let's get lost, heavy in your arms and how can you swallow so much sleep. 


Hoyt . . . Hoyt Fortenberry?

Saturday July 3, 2010 at 7:29 AM

Err . . . Manuel Neuer! Goalkeeper for Germany.

Come in here and talk World Cup with me!!! Argentina vs. Germany!

(Again, couldn't find the one with stars, sorry.)


Comic to Screen

Friday July 2, 2010 at 11:27 PM

So I was reading that there was a new Spiderman movie in the works and they were looking at new actors to play Peter Parker. No more Toby. It got me to thinking of all the different movies and shows that draw from different comics. What are some of your favorite shows or movies that originated from comic books?

I <3 Smallville!! =) Just look at him!!


Viva Las Vegas

Friday July 2, 2010 at 10:47 PM

So, a bunch of my girl friends and I are headed to Vegas for a weekend of... um, quilting. Yeah, quilting. I hear they have amazing quilting bazaars down there.

Anyways, since I'll be learning how to do a whip stitch I want to know what YOU'VE done in the city of sin for you know, future reference. Is there any place/casino/person I must see? Is there one thing you recommend not doing? Lemme hear allll about it-- I want to hear everything (well, maybe not everything... yikes). Except remember: what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. 



Scientists invent first male contraceptive pill

Friday July 2, 2010 at 10:29 PM

Since it's FFW here at the Forest, and since we all love talking about sex so much, I figured this might be something some of you might be interested in.  A friend of mine just linked me to this article on Facebook earlier today, and I finally got the chance to read it:

"But researchers in Israel have finally been able to create a oral pill that deactivates sperm before they reach the womb.  And they've developed a version that means it only needs to be to be taken once every three months.  The breakthrough pill could be available in as little as three years, according to the scientist behind the discovery."

"Using this approach, researchers believe they have a pill that is 100 pc effective at stopping pregnancy.  Not only is it long lasting but it also has other pluses . There are no side effects as suffered by women who take the contraceptive pill."

You can read the full article here.

So, thoughts?  Anyone else interested in possibly renting a place in Israel with me?  Would you trust your man to be the one responsible for taking something so important?

EDIT: And, given the subject matter involved, feel free to just make this a freaking TMI post if you feel so inclined.

ReMiR Cullen

University of Edward Masen

Friday July 2, 2010 at 9:41 PM

It's Saturday July 3rd, at least where I live.  In what time zone Sebastian Robichaud lives??

I need that update!!!





Sorry :(




Summer Memories

Friday July 2, 2010 at 8:28 PM

Earlier today, I was thinking about summer. More specifically, about how I hope this summer is really memorable, and not boring like last summer was. I started flipping through memories of last summer (like writing a story only during the night hours, teaching dance classes with my aunt, and the time I stayed up all night), and realized that all summers are memorable in some way, shape, or form; it's just that some summers stick out more than others.

Two summers that I'll never forget are 2005 and 2008. In 2005, I met two people who went on to become my best friends. The three of us spent almost every single day together, whether it was going to the beach, swimming in one of their backyards, having sleepovers, or just hanging out at one of their houses.

In 2008, I spent a lot of time hanging out with my friends. We hung out at Barnes and Noble, walked over to Friendly's for some ice cream, had a dinner night at Friendly's followed by hanging out in Target, and sleepovers. It was also the second time I was able to spend a few days in Boston, MA for a dance convention.

So what about you? What are your best summer memories?


The Good, The Good, and... You know.

Friday July 2, 2010 at 7:10 PM


We're back.

Gimme some happeh.

We did this last week and it was awesome!

Hope everyone bring something GOOD this week!


Any negativity in this thread will throw you into an alternate universe that makes you relive the birth scene from BD over and over.

You've been warned.


How do you keep your stories organized?

Friday July 2, 2010 at 6:51 PM

I've lost control of my fanfiction favorites list. I now have about 275 stories on the list and its not easy remembering which ones are complete, incomplete, and read/unread - except, of course, for my absolute favorite favorites that I'll never forget. The fanfiction website is not user friendly in this regard. Or maybe I'm an idiot and the answer is obvious and I don't see it. How do you keep track of the stories? Any suggestions would be much appreciated.



Friday July 2, 2010 at 6:36 PM

The Feds took down my favortie website! Where will I illegally watch bootlegs now?! I am a sad panda :(


Does anyone know of websites like tv shack?




Where's the Jake love?

Friday July 2, 2010 at 5:33 PM

I don't know what things were like in your theatre, but when I saw Eclipse, the whole crowd erupted for Jake every time he came on screen. I think the different forest needs more Taylor! He was on the Late Show last night. :)

Which one does it for you??? ED OR ROBERT??

Friday July 2, 2010 at 5:25 PM

LMFAO Really celebuzz i couldn't have said it a ROB lover by nature so...:

this is the article i found while snooping through the internet when i have nothing better to do :)

and i honestly doubt she'd go with this anyway..

when she can have this

" And then a large crater opened up in the earth and swallowed him whole after mouthing such blasphemous claims.

Now, what does it say when I care more about trying not to vomit on my Christian Louboutin peep-toes than when I hear most of the asinine comments that come out of a Gossip Girl member in the range of the Ed Westwick persuasion? It means that Ed can steal from Russell Brand's closet and wear every tight v-neck tee available, but he will never be Robert Pattinson.

While making an appearance in Sydney, Australia yesterday, Ed talked about how his British accent is not only better than Robert Pattinson but he is totally beyond dating younger women like Kristen Stewart.

"I like the older ones, the ones around my age," he said. "The Kristen Stewarts' of the world don't really do it for me."

Well with all your creeper smiles and that unstoppable need to show us your manish chest hairs every opportunity you get, I'm gonna have to say that you don't really do it for me either, Chuck Bass. I'll take sex hair and Gucci suits over you any day."

...idk but weren't they friends or something...maybe i was mistaken...of course he could be sarcastic...but the fact that he took a snub at kstew makes me angry..

for some reason you cant post his picture but i can give you the link..and I can just vouch that..yeah...he just looks a bit creepy in these pictures


Holy . . . . (part deux)

Friday July 2, 2010 at 1:32 PM

How are we NOT talking about the Ghana/Uruguay game?

(couldn't get the one with the stars, forgive me)

Gah. Come talk World Cup in here!!!!


4th plans

Friday July 2, 2010 at 1:31 PM

So i come home from in town earlier and as i am driving up to my house I notice there is a portable toilet sitting by our barn...... yes you read that right a portable toilet! My step-dad is throwing a welcome home/ 4th of July party for my step-sister who is in the army. I'm not extremely happy about this as I don't get along with either of them but I'll get over that. Plus now there is a camper parked at the back part of our property (I should mention we live on about 5 acres).  One of the other reasons that I'm not happy about this party is because I have to work both days this weekend (as usual) and i am going to get NO sleep tomorrow night :(


But the whole point of this was to ask...... what are your plans for the weekend/4th?


Happy JULY!

Friday July 2, 2010 at 1:31 PM

Some of you may remember that WAY back in June we started regular campfires (Sunday Chat, Monday Request, Wednesday Pimp, Thursday Amnesia and Saturday Recommendation) and that we said we would SEE HOW IT WENT and IF WE WANTED TO CONTINUE THESE into the rest of the summer. (or whatever season it is where you are)

There were a few bumps since I went on vacation for a week, but a couple of you noticed that there was no Amnesia post yesterday (July 1st!) making it pretty clear that you campers LIKE these types of threads.

So now it is time to get your opinions. Do you visit these threads? Which ones do you love and which do you think were not as effective? Do I need better art? (omg, I am talentless) Is there anything else you would like to see on a regular basis? Were the times okay for you? (fyi, I tried to be flexible with early and late posts for our international viewers)

Any and all opinions welcome!


Free for all pimp out anyone?

Friday July 2, 2010 at 1:16 PM

So... it's my anniversary this weekend... and I'm not doing anything for it cause of a small money shortage :( so... I figured we could do a self pimp post.

Pimp me your stuff.

Give me the title, the link, and a short summary about your story.

Give me a ton of incentive to read it.

I could really use something to do! And maybe you can gain more readers while you're at it :)

My self pimp will be in the comments :)


Work Out Playlist

Friday July 2, 2010 at 12:36 PM

The fourth of July in my house always means a lot of food so I want to get a new playlist ready .


Tell me campers what do you listen to when you:

get on the treadmill, jog out doors, during Zumba class, aerobics class, stretching, pole dancing


What gets you moving?


Summer Reads

Friday July 2, 2010 at 12:06 PM

Hello Everyone!

I know we had a book rec campfire not to long ago but I want to know what is your favorite Summer Reading.

What book do you love to pick up,while on a white sand beach with crystal blue water. Henry Cavill , shirtless, serves you a drink and then rubs sun block on your back while you lay on a hammack.................oh wait where was I going with this...BOOKS..yes..books.

So what is your favorite book to read each summer. (I'll post mine inside)

I am going to go back to that day dream for a while...FYT

henry cavill tudors Pictures, Images and Photos


hello...anyone from NY/Philadelphia

Friday July 2, 2010 at 11:54 AM

hello lovelies!! I need a little help! What are the best places for shopping beauty products/make up stuff and diamonds in NY or Philadelphia?  one of my guy friend is there right now and he wants to do this wedding shopping ..He has absolutely zero idea about all these stuff ..obviously we all are pretty clueless as we have never been to USA..poor guy is so frustrated So I thought I would ask you girls .. so please any advice/suggestion/rec is highly appreciated ! Thanks so much in advance! I (by the way don't think he can afford tiffany /cartier..)

P.S: pardon my bad English.

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