
Team Jacob FTW?!

Tuesday June 29, 2010 at 3:18 PM

Um, well hi everyone!  Me and my sis are getting ready for the big Twi nite tonight and we were reading all the reviews written mostly by ignorant grumpy middle aged men who all seem to agree that Jacob is wayyyyy more popular than Edward these days.  Since SM has publicly stated that she prefers Jacob (ewww) and since she will be one of the producers of BD, what if she changes the outcome of the Saga in favor of Bella and Jacob?  Before I banish her forever from my house, what do you guys think?

Hold it, hold it.  I'm the sister and she made it sound like I want this to happen.  Not so,  I am and have always been Team Edward.  She didn't convey the dread in my voice when I stated this awful possibility.



Vampire car crash

Tuesday June 29, 2010 at 2:28 PM

Western Slope woman blames vampire for car crash

FRUITA, Colo. - If a Western Slope woman is to be believed, vampires may be lurking in Colorado's Grand Valley.

The woman claims she spotted a vampire in the middle of a dirt road near Fruita, Colo. Sunday night. She told Colorado State Troopers she was startled by the undead being, threw her SUV into reverse, and crashed into a canal.

She was not injured.

State Troopers say the woman's husband arrived at the scene and took her home. The vampire, which was not seen by anyone else, apparently let her get away.

Troopers do not suspect drugs or alcohol to be factors in the crash.



Freaky Threesome

Tuesday June 29, 2010 at 2:07 PM



Yeah, littlesecret84, ciaobella27 and I have formed an ADF VIP Author Axis of EPOVIL and are banding togehter to offer ourselves as a group in an FGB auction we like to call "LittleCiaoOnTime".  I KNOW.  It sounds like Portuguese kibble, doesn't it?  But it's not.



Here's what the winner will get:


1 outtake from littlesecret84’s Brown Study. Both Edward and Jane POVs of the events in chapters 17 & 18.



1 outtake from ciaobella27’s Living Backwards. Option #1 - Edward goes back in time and must convince Bella that’s he’s time traveling, and she shouldn’t get onto the plane to NY. Option #2 - Bella confesses to Edward that she time traveled. Obviously, these will be silly.


1 outtake from WriteOnTime’s Breaking News. Option #1 - Edward POV of the flight to Kansas to cover the tornado. Option #2 - what happens when Bella falls asleep in Edward's arms at the end of that day.


1 installment of littlesecret84/ciaobella27's critically-acclaimed TomStu RPF – Boy on the Side. (The critic is WriteOnTime. She acclaims us all the time.)




If you want to join the team bid, here's the link for the pledge form:  LittleCiaoOnTime Team Bid


this made me snort

Tuesday June 29, 2010 at 2:02 PM





i'll put the article inside the campfire.


I get knocked down . . .

Tuesday June 29, 2010 at 12:38 PM

Portugal vs. Spain!


Who hasn't been on the floor yet? And, really does it matter, the ref is letting them all go. Are you watching the game? Are you excited? It's tied at the half? So how do you think this one will end? Another penalty shoutout like this AM with Japan and Paraguay? Come talk World Cup with me!!!!

This JUST in. This JUST in. FIFA is willing to talk goal-line technology. And sends an apology to England. Thoughts???

source --- source

*approved by Jennyfly*

This has probably already been posted. Shoot me.

Tuesday June 29, 2010 at 12:30 PM






ETA: I've found another one, but it's a cam. It's still baaaaddd.


Happy Eclipse Day!!!!

Tuesday June 29, 2010 at 12:25 PM

I know it's tomorrow, but many of us are seeing it tonight. I'll be seeing it with some fellow campers, and I'm very excited! What's my favorite part of the entire franchise? Bella and Edward, of course. And why do I adore them? Because they make me happy, led me to find all of you, AND my favorite actress and her gorgeous boyfriend portray the characters we've all grown to adore (even though we bitch about them CONSTANTLY).

So a little OT, but yesterday, I saw Kristen TWICE, and she SPOKE TO ME, and it was awesome. She actually said 'dude' and 'awesome' and I died, because those are my favorite Kristen words. And she signed one of my least favorite books ever (On the Road - she has a part in the movie adaptation), but she thought it was a cool idea, so I was smart making her sign that instead of a Robsten Love collage (errr, kidding).

Her skin was flawless, she was kind and gracious, and she was wearing all the jewelry people are constantly fighting over - who gave it to her? What does it say? Is she wearing it now? No? OMG did they break up? Ugh, people are CRAZY. Who cares?! It's just jewelry, and sometimes people get bored with that stuff. Anyway, she was wearing all of it, and looked precious, and her voice is sex. I'm going soooo off topic. I just wanted to post some fun pictures and ask you WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE PART OF THE TWILIGHT UNIVERSE? I told you mine. And show me your favorite pictures of B/E, R/K, Rob, Kris, the adorable Taylor, SMeyer, producers with big mouths, Chatty Cathy, PFach, your favorite rangers, campers, yourselves. IDC. I just want to celebrate!

Here are some recent pictures of Robert and Kristen. Oh, I'll add some Taylor/Kristen too, because those two are adorable together!









The Twilight Game!

Tuesday June 29, 2010 at 12:16 PM

Haha I just saw this and had to share it. It's pretty entertaining.

Go decide Bella's fate through these videos and come tell me what happened to your Bella.


Popping the P

Tuesday June 29, 2010 at 11:48 AM

It has slowly come to my attention that Bella apparently can not say the word "yep/yup" in the world of fanfiction without having the author point out that she "pops the p".  It was cute the first couple times I read it, quirky and unique or whatever, but now it's just overdone and groan-worthy (not in a good way (-: )

So... this has me wondering, what are some of the small quirks that are becoming overused and annoying in stories?  Also, what are some of the little unique quirks you love in characters?


Thank You, PixieVamp!!

Tuesday June 29, 2010 at 10:37 AM

In case you didn't know, PixieVamp has stepped down from her duties as a ranger here due to real life (isn't that just a pain?) becoming busy and not being able to spend the amount of time she was before here on ADF.

Anyone that has had the opportunity to tweet PixieVamp, GChat with her, message her or contact her know how awesome she is and that she was a great ranger.  I know everyone will miss her.

And, I don't know about everyone else, but I don't feel right about letting her step down without a little fanfare and appreciation from the Forest! So please, leave some love, appreciation, good memories, well wishes, etc.

PixieVamp-Thanks for tweeting KoL and Lady Gaga lyrics with me (even though 95% of my followers collectively groan when I start doing that :) ) and for being kickass and an awesome army wife.  I'm so glad we connected on here and have gotten to know each other.  Remember to breathe and keep having fun-the rest will take care of itself.  I can't wait to get to know you better.  Much Love, Lie2Me

And, To my fellow Lady Gaga fan:

(This post has been approved by GrownAssWoman)


Hydraulic Level 5

Tuesday June 29, 2010 at 10:26 AM

This fantabulous story has updated in the Forest!.

Hie thee to read chapter 31 and then discuss with me in this campfire or comment in her cabin if I give you the wiggins.

apologies to Lyssvaerd who posted about this at the same time as me.


Stephenie Meyer.

Tuesday June 29, 2010 at 8:00 AM

Lately, it's come to my attention that people are under the impression that the Forest hates on Stephenie Meyer.

Jigga Wha?

First, I want to point something out...The Forest is user generated.  That means that if people want to come and post Stephenie Meyer love they are more than welcome to.  This place COULD BE a Stephenie Meyer Love fest.  That is up to the Campers.

Second...The Forest realizes The Forest wouldn't even exist without the Twilight Saga author! 

So.  This is a Meyer appreciation post.

Here's why I appreciate her:

1. Edward.  She MADE this guy.

2. She is kind and generous enough to let us fic these characters out, something not all other authors support. 

3.  Because of her, I've made some of the best friends I'll ever have, and I can't say enough about that.

So, Campers, tell me why YOU appreciate Stephenie Meyer.

(this is an appreciation post.  I know not everyone can come up with nice things to say, but please, keep this thread positive.)


The Evolution of the Twiverse

Tuesday June 29, 2010 at 7:42 AM

This has been on my mind a LOT lately and, while it would probably be more suited for an article of some sort, I am just going to put it out here first to get our wonderful campers thoughts and experiences.

I have been involved in the Twiverse since before Breaking Dawn's release and wrote my first fanfiction ( a canon missing moment series)  soon thereafter. (Try to find it, it's only one place and I won't say where)

Soon after, and because I had so few readers, I went to see what AH was all about. In all honesty, ALL HUMAN made no sense to me. It was like making Aragorn a CEO or Harry Potter a wandless college student. Is that really fan fiction?

Don't bite my head off. You probably thought the same thing when you first heard of it. But Stephanie Meyer made these amazing characters stronger than her world (like it or not, she did. I will make another campfire discussing this if you want me to) and that is why Edward can be everything from a soldier to an importer/exporter and we will give it a thumbs up.

After I become friends with some of the rangers who are now at ADF (was that two years ago, now?)  I tried my hand at ALL HUMAN and experienced moderate success with my own story, a success my canon story didn't get. I don't take sides in what is better, each is their own and I like both. Why would I care about what others want to read, it is their business.

I've seen the rise and fall of fics, fics that get pulled, wars over warnings, egos the size of an elephant (and bigger) and enough sheep to fill Australia. I've hung around, I haven't flounced. I've weathered others temper tantrums and have seen trends come and go and do not get caught up in them.

But now, after all of that, I want to know YOUR experience with the twiverse.

How long have you been here? (twilight universe? ADF?) what is your history with twilight?

Have your perceptions changed since the beginning? 

Did you come seeking fanfiction or did you start just wanting to talk about the books?

Do you read the same types of things now that you used to read?

Are there any trends that YOU have seen come and go? Were you happy about it?

Do you think that some of the twiverse takes itself too seriously or that others don't take themselves seriously enough?


None of this is scientific, inquiring minds just want to know! I fear sometimes our perceptions are not the reality and we judge others or certain prejudices they do not hold. I, personally, think it's just evolution and trends. Maybe, maybe not. But I am interested just the same.


Kristen Stewart on Letterman

Tuesday June 29, 2010 at 6:29 AM

Did anyone watch this?  I didn't.  Another reason why I LOVE Youtube... it was kind of a weird interview though.  Letterman is just... idk.  When they start debating WOLVES.... strange.

(I love the hair, btw...)


Fandom Gives Back - Team No Choice

Tuesday June 29, 2010 at 6:22 AM

I thought I would go ahead and start a new campfire on FGB since it hasn’t been up for awhile. A new team has started for No Choice (by glasscannon). So if you are a follower head on over to http://www.thefandomgivesback.com/browse.php?id=238 and check out the 5 stories GC is offering. And then join our team to get in on the goodies and support a great cause.

Now if you are not a No Choice follower and haven’t read it yet, I have to give it a plug. It is truly the best AU cannon out there. 4 quick reasons why you have to go read it now:
1. Awesome story that answers a “what if” question taking off from New Moon. All the details and pieces come together so nicely in this one and GC is always keeping me guessing (I like that in a story).
2. Writing – it is just soooo well written. Nuff said.
3. Characters – GC writes the in cannon characters so well. It is just so “them”. But then she takes them one step deeper (or 5 steps deeper), and you find yourself just sighing and saying “So this is where they should have gone”.
4. Relationships – you will love the multifaceted relationships formed in this story. I love Jasper & Bella and her Rosalie is hands down my favorite Rosalie out there. Not just a bitch to be a bitch. Her relationship with Bella is fantastic.
Just 4 great reasons to read this story (there is plenty more). Even if you are not a big fan of AU cannon characters, I promise you, you will like this story. So head on over there and read it. And then join our team so we can raise even more money for a great cause!


Team No Choice:

Questions? Email @ nochoicefans@gmail.com


Florence + The Macine

Tuesday June 29, 2010 at 12:09 AM



Twilight Night Issues

Monday June 28, 2010 at 11:45 PM

I was lucky enough to be at Twilight Night in San Diego on Saturday. (Well, I don't know about lucky, I slept on the sidewalk for the opportunity.) The majority of the event was great. (It was totally cloudy so we didn't get to see the lunar eclipse, but obviously that wasn't the event organizers fault.)

What WAS the organizers fault were a couple of things that made me wonder if this was just something they threw together at the last minute or if any planning was actually involved. Was anyone else at an event? I really really want some answers to the following questions and if you could help me I'd be extremely grateful!

1. Why couldn't the organizers give us a little more information than "First come, first served"? My friend and I got there SOO early...and from what I could tell, it was totally unnecessary. We could have arrived half an hour before it started and still gotten the same benefits we already had, even with the fact that thousands of people were there.

2. What was up with the shirts?! They didn't tell us as we were walking in that there were Cullen shirts and Wolfpack shirts or that you were stuck with the size you were given, even if it was two sizes too small. They just handed us one and then refused to trade even if the shirts didn't fit us. 

3. Photo booth?! They told us the pictures we took in the photo booth would be posted on facebook.com/twilight, youtube.com/twilight, and myspace.com/twilight. Here we are on Monday and I still don't see any pics anywhere. Am I doing something wrong?

4. The livestream of the event. They told us at Twilight Night that it would still be posted for a couple days so that we could see the interviews that we didn't get to see. The only videos I see listed are highlights, so obviously I missed the full thing, but I have tried on two computers and four different browsers and as soon as I push play, I get sound, but no picture. Is that happening to anyone else?

5. Um, for anyone who watched from home, what was the streaming like? They didn't think to air any of it on the huge screen that sat blank for us...

6. Other than that, it was fun. I really liked watching Twilight and New Moon with tons of fans under the stars cloudy cloudy night. Note, women next to me who were talking about their zits for forty five minutes, that was disgusting, why were you even there if you weren't going to watch the movies?


Anyway, if you have a chance to answer these questions (even if you weren't there!) I'd love you forever...what can I say? I'm easy like that.


And FYT: This is a video I took (while being trampled, hence the shaking) of Peter doing red carpet interviews. If you've seen the Twilight Night San Diego iReport on CNN.com, this moment happens during that interview. Oh, and as usual, this is a Twilight event, so there is screaming and you may want to turn down your speakers. (:



practically desperate

Monday June 28, 2010 at 11:02 PM

hey all,

i know this has been asked many times before.  (i did a search, yay!)  but i've tried all the suggested downloads and am still having trouble.(boo!!)  please help.

ok, so my issue is that i only have an itouch, not an iphone.  i need my ffn like air and will not have access tomorrow while waiting in line for eclipse.

like i said, i tried all the sites listed before and i keep getting a popup window "safari cannot download this file".

i am a serious tech moron and have no idea how to do all the fancy things that itouchs can do. especially because it's not "really" mine, i permanently "borrowed" it from my sister so i've been hesitant to download anything or even link it.

but i'm desperate to make this ffn file saving work.


edit: ok, so i also tried stanza and instapaper, both free download apps, but now it says its not compatible and i need a 3.0 software update.


A favor por favor????

Monday June 28, 2010 at 10:38 PM

Hey ADF!!!!! I'm going on a short trip (only 2 hours) starting tomorrow, and I was wondering if anyone had any good recs for me?

Here's what I'ma likin the sound of:

some oneshots


where they have been close friends/neighbors all their lifes and don't realize their feelings 'til the end


Thank you soooo much!!! FYT:



Waiting to see Eclipse until Saturday

Monday June 28, 2010 at 8:56 PM

I know most of you are going to the midnight screenings to see this movie, but I wanted to go with all my friends so we are waiting until Saturday night!

We will be meeting first at a restaurant where I plan on having 3 cosmopolitans before heading next door to the theatre!

I don't really mind the wait because I am not excited to see this movie.... I have read the leaked script, I have seen the clips, and I have looked at the photos. I just feel the movie is going to piss me off in some parts so I want to be as lit as possible before hand! LOL

Anyone else feel like me???

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