
Chat with Jennyfly

Saturday June 26, 2010 at 10:22 PM


Night time in the Forest, eh?

What's going on?

Tell me about it.


here is a photo of me and my grandma.



Saturday June 26, 2010 at 9:49 PM

Lets talk about our favorite crack fics...

Why do you love them?

Why do they keep you coming back for more?

Who is your favorite crackfic author?

I just read the funniest thing EVER... it doesn't say it's a crackfic but it has to be. There is no other logical explanation.

Add quotes :)


moviefone live feed

Saturday June 26, 2010 at 8:15 PM



use this post as a discussion thread while you watch


OK so I have no talent

Saturday June 26, 2010 at 8:12 PM

So I totally read WAY too much FF. I am drowning in the amount I have to still be read, and I can't even tell you how many I HAVE read. It's beyond ridiculous.

Now, my post is this:

I am a fairly creative person. I cannot write for s**t. But I have sooo many ideas for good FF swimming in my head, but cannot for the life of me get them down.

Has anyone EVER written anything someone else suggested?

Or has anyone EVER had someone write something for them they can't get out on their own? (FGB stories not included).

I'm wondering if there's anyone intersted in writing any ideas I have that I cannot bring to fruition?? I'd be good in an editor/creative idea role....

I could totally contribute certain....paragraphs...


A Lesson About Walmart~

Saturday June 26, 2010 at 7:50 PM

And let me just tell you one thing….

By now the majority of you probably know I was in Florida all week long. We drove down on Monday to Panama City for my daughter's dance competition.

My plan was to post daily updates of the shenanigans (there were plenty of shenanigans) but sadly, the condo we rented for the week didn’t have a freaking internet connection so I couldn’t get online.

Clearly… I did not make this reservation. Grownasswoman does NOT book accommodations without free wi-fi. Period.

But I still want to share with you all the events of the week.

It’s a bit long….so check inside the comments~~~


What? A new Jandco/Jennyfly story???

Saturday June 26, 2010 at 7:46 PM

Please don't tell me I'm crazy - what the hell just happened to that post???????  It was here a second ago, and then it poofed.




Fluffy like a teddy bear

Saturday June 26, 2010 at 7:08 PM

The past couple of story alerts I've had are not so fluffy.  AT ALL so I'm wondering if anyone has any fluffy stories that you can recomend me because I'm a sap and I'm in desprite need of some fluff!



Saturday June 26, 2010 at 6:39 PM

What's ADF's big Sunday?

Am i missing something here? I'm confused.


The BIG Saturday Rec Campfire

Saturday June 26, 2010 at 3:25 PM

Remember that this is a


meaning that if you want to pimp, you gotta ask your friends to do it for you!

I have lots to do for ADF's BIG SUNDAY (omg, don't ask me for details, I will shake and cry) so I am not going to be around tonight but I expect you ALL to rec something so when I come back I am blown away and overwhelmed by all of the new things I have to read.

FYI: I WANT TO READ SOMETHING FUN THIS WEEK. If you can fill my order it would be much appreciated!


Saturday June 26, 2010 at 2:53 PM

I am extremely late to the party and just saw Remember Me for the first time this afternoon. I remained relatively spoiler free, so i knew it was sad, and that it had something to do with 9/11, but none of the story.


This movie just ripped my heart out and stomped all over it. Did anyone else bawl their damn eyes out? I don't know if it was because of the 9/11 issue or not, but holy hell i'm still recovering. I haven't allowed myself to watch any 9/11 movies until this one, and now I know why.




Cute or what?

Saturday June 26, 2010 at 1:55 PM

I saw this short video yesterday and it really warmed my heart, and I relly wanted to share it with you guys, now I don't think it has anything to do with Rob or Kris even though I really like these two, but just look at the expression on their faces when they see each other, it is the sweetest thing ever:) xxM


Purses, Handbags and everything in between

Saturday June 26, 2010 at 11:49 AM

I'm stealing this from exulans on The Gazebo.

What's inside your purse?

I think the content of your purse tells a lot about who you are. I'm a hoarder! =)

Are you the type who carries her home on her arm? Or are you the teeny tiny purse only-the-essential type?

How many purses/handbags do you own? What's your favorite? You can provide pics of said purse(s) and/or its content or just make a list.  

My pics are in the first comment.


Not Ranger approved because it's still Friday Free For All.


Fandom Gives Back

Saturday June 26, 2010 at 11:42 AM

Almost everyone in the Twilight fandom knows of FGB. It's an awesome organization that raises amazing amounts of money for a great cause.

And, this year, I decided to get in on the fun.

Problem is, I'm mildly scared that no one will bid on me, so I'm pimping myself out now, while it's still FFFA.

I'm ladyinblue6 over there, on the forums and in the auction. I'm offering a lot of stuff. I just really would like to help out the organization as much as possible, and to do that, I need people to bid on me. :)

Hey, while we're at it, let's get all the people participating in FGB to pimp themselves out in this post!

Here's the link to my forum on FGB:



Saturday June 26, 2010 at 11:38 AM

USA - Ghana

We're already a goal down.


Hide And Drink Updated Ch. 28

Saturday June 26, 2010 at 11:34 AM

Can we please talk about the new chapter because this one was epic.


Hide And Drink- link to chapter one for those who haven't read it, go check it out!!!


Warning *Spoilers Up head*


Nook Advice

Saturday June 26, 2010 at 11:17 AM

I recently took the plunge and purchased a Nook.  I did research both it and Kindle before I purchased and liked what I saw with both.  This week I noticed the Kindle was priced at $189 and the Nook for $149, so the big price difference made me take a chance with the Nook.

I know I've seen several people mention they can save fanfiction into a format so it can be viewed on these devices.  

Ladies and Gentlemen... please give me links to what you use to convert your fanfictions.  What's the best format to put it in?  


Its my birthday...a favor woodland creatures??

Saturday June 26, 2010 at 11:08 AM

So I am trying to get 100 Monkeys to tweet me at least a b-day would be awesome if you lovely ladies...and gents if we have any...could help a girl would be the bestest b-day present ever!!! My twitter is @LittleLea05 if you are not already one of my twitter pals on there...


Oh and Jackson picspasm's are always is some for your time

greeen goldfish

For the Love of Lisa

Saturday June 26, 2010 at 10:54 AM

As some of you may already be aware, there's a special auction that's been put together for Fandom Gives back in honor of LASMKE/Lisa.

In honor of LASMKE, author of Expectations of Success and Small Town Gossip, her friends have put together this special auction in her memory. The winning bidder will receive a photograph of their choice from Images Without Borders, a website that raises money for those affected by crises through the sale of photographs. The photograph that the winner selects will then serve as a prompt for a minimum 2500 word oneshot from EACH author from Lisa's list of favorites. That's seven oneshots from the following twific authors:

greeen goldfish

Thanks to Lisa's family, friends, and the participating authors for making this auction possible. Special thanks to Litljazzbird for her generous donation of the photograph.

Terms: Oneshots will be delivered to winning bidder no later than August 1, 2010. Photo value not to exceed $50 and must be selected from one of the following galleries on the IWB website: 'Eclectic Visions,' 'Urban Images,' 'World Collection,' or 'Nature by Lens.' Photographs may be previewed here: ... llery-list. In discussing the delivery of the oneshots with the authors, it was decided that we want the bidders to have an incentive to bid, so the winning bidder will receive the oneshots exclusively initially. However, because they are written in honor of Lisa, it was felt that after a period of two months, they should be posted publicly for the rest of the community to be able to read, as well.


Feel free to post questions about the auction here. I know there is a team in the works, so that people who want to contribute can even if they can't afford to give a ton. The discussion for the auction is HERE and the actual auction (which opens at midnight tonight) is HERE.

*ranger approved


Why so crazy, fandom?

Saturday June 26, 2010 at 9:30 AM

I came across this a little while ago, and thought it needed to be shared.

(There are actually two videos like this. I'll post the second in the comments.)

So, I'm just gonna leave this right here for you to enjoy.

**There is irony in this video. Can you spots eet?**
(Approved by the always lovely Emibella.)
The Hat Does Nothing

Charlie Reads Twilight? O.o

Saturday June 26, 2010 at 8:57 AM

So, Yeah Ive Been MIA! It Happens.
But Im Back! Dont Cry I know Ya'll Missed Me.
*crickets* ANYWAYS................
So We Normally Have 'Alex Reads Twilight'
But Chapter 16 is being done by Charlie (Alex's Friend) as a challenege.
I Post All The Alex Reads Twilight Videos
Along With The Charlie Reads Twilight Video.





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