
Early Eclipse Reviews

Monday June 28, 2010 at 7:00 AM

Variety has reviewed Eclipse. I'll post it in the comments...see if David's reaction matches the review :)

Do you think reviews like this could have an effect, whether positive or negative, at the box-office, or will people see it anyway (or refuse to go near the whole phenomenon) no matter what the reviews say?



Monday June 28, 2010 at 6:25 AM

Anybody have any high school and/or summer recs???  They would be much appreciated :)!!!!!!!



Monday June 28, 2010 at 3:27 AM

Well, no, actually it's 2 knife cuts (my experiment to see what it would be like taking two fingertips off  - don't ask) anyway, honestly, this campfire is more about my self-imposed absence and my subsequent jealously at the Forest having carired on without me - so, in the interest of keeing me entertained and central to the universe I'd like you to post your videos of spoofs from the papercut scene - come on, there must be some good ones out there...

Also, since I've slipped under the whole Friday radar by posting about a legit Twilight subject (ILY Rangers - sad puppy eyes and all that nonsense)



Emmett visited again and shennanigans ensued -


What did you do to our slumbering campers? Come on Europe and the likes, let's play us some tricks on our fellow US campers - mess em up - I just  know WTVOC would love a tent full of MUSE posters........



Vague, I know

Sunday June 27, 2010 at 10:05 PM

Everyone buys brushes and paint and helps Bella paint her bedroom (I think they do this a little after they initially meet) and move all of her furniture. She has to sleep at the Cullen's because of the fumes. Edward and Bella have a date at his house, they have pizza, and she uses raisins to spell out her name on the pizza. I saw this question posted on twilighted and its killing me because I know that I have read it.


True Blood post!

Sunday June 27, 2010 at 9:57 PM

Yikes. WTF was going on tonight? That was quite a twist...................

Tell us your thoughts!



Sunday June 27, 2010 at 7:00 PM





What were you expecting from the Twilight Saga?

Come experience the end of the trilogy you love so much with everything you were hoping for.


Jandco and Jennyfly have written a story of epic proportions, bringing to life your favorite characters in an ending that will satisfy you and keep you on the edge of your seat.

A completely new story exclusively available HERE on A DIFFERENT FOREST with regular updates, discussion campfires and author involvement.

Read the first two chapters RIGHT NOW and tell us what you think right here. 



Sunday June 27, 2010 at 5:23 PM

Remember Me COUPON!!!!  And its for reeelz!


Name that fic, please

Sunday June 27, 2010 at 5:10 PM

Hello campers! So, I'm looking for a fic that I read a long time ago on Twilighted. Here's the premise: Edward is an EMT, Bella is a songwriter/music agent. Jasper is also a musician, and he and Bella come from the same group of musicians in college, some of which included Volturi-named characters (I vaguely remember Jane and Alec and Demetri being in that group).

I'm interested in finding it because I remember in particular the EMT slant of the story. Edward and Seth were frequent partners on their shifts, and there was a cool dynamic between all the EMTs in the group.

If you don't know what story I'm talking about, do you know other stories where Edward (or hey, let's give the ladies their fair shake, Bella) is an EMT?


tag, i'm it

Sunday June 27, 2010 at 4:26 PM

today's the end of tag week

please check your forest messages...

in the upper right hand corner, the taskbar has 6 icons!  if your envelope has a number on it, there are messages there.

i'd like ALL messages from the "tag" experiment sent to me, please and thank you.

i'm gonna compile some statistics.  many of you have already sent yours along, so thank you!

you can do this: ctrl + a, ctrl + c and then either click on my icon or compose a message to "wtvoc", then just label it "tag" and send it my way.  thank you!

and before you ask, i have no idea what's going on with big sunday.

now, let's use this campfire to discuss music.  i'm really loving this right now:




Sunday June 27, 2010 at 3:35 PM


A Novel by Tiffany Madison (AKA vixen1836)

Hi Folks!  Just got to thinking about a FF written last year titled Black & White by vixen1836. Amazing story but was pulled by the author with a view to publishing it, with rewrites to remove direct character links to Twilight ofcourse.

Initially I was pissed  annoyed that the author had removed this riveting story, but then reconsidered this and decided why not? She has created a wonderful and original story, populated with fascinating characters.  The Edward and Bella featured in Black and White are better developed than anything by SM.

Suffice to say, I am now eagerly anticipating the published novel of Black & White by Tiffany Madison!  Even more than any Summit rehash of SM novels.

So, my point/question for you all..  Have you read Back & White on FF? (the first couple of chapters are still available to read on  Is anybody else looking forwad to this being published/concluded?


Where is it?

Sunday June 27, 2010 at 3:29 PM

Has there been any notification about the Big Sunday Surprise?

I thought it would be here by now, but the Rangers who are here are saying they don't even know.

But I am pretty new here, so maybe I don't get the joke? Does someone have details?





Sunday June 27, 2010 at 2:58 PM


How many people visit the forest on Sundays?? 

What does this question mean to you? Check into the Fireside Chat. Ask a question about anything. Make a comment about something. Give us a statement or a video. JUST DO NOT LURK.

In other words.

Everyone who reads this should just stop in and say something nice, witty or funny or sexy.

Want to start a chat? Remember to put your topic in


Satisfy my curiosity.





Are you for sale?

Sunday June 27, 2010 at 2:54 PM

Well are you? In the Fandom Gives Back I mean ;)

Are you selling anything?

Link your auctions here, pimp it out and tell me why I should buy you. Give me a good reason why I should fight hard all week to make you mine.


Or maybe you're desperately bidding on somebody right now, tell me why you want to win that auction.

Let's try to raise all the bids and help beat cancer!



My internet is really slow so I didn't have the patience to go back a lot to see if there's already a thread like this, if there is, I'm sorry dear rangers.


Not too late, its never too late...

Sunday June 27, 2010 at 2:41 PM

Can we talk about Emmett?

Who writes the ABSOLUTE Emmett?

Picspam of who you think makes a good Emmett is apropo, as well as current pics of the KLutz(OMW, I love that nickname!)

This is my favorite thing I have read so far about Emmett in a ff story (OTHER THAN EMIBELLA'S "If Its the Beaches" which I would totally stab someone to get an UPDATE for!!!!

QUOTE FROM "Under the Apple Tree by

"Um…we're having chicken noodle casserole for dinner. Do you want to have some? I mean, it might taste like shit, I don't really know what I'm doing. But…you can have some if you want."

He looks at the dish. "You made that shit?"

I nod. He smiles a little. "Maybe Edward knows what the fuck he's doing after all."

"Is that a yes?"

He rubs his face. "Yeah, sure. Why the fuck not. Feed me some of your casserole that might taste like shit, Bella."

I take out three plates and put a serving on each. We have to sit at the real table. There are only two stools in the kitchen where we usually sit. It's a little weird. The food doesn't taste like shit. Thankfully. Edward glances up at me as he takes a sip of his drink. He gives a small wink.

I take a bite of food and look at Emmett. He is eating like a starved man. One hand folded close to his chest. Eyes down and I know he feels like he doesn't belong here. It's how I feel sometimes.

There is something living in the crease of his forehead. In his silence. It's wondering what Joshua is eating. It's picturing Rosalie feeding him. It's feeling like he isn't deserving of food. Of someone caring for him. It's Emmett as a child. It's a meal that was never served to him. A mother who never got to do it because Emmett's father came home and interrupted her with his hands and anger. His case of beer and his bottle.

But this is Emmett. He isn't a little boy. He has a little boy. He would never do that. So he sits and he eats and he doesn't complain, even if what I served him did taste like shit. It's better than becoming a monster. It's better than becoming what he was. It's how a man would act. A real man would act. The man sitting across from me. The man winking at me. The man who reads me poetry and gives encouragement.

Emmett shoves his plate at me and it's empty.

His smile is kind.

I like Emmett's character because there is so little known about him in canon.  We get to make up all sorts of things about him.  I don't think I have ever DISLIKED an Emmett in FF. 

Is there such a thing as a DISLIKEABLE Emmett in FF?  Has anyone DARED to villify one of the best parts of the Saga?

Linkssssssss to stories are much appreciated, ESP the villainous Emmetts.





Sunday June 27, 2010 at 2:03 PM

Melissa Rosenburg says there will be multiple sex scenes in Breaking Dawn

Melissa Rosenberg, the screenwriter for the upcoming “Breaking Dawn” films, has put Twi-hard worries at rest — all the appropriate scenes will be steamy.

“There will be sex scenes – multiple sex scenes,” Melissa told Access Hollywood of the upcoming romance between Bella (Kristen Stewart) and her love, vampire Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), as she hit the red carpet on Thursday night for “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” premiere.

“There will be feathers,” she added of Bella and Edward’s between-the-sheets moments, which involves the vamp biting a pillow.

Melissa said she is also putting in another scene devoted Twi-hards will be eager to see. (SPOILER ALERT for those who haven’t read the book!)

“There will be a child birth scene,” she added.

Previously, Kristen told Access she was curious about what the baby between Bella and Edward would look like and when asked if the little one would have baby Dracula teeth, Melissa suggested it was possible.

“I suggest she may,” Melissa smiled.

Melissa said she was hard at work on the script, and noted how far along she is.

“I am in the middle of ‘Breaking Dawn,’” she said. “I was doing ‘Breaking Dawn’ this morning and I will do ‘Breaking Dawn’ tomorrow morning. It’s right deep in the middle.”





Mexico Vs. Argentina The Revenge

Sunday June 27, 2010 at 11:26 AM

Who do you guys think is going to win?

Watch the game with me because I might need the support

if the unmentionable happens.




*This was approve by the awesome Jennyfly*


Biting my nails

Sunday June 27, 2010 at 7:56 AM

It's half time and I am baffled and angry. I think the referee must be blind. The goal that wasn't counted as a goal really was a goal, I hope FIFA reconsider it.

Anyway, how on edge are you at this game. I know that most of the people on this beautiful site are on the other side of the pond (USA) so I'm not expecting many replies. And also, maybe many of you are watching the game itself and not sad enough to post a campfire...even if it is half time.


I'll be back when England have won against Germany.


p.s. sorry, if you have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about then ignore this post.


RANGER EDIT: I'm very sad that we shall never be seeing kira.norris ever again. :( -jennyfly

kira.norris edit :)


and the referees


p.p.s. Referees needs their eyes checked. First, England vs. Germany and now, Mexico vs. Argentina. A disgrace


David Slade to {possibly} write a book?

Sunday June 27, 2010 at 7:34 AM

Not sure if any of you have seen this, but I saw this video on & thought I'd share..



Thoughts on this?


Stephanie Meyer 'burned out' on vamps

Sunday June 27, 2010 at 7:17 AM

Stephanie says that Midnight Sun won't be finished for a while:


"I know that's what everyone cares about. I also know that the right answer would be for me to say 'Oh yah, it's done! And it'll be out next month!' But that's not true. It's also not true that I've got a ton of work done on it, and that's what I'm working on. What's true is that I'm really burned out on vampires. And, I don't want to write it badly. So I want to wait until I'm excited about the material again, and I'm excited about Edward, and that it's something that's motivating. You know, when a story is keeping me up at night, and I'm waking up at 4 am in the morning and thinking 'Yes! That is what should happen in this moment!' Then that is when I can write with happiness! So, right now it feels like homework … it really does. And when things feel like homework they go very, very slowly for me. That should disappoint everyone!"


Anticipating heartache . . .

Sunday June 27, 2010 at 2:42 AM

I can't sleep (yeah, yeah, normal for me anyway) BUT I really WANTED to try and get some sleep before the games.

I'm just SO nervous and scared and I'm really anticipating heartache all day today. Even if we do *OH GOSH PLEASE* win today, I'm still going to be a blubbering wreck during the entire game. From the second I hear the anthem of my people, my life, and my blood I'll start crying instantly.

So I figured if anyone is awake they can share their "anticipating heartache" moments. To (blah) make this Twilight related, tell me about if you've ever anticipated heartache in Twilight. How about fanfic . . . when have you anticipated heartache?

BUT to make this a HAPPY campfire . . . tell me what was your biggest UNFOUNDED anticipated heartache? In the books, in the fanfic, in life! UMMM I'll start--Breaking Dawn. BIGGEST UNFOUNDED anticipated heartache. That scene with Rosalie and Emmett kissing because it was gonna be over and I was all-- "OH shizer," *heartclench* And then NO ACTION and NO heartache!

Tell me yours!

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