

Friday June 25, 2010 at 11:57 AM

Just wanted to start a random pic post. Although it seems more on topic since these are all Twi related.

I can't link the site so just copy and paste:

Some after party pics from Eclips premiere:

And OMG, DSlade is totally giving you the bitchface.


That which we call a rose...

Friday June 25, 2010 at 11:56 AM

Most of you have ONE user name from playground to playground. For example, I am Emibella pretty much everywhere but on twitter I am Emibella1 since some poor woman chose my username. (fun fact: She has since ceased using it, I think all of the folks following her with Robert Pattinson's mug on their avatar were giving her the creeps)

So tell me where YOU play and what names YOU go by and for more crazy mad-cap fun let's make this a FOLLOW CAMPFIRE!

So, like I said, EVERYWHERE I am EMIBELLA  and on twitter I am @Emibella1  A Different Forest's twitter is @differentforest (no "a", sometimes I make that mistake) BUT I KNOW SOME OF YOU HIDE BEHIND MANY NAMES JUST TO CONFUSE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I have the curiosity...

Friday June 25, 2010 at 11:43 AM

Okay, for those of us who are now or who have ever been in a relationship, tell me: how did that relationship happen for you?  I mean, were you taken out on traditional dates?  Did you just hook up and then forget to leave?  Did you start out as friends and sort of morph into something more?

Tawk to me.  For your precious time, I offer this:


Picture Challenge!

Friday June 25, 2010 at 11:31 AM



The crazies and fashionably challenged were out last night at the Eclipse Twilight Premiere.

Merely for my entertainment....

I challenge each of our Campers to search for the



or scariest

pictures from the premiere.

Post your results here and vote for your favorite in the replies!

(Hurry before this gets burried in the FFAF!) :)


Summer Music

Friday June 25, 2010 at 11:05 AM

What's your favorite summer song right now?

Give me the one song that will constantly be playing in your car or on your ipod this summer.

I hope everyone's having a good start to this summer :)

Here's mine:


Do YOU Think You Can Dance?

Friday June 25, 2010 at 10:41 AM

So, I'm obsessed with So You Think You Can Dance. I've watched every season (minus the one that took place during September/October. WTF was with that anyway?) since it started.

WHO ARE YOUR FAVOURITE SYTYCD'ers? My all time favourites are: Benji (I heard he's in a band now? Cool beans, I guess?), Pasha (Please come [cum, heh] to me, Pasha), and Twitch (those glasses look amazing. I actually wear glasses like that now when I'm drunk).

AND, WHO DO YOU LIKE THIS SEASON? I'm really feelin' Kent! Farmboy, what-what! And, I like Lauren. First girl I've actually really liked off the beginning, minus Benji's lil' sister, and I can't even remember her name so she doesn't count.

Also, I feel like I'm obligated to like Alex. 'Cause he's Canadian.

Here are some goodies from this season so far!


This still gives me shivers V



Friday June 25, 2010 at 10:17 AM

So, I'm sure that many of you know that the woman in this picture died a few days ago. Her name was Edith Shain, and she was ninety-one years old. I just love this picture because it wasn't planned. I don't know if you know this or not, but this woman didn't even know who this sailor was, and his identity has never been disclosed. I just love this picture because it's just so spontaneous and romantic. This man just grabbed a woman and gave her what looks like one hell of a kiss. I can only hope that one day I'll be kissed like that.


edit: for some reason, it won't let me paste this picture here, but this picture is my avatar/icon


It's too hot!!!

Friday June 25, 2010 at 10:07 AM

Let me re phrase it's too hot if you've spent the day trawling oxford street (which is literally hell on earth at any time but 10x worse in the summer) for a stupid dress. 

I bought 4, that's right 4 dresses and none of them look right! Then my tube decided to sit just outside my station for 10 mins while I sweated (that a word? who cares) to death!

OK rant over. Anything you want to get off your chest????

Let it out people!

Just a little pretty to brighten up your day : )


Fanfiction Lightweight Automated Grabber Thingy

Friday June 25, 2010 at 9:45 AM

Grrrr I'm going on vacation tomorrow and wanted to print out a fic for the plane ride. This site usually works without any problems, but when I tried to use it today I got this:

Which makes me feel like this:


Are there any similar websites/ programs (preferably something that will work on a mac)???


she's givin' me excitations

Friday June 25, 2010 at 9:17 AM

summer spontaneity

howdy.  so i need some help, gents.

yesterday, the boys and i hopped in the car and just drove.  we found ourselves at newport beach and went out on the pier, saw a seal playing in the waves, made friends with a dirty old fisherman (his mind was dirty, not his person), then went and frolicked in the surf while mama ogled some surfer boys.

3 out of 4 of us were wearing pants.

so i've decided to put a big plastic tote in the back of my car with some spontaneous summer supplies- stuff i may need when we do this again, 'cuz i kind of tend to be a "let's drive and see where we end up" kinda person, and the "end up" place has been the beach quite a lot recently.

so, what i'm asking is... what would you put in your spontaneous summer supply kit?  i'm going with towels, extra shirts, sunscreen, baby powder (fyi- the best thing to use to brush wet/dry sand off of your body.  i'm serious.  try it some time.), some beach toys, and i've already got 2 mega first aid kits in my car.  i just need to figure out what else i wanna put in there.

or, you know.  you can just talk to me about buffy.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Catching Fire

Friday June 25, 2010 at 8:15 AM

So a few of you may remember my Hunger Games post from the beginning of the week... I finished Catching Fire a few days ago and am still thinking about it.

Is anyone else sick of Peeta and Gale? Peeta seems weak and Gale seems brotherly... I kind of wish Katniss would end up with Finnick.

Is there anyway to fast forward to August 24?

I'll refrain from posting any spoilers on the main thread for those who haven't read it yet, but if you'd like come inside and discuss!


The Power of One Person

Friday June 25, 2010 at 7:43 AM

Hey gang - I've been a bit quiet lately, but going into this weekend, I'm feeling a bit inspired, and wanted to share a few thoughts.

Fandom Gives Back starts tomorrow - as you've seen mentioned here and other places. It's a lovely testament to what a group of people can do when they join their voices/interests/talents together to give back.  Whether it's donating to charitable causes, providing time helping others (be it as a beta, a mentor, a friend, graphics - the list can go on and on) there are so many amazing things that we as people are capable of doing. Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in the day to day, and let the frustrations and to do's get you down (speaking personally, I've very much felt that challenge of late, and am grateful for a few amazing people helping me remember that there is good out there).

So as we roll into a big weekend for this fandom - as we gear up to see the movie, talk about red suits, rally around charitable causes, or just have a laugh, let's take a moment to remember what power we have as individuals, and how the smallest actions can spark the most wonderful things.

With that - I throw out a challenge to you.  Reach out to five people - be it in on ADF, in email, on twitter, on ff - doesn't matter.  Tell them how much you appreciate something they've done, be it make you laugh, sharing a picture, telling you how to crop and avi - doesn't matter how big or small.  Let's talk a minute to enjoy the friends we've made and the way we laugh.  It's going to be a glorious weekend - and let's kick it off right :)


Pollyanna out :)


Poison of choice

Friday June 25, 2010 at 7:30 AM

I'm drunk.

I have had a craptacular two weeks (a fortnight, for those of us who speak the Queen's English) and I have decided to drink lots and lots of wine at home whilst avoiding all members of the human population

Whilst drinking lots of wine and trying to surf for a decent fic to start reading (I have a shit-ton that I have read or have on alert, so feel like there is nothing unread  and decent out there), something a little random popped into my less than pure brain:

Which drink do you think each of the main Twilight characters' would prefer?

I can see Bella drinking Tomato Juice and Alice preferring Pomegranate Martini's. How about you?

Please entertain a drunk Australian needs entertainment...

dawnmarie dreaming

Send Me Some Love

Friday June 25, 2010 at 4:11 AM

Good Morning Campers, Rangers, and small forest animals!  I could use your help this lovely FFAF.

As some of you know, I just graduated from Pharmacy school and have been trying to prepare for my boards this summer.  I haven't been around much lately b/c  I've been busy with the last quick rush of studying.  The exam is here.  I may or may not barf in the near future.  Or maybe just hyperventilate.  Or have a panic attack.  Or maybe all of the above.  Of course, if I barf while I'm hyperventilating and having a panic attack I'll probs just end up aspirating on vomit and then I wouldn't have to worry about the damn exam.  (Am I  allowed to say damn in the main post?  I know we're not allowed to swear, but it's not like damn is the f-bomb or anything.)

Ugh.  Sorry.  Way too much caffeine this morning.  My mind keeps galloping down every dirty, rubbish-strewn alley it can find.



THE POINT!  Yes, I do have one. 


I believe in the power or positivity!  Help a camper out!  If I don't pass, I won't be hangin in the forest any longer, 'cuz I won't be able to afford internet access anymore:(

Alright, back to studying.  See you ladies on the flip-side! 

Oh, and thanks for all the pics of the premiere.  Of course I missed it, b/c I couldn't justify wasting the time two days before the exam.  How is it possible that Rob could look that good in a maroon suit???


Writing What You Know

Friday June 25, 2010 at 1:12 AM

So lets talk about what's wrong with fanfiction

I had this idea and then was talking to VampGirl last night and got my thoughts in order (kind of)

When I write, I write what I know. My stories are mostly set in England, because I don't know an awful lot about the US. I don't write about pregnancies, as I've never been pregnant etc.etc.

However I've noticed sometimes people decide to change the setting (as this is where I've noticed it most) to say...England, but then they don't ask questions about living here or research to find out word changes and things like that - if they don't already know them.

For example over here it's 'Mam/Mum' not 'Mom' and I know most everyone knows this, but sometimes they don't.

But what really gets me is when people get the currency wrong :| It's the Great British Pound here...not Euros, if you don't know a currency either find a way to not include it or ask...

And talking to VampGirl she said the same, she's from Australia and (although not many people set fics there) she does notice it.

So where have you noticed it?

Lets have a learning experience, when you've noticed something wrong (no naming names!) correct it here and maybe when people write about things they don't know, they'll get it right :D


I hope this doesn't sound all's not supposed to be XD


And don't Kristen and Rob look cute @ the after party?


Happy Friday Everyone!!!

Friday June 25, 2010 at 12:55 AM



I need your help. 



I need some ideas.

Not fic ideas.

Speech ideas. 

C'mon inside and share!


Stephenie Meyers weight gain.

Thursday June 24, 2010 at 9:55 PM

Has anyone else noticed Stephenie Meyers weight gain?

I was browsing through some of the redcarpet photos and didn't believe that was her when I first saw it.

Well I did a little google search on it and some people seem to think it started around the time of Breaking Dawn. Maybe because it got mixed reviews at best. Lets be honest a great number of us here at the forest have let our distaste for Breaking Dawn be known.

What do you think? Stress? Living the high life?


Now, no one please take this as an attack against her because it most certainly is not. Nor is it against any one who has weight problems because I would be attacking myself. I honestly just want your opinion.

ETA: Well obviously I should have read the posts from earlier in the day for your opinions.

ETA: Oh Cheese Nips I spelled her name wrong. >>> I fixed it. Spelling police don't attack.


Rob is bothered by the World Cup

Thursday June 24, 2010 at 9:42 PM

these always make me chuckle.
for anyone who wants to see the rest of the videos click here.


Thursday June 24, 2010 at 9:41 PM







Thursday June 24, 2010 at 9:22 PM


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