
Tech Issues with New ADF

Tuesday June 22, 2010 at 8:01 PM

Hey there!

I'm loving the new features of ADF.  However, I'm having issues with a couple things and I'd like to inform the Rangers and Jon so they can fix them or tell me to "get bent, 'cuz it's the new normal"....

1.  ADF is loading sooo slooooowly! The ads seem to be seriously lagging behind.  (relatively slow--not slow as dial-up, but c'mon already.)

2.  I usually have my browser set on the "compatibility view" option, cuz it seems to keep everything sized nicely and I don't have to scroll left and right when big pics are posted.  However, when I'm in compatibility view mode and i try to click on campfire to see the latest or possibly start one, the top part of the box that pops up is hidden behind that horizontal ad right below the the little thumbnail tabs..(i had to click out of compatibility view, to find the "start a campfire" button)...

So, does anyone else have issues that need to be explained or that are possibly fixable???  I started this campfire under the assumption that if Rangers don't know, then they can't fix it...

With love, Melba.


You laugh-You lose

Tuesday June 22, 2010 at 7:51 PM

We haven't played it in awhile. Give us your best! I will start...............


Back from the dead

Tuesday June 22, 2010 at 7:09 PM

So, I was remembering this story that I love, but got abandoned by the author. Did it happened with you guys too? Do you guys have a story that you wish it'd come back from the dead?

The story that I'm talking about is Schism by kharizzmatik - Summary: Everyone thinks Bella was killed shortly after Edward left her but 36 years later she reappears in Forks. Who attacked her? How's life been for the Cullen's? Where has Bella been? Will they be reunited? AU after Edward's departure in New Moon M LEMONS

I usually read AH stories, but this one was great. I'm sad that It never got finished.


Scared to Read The Wedding Party Update

Tuesday June 22, 2010 at 6:27 PM

Okay so I just got the notification that The Wedding Party has been updated, and I'm scared to click on it. 

At the risk of creating too many Friends-related campfires in one evening, it reminds me of that episode of Friends where Joey and Rachel put their books in the freezer when they got to sad or scary. 

I did the same thing with Living Backwards a few months ago - stopped reading right before the prom and picked it back up a few weeks ago once I could read through to the happy parts.

Has anyone ever purposely avoided reading updates until they think the angst has subsided?


don't call my name robertoo

Tuesday June 22, 2010 at 6:26 PM


Tuesday June 22, 2010 at 5:36 PM

I've been reading Hydraulic Level 5 over the past couple of days and its had me tearing up every chapter, even full on sobbing for a few of them. It got me wondering about other fics that made me cry like this one has.


So i ask you, campers - What fic has made you cry the most, and why?


My answer:

While Hydraulic Level 5 has brought on the tears quite a bit, it is not the fic that made me cry the most. That is reserved for either How to Save a Life or Wide Awake. I know, both kind of cliche answers, but damn did I sob during those stories. Full out sob, with boo-hoo noises and everything. Both were beautifully written and raw with emotion.




Tuesday June 22, 2010 at 4:46 PM

So I was watching Friends re-runs and now I really, really want to read a Twilight fanfic with an Edward similar to/reminiscent of Chandler. Does anyone know of any good fics like that (AH preferably, but AU is fine too)?

approved by the hbic wtvoc


Mating in Captivity

Tuesday June 22, 2010 at 3:42 PM

So, I've actually never posted anything on this site. This is a first. Last week the lovely & talented Kisvakondok posted a rec for my story Winter of Love on this site - and I got a lot of traffic. Besides the point though - this is not why I'm starting this campfire.  Upon checking out who posted this lovely rec for me, I stumbled onto her really fucking awesome story called "Mating in Captivity." 

Here are my five cents on why you really should go read her story:

Okay, we all love Twilight, but are you also secretly hooked on what Blair Waldorf and the crew are up to?

Well, if you find the life of the ultra snooty, spoiled and manipulative teenagers of Gossip Girl highly entertaining (and let’s face it, who in their right mind and with a good sense of fashion doesn’t?), you HAVE to come check out her story!

In this superbly written tale, Bella Swann (nope, not a typo) and the crew attend the exclusive St. Forks Catholic School in New York City. The foibles of Queen B, the most powerful and popular girl of the school, and her followers are detailed by The Saint Forksian Stalker. Naturally Queen B only surrounds herself with the rich and famous. Her adventures are the stuff of legend; shopping, partying and scheming, sometimes with the help of some pharmaceutical internvention. Add to the mix all of the regular Twilight characters as reincarnations of rich Upper East Side teenagers with a hefty mix of sex & drugs and you have a party!

Of course not all that shines is golden in this story. While on the surface Bella Swann seems the epitome of beauty and style, we know she’s far from it. Neither is dear Eddie for that matter as he jumps from bed to bed, often highly intoxicated and always with a swagger in his step. Will they be able to love each other in all their flawed glory while wading through the never ending intrigues created by high school politics?

All I can say is Kisvadkonkok has created multidimensional, flawed characters that never seem staged while entertaining us. Please go check out her story ASAP and leave her some love!



Big Brother; He's a watchin' you

Tuesday June 22, 2010 at 3:13 PM


...Oooor moodily glaring at you from afar, while shifting from foot to foot, and racking his fingers through tosseled bronze sex hair.


So I just finished The Best Man by Bratty_Vamp (late to the party--> this girl!) and it got me thinking, I don't think I've read any other Big Bro-ward. Meanwhile, I find him super sexy (some one should seriously warn my friends, I'm gonna start trolling for their big brothers)


Anyone wanna Rec me some good, well written Older Brother Edward fics? AH, Cannon if possible.





P.S. yup, I deff spent my free time at wrk today photo shoping those eyes souly for this post, ENJOY



Tuesday June 22, 2010 at 2:27 PM

Does anyone have any story recs for Edward or Bella getting cheated on?  But not on each other I couldn't handle that.  But I can handle reading a story where they're having an affair with one anotherso does anyone have any suggestions???


missed the bandwagon

Tuesday June 22, 2010 at 1:50 PM

it always seems like im the last one to jump on the bandwagon!

i just started reading Under the Apple Tree last night and i cant put it down!

i dont know why i didnt start reading it sooner!

so i want to know,

what were you the last to jump on the bandwagon for?

what made you heisitant to start reading a fic?

please share with me.



Tuesday June 22, 2010 at 12:10 PM

Lately I have been busy and not checking the forest every day. I mean- most days I open it- but the poor website just stays open and I never get to visit it.


my email is bogged down with  84 updates that I haven't read. AND I have read my favorites already.


I just have no energy to read anymore.. some stories are becoming predictable. Some stories have spun off into their own characters....


I need to have faith in fanfic again!




Has anyone else gone through this?


THIS, Warning: Sappiness Ahead

Tuesday June 22, 2010 at 11:17 AM

Ok, This is it - the thing I've been waiting for - that moment that captures the magic that is Twilight.

It's not pretty, it's not sexy - but it is that image that says - Edward loves Bella more than anything...In spite of his controlling, his jealousy, his whatever....this (for me) is why I love these stories.

SO, INTERACTIVE TIME -  What is that moment for you - what picture, what scene, what bit of dialogue (either canon or fanfic) that reminds you why you are here.  SHARE

AND YES - I ACCEPT COMPLETELY  ROMANTIC AND CLICHED. but I figure, Life is hard - grab on to the things that make you happy.

p.s. - hope I've done this correctly, this is my very FIRST campfire.


Ranger PSA

Tuesday June 22, 2010 at 10:53 AM


A Different Forest does not condone censorship, but there is a certain structure in place to keep the site rolling around the world.

There's a reason why ANYONE can see the front page of the site, but everyone must LOG-IN in order to read comments or post.

Please don't undermine the structure, which includes age-verification (on the honor-system, people).

Thank you.

see inside for more.


Guilty Pleasures

Tuesday June 22, 2010 at 10:13 AM

Do you have any fanfic(s) you shouldn't read or should just never look at again, but cannot stop reading?  What are they?

Yes, in general, I spend way too much time reading fanfics, probably like one or two of you others out there.  But, there are some fics that really nobody should read, but I just cannot stop.  Maybe, the writing is just bad, but the characters are dipped in AWESOMESAUCE, you just want more?  Maybe the characters are annoying but the plot is so amazing, you HAVE to find out what happens next?  Maybe everything about the fic is generally mediocre, but the lemons are... well, LEMONY.  Maybe the whole fic is just horrible, but something about the fic is so compelling and touches you on a personal level, you keep coming back for more.  Or, maybe it's just really bad, but you've already read a gazillion chapters, you feel you have to finish it?

Time to come clean!   Which fanfics are your guilty pleasures?

Mine are:

Falling For You, by GreenEyedGirl17  Seriously, Edward is this fic is constantly saying sorry, and Bella is constantly forgiving him calling herself a big ass baby.  The pattern is the same for every conflict, and downright annoying.  But, alas, I keep on reading.  I have to know how it ends - mostly because I want to see how Edward's oldest child deals with Bella - I just have to know.  This one has lots of reviews, but the reviews indicate lots of people feel the same way I do about the characters, so this one has to be a guilty pleasure for some of you. . .

Like a Moth to a Flame, by CitizenCullen Well, this one also has lots of reviews, so I am not alone here.  It is so lemony and when Edward says "babydoll" - it's something else!  But, sometimes I just want to slap the characters and bring out my red pen.

This post isn't meant to offend anybody- in fact, there is something about the fic that is so compelling that keeps us reading - like a guilty, sinful pleasure. 


Grown Ass Road Trip ~ Day 2

Tuesday June 22, 2010 at 5:51 AM

I have no one to talk to here so I have to make campfires....

Let me explain this hotel situation.

The purpose of this trip is the freaking dance competition.  And the hotel in Florida we're staying in is like $867564545 a night, so my friend and I decided to split to cost and share the suite.  Her daughter is also a dancer, plus she's bringing along another girl (who dances) who's family couldn't make the trip for whatever reason.... which makes SEVEN of us in this hotel.

With me so far?

Here's the thing....

My friend is fairly conservative, and her daughter is REALLY  SWEET AND NICE.  The girl they have with them is TOTALLY SHELTERED, homeschooled....she's 15, seems to have the hots for my son, but until yesterday, the poor child had NO idea what oral sex was. (I swear it wasn't me who told her---but she was aptly mortified, nonetheless)

Meanwhile, these nice, sheltered people are stuck in the hotel for a week with me.  AND MY KIDS WHO ARE INSANE. 

I've learned a few things since last night:

~Chanel is the loudest person on the planet (my 12 yr old)

~my children are pervs

~I didn't bring enough wine

~my family clearly has boundary issues

Here are some of the memorable quotes from last night.... (made mostly by my children)

"Are you wearing any pants?"

"Don't lick the hotel bedspread, stuff shows up under a blacklight.  My mom watched Dateline."

"I have to stick my feet down the back of your underwear while I sleep"

Me to Chanel: "Stop it, you're in public!"

Chanel to me: "What?  I don't do this when I'm alone!"

when the toilet got clogged at 11pm...

Me: "Does anyone have to take a crap in the next 10 hours?" .... four kids raise their hands.... and we proceeded to switch hotel rooms.  With 7 people.  And all our stuff.  In the middle of the night.

And this was only the first night, people.

Song for today (I shoulda posted these last night):

I'll be on twitter a little later.  We're getting back on the road in about an hour or so.
Good Morning Everyone!!

Help for info

Tuesday June 22, 2010 at 2:40 AM

Ive just recently learned of the unfortunate accident of one of my most favorite authors, Lasmke I wanted to re-read small town gossip and that's when I found out. It breaks my heart that such a creative individual was taken so suddenly and while I truly respect what her family decided to pulling her stories it would have been a great legacy if people continued reading them. With that in mind can anyone help me contact any one of her family via email so I can get a copy of her work for reading? Or if anyone has a copy of Small Town Gossip or Expectations of Success, the author, Lasmke I would truly appreciate it. Thanks!


Unsung Ficster

Monday June 21, 2010 at 11:37 PM

Ever see a fic with a handful of reviews and think to yourself, "There's no justice in this fandom."

I have.

I'm a pretty picky reader, but these two stories by YellowGlue just get to me. Guh.

"The Worst of Weather" is a COMPLETED fic written entirely in BPOV. It's EPOV counterpart, "Rose Like Thunder" is almost finished, and just as good. If you love you some angsty-schmangsty, do yourself a solid and give these a try.

Who are your unsung ficsters?



Team Edvard

Monday June 21, 2010 at 9:38 PM

So, even the "geeks" are getting in on Twilight-related things.

I check Mental Floss every day, and saw this today:

I had to giggle.... even though it's not our resident sparkle vamp, I do have to say it's pretty funny.

I also own this shirt, and I have to explain it almost every time I wear it.


What's your favorite shirt?


like the fist of an angry god

Monday June 21, 2010 at 9:31 PM

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