

Sunday June 20, 2010 at 11:30 AM

has anyone here read Bella Hale?? I love that story even though the last update was like a year and half ago! I'm really worried about the author, is she allright? i hope she's ok:(




Sunday June 20, 2010 at 11:25 AM




So, maybe someone can rec me something good here? And I would love something that grabs you after like, two paragraphs, if it's not too much to ask. 

GRIEVE WITH ME!!! Or not... 


Grown Ass Road Trip pt 1

Sunday June 20, 2010 at 10:54 AM

I have a problem.

Well, several actually, but one problem is that I have a raging internet addiction... and I'm pretty partial to this website and its inhabitants.

Why is this a problem, you ask?  Because I'm leaving tomorrow ... on a freaking ROAD TRIP with my three kids. 


Which means I won't be able to sit on Twitter all day.  I won't be able to troll the Forest all day like I'm known (occasionally) to do.  And this makes me sad.

And it's not even gonna be a fun, vacation-y road trip.  We're going to a dance competition in Florida.  I'm a broke-ass so we don't have a ton of money to spend, it's going to be hotter than HELL, and I HAVE to be back in OHIO by Friday night because I'm shooting another wedding next Saturday.

(omg if you followed me on twitter you would have heard me complaining about yesterdays wedding's lack of ROB references)

And did I mention I'm going with my three kids?!?

So here's the deal.  I'm taking you all with me.  I've got my shitty camera-phone and I've got my big-girl pro camera too.

I'll be posting pics on Twitter thoughout the day....

And when I get a chance, I'll upload pics make Road Trip Campfires to keep you all abreast of my shenanigans (lol breast!)

The Itinerary:

Today we're going to Walmart to stock up on snacks for the car, and I have to take my dog to the kennel.  Oh...and I gotta do a shitload of laundry too (i need detergent i cant forget to buy some at walmart!)

Tomorrow, I plan to leave at about 5am....which means we won't leave til 6 or 7 since I'm soooo not a morning person.

I stop A LOT... but the plan is to get to Birmingham, Alabama by 5 or 6 and stay for the night.  There, I'm meeting up with a friend who has a hotel reservation for us---and GET THIS--- it includes FREE DRINKS!

Then... off to Panama City Beach on Tuesday.... My daughter dances Wednesday and Thursday.... Thurs is her 13th birthday so we gotta fit a birthday party in there somewhere...and then I have to leave and drive STRAIGHT THROUGH on Friday and be home Friday night.

AND...I have to try to stay alive during all of this because without a daily dose of ROB P0RN, I will surely die.

You know one of the world's greatest inventions?  TWITTER ON MAH PHONE...

Are you with me Campers?

You gotta follow me on Twitter >> @grownasswoman20

I'm gonna be tweeting pics left and right.  and if you tweet me and i don't tweet back, im not ignoring probably just DRIVING, Marnicalmuse! that yer with me.. I'm starting to get a little excited!!




this is the first of many pre-approved off-topic campfires i will be making.


I forgot what this is

Sunday June 20, 2010 at 9:25 AM

Bella (human) gets with Edward (vamp). Alice has a vision she will get pregnant with twins and that Jacob and Leah will imprint on them...  I remember something about Leah having to practice having control of her (claws?) because she was going to give Bella a C-section.



Sunday June 20, 2010 at 9:10 AM

I wanna know what's your all time favorite story you have ever read.  Why is it your favorite?  Does it make your heart swell, flutter, or break?  Or does it make you laugh til you cry?  Tell me in detail and also why should I read it.


1st vs 3rd

Sunday June 20, 2010 at 5:16 AM

No silly, not the gold/silver/bronze kind...point of view...

Most Twilight FF is written in first person POV, but I've been enjoying reading 3rd so much lately that I've found myself writing it more myself (including something brand new that i've been working on).  But then frustration struck - it  just felt flat...and I was getting frustrated.  So as an exercise, I took a chapter and flipped the tense - adding color based on telling it from that perspective - and eureka - total change to the story.  I know, I know, the point of view, tense, etc should be driven based on the way the story needs to be told, and I was forcing it (forest for the trees - bad me), but it made me do you feel about pov's (not just in ff, but in all fiction), and what really out there applications have worked well?  I read a book not to long ago that used multiple POV's (1st, 2nd, 3rd limited, 3rd omni) AND multiple tenses, and it worked surprisingly well.  

Oh, and how disturbing is that picture? I couldn't resist. :)


Me and Mr McCarty contest

Sunday June 20, 2010 at 5:09 AM

I'm immersed in Emmett stories at the moment and figured I would see if anyone else has been reading these AMAZING stories that people have written for the Me and Mr McCarty contest. There's 30 entries and I'll be reading them all (perks of being a judge!). Just wondering who else is reading. :) Want to share your favorites? Go for it!!!

Oh yes - a link is always helpful!

Go forth and read the good stuff!

And hey, if you wrote for the contest - be shameless - post the link to your story!  ;)


Puke in my mouth!

Sunday June 20, 2010 at 12:41 AM

Just a funny video I thought I'd share.


To make it interactive share your funny "song" videos!


Fanfiction Favorites.

Saturday June 19, 2010 at 11:04 PM

I have no idea if this has been done before. Anyways after seeing Under The Apple Tree repeatedly pimped by grown.ass.woman I finally gave it a try and I am loving it. I also really love her Edward, how he is tortured, horny, passionate, and flawed. So it got me thinking, who are my top five favorite Edward's from Fanfiction.

1)Wide Awake (Because his dirty mouth and scars make me swoon)

2)A rite of passage. (My first fanfiction I ever read, he gets major points for that. Plus he was sweet.)

3) How To Save A Life ( I really wanted to give him a hug, plus he's tortured and wears sweat pants that hang low on his hips)

4) There Fell A Stillnes (Because he gives negative fucks)

5) The Blessing and The Curse (Because photographers are hot)

Anyways to make this more everyone friendly give me your favorite five anything or anyone. Favorite Jacob's, Bella's, Emmett's, even your top five favorite fanfictions ever. If no one responds to this, I'm eating that cookie dough in the fridge.

Majesta Moniet


Saturday June 19, 2010 at 8:41 PM

I'm not sure if many of you followed the shit storm that went down on lion_lamb today, but it has made me EXTREMELY curious.


Whether you are Team Edward or Team Jacob, what are your feelings towards the opposite team? Do you think less of someone because they aren't the same team as you? Do you truly find it incomprehensible as to why someone would be on the other team? Are other people rude to you because of who you go to bat for?


Where do you draw the line between supporting your team and bashing the other?


I just don't get the hatred that so many people apparently harbor for this stuff. ADF is the most tolerant Twi forum I know of, so I figured it would be a good place to discuss this issue.

(please, try to be respectful w/ responses.)


SMeyer does have a sense of humor!

Saturday June 19, 2010 at 8:14 PM

There is tons of info coming from her 4 hour fansite interviews but I found this particularly funny. Especially since she gets painted as so uptight.

Breaking Down: The parody version of Breaking Down that Stephenie wrote in her head as a release from stress.

* Stephenie just decided to write in her head a story where Charlie ends up as a meth addict, Bella accidentally kills Alice, Edward runs off in depression and can’t stand Bella anymore, Bella settles down in the arms of Mike Newton who then leaves her and runs off with Eric Yorkie. Bella can’t take it anymore walks to the infamous cliff goes to commit suicide then decides she can’t do it turns back from the cliff trips over her own two feet, trips, hits her head on a rock and dies.

more info in the comments if anyone is interested.


Things You Do While Reading Fic(s)?

Saturday June 19, 2010 at 6:16 PM

I was wondering if anyone has habits while reading fics?

Something that when they reread the same fic- a song that is listened to, food/snacks, ANYTHING!   I am a rapid rereader- about 2x, 3x maybe more if the story captivates me. So I develop habits quickly and realized today that I had subconsciously associated certains things with reading certain fics.



Fourteen--I eat something sweet and a lot of calories-- ice cream w/ malt mix on top or crazy cake (chocolate that is super good and omg!) or pie. Anything with chocolate. After I have pretzels and tums.

Coming to Terms- I totally veg out. Carrots and celery all the way. I ate 3/4 bag of mini-carrots while reading it once without realizing it. I think the crunch helps with how ticked I get at Edward in the first half.

University of Edward Masen- I listen to Joseph Arthur majority of time. Mellow and moody.

The Blessing and the Curse- salted (regular salt or season depending) and buttered popcorn and milk

Loner-  Usually drink coffee, hot tea, or cappuccino.

For most reading Coldplay's- Rush of Blood album is what I listen to, with a few exceptions, mainly bc it is really mellow and perfect background noise.


So, yeah, any one have other habits?                     Or am I the odd duck that plays too much attention to my own habits?


Saturday June 19, 2010 at 5:59 PM


you're it

the forest shenanigans have begun

if you have messages, click on the mail in your forest taskbar in the upper right-hand corner (it'll have a number on it)

confused?  just wait.

and use this post to troll for people to tag.


please comment with something, anything in this campfire.  you can't be tagged unless we see you and your beautiful icon.

ETA: i just got back from dinner after making this initial post, and i've been tagged back 13 times already

i totally forgot to cross my fingers and say NO TAGBACKS DOUBLE BLACKOUT FOREVER AND INFINITY SQUARED


One-Shot Wonderland

Saturday June 19, 2010 at 5:45 PM

Hey!  Let's have 'em - a list of your favorite one-shots.  Bring them here, and indicate whether they're fluffy or angsty or flangsty or smutty or whatever whatever WHATEVER.  IDK.  Sometimes, you need a palate-cleanser before you start another multi-chap, or you're on line at the bank/post office/bursars/police station lineup and you don't have the time or attention to devote to forty-five thousand chapters.

List them.  Link them. 

I just checked my favorites, and only found one o/s on the list: What'sMyNomDePlume's "Put a Ring on It".  It's fun and fluffy, and I like how one moment of hesitation proves to be incredibly expensive to Edward's serenity.  I'll comb back through my other lists and bring more pretty shiny things to post here.


Story vs. Writing

Saturday June 19, 2010 at 12:31 PM

i think it's still FFAF, and I had this epiphany, so I want to know what you all think. 

A lot of people agree that while Twilight is a great story, there are a lot of issues with the writing - overuse of adverbs, overuse of "chagrin" and repetitive descriptors.  Yet, most of us here LOVED that story.  Enough so that we're, you know, here.  On the other hand, I've recently read several stories which were technically well-written.  Their grammar and language use is close to perfect.  Yet the story didn't grab me and I walked away unsatisfied. 

Which led to my epiphany:  I'm willing to excuse some grammar/word-use fail if the story is good.  But I'm not willing to stick with a technically competent tale if the story itself doesn't grab me.

Readers, writers -  What say you?

Love's to Blame


Saturday June 19, 2010 at 10:54 AM

I somehow found this wonderful show called Skins and now i'm addicted. How many of you have seen it and what do you think?

My favorite couple is Sid and Cassie. Who's yours?

Also i'm still looking for characters for roleplay. come play with us at

EDIT: If you haven't seen Skins yet, its about time that you have-


Missing Minisinoo's HP fics??

Saturday June 19, 2010 at 10:40 AM

Hi, this is my first campfire... hope I'm doing this right.

If any of you have heard of Minisinoo, you might know that she took down her website, The Medicine Wheel, at the start of the month. Sad times...

Her favourite character was Cedric Diggory, in various ships... Go check out an interview with her at SYTYCW:

Minisinoo wrote Twilight stories which can all be found over at Twilighted, and wrote for the HP fandom, but has not fully updated her stories on or over at The Quidditch Pitch.

However you may have missed the ending of Dulce or just want to read both Finding Himself and Dulce again. If you do, I have made PDFs of the stories, including the pictures Minisinoo had.

So if you want a copy, I can post the download links in the comments

Edit: Links are posted in the comments now. Enjoy!


cupcake fic

Saturday June 19, 2010 at 9:07 AM

Within the past couple of days someone rec'd a fic where the author put cupcake recipes at the end of every chapter.  Now I can't find it.  Anyone remember what is was?


good morning~

Saturday June 19, 2010 at 4:32 AM

I'm gonna be gone all day today.  I'm not a morning person (espesh hungover ugh) ... but I don't mind waking up to this...

have a great day everyone :)


Fic Translation?

Friday June 18, 2010 at 10:05 PM

So, I'm a noob here, but I already feel like I get great advice. I just had an offer to translate my new two-shot into French, but I'm really unsure how I feel about this. I've heard some good things, but the profiles of most of fav authors have blatant lines that say "don't ask for a translation, I don't wanna" blah blah blah.

Is there a reason to be wary of this (beyond the "other person messing with my words" parts, which is why I'm conflicted to begin with)?

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