
bite me......

Friday June 18, 2010 at 5:36 AM

so, i want to make a new playlist on my ipod called "bite me".  not in the vampire sense, but in the "go to hale, everyone in the world" sense.

so i need recommendations for songs.  what songs do you listen to when you want the whole world to kiss your ass???

Baruka Athena

World Cup

Friday June 18, 2010 at 5:10 AM

So I'm following the soccer game right now (Germany -  Serbia) and I was wondering who's watching as well. I'm actually listening to the livestream because I'm at work, sshhh...

Who do you think is going to win this match, next matches, the Cup? Who's your favorite player and who do you think is going to be top scorer. Or do you really don't care and just want some pretty faces/bodies to look at? 

I for now have money on Serbia, but I think Germany is going to win. I think Argentina is going to win the Cup and beforehand I thought Messi was going to be topscorer, but maybe I should reconsider about the topscorer. My favorite player has been Fabio Cannavaro since Euro 2000, he's just too adorable although he's among the older players now. 


Halp!Oh! Halp!

Friday June 18, 2010 at 4:09 AM

Grr. I dont know what just happened but technical difficulties didn't let me post anything in my contents. Sorrrrry.

Anywho, I really need a Beta/Pre-reader for my new (2nd) story I'm writing. I am really excited about it.

I've posted the first chapter. It's ExB and it starts in High school. So, halp? Please.

So, ladies. Drop me a line.


Of Squallor and Ashes

Friday June 18, 2010 at 3:36 AM

Has anyone here read this story, I have only just read the first 2 chapters of this, and I have to say




This is going to be a story where I will be gooing all night long


Love me some lemons and heck this is HOT HOT LEMON SAUCE!!!!

Here is the linky -



Friday June 18, 2010 at 3:09 AM

I am reading cullens' island by jandco, and I can't stop laughing at this part:

"Then, there was another car in the lot, also abandoned, registered to an Alice Brandon. Turned out this Alice and her roommates were MIA, neighbors hadn't seen them, some saleslady at Louis Vuitton reported Alice missing…"

Ppl around are looking at my thinking I've lost my mind



Thursday June 17, 2010 at 11:40 PM

There is a very special birthday in the forest today.

A camper than has been here from the start
someone who's completely unrefined
but also sweet, warm and kind
who you all know as...




Our dear Tacha is the reigning Queen of “bad” poetry, so in honour of her special day we would like you all to write her a little ditty.

We will start y’all off....

there once was a girl named infernal

her kindness and humour were eternal.

she is the nacho to our cheese
the bless you to our sneeze

and her beauty is more than external.


Happy Birthday Natacha! You are such a wonderful person, and we are so thankful to have met you.
<3 <3 <3
Nirdsiht, Bexxxx, and Rebitchka
(P.S. Goaty sends her love too)


Fell free to use the icons below for twitter and ADF.

For twittah....

For ADF....



Bollywood Twilight

Thursday June 17, 2010 at 11:04 PM

Hmmm... not sure if there are any desi Twi fans on ADF (although I have seen a few), I thought you (and anyone else for that matter) might get a kick out of this. 

Someone made this little video showing who would star in a Bollywood remake of Twilight.  IDK how to post youtube vids on here, but the link is below.  Check it out.  Interesting . . . ?

Sir Rachel

Nouvelle Musique

Thursday June 17, 2010 at 10:15 PM

I want your new, unknown music. Those little up-and-coming bands, or not-so-known songs by popular artists.

Right now I'm loving this:


And this: 
How about you?

Funny Videos

Thursday June 17, 2010 at 9:30 PM

Ok So I can't even remember the last time I started a campfire so I really feel like lighting up and since its Free for all Friday...why not right!

Since they have blocked certain sites at work including ADF and now have effed up Twitter to where it looks all crazy we have found new and hilarious ways of entertaining ourselves with the interwebs! You Tube has so many hilarious videos that I get overwhelmed looking for funny ones! We just happened to stumble upon these and I love these girls SFM!! We have watched every single one and I have so many favorites!! So what are some funny videos that you never knew existed and now love??

I hope these videos post right!?!?

I think this is my fav:



But this is kinda like my anthem RN b/c everyone I know seems to be preggers except me!! 


Edward Wallbanger Updated

Thursday June 17, 2010 at 9:29 PM

Omg, so happy right now.  Would make this a better campfire but I have to go READ!

(Wallbanging thoughts, reactions, spontaneous combustions in the comments - let's make this campfire interactive)



Thursday June 17, 2010 at 9:02 PM

IT IS FREE FOR ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Did you watch the game? Did you love it or hate it?

We have a party at my house right now and everyone's jumping up and down.



David Slade and Vamp physiology

Thursday June 17, 2010 at 8:50 PM

I just read a great interview with David Slade and he did a great job of describing vamp physiology that made a lot more sense. He seems to have given a lot more attention to these details that the previous directors and I am excited to see what he has done with Eclipse. Here are a few of the Q&As; full interview here

Stephenie Meyer's unique vampire mythology sort of helps one get around depicting graphic violence, doesn't it? Eclipse features a lot of arm-ripping, head-smashing action -- and yet not too much blood.

We managed to pack quite a lot in by making the pathology of this vampire a little bit fantastic. I worked with the guys over at Imagine Engine, who are best known for being one of the main vendors on District 9, which is an amazing film. They did a hell of a lot of the alien work. They did some wolf work for us -- not all of it, that was mainly done by Tippett Studios -- but when we were designing some of the crystal-sparkly stuff we basically sat down and figured out how it would work. We got anatomical drawings and did human slices -- not real ones, but photographs of them -- and figured out which layers would be crystal and how that would work. We figured that out because we knew we had to smash them. In a way, it was going to be acceptable to decapitate the hell out of people and smash their heads off in pieces. Bite people's arms off and leave them with stumps. [Laughs] I'm amazed we got away with that, too, [in the scene where] Riley's arm gets bitten off.

Stephenie Meyer describes the vampire body as made of a marble-like substance; you call it 'crystal'?

There's a crystalline structure. Marble-crystal, yeah. We figured it was a kind of crystal because crystal slides and grows in a way that's very similar to muscle. It could potentially, in some fantastical way, slide around and move like muscle.

How much of the previous digital and design work did you inherit and how much did you try to change?

We tried to change more than we could. Not because of anything other than schedule and finance. We started down the path to radically redesign the sparkling Edward effect, but we just ran out of time on the R&D on that and ended up augmenting what already existed. What I wanted from that effect was the idea that even though he's this cold, soulless thing, when the light hit him it'd refract light back and reflect onto you. If you were kissing him, you'd feel the warmth on your skin. That was something emotional and nice about that effect, because I just personally didn't like how that worked out before.

I really like his crystal comparison and wish that he would have more money to fully develop his Edward-sparkle concept. So, does the crystal theory of vampire physiology make more sense than the strictly stone/marble that we usually read about?


Weird Dreams Anyone?

Thursday June 17, 2010 at 7:56 PM

So I spent the night at a friends house for a movie night and ended up watching Zombieland for the first time - which by the way was really good :D

Anyway, when I got home I decided to watch Daybreakers because everyone I knew said it sucked but I wanted to judge it myself - I ended up really liking it!

So that night Ihad the weirdest dream...  There was like scant to none of the human population, the rest were vampires (like in Daybreakers).  So me and my sister and mom were trying to run and hide so they wouldn't catch us and kill us.  One minute, my sister is shiving bags of donuts in a giant can of mayo, then the next thing I know we're hiding under a bed in craptastic hotel trying to ignore the banging on the door - it was the vampires.  They found us...  Well I don't know how, but we ended up in maid outfits running down the stairs out of the building, trying to get away.  Then there was this guy that grabbed me.  I don't know if he was nice or not... 

It was a lot weirder than it sounds.

So anyone else have a weird dream recently?  Or just tell you weridest dream yet.  Can be about anything :)


Fandom History.

Thursday June 17, 2010 at 7:03 PM

Let us all take a walk down memory lane.

I'd like to go over infamous moments in fandom history.

All things fandom.

Like the time Goo82 wrote the fic Realize and it tore everyone's heart out.

Or that time the kid from Harry Potter got cast as Edward and there was mutiny.

Or how on June 18th, 2008, withthevampsofcourse and jandco had their very first PM exchange.  :')  HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, BABY

This fandom is nothing if about things. 

Remind me of some of your favorites...or some of the things that made you think..."wtf am I doing here?  Seriously."


You'll always be my Bella

Thursday June 17, 2010 at 5:16 PM

(and a legion of fic authors feel justified)

Here are two clips that are new

they are new right?

Bedroom scene

and E!News has some more fight stuff
omg Edward and Carlisle
What do you think Campers?
Are you excited, or do you feel we've seen too many clips?
Are you baffled by Carlisle's accent and Emmett's hair and the Cullens wardrobe, or is it just me?

How to have a non-sucky profile

Thursday June 17, 2010 at 3:56 PM

Okay, so...not sure if anyone will even care about this, but it's worth a shot, no?  My fanfic profile SUCKS, and I have no idea what to do with it. The editor won't even let me add line breaks, and when I center something, it reverts to the default layout when I save changes. The real problem though, just sucks.

My question is this:  What do you think makes a good profile? What content do you like to see? What content do you HATE to see?

Anything goes!


and the sex, the feathers, the blood

Thursday June 17, 2010 at 3:41 PM

All the recent speculation about the Breaking Dawn movie is starting to give me a wee bit of a headache.  Is there a sex scene?  Will the birth be cut out? blah blah blah.  Melissa Rosenberg has decided to address the rumours on her Facebook page:

Hi y'all! Not sure where some of you got the impression I intended to leave birth scene out of Breaking Dawn, but it's inaccurate. Of course the birth scene will be in there! And the sex scenes! And the feathers! And the blood! Perhaps you misinterpreted what I said about not needing to see BUCKETS of blood in or...der to convey the terror of the birth scene. But rest easy all! xoxo Mel


So what do you guys think?  To make this fun, let's play screenwriter.  How would you write the birthing scene?  Or better yet, how would you write the lemons on Isle Esme?


Awkwardly Hot As Hell Taylor?

Thursday June 17, 2010 at 3:06 PM

Have you guys seen the new GQ pictures?? I'm not sure what to think of some of them.  Sometimes he looks hot as hell, and then other a little awkward to me. 

Exhibit A: Hot as hell

Exhibit B: Awkward


See the rest here:


I also wanted to mention, whilst browsing the pictures I did read the comments about the clothes on the side panel thingy. And I was totally flippin floored at the cost of the crap they're selling!!! Haha I could never imagine paying more than $75 for a pair of anything! LOL  I mean seriously, $40 for a white t-shirt that only the collar is seen, when you can buy probably 10 for $15 bucks at Wally world!?!?! I just couldn't ever fathom buying clothes that cost so much.  I make a decent living, but it just seems silly to me.  No offense to anyone that enjoys couture clothes, I'm sure it costs that much for a reason (i.e. fabric or expert craftmanship). 

My questions to you ladies, and possible gents:

1. What do you think of the TLaut photos? Do you think they do him justice?

2. Have you ever bought couture items? What was your motivation? Did you regret it, or was it one of your best purchases ever?



Thursday June 17, 2010 at 2:16 PM

I don't know why but I've been really interested in reading some teen mom stories lately so if anyone has any recs in that catagory or anything similar I would appreciate it!


I have a burning question...

Thursday June 17, 2010 at 1:57 PM

Based on Octoberland's thought ("I Have a Theory") of a little while ago, I have to know. How many of you have NOT read the Twilight books, and/or seen any of the movies? I am actually desperate to know.

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