
Caption that pic

Sunday June 20, 2010 at 8:20 PM

Ranger WNV posted this over on Twitter

What's on Bellas mind?


You're welcome (or not, depending on whether your lolling around like a hyena or running for the emergency eye kit)



Sunday June 20, 2010 at 7:33 PM




Find the biggie here    




Mad love to the classy ladies at Pattinsonlife.  <3


The Hunger Games

Sunday June 20, 2010 at 7:05 PM

I just finished reading the Hunger Games (I know I'm a little late) and I loved it!! So I would like to do what I always want to do after finishing a book... discuss!

What were your favorite parts?

Does any one else hear Lois Griffin saying Peter when you read Peeta?

Does the second book live up to the first?


okay...desktop post! (:

Sunday June 20, 2010 at 6:28 PM

I'm bored and what not. Twitter is going on about True Blood (I'm not caught up yet so I'm not watching.)

SO! I decided I will start a campfire. My first since the new, amazing forest.

show me your desktops. screencap it and post it here, because I always love looking at others. I don't know why, but i do. so yeah.

here's mine: 

yes. it's beautiful. :')



Birfday Presunts

Sunday June 20, 2010 at 5:14 PM

So it's Edward's birthday, and we've already discussed what we would get canon Edward, but what would you buy for your favorite Ficward?

Think of your favorite fanfic Edward, and tell or post a picture of what you would buy him on his special day. If you can't think of or don't have a favorite but you write one, then tell us about what you would get for him.

...if it involves things of a sexual nature then you donut have to post pictures. DNW. mk?thx. 

Does this make sense?

Don't forget to name the fic that he's from!



Sunday June 20, 2010 at 3:59 PM

Male POV. I've been thinking of maybe writing a story from EPOV and i just want to know what are your pet hates when reading a male's pov written by a woman?

Is there anything i can do to make it more authentic?

Im not particularly girlie but still... im not a man either.




Looking For A Fic

Sunday June 20, 2010 at 3:58 PM

I've been thinking of a fic recently and I can't remember the name of it.

It's All Human, Bella and Edward are married with two kids. The marriage is falling apart so they enter couples therapy. We, the readers know that Edward is cheating on Bella with Tanya. Edward eventually breaks is off with Tanya because the couples therapy is working but then Tanya shows up at the door and tells Bella about the affair. Bella kicks Edward out of the house and starts to hang out with her male neighbor. She kisses him but never takes it any further. I think the neighbor and Edward even get into a physical fight at some point. Anyway, eventually, Edward and Bella work things out.

The fic is really angst filled. Kind of makes me want to inflict harm on myself but I actually really liked it. If anyone could help that would be awesome.


You Guys!

Sunday June 20, 2010 at 2:55 PM

It's our favorite sparklepire's birthday!!!



Where's the love?  This man needs cake...or mountain lions stat!

What would you give Edward for his birthday?  I'll post my answer in the comments.



Sunday June 20, 2010 at 2:28 PM

In honor of Father's Day, does anyone have any good Daddy-ward fic suggestions?  I've read Falling for You, Holding Out for You, Bella Swan: Kidnapper, and I'm reading A Rough Start.  But I'd like to get lost in a new one...plus Daddy-ward just makes me all gooey on the inside.  (And, now that I'm finished grading mountains of research papers and submitting all of my grades, I can actually catch up on reading, email, and everything else that's been ignore for the last few months.  Woo hoo!!!)


For your time, I offer the video of the song I've been listening to non-stop in the car.  What can I say?  I've loved NPH since he was Doogie (and Mark Cohen)...and boys singing make me gooey, too.  Enjoy.



New Eclipse!

Sunday June 20, 2010 at 2:18 PM

I'm really, truly sorry pwtf, cause I know you're not hyped up for Eclipse, but as I am, I have 2 things which made me happy tonight here for ya to watch:

Spoilers by the way, especially for the fighting bits.


Sir Rachel

Eclipse Disinterest

Sunday June 20, 2010 at 11:52 AM

Am I the only one?

I see posts about Eclipse stills or clips. See the spots on the tv. See twitter mania.

Endless Eclipse excitement, and....


I don't know what it is. Have the other movies been so bad that I've given up hope of Eclipse being any better? Have I finally completely flounced Twilight?

Are any of you feeling the same way?


If you ARE looking forward to the movie, tell me why. Besides the general, "RPattz is hot," please. I know for some of you that's a pretty good reason, but what else is it?



Sunday June 20, 2010 at 11:30 AM

has anyone here read Bella Hale?? I love that story even though the last update was like a year and half ago! I'm really worried about the author, is she allright? i hope she's ok:(




Sunday June 20, 2010 at 11:25 AM




So, maybe someone can rec me something good here? And I would love something that grabs you after like, two paragraphs, if it's not too much to ask. 

GRIEVE WITH ME!!! Or not... 


Grown Ass Road Trip pt 1

Sunday June 20, 2010 at 10:54 AM

I have a problem.

Well, several actually, but one problem is that I have a raging internet addiction... and I'm pretty partial to this website and its inhabitants.

Why is this a problem, you ask?  Because I'm leaving tomorrow ... on a freaking ROAD TRIP with my three kids. 


Which means I won't be able to sit on Twitter all day.  I won't be able to troll the Forest all day like I'm known (occasionally) to do.  And this makes me sad.

And it's not even gonna be a fun, vacation-y road trip.  We're going to a dance competition in Florida.  I'm a broke-ass so we don't have a ton of money to spend, it's going to be hotter than HELL, and I HAVE to be back in OHIO by Friday night because I'm shooting another wedding next Saturday.

(omg if you followed me on twitter you would have heard me complaining about yesterdays wedding's lack of ROB references)

And did I mention I'm going with my three kids?!?

So here's the deal.  I'm taking you all with me.  I've got my shitty camera-phone and I've got my big-girl pro camera too.

I'll be posting pics on Twitter thoughout the day....

And when I get a chance, I'll upload pics make Road Trip Campfires to keep you all abreast of my shenanigans (lol breast!)

The Itinerary:

Today we're going to Walmart to stock up on snacks for the car, and I have to take my dog to the kennel.  Oh...and I gotta do a shitload of laundry too (i need detergent i cant forget to buy some at walmart!)

Tomorrow, I plan to leave at about 5am....which means we won't leave til 6 or 7 since I'm soooo not a morning person.

I stop A LOT... but the plan is to get to Birmingham, Alabama by 5 or 6 and stay for the night.  There, I'm meeting up with a friend who has a hotel reservation for us---and GET THIS--- it includes FREE DRINKS!

Then... off to Panama City Beach on Tuesday.... My daughter dances Wednesday and Thursday.... Thurs is her 13th birthday so we gotta fit a birthday party in there somewhere...and then I have to leave and drive STRAIGHT THROUGH on Friday and be home Friday night.

AND...I have to try to stay alive during all of this because without a daily dose of ROB P0RN, I will surely die.

You know one of the world's greatest inventions?  TWITTER ON MAH PHONE...

Are you with me Campers?

You gotta follow me on Twitter >> @grownasswoman20

I'm gonna be tweeting pics left and right.  and if you tweet me and i don't tweet back, im not ignoring you...im probably just DRIVING, Marnicalmuse!

Yayy....now that yer with me.. I'm starting to get a little excited!!




this is the first of many pre-approved off-topic campfires i will be making.


I forgot what this is

Sunday June 20, 2010 at 9:25 AM

Bella (human) gets with Edward (vamp). Alice has a vision she will get pregnant with twins and that Jacob and Leah will imprint on them...  I remember something about Leah having to practice having control of her (claws?) because she was going to give Bella a C-section.



Sunday June 20, 2010 at 9:10 AM

I wanna know what's your all time favorite story you have ever read.  Why is it your favorite?  Does it make your heart swell, flutter, or break?  Or does it make you laugh til you cry?  Tell me in detail and also why should I read it.


1st vs 3rd

Sunday June 20, 2010 at 5:16 AM

No silly, not the gold/silver/bronze kind...point of view...

Most Twilight FF is written in first person POV, but I've been enjoying reading 3rd so much lately that I've found myself writing it more myself (including something brand new that i've been working on).  But then frustration struck - it  just felt flat...and I was getting frustrated.  So as an exercise, I took a chapter and flipped the tense - adding color based on telling it from that perspective - and eureka - total change to the story.  I know, I know, the point of view, tense, etc should be driven based on the way the story needs to be told, and I was forcing it (forest for the trees - bad me), but it made me curious...how do you feel about pov's (not just in ff, but in all fiction), and what really out there applications have worked well?  I read a book not to long ago that used multiple POV's (1st, 2nd, 3rd limited, 3rd omni) AND multiple tenses, and it worked surprisingly well.  

Oh, and how disturbing is that picture? I couldn't resist. :)


Me and Mr McCarty contest

Sunday June 20, 2010 at 5:09 AM

I'm immersed in Emmett stories at the moment and figured I would see if anyone else has been reading these AMAZING stories that people have written for the Me and Mr McCarty contest. There's 30 entries and I'll be reading them all (perks of being a judge!). Just wondering who else is reading. :) Want to share your favorites? Go for it!!!

Oh yes - a link is always helpful!


Go forth and read the good stuff!

And hey, if you wrote for the contest - be shameless - post the link to your story!  ;)


Puke in my mouth!

Sunday June 20, 2010 at 12:41 AM

Just a funny video I thought I'd share.


To make it interactive share your funny "song" videos!


Fanfiction Favorites.

Saturday June 19, 2010 at 11:04 PM

I have no idea if this has been done before. Anyways after seeing Under The Apple Tree repeatedly pimped by grown.ass.woman I finally gave it a try and I am loving it. I also really love her Edward, how he is tortured, horny, passionate, and flawed. So it got me thinking, who are my top five favorite Edward's from Fanfiction.

1)Wide Awake (Because his dirty mouth and scars make me swoon)

2)A rite of passage. (My first fanfiction I ever read, he gets major points for that. Plus he was sweet.)

3) How To Save A Life ( I really wanted to give him a hug, plus he's tortured and wears sweat pants that hang low on his hips)

4) There Fell A Stillnes (Because he gives negative fucks)

5) The Blessing and The Curse (Because photographers are hot)

Anyways to make this more everyone friendly give me your favorite five anything or anyone. Favorite Jacob's, Bella's, Emmett's, even your top five favorite fanfictions ever. If no one responds to this, I'm eating that cookie dough in the fridge.

First --- | >> | 1107 | 1108 | 1109 | 1110 | 1111 | 1112 | 1113 | 1114 | 1115 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
