
that dress.... idk

Thursday June 17, 2010 at 1:01 PM



I prefer it from the back, tbh. I don't like all those ruffles. they dwarf her.



because i'm skyping with John rn

Thursday June 17, 2010 at 11:43 AM

I was wondering...







be honest.











i screencapped a pic of him for you, becuse he's too flippin' cute.



Winners Announced!!

Thursday June 17, 2010 at 11:31 AM

Hey guys! How are you doing?

I'm just doing another shoutout because I'm still flying with joy! :)

The winners of the 'Till Death Do Us Apart' Contest had been anounced! And guess what? My one-shot (which I worte with my besite) won 2nd place!!!! I'm so, sooooo happy!!! :)

So in case you never knew about it, which I doubt? :) Here you have the winners list!

First comes People's Choice winners:

We're Married by dolphin62598




I Can't Live Without Your Love by ele05gs & Lehava


You can check the Judge's choices here


Now you would say: So what?

And I would answer: Read them!! :)


If you do, don't forget to review! All the entries are amazing, I read them! :p

Thank you all for voting and have nice day!! :)


Twitter scandal investigated

Thursday June 17, 2010 at 10:55 AM

It turns out the fandom isn't all about thre crazies after all. There were a few nutjobs who said some vile stuff, but not nearly the amount we were led to believe. Is it possible that Ms. Roberts deleted her account and cried foul to be relevant for a few days by hitching herself to the Twilight buzz?


I Have a Theory

Thursday June 17, 2010 at 10:36 AM

And it's likely to ruffle some feathers but bear with me and as always please play nice.  

I propose that all-human fics are inherently au.  Why?  Because the world Stephenie created has vampires and werewolves and shape-shifters so to deviate from that in such an extreme way...well you can't get much more alternate than that.  In my mind to remain canon you must include the world she created, a world in which the supernatural exists.  Just because the character names are used does not necessarily qualify it as a Twilight fic imo.

Which actually brings me to a second theory I just thought of last night.  Many fics these days (especially all-human ones) portray Edward and/or Bella as either drinking, smoking, doing drugs or any combinations of those three things.  Well I can't help but wonder if what people are really writing are Rob and Kristen even if it's just subconsciously.  Would we really be writing a drinking, drugging, smoking Bella if we didn't have Kristen as our 'role model'? (Same applies to Rob/Edward)  I suspect not.

Thoughts?  (Remember play nice please)


Love Shack Revealed - LMAO

Thursday June 17, 2010 at 9:06 AM

I found these two VERY srs bsns new reports about ROB & KSTEW's secret Love Nest.  Omg I love this... I hope this is true....


Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart's Secret Love Shack Revealed

In the new issue of Us Weekly, which has been on newsstands now, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were said shacking up for the summer in their secret love nest in Los Angeles. The area is reportedly where Pattinson films his new movie "Water for Elephants".

In addition to the picture of Pattinson and Stewart's love shack, the magazine shared that the place is hidden in the woods and situated by a lake. The one-bedroom and two-story guesthouse boasts a gourmet kitchen cherry-wood floors and by all means plenty of privacy.

Enjoying their private time, the publication further reported that Pattinson and Stewart were lazing away the days by rising late, reading scripts and receiving grocery deliveries. The rumored couple didn't hire a housemaid which made the love shack littered with piles of clothes, and the magazine even gave specific detail, reporting they never make the bed.

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have been romantically linked after the two play together in "Twilight". However, the depicters of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan occasionally keep their fans guessing about the nature of their relationship.



Robert Pattinson Shacking Up With Kristen Stewart

Robert Pattinson has reportedly been shacking up with Kristen Stewart. Amidst claim that the 24-year-old actor has dumped his "Twilight Saga" co-star, E! News confirmed Us Weekly report that the Edward Cullen depicter has rented a house in Los Angeles, adding that he made the move to be able to have a normal relationship with the brunette beauty.

"Rob has rented a place in Los Angeles. It's in the most random area so he's been able to hide out a lot," a source told E! about the "Water for Elephants" actor's secret love nest, which Us Weekly described as a one-bedroom, two-story guesthouse that is hidden in the woods and situated by a lake. The source went on, "Kristen lives with her parents, but she has been spending most of her time staying with Rob."

Though shaking up, the twosome are said in no rush to tie the knot. "They have a normal relationship," the insider informed E!. "They are 20 and 24 years old! They're just going with it, they like being around each other, but it's not like Rob is pushing Kristen down the aisle. They are both very career driven in the end, and that's something they can share together. That's why they are able to make it work."

Earlier, Life & Style magazine has come out with a contradicting story. The publication reported that Robert has broken up with Kristen earlier this year. "When Rob was back in the U.K., he was totally fed up with Kristen and over it. He told her, 'We're done', " so claimed its source. "Rob says she complains about everything and is such a downer. But when he meets up with her they start flirting again and get caught up in all the romance."

Robert and Kristen, along with their co-star Taylor Lautner, are currently busy with their press tour for "The Twilight Saga's Eclipse". A studio source told E!, "Rob and Kristen are working from the moment they wake up until they go to bed. So it's not exactly like they have time to go out on all these dates. They are working. But they also kind of make sure they are always near each other."




Fic recs, please?

Thursday June 17, 2010 at 8:30 AM

Hello campers!
It's been awhile (almost three months now) since I last read fanfiction, and now I'm in desperate need of some good recs to fill in my twific addiction, so please rec me something good! AH, completed and canon stories are more than welcome, but please feel free to rec me anything you think I must read (it being completed or not). ;D
Thank you in advance!

BTW, the forest looks great, congrats for the amazing work Rangers. And Mr. Tor!

PS: Sorry for my bad English!


Eclipse Score

Thursday June 17, 2010 at 7:02 AM

You can preorder on ITunes now, and have a sneak peek below. 

What do y'all think? I think the other scores have sucked, so.... this is an improvement. 


Infernal Devices

Thursday June 17, 2010 at 12:08 AM

For those of you Mortal Instruments fans, the sort of prequel to this series is coming out in a few weeks, the first book being Clockwork Angel.  I wanted to start this campfire to provoke some discussion regarding both the Mortal Instruments and the Infernal Devices series.  I read a review about Clockwork Angel and from the sounds of it, I'm probably not going to buy it.  I think the thing that got me in the review was the fact that the series was going to be set in the Steampunk universe (Victorian era) yet the protagonist keeps spouting off quotes from modern literature and is very modern in her attitude and thinking (can you say Mary Sue?).  Secondly, the male love interest is almost like a recycled version of Jace from the MI series.  And thirdly, it is a wildly known rumour(?) that Cassandra Clare is not at all loved in the fanfic world.  In fact she has been labelled as a plagiarist.  I don't think I'm all into supporting someone who commits fraud and try to pass off other people's work as their own.

What about you?  Will you buy this new book?


post approve by our resident canuck.

greeen goldfish


Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 9:10 PM


(ok, I think it's still not for another hour where she is, but idgaf b/c it's midnight here and I MADE HER A MACRO.)


(i stretched my technology skills to the limit to make that. my brain hurt so bad that i couldnt even come up with a joke better than that.)

COME WISH PATSY A HAPPY BDAY! even if you donut know her, she is super sweet and super skilled. you can check out her art in her tent here. she made my icon. she also now has a new appreciation for sawyer and the VW van. so obviously she is very discerning.


It Is Finished.

Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 8:58 PM






Epilogue posted.

(In que on Twilighted)


Thank You.





Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 8:53 PM



* Canada is the second largest country in the world, with 9,971,000 square kilometres of land.
* The baseball glove was invented in Canada in 1883.
* With only three people per square kilometer, Canada has the fourth lowest population density in the world.
* Vancouver Canada is tied with Zurich Switzerland for the highest quality of life of any city in the world.
* The world's smallest jail is believed to be in Rodney, Ontario, Canada. It is only 24.3 square meters (about 270 square feet).
* Canada has the ninth biggest economy of the world
* According to the United Nations Human Development Index, Canada has the highest quality of life in the world.
* Contrary to popular opinion, Canada does not own the North Pole. In fact, the North Pole is not owned by any country. It is believed, however, that Santa Claus is from Canada.
* Canada is the world's eighth biggest trader.
* Of all of the world's producers of natural gas, copper, zinc, nickel, aluminum, and gold, Canada is in the top five.
* Canada is the home of many great inventions, including: basketball, the electric light bulb, the electric range, the electron microscope, standard time, the television, the telephone, and the zipper.
* Canada is the fifth largest energy producer.
* Canada has the world's highest tertiary education enrolment.

“O Canada,” originally named “Chant national,” was written by Adolphe-Basile Routhier (French lyrics) and Calixa Lavallée (music) and first performed in Quebec City in 1880. The song was approved by the Parliament of Canada in 1967 as the unofficial national anthem and adopted officially on July 1, 1980.

The Canadian motto, A Mari Usque ad Mare, means "From sea to sea "

Although Nova Scotia was granted the British Empire's first flag by King Charles I in 1625, Canada did not have a national flag until February 15, 1965, when its maple leaf flag was adopted by its parliament. Before that, the red ensign, a British maritime flag, was in general use.

The average life expectancy at birth for a Canadian is 81.16 years, the eighth highest in the world. The United States ranks 46th, at 78.14 years

North America's earliest undisputed evidence of human activity, 20,000-year-old stone tools and animal bones have been found in caves on the Bluefish River in northern Yukon.

North America's lowest recorded temperature was -81.4 degrees Fahrenheit (-63 C) at Snag, Yukon Territory, on February 3, 1947 I HOPE THEY HAD THEIR TOQUES, EH!

Charles Fenerty, a poet from Halifax, Nova Scotia, was the first person to use wood fibers to make paper. He started experimenting in 1839 and produced paper from wood pulp in 1841

A black bear cub from Canada named Winnipeg (or “Winnie,” for short) was one of the most popular attractions at the London Zoo after it was donated to the zoo in 1915. Winnie became a favorite of Christopher Robin Milne and inspired the stories written by his father, A.A. Milne, about Winnie-the-Pooh

The Moosehead Brewery in Saint John, New Brunswick, turns out 1,642 bottles of beer per minute

Manitou Lake on Manitoulin Island in Lake Huron is the world's largest lake within a lake (41.1 square miles)





also, our milk comes in fucking bags!









Munch Crunch-Girl Crushes!

Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 8:27 PM

Oh yea. Look at her. LOOK AT HER. I would munch her carpet any day.

Tell us about YOUR GIRL CRUSHES. Not your "oh she is pretty" crushes-your  "HEADING DOWN SOUTH" crushes.



"Expectations and Other Moving Pieces"

Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 7:55 PM


Does anyone know if "Expectations and Other Moving Pieces" is on hiatus?  Chrometurtle hasn't updated since April.  I really love the story and miss it.  

I hope everything is all right with the author.


Fic Recs and Top 5

Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 6:40 PM

So at the moment I'm completely enamored with Love on Wheels by brattyvamp and I'm craving some more fics set in the 70's or around that time period? 

I would also like to know your top 5 fanfics of the moment. Mine would have to be Love on Wheels, River Dam, Sway, Bella Swan's Dating Guide, and A Rough Start.



Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 6:32 PM


IT support

Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 6:03 PM

I come bearing a message from Mr. Tor aka John.


He says that some issues have come to his attention and he's working through them, just be patient with him because it might take a bit, and he's swamped with work, atm.


That is all.


Back to your regularly scheduled program.


New Level Of Crazy

Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 5:45 PM

I was just reading an E!Online article about Emma Roberts closing her Twitter account after being attacked by Twilight fans who were royally pissed that she was Team Jacob, and had the audacity to say so to thee RPattz himself.

I do feel for the girl as personal attacks are awful, but the whole thing just made me throw back my head and laugh. I couldn't decide what was funnier; the fact that the fans took such exception to her choice, or the fact that she flounced Twitter because of the comments? Is it just me or do things just seem to get more extreme as time goes by?

Oh, also, has anyone else heard this new 'nickname' that's being given to the overzealous Rob fans? Apparently they are being refered to as 'Rob-qaeda'. I don't know if i should laugh or cry at the comparison?!

At times it feels like fans are just reaching a whole new level of crazy in this fandom. Is it just me?





Gone Baby Gone: Lost Fics

Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 5:45 PM

Someone recommended "Edward Masen: Hitman" to me, and its gone off FFN.  It sounded great - but poof.  Gone.  Another one I keep hearing about is "Black & White".  I know of other fics that the same happened to (but I managed to get my hands on at least one of them). 

Does anyone know what happened to these fics?  Or, why fics go down in general?  I mean, are they banned for content, or the author twi-widower gets pissed? Anyone else have fics they wanted to read, only to find they vanished from fandom?

Most importantly, does anyone know how I can find either of the fics mentioned above?


P.S.  Special thanks to mjpiper.  ((((mjpiper)))) Thanks for solving the mystery that is how to post a campfire (at least for me)!  BTW, love your avi - way cute!


Tell Me Something Good!

Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 5:36 PM

Hello lovely ladies (and gents)!

As some of you know today was the last day of school. 

I'm excited.

And extremely happy.

And even a little sad (don't tell anyone...)


I bitched enough about the school year so now I want to be happy.

What good thing is going on for you?  What's something you have to look forward to? Something that makes me smile right now?

Tell me!

This campfire was approved by pixievamp :)

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