
Kristen and Taylor in Berlin

Friday June 18, 2010 at 10:05 AM

Here's Kristen and Taylor continuing the promotional tour in Berlin

They look cute yes?

I like this outfit a lot better than yesterday and the shoes are fierce


When asked who deserved Bella, Taylor said 'Jacob, because Bella does't have to change for him.'

Kristen replied, 'Edward of course. She doesn't have to change for him either. She rather improves herself'

What do you think, Campers?


What are you afraid of??

Friday June 18, 2010 at 9:51 AM

What are some of the things that make you shiver with fright or things that you just don't like or wish didn't exist???

I hate these little fellows here===>  bot flies *shivers* I swear if I ever got one I would die....I'm so serious! They're sooo gross!!!


Mommy Advice

Friday June 18, 2010 at 9:42 AM

I'm in need of some Mommy advice campers.

My 19 month old daughter has recently become terrified of water. Bath time has become next to impossible-- even just washing her hands in the sink causes a huge scene. I feel like I've tried everything--lots of bubbles, no bubbles, toys, those crayon thingies that write on the walls, hell I've even tried using the baby pool.  Has anyone else's child ever gone through this? What did you do?

To make this interactive-- come tell me the best and worst advice anyone ever gave you.

Luna StarFire

Lets have an bonding moment

Friday June 18, 2010 at 9:05 AM

Okay I remember a while back someone did a twitter post of I'll follow you if you follow me.  I followed people but not everyone has the same name on twitter as they do here.  So was seeing if we could have a bonding moment.  You can say as little or as much as you want.  I would like you know more about you cool chicka...or guys...I'm sure there is at least one roaming around here.  

But anywho list out what other sites your apart of.  Blog/websites...whichever.  Oh also let me know if you personally write a story.  I want to check out you goodies you guys have to offer.  


Luna StarFire


Here's my info:

My twitter is @LunaStarFire

I have a site started for writers/artist/vidders

My story is Half-Blood

Little info about me. I work for a bank. I'm currently living in GA. I'm 25. I'm a D20 girl-(

Hmmm what else. I think thats about it.  



Friday June 18, 2010 at 8:36 AM

There's Dadward and Mommy Bella all over the freakin' place, right?  Well, I am looking for some good recs that are based on Em/Rose as parents.  Why?  Because they're my fave Twi couple and I need something to read today!  Alright, kids, make 'em good...


its my birthday, can i ask for one thing?

Friday June 18, 2010 at 8:28 AM


gifs, funny pictures, sexy pictures

nikki kellan, rob, jackson, kstew,

anyone else.

im open for anything!


this is a beauty products campfire

Friday June 18, 2010 at 8:22 AM

let's talk cosmetics

i just got this beaut in the mail:


Image and video hosting by TinyPic

i mean, seriously?  omg.

if you belong to the sephora beauty insider thingie and spend 350 bucks in a calendar year, you become a VIB.  i don't know whether to be proud or chagrinned by the fact that i qualified recently.




now, discuss your favorite makeup brands, products you swear by, where you buy them, and how lip gloss is the answer to most of life's problems

i'm a benefit and stila girl, and i buy a new OPI shade pretty much every other week



Friday June 18, 2010 at 8:00 AM




Office fun!

Friday June 18, 2010 at 6:35 AM

Hmm I'm kinda interested in some office Edward and Bella fun.  Does anyone have any recomendations?


bite me......

Friday June 18, 2010 at 5:36 AM

so, i want to make a new playlist on my ipod called "bite me".  not in the vampire sense, but in the "go to hale, everyone in the world" sense.

so i need recommendations for songs.  what songs do you listen to when you want the whole world to kiss your ass???

Baruka Athena

World Cup

Friday June 18, 2010 at 5:10 AM

So I'm following the soccer game right now (Germany -  Serbia) and I was wondering who's watching as well. I'm actually listening to the livestream because I'm at work, sshhh...

Who do you think is going to win this match, next matches, the Cup? Who's your favorite player and who do you think is going to be top scorer. Or do you really don't care and just want some pretty faces/bodies to look at? 

I for now have money on Serbia, but I think Germany is going to win. I think Argentina is going to win the Cup and beforehand I thought Messi was going to be topscorer, but maybe I should reconsider about the topscorer. My favorite player has been Fabio Cannavaro since Euro 2000, he's just too adorable although he's among the older players now. 


Halp!Oh! Halp!

Friday June 18, 2010 at 4:09 AM

Grr. I dont know what just happened but technical difficulties didn't let me post anything in my contents. Sorrrrry.

Anywho, I really need a Beta/Pre-reader for my new (2nd) story I'm writing. I am really excited about it.

I've posted the first chapter. It's ExB and it starts in High school. So, halp? Please.

So, ladies. Drop me a line.


Of Squallor and Ashes

Friday June 18, 2010 at 3:36 AM

Has anyone here read this story, I have only just read the first 2 chapters of this, and I have to say




This is going to be a story where I will be gooing all night long


Love me some lemons and heck this is HOT HOT LEMON SAUCE!!!!

Here is the linky -



Friday June 18, 2010 at 3:09 AM

I am reading cullens' island by jandco, and I can't stop laughing at this part:

"Then, there was another car in the lot, also abandoned, registered to an Alice Brandon. Turned out this Alice and her roommates were MIA, neighbors hadn't seen them, some saleslady at Louis Vuitton reported Alice missing…"

Ppl around are looking at my thinking I've lost my mind



Thursday June 17, 2010 at 11:40 PM

There is a very special birthday in the forest today.

A camper than has been here from the start
someone who's completely unrefined
but also sweet, warm and kind
who you all know as...




Our dear Tacha is the reigning Queen of “bad” poetry, so in honour of her special day we would like you all to write her a little ditty.

We will start y’all off....

there once was a girl named infernal

her kindness and humour were eternal.

she is the nacho to our cheese
the bless you to our sneeze

and her beauty is more than external.


Happy Birthday Natacha! You are such a wonderful person, and we are so thankful to have met you.
<3 <3 <3
Nirdsiht, Bexxxx, and Rebitchka
(P.S. Goaty sends her love too)


Fell free to use the icons below for twitter and ADF.

For twittah....

For ADF....



Bollywood Twilight

Thursday June 17, 2010 at 11:04 PM

Hmmm... not sure if there are any desi Twi fans on ADF (although I have seen a few), I thought you (and anyone else for that matter) might get a kick out of this. 

Someone made this little video showing who would star in a Bollywood remake of Twilight.  IDK how to post youtube vids on here, but the link is below.  Check it out.  Interesting . . . ?

Sir Rachel

Nouvelle Musique

Thursday June 17, 2010 at 10:15 PM

I want your new, unknown music. Those little up-and-coming bands, or not-so-known songs by popular artists.

Right now I'm loving this:


And this: 
How about you?

Funny Videos

Thursday June 17, 2010 at 9:30 PM

Ok So I can't even remember the last time I started a campfire so I really feel like lighting up and since its Free for all Friday...why not right!

Since they have blocked certain sites at work including ADF and now have effed up Twitter to where it looks all crazy we have found new and hilarious ways of entertaining ourselves with the interwebs! You Tube has so many hilarious videos that I get overwhelmed looking for funny ones! We just happened to stumble upon these and I love these girls SFM!! We have watched every single one and I have so many favorites!! So what are some funny videos that you never knew existed and now love??

I hope these videos post right!?!?

I think this is my fav:



But this is kinda like my anthem RN b/c everyone I know seems to be preggers except me!! 


Edward Wallbanger Updated

Thursday June 17, 2010 at 9:29 PM

Omg, so happy right now.  Would make this a better campfire but I have to go READ!

(Wallbanging thoughts, reactions, spontaneous combustions in the comments - let's make this campfire interactive)



Thursday June 17, 2010 at 9:02 PM

IT IS FREE FOR ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Did you watch the game? Did you love it or hate it?

We have a party at my house right now and everyone's jumping up and down.


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