According to Perez Hilton (oh yes, I went there),
Melissa Rosenberg said:
"On the fan site, on Facebook, all the comments are "It has to be R rated! You have to show the childbirth! Gore and guts and sex!" For me it's actually more interesting to not see it. You know, you can do childbirth without seeing childbirth … it doesn't mean it's any less evocative of an experience."
In my opinion Perez put it perfectly:
"Are you serious??
We're going to have to sit through two full movies of this mess and we're not even going to get an R-rated version of RPatz eating that sparkly vampire hatching out of a half-dead Stewie Puss Puss?!
It's bad enough that the book is ridiculous, but we think the only way to make it work as a movie is to camp it up and embrace its ridiculousness!
She gives BIRTH to a vampire baby, people! He eats the effing infant OUT OF HER!
You mean to tell us that you're going to try to make it a nuanced, dramatic scene??
That's even more BARF-worthy than eating vampire babies out of steel placentas."
So what I want to know is... Campers how do you feel about her comment? Suprising? Completely expected? Perez Hilton is a doofus? How does this make you feel?