
Extra Photo Booth

Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 10:00 AM

I came across these pictures of the cast taking pictures in a photo booth when they were doing an interview with Extra.  I thought most of these were really cute and wanted to share! 


The pics are in the comments


And I would totally love to be in Ashley Greene's spot..between those 2 beautiful men!


Help, please

Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 8:59 AM

I am 100% sure this topic has been covered to DEATH and I apologize in advance-

How can I make a pic small enough to be my avatar on here? I have a LOVELY pic of Rob that I would like to use and I am confused to the 10th degree as I do not have MAD PC Skills..




Rob's Crack~

Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 7:59 AM

I'm seriously avoiding work right now...

Rob discusses nudity in the upcoming film Bel Ami... apparently, we'll get a peak at his bum *giggles*


ROB+Leno= Leno still not cool

Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 7:20 AM

Did you watch it?  Did you miss it? Rob was great, though his interview was surrounded by all sorts of weird fuckery on the Tonight Show.  I was so drunk while i was watching omg i LOLed

Here ya go~~




Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 7:11 AM

has this been posted already?

Melissa Rosenberg talks about Eclipse and writing Breaking Dawn, splitting it into two films...

From Fearnet.com:

an excerpt:

You and I spoke before about how you stay true to the gory events of Breaking Dawn without going beyond a PG-13 rating. Is that any more of an issue, now that you're writing it?

You know, I just don't find that to be a challenge at all, honestly. I worked on Dexter, and I've said that pint for pint, there's more blood on CSI than there is on Dexter, and yet Dexter is far more disturbing. So I think it's not about how much gore you see on screen, it's more about, are you conveying the terror of the scene, the physical pain of the scene? The tension of the scene? I don't think you need to see gore to know what's going on, and in some ways I think that's actually more interesting. And I think that's true for sex as well. I think the hottest sex scenes I've ever seen are more suggestive than they are graphic. So I don't have an issue with it; I think we can do absolutely everything without having to see specific things.

Just so you know, certain fans of age would like to see lots of pillow-biting and feathers…

[Laughs] Okay! I think they may see some feathers. They may, indeed, see a few feathers.


the full article is in the comments...


God i'm bored!!!!

Wednesday June 16, 2010 at 7:01 AM

I'm bored so thought I'd start a campfire.

If you could only take one fic to a desert island which would it be.

Think I'd go with 'Cullen Island' by jandco, obvious choice I know but that's me. Although if I had the Edward from that story with me I wouldn't be doing much reading!


Jennyfly is lamesauce

Tuesday June 15, 2010 at 11:28 PM

The aforementioned RANGER, and yes I'm aware that I'm insulting THE JFLY on her very own website, is a very unhelpful uncaring heartless person.  She has ignored my cry for help to gallop on over to ADF and create a campfire.  I reached out to her many a time to prettify my thoughts and words into an interactive and engaging campfire, to make sure it was a baked cookie and not something raw and unedible, but she refused to acknowledge my need.  And so i have decided to flame her here, where she is loved so that you may all know that her helpfulness is a falsity and she is not who she claims to be.  I demand the return of the jennyfly I know and have come to love.  Return her to me, damnit. 

Campers, here is your chance to compain about the Ranger or Rangers that bug you the most.


/drunk campfire approved by the bestest jennyflyrocks


EDIT: she also stole my name.  it's mine, give it back

Ryan Ninea

rebel in need

Tuesday June 15, 2010 at 9:11 PM

I know this is not the time but I am in dire straits. I need a fic to get lost in. I want to fall head over heels, I have tried a few that are ok, but I want to be overwhelmed. I don't have a lots of rules, I like it all basically. My requirements, Edward and Bella or Japer and Bella. Well written with minimum typos/grammar issues. That's about all.

Some of my favorites are:

Anything by BrattyVamp, Jandco/Jandco&WTDBOC

Cascade and Cyanide

And With Thee Fade Away

For the Summer

Winter of Love

Midnight Son of a Bitch

Disappear Here

A Murmur of Fire in the Vein

Tropic of Virgo

I want something that will capture me like these did. Also male POV is a plus. I would also not be opossed to a good Sookie Stackhouse rec, I would even be willing to pop my Bonesfic cherry. Thank you




icons, .gifs, and assorted debauchary

Tuesday June 15, 2010 at 8:48 PM

I own a mac.


It's pretty and shiny and wants to know what program or application it needs to make icons out of .gif or media files?


Help it out.


Come on.


It haz planz *evil planz*


Why Must We Wait?

Tuesday June 15, 2010 at 8:39 PM

Okay. That's a great stupid question. Four words:

University of Edward Masen

By: SebastienRobichaud

Comments. Rants. Spill all here.

(My comments are in the comments.)

Majesta Moniet

Hold onto your water bottles

Tuesday June 15, 2010 at 7:48 PM

Taylor in GQ


Moar in comments.


Rob on the Tonight Show

Tuesday June 15, 2010 at 6:52 PM

As most of you probably already know, Rob is appearing with Jay Leno tonight. 
Anyone plan on watching?
And the real reason for this fire, sorry this video was too cute not to post...

Can I Have Some?

Tuesday June 15, 2010 at 6:24 PM

Um, Xavier.... get in mah pants. 

FROM: Interview Magazine


Some Good Recs Please!!!

Tuesday June 15, 2010 at 5:23 PM

Meh I haven't had an update from anyone in almost two days which is staggeringly painful for me.  I love drama and angst but I don't like reading a story that hasn't been updated in ages and it's in the middle of all the drama.  Anyone have something good to offer I like humor too I'll add!


these are my confessions

Tuesday June 15, 2010 at 4:37 PM

There is something that has been bothering me for a while, so I thought I would finally just come out with it....

I really don’t like vampires.  AT ALL. 

I thought Twilight sounded like the stupidest thing I had ever heard of. I honestly think I had a brief moment of insanity when I picked it up.

I have seen bits and pieces of Interview with the Vampire, but never read the book...or any Anne Rice for that matter. I have seen the Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie, but haven’t watched a single episode of the show. I don’t watch True Blood or read the Sookie Stackhouse books. And I pretty much refuse to read any other vampire novel.

The only vampire that has ever somewhat interested me was Dracula, and I think that is because of the history behind it. 

How in the hell did I end up in this fandom?????

So campers, is there anything you would like to confess?



I’m gonna go sit in the corner and wait for my ADF eviction notice.


eta: this was approved by wolvesnvamps



Melissa Rosenberg Say What?

Tuesday June 15, 2010 at 4:31 PM

According to Perez Hilton (oh yes, I went there),

Melissa Rosenberg said:

"On the fan site, on Facebook, all the comments are "It has to be R rated! You have to show the childbirth! Gore and guts and sex!" For me it's actually more interesting to not see it. You know, you can do childbirth without seeing childbirth … it doesn't mean it's any less evocative of an experience."

In my opinion Perez put it perfectly:

"Are you serious??

We're going to have to sit through two full movies of this mess and we're not even going to get an R-rated version of RPatz eating that sparkly vampire hatching out of a half-dead Stewie Puss Puss?!




It's bad enough that the book is ridiculous, but we think the only way to make it work as a movie is to camp it up and embrace its ridiculousness!

She gives BIRTH to a vampire baby, people! He eats the effing infant OUT OF HER!

You mean to tell us that you're going to try to make it a nuanced, dramatic scene??

That's even more BARF-worthy than eating vampire babies out of steel placentas."

So what I want to know is... Campers how do you feel about her comment?  Suprising? Completely expected?  Perez Hilton is a doofus? How does this make you feel?


I need Summer Time fics!!!

Tuesday June 15, 2010 at 3:05 PM

So since its summer , i really would love to read fics with bella and edward during the summer or how they met during a summer fling...I'll take anything : )

E/B pretty please

I am really enjoying summer of salt so sad its almost over . so anything along those lines i would take




Caption the Pic!

Tuesday June 15, 2010 at 12:34 PM

Caption the Pic!

or just tell me what you think is going on here...


Cast of Eclipse @ JKL

Tuesday June 15, 2010 at 11:58 AM



The cast at a JKL  taping. They look bored and Rob looks slightly scared. If you want to see pics of Rob/Kristen flirting during commercials go --->http://www.x17online.com/index.php?page=2


EDIT: Here are some pics. More inside.

Second EDIT: Our own Bethann2103 was there and shared her thoughts inside. Thank you!!

greeen goldfish

fic game

Tuesday June 15, 2010 at 11:46 AM

We did this at the gaz recently and it was fun, but also a way to get a snapshot impression about fics on your TBR list.

Basically: comment with the name of a fic. Then, others reply with the first word that comes to mind. (If they want to get really fancy, they can reply with a gif or image.)

For example, I say: Wide Awake.

Someone replies and says: "unicorns."



Ready? GO.

First --- | >> | 1114 | 1115 | 1116 | 1117 | 1118 | 1119 | 1120 | 1121 | 1122 | 1415 | 1416 | --- Last
