
rofl@Taylor asking Rob if he sleeps with Kristen

Sunday June 13, 2010 at 12:53 AM


Love's to Blame

The Bree book

Saturday June 12, 2010 at 8:58 PM

Has anyone read the bree book? (you don't have to buy it. its free at anyway i'm reading it just for my favorite character, victoria but after 88 pages she's barely in it. i was wondering if anyone knew if she was going to make another appearance or if this is just a waste of time?

Also, what spin-off should SM do next? i say either an Alice/Jasper book or Victoria/James. What do you think?


More Rob

Saturday June 12, 2010 at 8:11 PM

Because really...isn't that what you want?


If you're in LA and have pics from TWICON, please share : )

Rob talks football with Access Hollywood

Although he’s not on Twitter, “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” star Robert Pattinson told Access Hollywood’s Shaun Robinson on Saturday he too was sucked into the international sporting event.

“I have to ask you, how are you doing this junket when England is playing USA?” Shaun asked Robert on Saturday as he promoted his upcoming film while the historic match up was taking place.

“Especially when they are drawing,” Robert chimed in, referring to the score at the time, which was 1-1.

“And if at the end, if the end comes and they’ve won then that’s the end of the junket,” a worried Robert said over a possible U.S. victory, although the game eventually ended a short while later in a draw.

“Are you a big fan?” Shaun asked Robert regarding soccer.

“Yeah. Is it the end of the match yet?” Robert asked, looking around at the crew. “Have they already lost? I would be so depressed!”


Let's talk Twilight backlash

Saturday June 12, 2010 at 6:42 PM

If you're out about your enjoyment of Twilight, how do you handle the backlash? Do you secretly rage? Do you defend Twilight? Do you laugh at the person mocking you and totally rip them a new one?



This post is in part brought to you by the "WTF" lol rage that was produced when I was linked to "Take Back The Twilight" page on facebook.


"You want to play little boy?"

Saturday June 12, 2010 at 6:04 PM


While I am not fond of reporters manhandling Mr pattinson, he is too cute in this not to share! Thoughts on his press conference today? He always seems to mention how different Eclipse and this Edward is than the other 2. And do we really believe he hasn't read Breaking Dawn?

ranger edit: I fixed your bad code. be sure to always add embed code under "source" :)


Saturday Night Rec

Saturday June 12, 2010 at 4:56 PM

Before you read anything else, you MUST read Sanctuary which JUST updated with the last chapter. Those of you looking for an AMAZING, completed fic can look no further. Those of you who read it, here is the update link:

Sanctuary ~ Faith


Now it's YOUR TURN to rec what you LOVE. Let us know your absolute favorites, what you are reading now and any other fic that knocks your backpack off......


Pattz Rap...0_o

Saturday June 12, 2010 at 4:35 PM


That is all..hehe


15 Things to do in Wal-Mart

Saturday June 12, 2010 at 3:22 PM

I wrote this story a while back...maybe a year or so ago and gave it to a friend to put up on her profile on another story site. She posted that it was adopted from me, sparkly butenschon, and i already let her know that i put it on here to. i just thought maybe you'd enjoy reading it like i enjoyed writing it. well...i hope you enjoy!

15 Things to do in Wal- Mart

Ranger Edit!

We'd love to have a link for the story, but we can't allow entire stories to be posted.



True Blood

Saturday June 12, 2010 at 2:42 PM


BTW I hate what they've done to Tara's character in the series.




And some more Alex for you



The Training

Saturday June 12, 2010 at 2:02 PM

So The Training epilogue posted this week, and I thought it was a really sweet, great ending to a series I've loved since the beginning.  It got me thinking though... what are those kids going to think when they grow up and find out their parents have a "playroom"?

Hubs and I threw away our (admittedly small) stash of porn when we had our first, but we keep a couple of fun things hidden away.  My oldest is only five, but I still worry a little about what will happen if he ever finds stuff and starts asking questions.  Anyone find anything belonging to your parents that you didn't want to see?  Anyone have their kids find adult toys of yours?  What did you do?


Summer Daze

Saturday June 12, 2010 at 11:47 AM

School's almost out and I'm so excited I could pee.

I mean, I'm really, really excited. 

When this happens: 

This is what I'll be doing: 

I'm going to spend some time here: 

Hopefully see a lot of these:


I'm also going here: 


And maybe I'll get to go here: 



So, what are your plans for the summer? Are you doing anything fun or exciting? Or just sitting at home and relaxing? I'm hungover and nosy, so tell me what your plans are!



PS - I'll also be celebrating my twentysomethingth birthday tomorrow.


Sir Rachel


Saturday June 12, 2010 at 11:41 AM

 US vs England

Right now.

Discuss...trash talk...react...and celebrate the magic of football!


Saturday Sucks!

Saturday June 12, 2010 at 10:06 AM

Hello campers!!!!! =)

Well... this is the first time I do this.. I'm freaking bored! It's saturday and it's pouring outside! :'(

So what do u have for me today?? Any rec fics?? movies? songs? pics? whatever comes to your mind that will help me get over this grumppy mood I'm on right now! Something funny please!!!!!!!!!! :)

As if for now thank you!!!!!!! =)



Saturday June 12, 2010 at 9:43 AM

Hey Jenny! You around? Where is the ending of Sanctuary? Why am I still waiting for it?


When is it going to be posted?

Does Father Edward die like that stupid forum said?

Does Bella die?



Gimme Some Music!

Saturday June 12, 2010 at 9:29 AM


In 10 days I'm going on a ROAD TRIP with my kids.  It's gonna be a 16 hour trip ONE WAY...and I'm the only one driving so I need some GOOD MUSIC to keep me sane and AWAKE during this nightmare absolutely amazing time!

I wanna build a playlist that we ALL will enjoy, so gimme yer best recs!!

I like anything, but I prefer something mellow-y alternative.  I also LOVE U2 and Jack Johnson, and there will be tons of that on our playlist

THE BOY- likes ANYTHING.  He's easy and listens to pretty much the same stuff as me.

THE BIG GIRL - Likes Rap, Hip Hop, and anything she can DANCE to.  (We're going to her dance competition in Florida!)  So I'm sure there will plenty of Ke$ha and Lady Gaga on our playlist

THE LITTLE GIRL - is only 7 and has terrible taste in music.  She likes Taylor Swift and Nickelback and I refuse to contaminate my library with that shit.  Let's educate this poor girl!

Gimme what you got, Campers!!


Twilight and its many connections

Saturday June 12, 2010 at 8:14 AM

So I just saw a campfire with the 6 degrees of separation to famous people, I thought that was cool so I decided to do something similar with twilight, let's try to connect twilight with hard things or things you guys believe it's hard to connect it with.

For example I can connect twilight to glee (not sure if it's that hard)

Cory Monteith who plays Finn in Glee is also in a show called Kyle XY, he was the love interest of Amanda played by Kirsten Prout and as some of you may know she plays Lucy one of the three women vampires who Jasper encounters as a human in Eclipse.


So give it your best shot.


Elementary, My Dear Watson

Saturday June 12, 2010 at 7:41 AM

This is a call to all campers, Rangers, and lurkers...

There is something mysterious going on in the fandom. It is quite time someone did something about it!

Stories are disappearing. Just... vanishing. Lost in the cobwebs of our beloved internet.

Some are taken down with specific reasons from the author, sometimes decides to inforce rules and pull our more graphic stories, while other times it seems there is a random occurance of removals.

So, dear ladies (and gentlemen?)... Please help me solve this specific case. Channel your inner Holmes or Watson...

Two days ago, I had 77 stories on my favorites list at FF... Today, there are only 76.

I didn't mess with anything and I had no notice of any stories being pulled by the author.

Use your detective skills! We need to find...

(which story)


(seriously, why!)

Question all witnessess (members of the Twifandom), look for clues (check YOUR favorites lists), uncover the evidence (did someone MENTION pulling thier stories on another site).

Meet me at 221B Baker Street when you know more.


Rob/Indie Indie/Rob - it's all good

Saturday June 12, 2010 at 3:12 AM

Correct me if I'm wrong but I have a feeling there are probably more than just a handful of us who crushed hard on this man in this particular incarnation


Now look at this



And now this

And this....



And this


(unf to the Indy-esque jacket)

and then tell me you don't see a similarity.


This film is truly going to kill me.







Fan Fiction Downloader

Saturday June 12, 2010 at 2:52 AM

Is anyone else having problems with their downloader? Mine is acting all kinds of crazy tonight. The program I use it Raimonds. After I open the file that downloaded, it's only one chapter and it looks like this...


I've uninstalled and reinstalled numerous times tonight and nothing is making it better. Any ideas on what is happening? Maybe even a new program suggestion?


Oregon Coast

Friday June 11, 2010 at 10:59 PM

We arrived safely at the coast today.  Bizarre trip down, but that's nothing new for me.  Instead of clogging up the forest, here is a link to the album on my facebook.




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