Sir Rachel


Saturday June 12, 2010 at 11:41 AM

 US vs England

Right now.

Discuss...trash talk...react...and celebrate the magic of football!


Saturday Sucks!

Saturday June 12, 2010 at 10:06 AM

Hello campers!!!!! =)

Well... this is the first time I do this.. I'm freaking bored! It's saturday and it's pouring outside! :'(

So what do u have for me today?? Any rec fics?? movies? songs? pics? whatever comes to your mind that will help me get over this grumppy mood I'm on right now! Something funny please!!!!!!!!!! :)

As if for now thank you!!!!!!! =)



Saturday June 12, 2010 at 9:43 AM

Hey Jenny! You around? Where is the ending of Sanctuary? Why am I still waiting for it?


When is it going to be posted?

Does Father Edward die like that stupid forum said?

Does Bella die?



Gimme Some Music!

Saturday June 12, 2010 at 9:29 AM


In 10 days I'm going on a ROAD TRIP with my kids.  It's gonna be a 16 hour trip ONE WAY...and I'm the only one driving so I need some GOOD MUSIC to keep me sane and AWAKE during this nightmare absolutely amazing time!

I wanna build a playlist that we ALL will enjoy, so gimme yer best recs!!

I like anything, but I prefer something mellow-y alternative.  I also LOVE U2 and Jack Johnson, and there will be tons of that on our playlist

THE BOY- likes ANYTHING.  He's easy and listens to pretty much the same stuff as me.

THE BIG GIRL - Likes Rap, Hip Hop, and anything she can DANCE to.  (We're going to her dance competition in Florida!)  So I'm sure there will plenty of Ke$ha and Lady Gaga on our playlist

THE LITTLE GIRL - is only 7 and has terrible taste in music.  She likes Taylor Swift and Nickelback and I refuse to contaminate my library with that shit.  Let's educate this poor girl!

Gimme what you got, Campers!!


Twilight and its many connections

Saturday June 12, 2010 at 8:14 AM

So I just saw a campfire with the 6 degrees of separation to famous people, I thought that was cool so I decided to do something similar with twilight, let's try to connect twilight with hard things or things you guys believe it's hard to connect it with.

For example I can connect twilight to glee (not sure if it's that hard)

Cory Monteith who plays Finn in Glee is also in a show called Kyle XY, he was the love interest of Amanda played by Kirsten Prout and as some of you may know she plays Lucy one of the three women vampires who Jasper encounters as a human in Eclipse.


So give it your best shot.


Elementary, My Dear Watson

Saturday June 12, 2010 at 7:41 AM

This is a call to all campers, Rangers, and lurkers...

There is something mysterious going on in the fandom. It is quite time someone did something about it!

Stories are disappearing. Just... vanishing. Lost in the cobwebs of our beloved internet.

Some are taken down with specific reasons from the author, sometimes decides to inforce rules and pull our more graphic stories, while other times it seems there is a random occurance of removals.

So, dear ladies (and gentlemen?)... Please help me solve this specific case. Channel your inner Holmes or Watson...

Two days ago, I had 77 stories on my favorites list at FF... Today, there are only 76.

I didn't mess with anything and I had no notice of any stories being pulled by the author.

Use your detective skills! We need to find...

(which story)


(seriously, why!)

Question all witnessess (members of the Twifandom), look for clues (check YOUR favorites lists), uncover the evidence (did someone MENTION pulling thier stories on another site).

Meet me at 221B Baker Street when you know more.


Rob/Indie Indie/Rob - it's all good

Saturday June 12, 2010 at 3:12 AM

Correct me if I'm wrong but I have a feeling there are probably more than just a handful of us who crushed hard on this man in this particular incarnation


Now look at this



And now this

And this....



And this


(unf to the Indy-esque jacket)

and then tell me you don't see a similarity.


This film is truly going to kill me.







Fan Fiction Downloader

Saturday June 12, 2010 at 2:52 AM

Is anyone else having problems with their downloader? Mine is acting all kinds of crazy tonight. The program I use it Raimonds. After I open the file that downloaded, it's only one chapter and it looks like this...


I've uninstalled and reinstalled numerous times tonight and nothing is making it better. Any ideas on what is happening? Maybe even a new program suggestion?


Oregon Coast

Friday June 11, 2010 at 10:59 PM

We arrived safely at the coast today.  Bizarre trip down, but that's nothing new for me.  Instead of clogging up the forest, here is a link to the album on my facebook.





HP fanfic, pretty please

Friday June 11, 2010 at 10:42 PM

Hey campers!

I'm a HP fanfic virgin (well, almost. I've fooled around with Finding Himself, but that's it) and would like some recs, because I'm more than a little confused. From what I understand, this fandom is scattered on archive websites, LJ communities and

What are the must-reads in that fandom? What is the Wide Awake of the HP fandom? What are the big Twilighted-like archives websites?

I'm asking for well-written stories with actual magic-related plot (meaning, not only focusing on whatever relationship is in it). Unless it's C/Hr. Then you can rec all the relationship-focused you want ;)

My OTP is Cedric/Hermione, but FH ruined that for me and I don't think I'll ever find something that good (I've asked, and came up short), so let's cross this one out. I'd prefer a Harry/Ginny pairing, or a Draco/Ginny one.

Also, I only read completed fics, so please no WIP

Thank you in advance! (Damn, it's weird to be back at square one and be the lost optimistic one asking for recs with wide eyes full of wonder)

 Also, completely unrelated but I can put it in here because it's FFFA




por favor

Friday June 11, 2010 at 10:21 PM

hey ladies.

ive asked for this before but i think i read all the recs you gave me so im looking for more

bella preggo fics

 i prefer exb but i would be open to a diffreint pairing!

thanks so much for your time! I love you all!


Rob. Earlier Today. LA.

Friday June 11, 2010 at 9:53 PM


Adult FFA - Lets talk about sex bb!

Friday June 11, 2010 at 9:28 PM


Question and Answer Time:

Anything at all we can help each other with in that department.

My question will be in the comments.

Now this is about sex, so if you don't want to contribute don't look in the comments. 


E-Readers vs. Ipad

Friday June 11, 2010 at 9:23 PM

I'm a reading fanatic, so much so that I usually end up taking a carry on bag full of books whenever I take an unfortunate trip back home. Being in Australia there isn't really much market with e-readers here yet (at least not that I've seen).

But I'm looking at trying to save myself the back ache of lugging another bag onto the plane for my next trip home.

The question is which to buy? I know the ipad isn't specifically marketed as a e-reader but I've been told it supports pdf files (which a lot of my stuff is, not to mention I'd be able to read my fanfic updates whilst home - always a plus!) 


So campers- what is your opinion? What type of ereader do you own? Does anyone here use the ipad as a ereader? 

How easy is it to convert documents like html/pdf to epub or lit? 


Any advice would be greatly appreciated


The Importance of Research~

Friday June 11, 2010 at 9:16 PM

Keep this in mind the next time you decide to fudge the research on your next FF....


In The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, officially two movies, Brazilians (and those familiar with the Portuguese language) will get a kick out of listening to Edward (Robert Pattinson) talk about the "Libishomem" myth.

In Stephenie Meyer’s Breaking Dawn, while Edward and Bella (Kristen Stewart) are on their honeymoon on an island off of Rio de Janeiro, a Brazilian couple arrive to clean their home. One of them, a small, dark-skinned woman called Kaure, is part Ticuna Indian; Kaure is visibly afraid of Edward.

"They have their own legends here," Edward explains to Bella. "The Libishomem — a blood-drinking demon who preys exclusively on beautiful women." Edward, with his pale skin and glossy, honey-colored eyes, apparently looks just like one of those "Libishomem."

What’s funny, of course, is that there’s no such thing as a blood-drinking "Libishomem" in Brazilian lore, and certainly not among Indian tribes. Indians (the relatively few that are left in that country) have their own myths and legends, but lobisomem (note the spelling) isn’t one of them. That’s an European legend — one that has nothing to do with vampires — the Portuguese brought with them to Brazil: lobisomem = Portuguese for "werewolf" (lobo, wolf + homem, man). That would be Jacob, not Edward. (I can’t figure out why Meyer didn’t simply use the Portuguese word "vampiro.")

As an aside, I also wondered what the heck a Ticuna Indian was doing in Rio de Janeiro. Since I’d never heard of that ethnic group (neither had any of my Brazilian friends), I did an online search that led me to a species of jumping spiders. I then wondered why in hell Meyer would use the name of a jumping spider for Breaking Dawn’s Libishomem-fearing Kaure. (Well, that’s because I typed in "tacuna" instead of "ticuna.")

A Brazilian friend with better typing skills found the Ticunas: there are 40,000 of them, half of that number in the Brazilian Amazon. The other half is found in Peru and Colombia. Their tonal language is supposed to be unrelated to any other existing language in the world. Sadly, no word on their Libishomem tales.



help me pick

Friday June 11, 2010 at 8:37 PM

so, my best friend has said she will read some fanfic (probably because she wonders what the hell I keep talking about) and I just can't decide which one should be her first. we spend a lot of time together discussing books, husbands, and Twilight .... we also have a deep love of Supernatural. We are (ahem) mature, but enjoy a little trash and smut ...

Wide Awake? U of EM? I just can't pick ... although I guess it should be a completed story to start off ...


it's my first campfire, although I have been lurking and lingering since ADF started ...I have no pretty avatar, because my techno-savvy can just about wade through fanfic. Any directions just confuse me....


I Hate Crackfic

Friday June 11, 2010 at 8:01 PM

I really do hate it... But I'm drunk now, and my two gals I'm hanging with tonight are busy making out with their significant others.

So I'm thinking... Maybe being drunk i'd like crackfic? maybe?

So give it to me. Something short, and something cracky.

Please and thank you, luvvies.

dawnmarie dreaming

Be my personal DJ

Friday June 11, 2010 at 7:06 PM

hey y'all!  before FFAF is over for another week, i've gotta make a request -

i need some new music in the worst way!

i live in a pretty small area, and our radio station choices are pretty limited.  we can have classic rock, pop rock (consisting of ~10 of the top 40 replayed all day long), country, or golden oldies.  now, i've got nothing against any of those - i'm extremely eclectic in my tastes -  but i need something new.

i like pretty much all kinds of music.  and i'll certainly give everything at least one chance.  i still buy/listen to cds - i haven't switched over to the whole downloading tunes off of the internet yet.  so what i need is some recs for some cds i should try out. 

so...what are all you listening to right now?  what cd has just captured your soul lately?  what are the groups that you buy every one of their cds?  it'd be great if you let me know what genre of music your recommendation is, so i know what i'm getting into!  and cd titles, please.  i hate getting rec'd a group and going to the music store only to find that they've got a bazillion cds out and having no clue which one to get. 

help me flesh out my music library...pretty please?


To Wax, Or Not To Wax? That is the Question!

Friday June 11, 2010 at 6:21 PM

SO. Something rather interesting happened today. I came home to a package - addressed to me - that i was not expecting. I didn't have anything on order, and it had an Amazon return address. Anyway, i opened it, and to my horror i found three (THREE!) boxes of Brazilian Wax for Private Parts... W.T.F? I knew i didn't order it. I groom in the shower and never needed to go down that road, so to speak. Since i never ordered it, there was only one other suspect living under my roof.

I called my husband - who i might add is currently in the doghouse for making me work today even though he knew i wanted to watch the World Cup opening match at home, but i digress - and asked if he order the wax. His response: "Well, i was thinking it would be fun to do it together sometime." 0_o 

Ok, stupid me assumed he meant waxing himself too, so when he came home i suggested we take showers and try it on him first, not that i was worried about the pain, and wanted to use him as a guinea pig, or anything. He baulked at that idea, telling me that he only intended it to be used on ME!

Now, my question to you is "should i kick him in the balls for assuming he could satisfy his kinky self at my expense?" I'll probably let him do it to me, but i'm not going to make it easy for him. He's still in the doghouse, and he didn't ask me first before he made decisions for both of us.

Am i being too uptight about this? Just to reiterate, he bought THREE! Presumptuous much?

These are the three he bought:


Who the hell did i marry?



Have a great Free-For-All guys!




Friday June 11, 2010 at 6:03 PM


I'm just sayin'


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