Soooo excited

Friday June 11, 2010 at 5:47 PM

 Can't wait till tomorrow


C'mon boys Its been 44 years.

No more losing on penalties.

This is the year Gerrard (or Ferdinand if he's fit) lifts that trophy just like Sir Bobby in '66!!!

(Think I prefer the original...)

So where are you guys watching the match? Any big plans? I'll be pubbing it like the rest of London.

Where ever you watch it enjoy!





Friday June 11, 2010 at 4:54 PM

I'm a design consultant for a painting company, so I spend a lot of time in other people's homes.  This morning, I met with a woman who had the new Bree Tanner book on her counter and I asked her if she thought it was any good. 

Her response:  *nervous laughter....*  "Well... Uh... I don't know if you know what fan fiction is...???"  Please say yes, or I'm about to look like a HUGE TOOL OMG.

Me: "Heh... oh yeah, I've read a few stories online..."  I mean, I've written two one-shot contest entries (they won some awards!) and have a full length multi-chapter that I'm working on.  I'm also a member of several online communities that are SOLELY DEVOTED TO TWIFIC.  In fact, you might read the campfire that I start about this tonight.

Her: "Well... it kind of reminds me of some of that."  Like... it reminds me of the stories that aren't as well written that no one cares about.

We then proceeded to discuss the Twilight series and it's new addition, and it was a very pleasant conversation.  We talked about the first time we read the whole series - we both finished it in under a week - and how women identify with Bella's fangirling over Edward because ALL GIRLS DO THAT.  You know you had a NKOTB poster in your room... don't even try to lie.

Now.  I know there have been other campfires about this... but it's Friday and this is my first experience with 'Real Life' and the 'Twific Life' colliding, so I'm going to write about it. 

WTF was with that?!?  Why couldn't I tell her that I write TwiFic?  In all honesty, it probably would have made both of us more comfortable... but it just came out of left field!  I was totally not expecting that to come out of her mouth.  Am I worried she'll think I'm a loser?  I don't even know.

Has this ever happened to you... and WHAT DID YOU DO?!?  OMG I choked


The Degrees of Separation

Friday June 11, 2010 at 4:36 PM

Everyone's heard of this, right? There are, like, a million groups about "The Six Degrees of Separation." I don't really understand the entire concept, but basically, it's saying we're all connected to everyone in some way or another.

For example, I "know" Robert Pattinson through the degrees of separation. A girl I went to Kenya with last summer told me this story. Her friend asked her to go to NYC with her for the weekend 'cause her friend works with musicians (my friend's an aspiring singer. she's amazing). Anyway, my friend's friend ended up stuck in a taxi with Rob that weekend. So by three degrees of separation, I know Robert Pattinson.

Also, I know Oprah. I've met both Mark and Craig Keilburger, the founders of Me to We and Free the Children (google it), and they've been on Oprah twice, I believe. So, by two degrees of separation, I know Oprah.

ANOTHER EXAMPLE. My younger cousin's friend got paid $2,000 to skate by in "Just Friends," a movie that features the ever gorgeous Ryan Reynolds. So, by three degrees of separation, I know Ryan Reynolds.

Do you know anyone famous by the degrees of separation?


I like to play with pretty boys that aren't involved in Twilight. :)


bel ami

Friday June 11, 2010 at 4:32 PM

it's a bit early for this... but.

what are your predictions for the movie? 

Sir Rachel

Worth 1000 Words

Friday June 11, 2010 at 3:41 PM

 I now have a webcam. Bad idea, whoever decided that macbooks should all have them. I'm having WAY too much fun taking silly pictures of myself.

So's YOUR turn!

Using a webcam or camera...take a picture of yourself, serious or silly...RIGHT NOW.

That's right...I said RIGHT NOW.

Do it....then come share and have a laugh!


for the ranger in need

Friday June 11, 2010 at 3:15 PM

One of our lovely rangers (show yourself) is in need of giggles.

so, i want you all to play the game I've found.

to make it interactive, post a picture of your final results.

and for all you twihards out there, you can dress up Edward &bella!

normally, i doll up mah campfires, but the comments shall suffice (i hope).



ㅎ_ㅎ o_O >_<

Friday June 11, 2010 at 3:12 PM

EMOTICONS! I love them. Especially when they're all you need for a reply.

Show me what you've got!


Can anyone exude annoyance? Represent rolling eyes? 

What is your favorite face? Mine is this one o_O ----I may use it too often.


:)     :^]    ^_^    %^)



Sci Fi/Alternate stories...

Friday June 11, 2010 at 3:08 PM

So, I'm snuggled up in bed, glancing through my youtube recommendations and it strikes me that most of them are from various sci fi series... over the past year and a half, I've become a litle obssessed with the following.

And this... to the extent of having written multiple fanfiction


And a show that was struck down in it's prime:


Have you seen any of these shows?

Do you love sci fi too? What shows?

What about 'alternate' stories (tin man = alternate Wizard of Oz, Alice = alternate Alice in Wonderland)? Any you'd like to recommend?



More Water for Elephant Pictures!!

Friday June 11, 2010 at 2:02 PM


Photobucket Photobucket

Babyvamp Jessica. com

Friday June 11, 2010 at 1:47 PM

Jessica's Blog: True Blah




Jessica's Blog: Glamour Shots

 This is me today ^^^^^^^^ . Bored. I think I'm going to open a bottle of wine.

Let's see how many campfires I can start. Isn't HBO campaing awesome? And a bonus video of the Viking for you.



Take it away.

PS: I don't have women on my mind Mungo Jerry. Shut up!! Let's start more campires until he ends up in the second page.

PPS: It's all in good fun  Tor.


Doesn't He Own a Shirt?

Friday June 11, 2010 at 1:40 PM

 Ummmm. Kinda just got hot in here. 


Lament for my Instant Queue

Friday June 11, 2010 at 1:07 PM

What in the hell is this shit?  Has The Tudors been taken off Netflix's instant queue?  I need my porn history!  Does anyone understand this?  Why have they done this to me?

I can not live without this

grr pictures


The time has come bitchezzzz

Friday June 11, 2010 at 12:57 PM

So obviously we all know by now the world cup has begin.

So! USA ready to have their ASSES KICKED by England tomorow?

Also I bought the Bree Tanner book. It was shit. Just sayin'.


Luna StarFire

Lurker stepping out from the bushes

Friday June 11, 2010 at 12:14 PM

So I'm stepping out into the crowd to say hello, got my first campfire started.  

Like my colored fire?  Anywho...

My name is Luna.  I've been in the fandom now for almost a year writing a story but haven't really dove too much into reading any fanfics, which I would like to start.  I'm not too sure where to start though.  Was wondering if I can get some stories to start a read list going, maybe a reason as to why you like the story.  Don't really mind the type just not too sure what to start with.


Eclipse B-Roll and Interviews

Friday June 11, 2010 at 12:00 PM

Robert Pattinson on set interview

Kristen Stewart on set interview



Eclipse Chase scene - Better Quality

Friday June 11, 2010 at 11:43 AM

I posted a very low quality version of this last night. Here it is with better resolution and no interview interruptions. 


Scenes that MUST make Breaking Dawn?

Friday June 11, 2010 at 11:06 AM

So, I just read an article that included a pic of Renesmee that made me LOLZ..

this is what is had to say about the scene..
This scene is where The Twilight Saga take a turn for the gruesome. It's like something out of Alien, only not quite as surprising. Bella's baby, Renesmee (yeah, don't ask), is now so huge, she literally breaks out of Bella's body, almost taking mommy's spinal cord with her in the process. Bella's nearly dead as a doornail before Edward realizes what he has to do to keep her alive — change her into a vampire. Like, now. So he injects his venom straight into her heart, then bites her. Many times. All over her body. It might sound hot, but it really isn't — it's all done in despair and with a savagery we haven't seen from Mr. Cullen before. It's the only scene that will push the PG-13 boundaries, but it's one that has to be included. The imagery will be awesome.

So, what scenes are you not looking forward to them trying to produce?




life's for livin, that's our philosophy

Friday June 11, 2010 at 10:40 AM

Summer is just around the corner!

Do you have any plans?

Going on a vacation anywhere?

What's your favorite thing about summer?

Come and share your plans!


ROB + OSCAR = maybe!

Friday June 11, 2010 at 10:21 AM

The cast and crew of Rob’s new drama — including Academy winner Christoph Waltz — think that he’s so good in his new film that he might be up for his own Oscar this year!

We knew our boy had it in him! Robert Pattinson is definitely proving to the cast and crew of his new drama, Water For Elephants, that he isn’t just his Twilight character, brooding vampire Edward Cullen. In fact, he’s SO good as a Depression-era veterinarian that he may even receive his first Oscar nomination!

When Rob’s Elephants co-star, Christoph Waltz, was asked by fans where he kept his Oscar (he won the Supporting Actor trophy this year for Inglorious Basterds) on the Filmore, Calif. set this week, he responded, “It’s in my house, but the way things are looking, I might have to hand it off to Rob next year!”

And Christoph, 53, isn’t the only person on Elephants impressed by Rob’s acting chops. “This movie is going to be amazing, and you’re going to see Rob in a completely different way, a good way,” a crew inside gushed to exclusively, adding, “It wouldn’t surprise me at all if he were to receive an Oscar nod for this role!”

The role in question? Rob plays Jacob Jankowski, a young, Depression-era veterinarian who joins the circus and falls in love with both Marlena, a circus performer (played by Reese Witherspoon) and Rosie, an elephant.

We can’t wait to see this movie! Let the Oscar buzz begin NOW!



World Cup- Mexico VS. South Africa 1-1

Friday June 11, 2010 at 10:12 AM

Let's talk about the first game and the opening ceremony, did you guys enjoy it? Were you surprised by seeing R. Kelly, or was that just me? Were you surprised by the fact that no one won? How did the almost goal that hit the post made you feel?

So tell me your thoughts.

And please take a moment to rememberZenani Mandela, great-granddaughter of Nelson Mandela.

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