
Good things for ME

Tuesday June 8, 2010 at 8:16 PM

Ok.  So, I'm fat.  I'm 34 and I have had three babies and emo baggage. 

Its NOT an excuse. 

Jillian says so.

Tonight's episode of Jillian Michaels' new show "Losing It" has me in tears.  This woman who is 50 and diabetes weighs less than me.  She has had more sh*t dumped on her...but Jillian says she doesn't care because she is GUNNA DIE if she doesn't drop the weight.

I need to get through this weight thing.  I have been this way for a while, but recently put on another 20 lbs since my sister died in 2006.  I have NEVER lost any weight in my life.  I am 5'4".  I found Twilight in March of 2007. 

Twilight got me through some tough stuff.  I wish it could get me through the weight thing too.

What I would like to know is well, really whatever you wanna talk about...I guess...but to put a point on it, HOW HAS TWILIGHT HELPED YOU?



*ranger approved


Oh Jeez

Tuesday June 8, 2010 at 7:36 PM

 i was searching through IMDB and i came across this

It was all but inevitable that the creators of theScary Movie series, Date Movie, Epic Movie,Disaster Movie, and Meet The Spartans(Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer) would be putting together a vampire spoof movie, "Untitled Vampire Spoof" now that the genre has picked up in speed thanks to, well,TwilightTrue Blood, and The Vampire Diaries.

According to Dread Central, "the film -- whatever it is -- has already earned itself a PG-13 rating and will be in theatres on August 18th."

Cinematical's Scott Weinberg predicts that this project is "sure to hit theaters with a big, hollow thud," and Movie Cultists' Scott Yacyshyn says "The movie is supposed to be a spoof on the vampiric tropes of Twilight, but if you’ve seen even a minute of any of the other mind-numbing SelzBerg movies you know it’s just a loosely tied-up series of jokes (not jokes, really: just characters literally saying what they are referencing, exactly)."

So, while the "Untitle Vampire Spoof" might be picking up on the popularity of series like Twilight, it probably won't be catering to that audience (and thusly enjoying the Saga's successes).


so we all love to poke fun at Twilight but seriously? an entire movie mocking all things twilight and vampire? (which means true blood and vampire diaries, too.) 

thoughts? predictions on jokes they are going to make?


how much you wanna bet they get the Jasper characters wig right.....


Glee watch-a-long

Tuesday June 8, 2010 at 4:46 PM

Tonight is the season finale!

Discuss this season, your favorite characters, songs, episodes...

What you think will happen tonight, and what you're looking forward to next season!


Blood is Thicker Than Water

Tuesday June 8, 2010 at 4:22 PM

Blood is Thicker Than Water, Roberto intro


It's Game Time

Tuesday June 8, 2010 at 3:43 PM

 We haven't played a game in a while so let's try a new one to get to know each other better. 

Give us

1 Picture OR gif

1 Song (youtubes are great)

1 Quote

1 Board Game


That BEST represents YOU. After, campers are invited to ask questions of your choices.


Twilight All human Fanfic Award:D

Tuesday June 8, 2010 at 2:59 PM

Am i the only one who's having problems for voting?? all of my favorites are in the all the categories, and i feel guilty for chosing one over the othere:D is anyone feeling the same too??


Jasper National Park

Tuesday June 8, 2010 at 1:28 PM

Was trying to go to the Colorado Rockies (baseball) website, and typed  This of course is missing the "", so it took me to the Canadian Rockies Parks website.  Right as I clicked to go to the actual website I intended, I briefly caught "Jasper National Park", so of course I had to go back!!!

"Jasper is the largest and most northerly Canadian rocky mountain national park, part of a spectacular World Heritage Site. Comprised of delicate and carefully protected ecosystems, Jasper's scenery is none-the-less rugged and mountainous. In this special corner of Canada you can thrill to the thunder of Sunwapta Falls, enjoy the serene beauty of Mount Edith Cavell, connect with nature along 1,000-plus kilometres of trails, experience Athabasca Glacier up close or just resign yourself to a relaxing soak in Miette Hotsprings."

Is it me just needing to get some read into things, or does that description do naughty naughty things to your brain??? Every adjective and even location makes me think of dirty things! Haha

Yes, I'd like to explore this National Park.....



Tuesday June 8, 2010 at 1:23 PM

Lady Gaga video for Teeth. Vampires and homoerotic bondage....and some giggles cause the guy dancing around is quite amusing.

I asked Tor to post it but she said I could instead. Come's awesome.



Weirdest Thing That Makes You Think of Twilight

Tuesday June 8, 2010 at 12:41 PM

So, if I'm in a Twilight mood, sometimes anything can make me think of Twilight. Because of this, I end up in really weird situations. Like this one song that's pretty damn disturbing (although I love it), I end up thinking of a psychotic Edward. Even if it technically shouldn't fit. Never fails.

Actually, I'm putting the video as a comment since it apparently broke Sobriquett's brain so I don't want people to click it without thinking. It's a good song though. I didn't think it was too disturbing but I'm a weird judge.

How bout you guys? Ever hear a song or been a situation and thought of Twilight, and was like "" Not just anything, give me weird shit. And music preferably...

OH! Better yet, do you try to make sense out of it? Cause I've made sense out of that video, and make sense out of a few things that seem pretty out there.


extended clip

Tuesday June 8, 2010 at 12:37 PM

from the MTV movie awards... (which sucked, btw)




i'm hoping that i can get out of seeing this movie, but I don't think that will happen.



'Disapear Here' Mood Board

Tuesday June 8, 2010 at 11:26 AM

Lemme preface this by saying I don't sit around baking up twilight and twilight fanfic related photoshop creations, not to put down anyone who does, i crap.


Sooo my boss is on vacation and while I should be working on summer 2011 collections I am playing with making my own poloroids. Anyone not familiar with fashion, at my company we usually do mood and inspiration boards and I wanted to apply that to a fanfic in a unique way.

This is for Dissapear Here, an amazing fic if you haven't checked it yet, it's the shiz.

Literally I could have gone on with photos forever, I think of them as like little snapshots taken through out the story, but not too too literal.

Anyhow enjoy, lemme know what you think:

Edit: wanted to make it bigger (bigger = more beautiful)



Tuesday June 8, 2010 at 10:53 AM










Checking in with Water for Elephants

Tuesday June 8, 2010 at 10:20 AM

Yep! He's still dirty!!!


See more pics HERE


robert on the cover of premiere

Tuesday June 8, 2010 at 10:12 AM

And there's a new Eclipse still, for those of you craving some Bella/Edward.


Nip slip

Tuesday June 8, 2010 at 9:46 AM




New Eclipse trading cards

Tuesday June 8, 2010 at 9:12 AM

Lots more in the comments!


Separated at birth???

Tuesday June 8, 2010 at 8:40 AM




"A picture is worth a thousand words"

Tuesday June 8, 2010 at 7:18 AM

and truth is stranger than fiction. Wow.



Whatcha got for me today? Fill this post with what you are doing or thinking. Show us some pics too!


Aussie drunk campfire

Tuesday June 8, 2010 at 5:49 AM

ok crew its been a while since I made a campfire and I have to say that I am holed up in a motel room in fucking Tralalgon (google it I dare you, tralralgon victoria australia) its the back end of civilisisasian, (fuck cunt spell that for the life of me and spell check does not even know what I am talking about) anyway I am in a motel on a tuesday fuckimg night after doing training for my job which pays piss poor, and I have not been able to see any MTV stuff, soo I would like all my campfire buddies to tell me all they have to tell me about the awards, sorry that it may have been posted before, but cos I am soooo drunk at the mo I have not looked.

please forgive me, but I don't think there are alot of camprers oout there at the moment so this campfire will get lost in the forest but I don't give a rats.,\

the fucking awesome and most tallented Jennyday approved this for me on twitter.


love you babe


sorry again for the bad speelling


Your favourite smut scenes

Monday June 7, 2010 at 9:12 PM

I am in the mood for some smut. Good smut. The stuff that makes me need to duck of too the bathroom because I'm at work and shouldn't be reading this stuff...

Please help!!!

What is your favourite sex scene.



Why: (optional)


Many thanks in advance!!


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