
Cross overs

Thursday June 10, 2010 at 5:16 PM

 Okay, So I was wondering and talking to my sister about cross overs.

Anyone have any good rec's. I would love to read a Buffy Twilight one, but willing to try others.




Thursday June 10, 2010 at 5:10 PM

 It's ADF's Thursday Night


Gather around, young campers, and tell us what you have forgotten. It's like a quiz show or a crossword puzzle (or something), GIVE US everything you remember about a fic, an author, a book or whatever you wish and WE will try to figure out what the heck you are talking about.


( and get help in the mean time)

lol tricia
oh, sweet irony


Pet Peeve's

Thursday June 10, 2010 at 4:47 PM

 So, yeah, I know I have many pet peeves. 

What are yours? List two. One from real life, and one pet peeve about Twilight. (Can be from the books or movies)

RL: My mother buying me clothes that she knows are so not my style.

Twilight: Breaking Dawn's Edward. (WTF? He's a complete douche in it...just saying...)





Thursday June 10, 2010 at 4:45 PM

So I just finished reading the third fic this week that ended with "and then everything went black."

I am so sick of Bella fainting all the time in stories. It just really bugs the hell out of me. Another one that makes me roll my eyes is when Bella loses her virginity and the single tear rolls down her check only to be kissed away by Edward. I'm not saying losing your virginity doesn't hurt because yes, do does, and I'm sure that some people cry, but I didn't cry and neither has anyone else I've ever spoken with. GRR...

So anyway, what is your most hated Twilight fan fiction cliché?


3 more days 'til true blood

Thursday June 10, 2010 at 4:31 PM

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yeah, the other characters have posters, too

but this is the only one that matters

well, pam's doesn't even look like her, so i'm pretending it doesn't exist


New Victoria Scene

Thursday June 10, 2010 at 2:46 PM

It's low quality, but Extra has a short interview with BDH (Victoria) and some new footage from Eclipse.

So..... I wonder how fans will react to her as opposed to Rachelle Lefevre, when the film comes out. 


The San Francisco Treat? What?

Thursday June 10, 2010 at 2:22 PM



Hey Campers!

Jessica is out of school for the summer, but she's still keeping busy with her interviews!  It seems like she's combining her college research with her love of fine journalism.  This week she talked to EMMETT from LOVE IN MY BOX by the fantabulous writing team, cosmoandmarvar.

If you're not reading this fic, you need to!  It's hilarious!  I'm so jealous of Jessica for talking to Emmett, I love him!!

Interview in the comments.....


J Squared

Thursday June 10, 2010 at 2:00 PM

Jenny updated River Dam, and my heart has not yet recovered.


And per her chapter note, Jandco has flipped off too many people, and was recently paid a little visit by Karma.

River Dam is winding down. And just in time, too! Since JANDCO HAS DISLOCATED HER FINGER and can no longer type! OMG! In other news, Sanctuary's last chapter is going up on Saturday, as far as I know. If anyone starts a thread for this River Dam update, you should also lemme know how you feel about Sanctuary and GIVE JANDCO ADVICE ON HOW TO LIVE WITHOUT THE MIDDLE FINGER OF HER RIGHT HAND! Thanks as always for being awesome readers.


Kids & Ratings...

Thursday June 10, 2010 at 12:20 PM

 Hey Ya'll... So I'm having a double issue, aren't I always... but I need some advice

First off, I posed this question off to my twitter followers but got no response, I'm starting to think only 3 of my followers are real lol but I was wondering if this new Alice in Wonderland - rated PG - was appropriate for kids. I have a 'mature' 6 yr old who keeps asking to see if but my gut instinct tells me No Way - just off this preview alone.

It looks so dark and I'm not exactly clear the message its suppose to be sending out and well, idk it just looks creepy! I guess I'm like the ONLY person in the world that doesn't know this story, so have any of ya'll seen't it or do you think it's a appropriate or not?? Lemmie Know.

Soooooo..... then that got me thinking this ^^^ movie can't be that bad if it's only PG and Twilight is PG-13 and my daughter has definitely watched that, it's one of her favorites -smh. Although I didn't give her permission the first time she saw it, she was only mildly freaked out by James - more mad because he broke the mirrors in a ballet studio and caused a mess, than for biting Bella. When it was time for New Moon, she was properly FREAKED out by Dakota on the previews with her Red Eyes and hurting "Momma's Edward" so I figured that was a immediate no-go. But then, after I'd seen it a few times and it went to the 1$ theaters, we ended up there having a girl's day. I can admit, it wasn't a great idea because she spent the entire Volturi scene in my lap and teared up when Edward leaves Bella, but overall she said she really liked it and she's totally Team Jacob. I do remember leaving thinking I'd never had to explain a movie so much with her and there was No Way in hell she was gonna make it through Eclipse. But now its that time again and she's BEGGING me to go see it.... or at least let her watch it on DVD eventually. I've yet to budge.

Is anyone else going through this at all?? Any advice?? WWYD?? And what's up with Ratings nowadays? It seems like a movie has to be completely inappropriate just to get a R rating nowadays, I.E The Hangover (although it was great) Plus... dare I go there, but BD... PG-13??? I don't understand how all these movies can stay in the same ratings bracket when obviously the material is changing and getting more, err... Intense. 



Thursday June 10, 2010 at 9:45 AM

There's an old pic of Henry Cavill taken from a movie he did when he was younger, where he's wearing clothes similar to Rob's costume here and has his hair done in the same style. I need to find it and put them side by side for fantasy fodder  comparison.


Eclipse: "What did you do to me?"

Thursday June 10, 2010 at 8:52 AM

 Check out the new scene featuring Bree and Riley

I supposed this is a good time to discuss these 2 characters, featured heavily in the film, but not so much in the books. Have you read Bree's book? What did you think? How about Riley? Are you thinking it's a good thing to see more of him prior to the battle in Eclipse?



Thursday June 10, 2010 at 8:21 AM

Howdy Campers!

Today is the joyous anniversary of the birth of one of the

Forest's own VIP AUTHORS!

Let's celebrate & wish her much happiness!



New Eclipse Videos

Thursday June 10, 2010 at 8:04 AM

 Director David Slade gave a rare interview to IGN online. And by rare, I mean we have heard less from him than the previous Saga directors. Like Chris Weitz, I can't help but like the guy. He talks about vengeance, Edward being "dangerous", the newborns, and Riley. 

Also, MTV caught up with Jackson Rathbone, and talked about his larger role in Eclipse. 



Robert Bids You Good Morning

Thursday June 10, 2010 at 6:08 AM

New WFE pics, June 9th. 



I see you Christoph Waltz.

Click to make them real damn big. Enjoy! 






Thursday June 10, 2010 at 4:31 AM

Hiya! So I finanlly decided to try that Twitter thing that everyone seems to do, so far I'm confused. But thats not the point of this post!

While trolling through to find stuff to follow I started to think; would Edward use Twitter? What would he write? What about Rose? Or Emmett? I think I'd be more likely to follow them than Edward, I think they'd be funnier.

So, who of the Cullins (did I spell that wrong? It looks wrong....I dunno....it's been a long day....) do you think would use Twitter? Who would you follow? And what sort of stuff do you think they'd tweet?

PS. Whoops, it does have an 'e'. Cullen, not Cullin. Sorry, I'm a little spaz at the moment, Twitter may be frying my brain...

PPS. And if anyone would like to give me any Twitter pointers please do!


So, I know I've asked this before

Wednesday June 9, 2010 at 11:18 PM

 ...but what ended up happening to the The One With All The Twilight Contest?

Just sayin'



Wednesday June 9, 2010 at 8:56 PM

One of the best writers out there in the fanfic world is taking a well deserved break, the brilliant


I'm not sure if anyone has done this already, but to coincide with the posting of the final chapter of Decoy, I wanted to start a campfire to discuss the pure awesomeness of Amber.

I encourage everyone to post their favourite bits of her writing, or feelings it may have inspired in you, best wishes for her break, or just presents to remind her that we love and adore her.

My personal opinions will be in the comments.


Late Night Pimp

Wednesday June 9, 2010 at 8:50 PM

 I had a rough day/night. Sorry this is so late. So make it fun. Pimp ANYTHING that you or your friends do. Be shameless. Promote the hell out of something. Anything goes. Make Emibella proud.



The Velveteen Mother & Other Really Unusual Fics

Wednesday June 9, 2010 at 8:23 PM

I just finished "The Velveteen Mother" by krismom.  http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5646054/1/ 

I have been so "blah" about Twifics lately, and feeling like I am coming down from a fanfiction high - I am sure many, if not all, of us have experienced this.  It is my first time with feeling a sense of dissatisfaction with Twifics, but I can imagine it happening periodically.  All the fics seem typical, the same, etc.  

Somone recommended to me The Velveteen Mother and given that it is a pretty short and relatively quick read, I gave it a shot - despite the fact that I immediately discovered that it starts focused on a 60-something Esme lamenting the current predicament of her children.  Honestly, that was a big turn off, but I kept going and I am so very glad I did. 

Quite simply, The Velveteen Mother is fantastic and different, told from a very interesting perspective that manages to encompass some very transformative character arcs in the short 11 chapters.  This fic ultimately presents very familiar, loveable characters with twists.  (I am a sucker for E/B pairing)  The focus is on romantic relationships, some canon and some very non-canon.  The story zips back and forth between present and different times in the past, but it is seamlessly done and each flashback really propels the current plot forward.   One of the final scenes (told in slight flashbacks) is probably one of my favorite scenes of all time, not only because of the sheer romance, sweetness and heart-tugging, but also because it shows a real character journey.  

In the interest of full disclosure, I must admit that I am a mom of two boys and maybe that's why I eventually became engrossed in the story.  However, putting that bias aside, I can honestly say this a beautiful story, and beautifully written. If you haven't read it, run over and give it a try.  You won't regret it!  Honestly, I have never felt so compelled to write this detailed a review (or any review) but here I am starting this campfire not only to share this fic, but to see if anyone else has other fics they'd like to share.

The Velveteen Mother has invigorated and anxious to seek out more unique Twifics, and got me back into the Twific groove.  Anybody else have any really different fics they just fell in love with or couldn't stop thinking about?  I would love to hear . . . especially if they ultimately stay true to the E/B pairing :)  Old Twi-habits die hard.



The Moment is Here...

Wednesday June 9, 2010 at 7:06 PM


It's the Bree readalong.

Will we get to know more about Victoria?

Will SM use more cliches than a Batman and Robin cartoon?

Will there be oodles of dream scenes? (no, wait, no sleeping with these vamps)

Will it be dark and angsty and gritty?

How many times will we see the words 'furious' 'beautiful' and 'chuckle'?

Will there be lots of frowning and hand-clenching?

Will SM's writin style be markedly different with time and reflection?


Come on in


If you missed the earlier post here's how it works.

The lovely Justine Lark separated this single uber-chapter into sections.

I will make a comment for each section and then comments concerning that particular section will be made in reply to the original section comment.

Anything goes - fangirling, critique, snark, philosophy, rage, love, indifference....just so long as the usual ADF rules apply.

There aren't that many of us participating in this but we'll just comment away and see how it goes.


It's getting late in the states and we're only part way in - do you want to continue this tomorrow night? And if so would it be better to start earlier? Let me know your thoughts.

First --- | >> | 1120 | 1121 | 1122 | 1123 | 1124 | 1125 | 1126 | 1127 | 1128 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
