
Funny interviews

Friday June 11, 2010 at 9:38 AM

I'm bored and alone at home.  Show me some funny celebrity interviews. Here is mine:


PS: Did you know that she is a natural blond and that she had her son at age 12.


New Edward/Bella Shot from Eclipse

Friday June 11, 2010 at 9:29 AM

I'm looking forward to this scene, ngl.





Reese and Rob WFE pics

Friday June 11, 2010 at 9:04 AM

A lot of folks have been wanting to see Reese on set and in costume. Here ya go!  More added inside




Is it just me?!

Friday June 11, 2010 at 8:53 AM

Ok, I was wondering about something this morning and wondered if it is just me?!

My husband has gone away this weekend, he left very early this morning and after he left I went back to bed. I was sprawled out across the bed and thinking to myself 'this is awesome, look at all the space I have'!

Now, I am all for cuddling when you first get into bed for a little while, but then when I actually want to go to sleep, I like a bit of space!

About 99% of fanfics I read have lots of descriptions of how E & B fall asleep/wake up with 'their limbs tangled together' or Bella curled up on Edwards chest, or Edward sprawled out on top of Bella etc etc!

What I want to know is if normal people can actually sleep like this?! Is it just me being unfair and booting my husband to the other side of the bed??

Any thoughts campers?!


What do you do on Friday Nights?

Friday June 11, 2010 at 7:32 AM

Hi all,

I'm boring I hardly ever do anything on friday nights. Last friday I went to my friends house and spent most of the night chatting and having an early/late breakfast. We didn't even drink and it was fun!! What do you do on friday nights? Where do you hang out. What is your favorite club/thing to do?

For your Time


Un-Happy Endings

Friday June 11, 2010 at 7:11 AM


Hey all… This is my first fire so… Anyway, I am looking for some fic recs today. Particularly, un-happy endings. So many of the fics I am currently reading have some very difficult material in them but it all ends happily ever after. I want something that ends naturally and is not forced to be so happy.
Thanks for your help.


Friday June 11, 2010 at 6:55 AM


hello all!

I want some recs.... please!

I watched Ladder 49 last night for the first time i cried like a baby and have been looking for a story with Edward in uniform. I have tried looking and nothing is holding my intrest.

So can you please rec me something?




It's a Friday for confessions...

Friday June 11, 2010 at 6:50 AM

I'm yearning for the Spice Girls, and all things 90's, free4851 wants your 80's book recs and kisvakondok loves Briottney (she expressed her Brittney love using a garden hosepipe and apparently her sister has this snippet of debauchery on video)

Jenny, if you're watching, we need father Edward over here to absolve us of our sins....

Talking of sins...there are a good few of us here who write so I challenge you - go through your old files and post something that is at least 5 years old. Now, dont' cheat, you are not allowed to edit, just go right on ahead, grit your teeth and post.

Mine is in the comments



Book Rec

Friday June 11, 2010 at 5:59 AM

 I read this the other was a gift from a friend who knows how very nostalgic I can be.  I know there are plenty of you out there who drool over all things 80's too.  This memoir really will take you back...  Aquanet Diaries: BIg Hair, Big Dreams, Small Town by Jennifer NIven



Friday June 11, 2010 at 5:51 AM


I am taking 5 little boys and one little girl to the strawberry patch to pick strawberries!  STUPID DECISION, I KNOW!

Twilight never mentions Bella picking any flowers...she was too busy gawking at Edward's sparkly you-know-what to concentrate.  and how was that for relating to Twilight? (yeah, I know it FFAF-but its fun to see just how "related" to Twilight everything is in muh head!)





secret shame

Friday June 11, 2010 at 5:14 AM

The other day we had this argument about whether the kind of music you're listening to is somehow representative of you and what kind of person you are. There are people out there who think that your iTunes library can show deeper insight into your personality than *gasp* your Facebook profile. (I doubt Zukerberg would agree.)

Going trough my iTunes library it is apparent that I'm a shallow person who likes crappy pop songs waay too much, most of my playlist include at least one Lady Gaga song, and outside pop my only interest is indie-music, ten of the top 25 are Vampire Weekend songs. And I have one Britney song in there too. I mean, I still love this song so much it's embarrassing, my sister has footage of me singing it into a garden hose.

What is the secret shame song on your iTunes?

Edit: It's totally unrelated, but it's Hugh Laurie's B-day today. Happy B-day, Dr. House!


Salt River Tubing is #2 'salt' search on google

Friday June 11, 2010 at 4:58 AM

That's my lame fact for the day. Feel free to ignore.

For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, it's summer. That means sun, pools, beaches, vacations, and all kinds of other crazy fun.
Every area has something that's the "it" thing to do in the summer. In Phoenix, tubing down the Salt River is just one of the few ways for us to keep cool in the 573 degree weather or just an excuse to be lazy and get drunk

Tomorrow today I'll be spending my day on the river similar to these people

omg they're crazy for not using towels or sheets on those black tubes

I'll probably come back with a really awkward burn(because I always burn, no matter how much sunblock I use) and since I don't really like beer, I'll likely be the sober one driving everyone home.
Despite those two things, I'm super excited and can't wait for my day on the river.
In celebration, I want to know what it is you like to do to keep cool in the summer. What's you're summer tradition, annual vacation, or daily ritual? What place do people from your town/city/state/general location migrate to in the summer?

And for a little something extra, here's my favorite billboard I drive by on my way home from work. It never fails to entertain me.



Friday June 11, 2010 at 2:46 AM

So I just debuted a new story: Cracked. It's not at all serious, and in fact it has no plot. It's just going to be some funny rewrites of scenes from the Twilight series.

To make this interactive: share your opinion of crack!fic with me. Love it? Hate it? Got a favorite? What makes a crack!fic good rather than irritating? Do you regard the whole of Breaking Dawn as a crack!fic just to keep yourself from screaming at it?

FYT: Mike Rowe


FFAF so I can

Friday June 11, 2010 at 1:28 AM

 So I'm writing a new story...but it's not twilight *shocked face*

No my new story Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is an AU Draco/Hermione fic, about what could have happened if Voldemort had actually died when he tried to kill Harry. Harry and Ron are the schools popular kids, and the bullies. Hermione is way cool, and obviously Harry and Ron never had to save her from the troll so they never became friends, Draco isn't prejudiced, as his father can't be anymore, no matter how much Lucius would like to be. It's basically a rewrite of HP, not gunna be any angst, not much drama, just light a fluffy thanks :)

So I wanna know, do you write for any other fandoms except twilight?

If so, post your stories!!

Share the expansive fandom love :D


90's nostalgia

Thursday June 10, 2010 at 11:50 PM

It was the decade of Britpop, Boybands, Grunge, Friends, Buffy,   Internet Explorer, Y2K fever, Dolly the Sheep, The Clintons , 'Cool Britannia',  Tiger Woods,  Manchester United becomes the first team in soccer history to  win 'The Treble', Titanic  (the highest grossing film of the decade) and me spending most of my time either behind or in front of a bar...well, the second 2/3 of it anyhoo...

I'm feeling nostalgic (no, really, I am)

Give me 90's pop culture references - music, videos, news items...anything to eemind my of my fast and furious days...



[Insert witty campfire title here]

Thursday June 10, 2010 at 11:45 PM

Hey everyone!

So, I'm a nosy bitch person. I want to know about your week. Tell me. I want details

So, this week, pixievamp changed her avi and I'm (kinda) mad at her because I can't stop staring at it.

This week, The Medicine Wheel (minisinoo's website) went away forever... :'( I is sad panda about that.

This week, we got a fuckton of pictures from the WfE set. Sweaty, tan, dirty Rob. And sexpenders. Gah.

This week, Première magazine posted an awesome photo of aforementioned Rob in a leather jacket with his legs spread. Double gah.

This week, I caved and read The Hunger Games. I'm deperately waiting for my bookstore to be FINALLY restocked so I can buy Catching Fire.

This week, our very own KissinCullens posted her first o/s, which is gorgeous. I can't stop gushing about it. It's lyrical, poetic, a true work of art despite being unbeta'ed. You will fall in love with this Edward and the way he describes his love for Bella. It's here Forever More Unrequited

This week, there was an epic twitter fail and half the fandom was ragey (including me)

This week, we got more ridiculous wigs Eclipse videos and interviews

This week, I discovered the wonderfulness that was @RpattzPicSpam and @robmusement. Follow them. They tweet robporn all the time. And you can follow me, too, if you want. I'm @goldenhair2

This week, Rob and Kristen pretended to be bad at kissing at the VMAs (omg I'm just kidding don't throw things)

This week, 107yearoldvirgin took some time off from the fandom... I is sad panda about that, too.


How did your week go?

(and give me your twitter, as long as you're here)


giggle giggle

Thursday June 10, 2010 at 10:40 PM

It's almost here!



It's HERE!!

Thursday June 10, 2010 at 10:07 PM

The countdown is ON!!!!

WORLD CUP 2010 South Africa

Come on in here and let's TALK  World Cup!!!! EVERYTHING ABOUT IT!!!!

My predictions for this year are inside.




Drop A Happy Birthday Line...

Thursday June 10, 2010 at 10:05 PM

 Hi there! This is my very first campfire. My very best RL friend NondiRochelle told me about this awesome place. I am currently in the great state of Texas visiting her for the summer. I'm also here for her birthday. So I just wanted ya'll to drop her a line either here or over at Twitter telling her happy 22nd Birthday. She's @NondiRochelle




i'm in indiefolk jizzinmypants heaven

Thursday June 10, 2010 at 9:59 PM

mt. desolation features members from:

-mumford & sons

-the killers


-the long winters and

-the fiddle guy from noah and the whale

it's right up my depressive folksy alley


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