
What Other Fandoms?

Monday June 7, 2010 at 8:54 AM

Well, we all know why we're HERE. We love/like/love to hate Twilight. 

But are any of you involved in other online fandoms?? Do you participate in any other online communities??

For me, there's this of course:

and more recently this little gem:

And when these books are adapted to the big screen, my life will be consumed:

So campers, tell what else you're involved in online!



Monday June 7, 2010 at 8:02 AM

Hola Campers!

(i may or may not be slightly hungover.  cheap wine has a tendency to sneak up on me omg)

Didja watch the MTV Awards?  srsly, who didn't

Just a couple of things....

 1) The Kiss made me LOL:

2) I don't even want to DISCUSS that Eclipse trailer.  I can't go there.  Just... NO.


3) Peter Facinelli is my HERO:


Moving on....


My basement flooded and I had some mis-adventures at a laundromat, then I went to graduation party.  The party was quiet and a little lame, but then I came home, made BBQ Ribs that were WIN, and drank entirely too much wine - as usual.

Some Random Facts For The Water Cooler:

*The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV were Fred and Wilma Flintstone.

*Men can read smaller print than women can; women can hear better.

*The world's youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910.

*111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321

*In Shakespeare's time, mattresses were secured on bed frames by ropes. When you pulled on the ropes the mattress tightened, making the bed firmer to sleep on. Hence the phrase "goodnight, sleep tight".


Talk to me....


Looking for a FanFic To Read

Monday June 7, 2010 at 7:53 AM

Ok- so I am sure that I am not the only one that has done this,  but as I am new, I am  hoping it lets me get the break this time...LOL

I am looking for FanFic to read. I am semi-picky so here are my Must Have's:

Strong Bella- not the fall down and go boom clumsy, high school version of her, a Bella that has lived a little, and isn't a virgin at the age of 24....

Strong Edward-not the controlling, or hopelessly in love type, a man that has been there and done that is ok...

Witty, well written, can either be a WIP or complete (I prefer complete, but I understand that my criteria may not be met)

I prefer for them to NOT be in high school, not have Bella be the victim, drug abuse and TONS o sex is fine as I am not a prude and prefer it to be on the lemony side..I realize I probably have high standards, but alas...that is who I am..

If you recommend something, please enclose the link- I am on here, twilighted.net and fanfic all the time.

Thanks! and happy camping :)





Best Kiss

Monday June 7, 2010 at 4:24 AM

So I didn't watch the awards last night due to lack of MTV but I was wondering were Rob and Emilie nominated for best kiss?

I know Kristen and Dakota were. in my opinion Remember Me kissing scenes way hotter than Rob and Kristen.

What do you think?

Ohh and the proper way to collect this award. Watch and learn Robsten, watch and learn!!!!



Monday June 7, 2010 at 2:55 AM

can someone please tell me WTH was with the eclipse video:( bella would never chose jacob over edward, that was just sad, edwad was so heart:( i really hate movie bella now:(



EDIT:  I'm not saying edward is not a manipulator. I'm saying that edward did manipulate bella in the books too, but bella didn't act like this, SM's version of bella would never do this that's what i'm saying.


Thank You Miss Jennyfly

Sunday June 6, 2010 at 9:47 PM

Riverdam has updated!






Well, hello there Bree...

Sunday June 6, 2010 at 8:53 PM

The free read of The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner is up early!!

I know what I'm doing tonight!! 

(Don't hate me for my undying love of all things SMeyer.)




Sunday June 6, 2010 at 4:37 PM


Here is the link to the MTV live stream of the movie awards.






Sunday Fanfic Chat

Sunday June 6, 2010 at 3:15 PM

You may recall that we talked earlier in the week about having a campfire where we could talk about what we read during the week and what we thought about it.

Well, this is THAT thread.

Since this is our first time trying this we'll just see how it goes.

Comment with a fic that you read this week and what you thought. If you want to discuss anything specific, let us know and those who read it can talk about it too.

This will probably work best for fics that just updated, like SANCTUARY or RHAPSODY IN B or PIANO LESSONS for example.

You can also chat about anything fanfic related. Just make sure that you reply to the right comment so that it is threaded and doesn't get confusing.

Again, this may not work. But let's give it a shot. I am all for chatting about reading! Plus, you want to get talking before the movie awards!


help a girl out...

Sunday June 6, 2010 at 2:29 PM

 I am unfortunately under the ailment of forgetfulness...

There is a fic.

Edward dies at the beginning.

Bella is pregnant.

5 years later, Bella meets...Josh(?) Cullen who only looks a little different...

But really we all know somehow it's Edward.

Bella's daughter has a name like Abby or Maggie or something, and she calls her "beb" (which i always thought was cute)

And some secret agent stuff happens, but I can't remember if it's been updated since that. 

Anyone know what fic this is? or if it was updated? Pretty sure the title started with an M.. or had an M... oh goodness, just halp me...



Sunday June 6, 2010 at 2:00 PM


I'm not sure if this has been posted before, but I found it on stumble today.

It made me giggle. =P


Help cure what ails me... please

Sunday June 6, 2010 at 1:17 PM

Um, hello.  So, I'm new(ish) here and this is me giving up my campfire starter v card.  I'm having one of those lovely days when being a girl sucks a$$ and even eating Oreo balls (yum) isn't helping.  So, I'm asking you lovely campers to please, help a girl out and throw me some oneshots.  I'm a oneshot fiend.  I generally like Edward/Bella and Edward/Jasper, but I'm up for anything that's well written.  Oh, and uh, I love me some Harry Potter, so that's welcome too.

Just to up the interactive factor, how do you get through your girly woes?  Or guys, how do you help your lady through them?

FYT and just 'cause he's hot and I want to lick his jaw...





Redundant is Redundant

Sunday June 6, 2010 at 1:00 PM

So, there are several threads up in here about Bree Tanner, but none of them are for those of us that have already read it.   I thought it might be a good idea to start a fan review thread so that we keep the others spoiler free and have a place to chat.  

My thoughts are inside.   So, if you read it, what did you think?

 Or am I the only person that's read it?  Kindle just makes buying books WAY too easy.  I don't even have to get off the couch and grab my wallet......good and bad thing.


Papa Cullen on Radio One

Sunday June 6, 2010 at 12:26 PM

So Peter Facinelli is being interviewed on BBC Radio One right now.  OH NOES, it's ending now as I type damnit.

Did anyone else hear it?

He talked about Kellan buying the Twilight board game at ToysRUs when they were bored and stuck in their hotel rooms during Eclipse.  Ashley won.

I came in as he was saying all the usual stuff about the cast being friends, bleh bleh. 




Sunday June 6, 2010 at 10:55 AM

So it's my birthday....yay!

Anyhoo, I had my birthday party last night and as it was winding down, I decided to check my email. Guess what I saw?

Low and behold, an update for Piano Lessons. Fan-facking-tastic!

So I write WTVOC a rather raucnhy review telling her how this is the best bday gift ever and referencing felacio if the proper organs existed. I also apologize for the raunchy review, because I was drunk.....and reading fanfic.....what an experience.

WTVOC procedes to right me back and thank me for my "amazingly worded  review" and gave me a sneek peek for the next chapter.

Any other of my fave authors wanna give me a bday gift and update today? ::cough cough:: acciobourbon, theheartoflife, itzmegan75, idpatthat::cough cough::

And finally for WTVOC because she's awesome


And for me, because it's my birthday and I'm awesome


MTV who?

Sunday June 6, 2010 at 10:19 AM

I'm watching SoccerAid on ITV... Michael Sheen is captaining the 'Rest of the World' Team!

How did I miss that?!

I'm still supporting 'England' though. Come join this thread and talk SoccerAid in protest of MTV not showing the movie awards until Monday night (at the same time as Glee. NOT IMPRESSED.)



EDIT: Kick- off is at 7pm, I believe. And it's all in aid of UNICEF.


MTV. Tonight.

Sunday June 6, 2010 at 8:38 AM

The awards are on tonight.  Pattinson and Co. will be there.

Oddly enough, Christina Aguilera is set to sit right behind Mr. Pattinson (they must have the same management or PR or something.  Her tour is cancelled, her stuff bombs and suddenly all of the Christina Who and Relevent Rob stuff is surfacing)

Anyway--predictions on what could go down?

Will Robert stand up and declare his love for Grownasswoman on national television?

Will Stew give Xtina the stink eye?

Will Taylor Lautner wear a shirt?

Tell me your realistic or not so realistic predictions for the evening.


Talk To Me About Midnight Sun

Sunday June 6, 2010 at 6:22 AM

Okay fandom, we need to have a talk.  I understand that The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner was not that great (shocking, I know).  However, that doesn't seem to be the reason for all the hate directed towards this new novella.  In fact, most of it seems to have to do with SMeyer publishing this rather than finishing Midnight Sun.


Now I'm fully prepared to admit that, as someone who doesn't jump on the Edward bandwagon, this book might just be lost on me from the get go.  But this fandom has a habit of pouncing on authors who like to rehash chapters from a different POV just for shits and giggles.  Why?  Because when you've already seen a chapter's actions through the eyes of one character, RARELY is there any need to see them through the eyes of another.   Seriously, I've seen this type of behavior generate ABSOLUTELY HATEFUL responses from readers.

So why are so many people so eager to pay money to see SMeyer DO THE EXACT SAME THING?  I mean, we know what happens in Twilight, correct?  Why the overwhelming urge to see Edward watching Bella sleep for 300+ pages?



Not a Dr But I Play One in FF

Sunday June 6, 2010 at 5:26 AM

Bear with me...

I sat back and watched the Bree commentary unfold yesterday like I did with BD. I watched the discussion boards. I went to Amazon and Barnes and Noble's sites to see what people were saying there.   It was like one giant social study, observing the commentary that evolved.  

Hey, it was rainy crappy here, and it passed time.

Anyway, here are the threads that evolved and some of the comments I gleaned:

Re the Bree Book

- more folks were vocal against it than for it, although the reasons were mixed.  Why this character and not that one? Why the additions of history that change logic? 

- why sell the print vs (with a dollar going to charity) and offer it for free too?

- was it written any better than the other books? Has SM improved as a writer? Was it edited better?

Re Midnight Sun

- the most vocal backlash! People were upset, why Bree, why not Midnight Sun? The bookseller boards were getting nasty with the comments and reviews. 

RE Stephenie Meyer

- lots of comments about milking the cash cow, about staying relevant.  

- where is Midnight Sun? Why did she lie to us when she said no more vamps?

- will she ever finish Midnight Sun, or is she so far into Jacob now that she can't reclaim Edward?

My Humble Take

- Most of us that came to the books enjoyed Twilight.  This same group is most likely the set that skipped 2/3 of NM to get to Edward again.  It was never about the story, it was about Edward 

- Stephenie Meyer is a storyteller.  Big difference in being a great storyteller and being a great writer. A lot of the BD backlash tied to that. 

- She made comments about losing Edward's voice (which was apparent in BD) - if that is the case, could she get it back? Would MS be forced without it, and even if it is produced, will it receive the same sort of backlash because of her writing style and evolution?

During the summer of 2008 the stories changed, and with it, the innocence and idealism that a number of people view the saga with. BD was not the story that a number of people had hoped for, and left some scratching their heads.  Once the Midnight Sun leak hit and there were hurt feelings in the fandom AND in the SM camp, a schism seemed to develop that almost became an us vs. her.  It feels as though that schism has grown, but as GAW mentioned in a post below. there are multiple factions in that schism. Die hard fans that consume everything, people (like myself) who enjoyed the characters so much they want more, but in a style that enhances SM's, as well as those who came in via the movies and not the books.  Those are only a few, and there are most likely many more. 

At root, a book written as YA has established cross generational appeal, and has touched a number of people in very different ways. We've been part of a phenomenon which, regardless of where we are in our engagement (coughPTWFcough) has been an experience that  helped us stretch skills, make friends, or pass an hour.  I may not be the biggest SM fan in the world, but I owe her a huge thank you for that.

Dr. Pollyanna signing off ;)





Awake in the infinite cold

Sunday June 6, 2010 at 2:41 AM

I recommended this in the campfire last night but have just finished it.

Anyone who hasn't read it go read it now!!!!

Seriously it's one of the best fics I've read in a very very very long time. So so good and it's complete.


I can't remember who recommended this story in their campfire yesterday but whoever it was a BIG HUGE THANK YOU!


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