
I'm sadface

Friday June 4, 2010 at 8:09 AM

My mood has been crapped on because I just found out my poor little hamster died. He was old and died peacefully in his sleep, but I'm still totally :( :( :(

I was thinking, what could possibly make me feel better about my poor little hammy's death? You know it.

FML stories.

Parents ever caught you masturbating, and you thought, "Oh, f*** my life"? Ever ruined someone's wedding? Fell onto your face in front of an audience? Lit your house on fire? Lit your friend's house on fire?

I wanna hear your embarrassing, hilarious, or simply pitiful FML stories! 

Give me your worse moments!


He tans! He emotes!

Friday June 4, 2010 at 6:08 AM

Edward Schmedward.  I'm team Jacob Janokowski-whatever.

Get a load of this gorgeous-osity:

Credit to, by the way, run by the lovely Godze.    Do I visit there ? no no.  Not at all. Uh-huh.

Ranger Edit: There are more new pictures inside. They are tons today!


Kristen Apologizes.

Friday June 4, 2010 at 6:04 AM,,20316279_20391187,00.html

The entire statement will be in the comments.


trying to find a fic

Friday June 4, 2010 at 4:29 AM

Read this fic a while back. Edward is a Vamp and Bella is a Wolf  but they are attracted to each other anyway


Give me something funny

Friday June 4, 2010 at 3:36 AM

It's 5:36 A.M., I'm not going to sleep anytime soon and I would kill for a laugh.

Post something you find funny, it could be anything, pictures, videos, etc.

Out of curiosity, what's everyone's time?


And now for something completely different...

Friday June 4, 2010 at 2:23 AM

As an English lady (I'm a laadeee...ahem) I enjoy good ol' 'British humour'

Give me, John Cleese in Monty Python or Fawlty Towers

Or Rowan Atkinson in Black Adder (personallty I prefer the 2nd and 3rd)

 Or Fry and Laurie (*sigh* Hugh Laurie)

So I want to know, what is your take on 'British humour'?

Do you enjoy it? Do you not get it?

What's you favourite sketch?

Personally mine is;

However this comes in close second with my father quoting it at every possible moment ("Don't mention the war, I did once but I think I got away with it" LOL)

Poor Basil, he's so dim :)



4 things

Friday June 4, 2010 at 12:48 AM

What are four things you never leave the house without?


Mine are:

My phone


My iPod


A book




do tell....

Friday June 4, 2010 at 12:46 AM

I'm gonna take a guess and say that it's FFAF.... it is 3:30 am here in Ohio after all.

Why am I awake? Let's just say my father decided to call me an hour ago and i haven't been able to get back to sleep. damn 2:30 drunk phone calls.

For the past two days I have been wondering how my fellow campers would answer this question. Who is you older man crush? I'm not talkin a few years older I mean like older than you it should be embarassing.

example: I am 20 and the other day while watching the movie 'Up In The Air' i decided that this man

isn't half bad looking. He is however 49 years old, he is old enough to be my dad *shudder*


So again I ask, who is your older man crush?

And for those campers that are a little bit older than others, who is your younger man crush?


take a trip back to the 80's!

Friday June 4, 2010 at 12:28 AM


my inner 80's child is begging to be released.. and frankly the only way to shut the bitch up is to delve into those awesome 80's songs that make most people reach to change the station....

So I want to know... what is that 80's tune that makes you crank up the volume and starts singing along? 
love songs, rap songs, pop songs... I want em all!

just to kick start





Beauty Products

Friday June 4, 2010 at 12:21 AM

So, I'm going to this awesome mall in my state's capital with my great-grandmother (because she's the only awesome person left in my family that doesn't reak of testosterone) and I have a ton of money saved up for shopping because we will be there all day. I'm a beauty junkie. And not even your normal junkie with a mass make-up collection at that. I have tons of crap that most people don't even know what its for. Like, I have an air brush gun thing for this special foundation I sometimes use for fancy parties, and even spirit gum as well as lots of fake body parts (i.e. elf ears, witches noses, ect) and shiz for Halloween. I've also been told that the steamer stunk which houses all my beauty stuff is like its own little store with all the stuff in there.

So, please, I want you to give me beauty product recs! Perfume, make-up, shampoo, facial stuff, all of it. Even if this awesome mall doesn't have it, I'll probably end up finding it online somewhere, even if I don't end up buying it.


Wonders of the World

Friday June 4, 2010 at 12:20 AM

I completely forgot it's FFAF - I haz to get used to this time difference thingy.

I was going to make a post about yet more Wonkeytales from the Orient - sadly the USB port on my camera has broken and my laptop doesn't have a CF port.

I'm sitting here, wondering what to do with myself, wondering what to post and then I realize - I do a lot of wondering.

I wonder about the oddest things - and the oddest things make me wonder.

Why are 'tights' called panty-hose? When you think about it that just doesn't sound like somethng you'd want to wear.

Will we ever solve the chicken and the egg mystery - or has it been solved? If you know please enlighten me, it's one less thing for me to wonder about.

When Victoria Principal woke up in 1986 and discovered Bobby alive and well in the master bathroom did she pause for a minute and grieve for the obscene amount of life insurance money she'd never had in the first place?

Is there anyone here old enough and geeky enough to know what I'm talking about in the above?

Why did they think it was a good idea to make Star Wars I II & III? And why did I buy the DVD's anyway?

Will there ever be a TV series to top the flangst/snark/kickassiness of BTVS?

Do cats fart? I know dogs do....

Why would I want to buy this gum?

Could Ashley Greene's acting get any worse?

How did we figure out the speed of light?

Why do people think Elvis is still alive? And why does it matter?

Will my DH ever get caught up on Lost so I can find out WTF is going on?

How long would I have to watch if I wanted to see the grass grow an inch?

What makes you wonder?





Thursday June 3, 2010 at 11:14 PM







Thursday June 3, 2010 at 11:04 PM





Thursday June 3, 2010 at 10:44 PM

(At first I wrote the title as "FIGHT RIGHT RIGHT." You'll see why in a sec.)

HOKAY. I had a mother-daughter shopping trip/date night with my awesome mama, Linda. Seriously, she's all kinds of awesome. I love her infinite amounts.

ANYWAY, we went to Sex and the City 2, and one of the ads was for Eclipse. First of all, I'm fucking tired of those ads. Sorry, I just can't stand the movies. Hate 'em, hate 'em, hate 'em (but still watch them).

BUT. Something in the ad got me hot and bothered.


Is anyone else, like, epically and orgasmically excited to see a full-on vampire fight? The fucking ONLY vampire fight we'll get to see? I. Am. STOKED.




I don't see enough of this on this site....

Thursday June 3, 2010 at 10:12 PM

Don't get me wrong when I read the books I was not pleased at all with wolves.  A bomb could have gone off and killed everyone in La Push and I would not care.  But one bit of casting made me Team Wolfpack (not Team Jacob).  And I'm very excited because next week at Eclipse Con he will be in the house and I will be right there drooling over him while all the tweens droll of Rob and Taylor.  I'm So Excited people, just like Jesse Spano! Is anyone excited with me?


Majesta Moniet

Riddle Me This

Thursday June 3, 2010 at 9:52 PM

Why do some women have hair that smells like their shampoo HOURS after they wash it??? Is it their shampoo or their hair??? Cuz my hair stops smelling nice right about the time it dries. :/

Same thing with perfume. Some girls walk around smelling like mango/grapfuit sugar all day, when my expensive Marc Jacobs daisy stuff wears off in hour.

So do some women just have hair and skin that stays smelly good for hours, or am I out on some sort of secret? If you are one of these lucky women, which shampoo/conditioner do you use? Which perfume?


*_*  <----- Me, desperate for your secrets.


Bored, and need a new fic

Thursday June 3, 2010 at 9:50 PM

Hi. I am so down today.  I need a new fic and I am not quite sure what I am in the mood for.  I'd like something different, witty, sweet, a little lemony, a little angsty and just well written.  I know that's not really specific, but I feel like I am in such a funk with each fic I tried today.  I generally have such varied tastes, but I feel like nothing is new or different. Below are some of the ones I have read and really like.  If anyone has any recommendations, please share :)

Also I prefer something complete, but am okay with a WIP so long as it's pretty far along and regularly updated.

Stuff I've read (or WIPs I am reading) and love:

And With Thee Fade Away, Son of a Preacher Man, Master of the Universe, Type O Negative, Elemental, The Naked Guy Upstairs, Edward Wallbanger, Carravagio


Free for all?

Thursday June 3, 2010 at 9:33 PM

Hey Rangers-isn't it Free for all time? Shouldn't you guys be on top of this stuff?



Thursday June 3, 2010 at 8:20 PM

Wondering if you guys have recs for non-cheesey Daddyward fics. I don't mind angst, viloence, tears, and all, as long as there's a HEA.

I don't care about ages or anything. I like funny and silly stuff too.

I've not read many. I started one then lost it- Rose was pregnant and Emmett was a frat boy, Ed was a pothead. Don't remember the name though. Ring any bells?

I'm reading This Is Not My Life which is a good one, I also read a few where Ed has kids, Bella comes in later, and one where Bella leaves Jake and takes their son Seth to Cali to work and she meets Ed who coaches Seth's team.

Other then that, I got nothing. You guys wanna share your faves round the fire?
Here's a lil thank you nosh :)


Weird stuff I know thanks to TwiFic

Thursday June 3, 2010 at 8:14 PM

Those who've read my stories know I put an incredible amount of research into my fanfiction, even though I end up not using most of what I learn about a particular topic. I feel it is my duty as an author to provide accurate information as often as possible, and I enjoy what it does for a story, even though my story is not about these particular factual details. Plus, I'm just a research-loving kind of woman!

For Fate Worse Than Death, I learned about Complicated Grief Disorder (which I think is actually what Bella suffered from in New Moon), PTSD, various heart conditions and treatments, the side effects of psychotropics, narcotics, and hallucinogenics, the general topography of the Olympic Peninsula, and how to properly hold a bow for a cello.

For Neon Moon, I learned what Vancouver is like, what kind of food to expect at a Malaysian cafe, cultural reasons and methods of tattoo artistry from around the world, the initiation process for the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club, and all kinds of phrases in a variety of languages, including how to say "small penis" in Haida (chijii xaajuu).

For the next project, I've already learned about Oregon wine country, how to ratify an amendment to the US Constitution, the Massachussets state bar examination process, and the public school holiday schedule of Salem, MA. (And it's just a two-shot at most!)

What kind of strange or interesting things have you learned thanks to reading/writing Twilight fanfiction? What kind of stuff would you LIKE to see?

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