
Saturday June 5, 2010 at 2:12 PM

For anybody interested here's the guardian review of 'The short second life of Bree Tanner'.

I'll post it in the comments in case there are any spoilers.



Italians Do Everything Better

Saturday June 5, 2010 at 1:01 PM

So here's some alleged Eclipse promotional posters from Italy (alleged being the operative word):

 " I love you. I want you. Now."


"There is something I want to do before losing my human nature."

See, there's no smoke and mirrors going down in Italy. No talk of Bree's backstory or Wolf Pack special FX, or exciting action sequences.

They are just breaking it down to what's important: watching these kids get their horny on.

So what say you? 

Do you prefer "Edward's Got The Hornies"  or "Bella needs to make a choice" approach?

How would you market it to the masses?


Just me?

Saturday June 5, 2010 at 12:54 PM

Am I the only one who could care less about this Bree Tanner book? I would much rather SM finish Midnight Sun or better yet the next book for The Host series she said she would write. I feel like she is trying so hard to prolong the fame of Twilight that she won't move on to other projects. Maybe it's just me...




Saturday June 5, 2010 at 12:46 PM

in-n-out is coming to texas

this southern californian does not approve, i'm sorry.  i've read statements from the heir to the in-n-out empire, and she wants to start using frozen meat and pre-cut fries and stuff so that the company can expand.  >:( 

on the other hand, congratulations, texas.  in-n-out burger is a good reason to move to california, tbh

discuss times you were disappointed but glad for someone all at once

alternately, talk about how good a double double animal style (no tomato because gross), fries extra crispy, and a large neopolitan shake sounds right about now



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oh god seriously brb in n out


THe short second life of Bree Tanner

Saturday June 5, 2010 at 11:16 AM

 I cant believe it its out cant wait to get it

YES,it is by Stephenie Meyer


The short Second life of Bree Tanner(an Eclipse novel)


He performs a c-section...with his teeth!

Saturday June 5, 2010 at 10:37 AM

So, my husband's pretty accepting about my obsession with all things Twilight aka Edward Cullen

Although, he really really hates Robert Pattinson and this is a direct quote, "I just want to punch him in the face"...; but, despite this ridiculous hatred for RPattz, he's tried to understand my love for the books and movies...he even tried to read Twilight but gave up cause, "It's terribly written."

Anyway, every now and then he'll be around while I'm perusing ADF or other Twilight-relatedness and some random BD reference will come up, like earlier today there was a post that insinuated that Edward wanted to abort Nessie...and well, this is the conversation that followed...

"What Edward wants to kill Bella's baby?!"
"Yup, cause the baby would have killed her."
"Well, Bella has to drink blood and then Edward performs a c-section..with his teeth and then, Jacob falls in love with the baby."
"Stephenie Meyer is a freak."
"No...the baby is actually like a super, it's almost 3-4 years old in a week."
"I'm not judging you." [this was said very reassuringly]

Argh! Does this happen to you? Do you find yourself defending the Twilight saga while realizing how weird some things really are?

Fanfiction has done that for me and I have to admit I like the FF more than the books [a teeny tiny bit].

Examples of Twi-cringe-worthiness...

1. The tan leather jacket.
2. Bella
3. Breaking Dawn
4. MOST of Eclipse
5. New Moon and the incident of freaking out Jessica Stanley and then being annoyed with her for being freaked out
6."Hold on tight, Spider Monkey."

Does this happen to anyone else or am I just an impressionable pushover who needs to man up and be proud of my Twilove?


Renewed Vows

Saturday June 5, 2010 at 10:09 AM

Lately I have been a bad Twitch. 

I have been neglecting all the Twilight blogs and bulletin boards that I usually peruse, not reading the fics that are piling up in my gmail, NOT (gasp!) picking up pics of Rob...basically, I temp-flounced the Twilight Fandom. 

I say "temporarily" because its back now.  Its like I needed a break or something from all the beautiful pics of Rob and KStew (not necessarily together) and had a vacation(literally-I went to the beach on vacay) from it all.

I am now refreshed and ready to go again.  I caught up on all the fics I read, I even began a new one:  (and holy hell if you like angst and well-written writing, stop, do not pass go and proceed directly to FREE PARKING and read this beauty-think "Times New Roman" meets Flowers For Algernon.

ETA: this story will rip your effing heart out like "Peonies" did.  Fair warning. 

(speaking you think it is ok to take books out of libraries and ban them?)

and holy mctoses...boy am I glad I did.  I also flounced this:  for reasons that I will only talk about to the author.  This isn't a post about flouncing, per se...its more about HOW DO YOU GET YOURSELF BACK ON TRACK? pretty please no dramarama

So tell me. 

Have you ever had to take a break? 

Did you sleep with another fandom while you were ON THAT BREAK? 

Obvs if you flounced for good you won't be answering, but for those who have temporarily lost appreciation for Twilight, tell us what you did to get your mojo back!


This pic helped me get mine back....holy.shit.


Bookstore *GASP*

Saturday June 5, 2010 at 9:56 AM

I am just about to head to my local bookseller to purchase some reading material that is written on PAPER and bound together in what is commonly referred to as a BOOK.

I know a lot of us have forgone the book for the fanfiction and that is cool, I get it, but some of us still do read books that we buy in stores or from amazon or even borrow from the "library"

So this is a book recommendation campfire. I need to know what to read. I want it to be something that grabs hold of me from page one and doesn't let go. Something that I will LOVE. Something that you have been dying to share.

Because even though people give me recommendations all year long for books and I tell them I have to wait until summer to do recreational reading, I have forgotten every single rec!

For your time, this is what I rec:


Lets share

Saturday June 5, 2010 at 8:05 AM

I'm getting ready to go out, I'm having a fat day and I hate all my clothes!!!!

How's your Saturday going? What you up to?

Anything you care to share?



Saturday June 5, 2010 at 7:55 AM

hey im new my names meoriginality

i love the twilight saga


Need your help with a plagiarism issue

Saturday June 5, 2010 at 7:44 AM

Howdy Campers,

I'm a little new around her, but some of you know who I am.

I'd like to ask for your help.  My fic, That Girl, was plagiarized on FFn.  I just received notice about this other fic from one of my readers early this morning.  If you would, could you help me out by reporting it to FFn.

Please report it to this email address:

Author: Beckaboowriter

Fic in question: A Girl

The specifics of the plagiarism:  The first chapter is original (maybe) every chapter after chapter one has been directly cut and pasted from my story, That Girl.  This includes the previews I provided with each chapter, my disclaimer, and the chapter titles.  Currently, Beckaboowriter has 6 chapters posted.  My story is complete and all 46 chapters have been posted up on FFn since 11/09.

This is the link to the original story:

And to my profile page:

Please report this, since the more reports that FFn receives about this, the quicker they will act and remove this fic.

Thank you for your help, and if you would pass along the word, I would appreciate it!

Shay :)



Saturday June 5, 2010 at 6:31 AM

His open letter to fans gave me a lump in my throat.  It's from the Twilight Facebook page, but I don't have a facebook. I read it at Twilght Lexicon.  I'll post inside...tell us, does it make you happy that he's acknowledged the twi-fan devotion? 


But why?

Saturday June 5, 2010 at 5:40 AM

A random thought just struck me as I was lugging my stuff back from the supermarket:

Why, if Angel was Irish, does he speak with an American accent when both Drusilla and Spike are nearly the same age as him and both still speak with their 'British' accents.

To make this campfire a little bit more interactive, does anybody have any head-scratchers from the Twi-fandom or beyond?

Disturbingly, when I was looking for the shirtless men of Buffy, a lot of images of Taytot came up.  Fail, Google, fail.

i forgive you for forgetting this one:


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Alex Reads Twilight: Chapter 15

Saturday June 5, 2010 at 2:21 AM

"Stephenie Meyer + Science= Wrong"



A FFFA request for my sister

Saturday June 5, 2010 at 12:45 AM

I need to ask you guys for a favor.

Some of you may know Jezunya -- she posts here from time to time and has written a couple of Twifics.  She also happens to be my baby sister, and my beta, and one of the instigators in my love for Twilight.  She's also active duty Army, currently stationed State-side for training.  And tonight, she's on guard duty.  All.  Night.  Long.  Her shift ends at 7:30am Pacific, she can't fall asleep, and I think she's all alone in the guard shack, with just her iphone and a TV that gets CNN and NBC and nothing else.

So here's the favor I would like to ask.  If any of you are on Twitter and see this, could you go drop her a note and say hi?  She's @Jezunya on Twitter as well, and it's one of the few things she can access reliably from her iphone.  If you don't have Twitter, could you leave her a comment here?  I'll give her the link, but I'm not sure if she can login from her phone to see the page.  Any little comment to help keep her going would be really really appreciated.  (And she's a big Jacob (and Nessie!) fan, if you feel like posting pictures to help keep her awake. ;) )  And if you really want to make a poor soldier's night, go check out her Twifics and leave her a review or two, I know it would totally make her night. Her very, very long night.

So what do you say?  Can you help out a soldier and fellow Twilight fangirl?

Thanks in advance, guys!  :D


ETA: Thanks so much to everyone who sent her a tweet or reviewed her stories!  I think it really helped her get through the night.  You guys rock!


Newlywed Game

Friday June 4, 2010 at 11:45 PM

Right, so I was bored with nothing on TV and came across the (new) Newlywed Game tonight on GSN.

One of the questions for the ladies was, which vampire would you like to have bite your neck and drink your blood.  The three choices were: Tom Cruise, Wesley Snipes and Robert Pattinson.  Two of the women picked Rob and drooled over him, both saying how much they loved the Twilight books.  The third had never read the books or seen the movies.  And yeah, the husbands got it right!

So which vampire would YOU pick?


I need an Eclipse Shirt

Friday June 4, 2010 at 11:29 PM

I haven't been to bed yet, so for me it's still Friday - and it's Free For All - right?! :)

I was hoping everyone could help me find a funny maybe even unique Eclipse shirt!  I have a twisted sense of humor and love my "Meanwhile in a little town called Spoons" shirt.  I'd like to find something to wear to our little Eclipse party the besties and I are having.

Any and all help is appreciated!



 Photobucket Photobucket


Bree read along

Friday June 4, 2010 at 10:36 PM


Just for kicks?

Yeah, I know, I have no life.




I could host on say, Monday Wednesday 10PM eastern time? Discuss in a post here?

 ETA - If the date/time changes from the above I'll tweet it - @wonkeygirlUK



Friday June 4, 2010 at 9:41 PM


CHRISTINA AGUILERA will be the envy of TWILIGHT fans everywhere when devotees of the vampire love story read on - ROBERT PATTINSON once showed up at her house and begged to spend the morning with her.

The pop star, who is a huge fan of the Brit and his film franchise, let it slip during an off-air interview with New York's 92.3 Now that Pattinson came to her for aid as he was trying to escape the paparazzi last year (09).

According to an insider at the station, Aguilera revealed she was in the driveway of the Beverly Hills home she bought from Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne when she heard someone at her security gate and went to see who was there.

Outside, a desperate Pattinson was trying to get help to escape the paparazzi and asked Aguilera to let him in.

She did and then let him hide out for a few hours.

When it was time to leave, the pop star allegedly went out first and drew the paparazzi away, so her guest could slip out unnoticed.


Tilt_180 Is Here!

Friday June 4, 2010 at 9:34 PM



EDIT: I posted the link in the comments, but forgot to post it here, where it belongs...sigh. It's Friday...

Lettuce Know What You Think!


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