

Friday June 4, 2010 at 4:04 PM

 This is my first FFA campfire evar, I think. OMG!!!1!111!!


Anyhow! I need an excuse to show off my new puppy. I just posted his picture in another, campfire, but whatever. 

So here's my new baby, Sherlock. He's a chihuahua & Pomeranian mix and one year old. :DD


Show me pictures of your pets! Please? I'm quite bored.


Harry Potter!

Friday June 4, 2010 at 3:42 PM

So right now I'm on a Harry Potter kick. You know, re-reading all the books, watching the Harry Potter rifftrax (which are hilarious), and trying to hunt down decent Harry Potter fanfiction. But I can't find any. Is there anyone willing to point me in the right direction? Where do I go? HP fanfic is scarily new to me. And I'm too lazy to sift through 500 000 fanfics. Tips? Awesome fanfics to show me? General rambles? All welcome!

By the way, I've read Minisinoo's HP stuff. Because it's amazing.


How my week went from bad to awesome!

Friday June 4, 2010 at 3:20 PM

On Tuesday, my truck- which already had broken a/c, heat, and driver's side door- was diagnosed with a f***ed up suspension that would cost $1300 to fix. I laid in bed and cried.

On Wednesday I won this on the Pick 4 drawing.

Yesterday I bought this.

This is the first car I've ever been able to finance on my own! I'm so excited and proud!!! It's 2007 Hyundai Santa Fe. With free XM Radio that I am already addicted to :-)

But that's not all- the first show for the brand new arena that was built downtown was announced last night. Who is it? Who is coming in concert on October 16? Only my favorite band EVER!!!

We also got WFE pics of happy Rob, grinning Rob, vest Rob, suspender Rob, dirty Rob, and wife-beater-wearing Rob.

It is officially IMPOSSIBLE for this week to get any better for me.




Friday June 4, 2010 at 2:07 PM

I'm feeling uber ragey today. It's a weekend... I don't like feeling like this on a weekend. But people suck.

Anyone else particularly ragey today? 



Mine are in the mother effin comments!



Friday June 4, 2010 at 1:24 PM

So my best friend and I are driving 3 hours one way to a concert tomorrow.... I am in need of ideas for mix cds!

It doesn't matter what genre it is, we listen to pretty much anything.

So ideas please!




Sometimes I give myself the creeps...

Friday June 4, 2010 at 1:04 PM

So, I'm wondering if anyone gives themselves the creeps when writing fanfic sometimes.  I'm writing my first fanfic and working on a disturbing scene, I mean not extreme or anything but enough that it's kind of creeping me out.  I think if I were to read it in someone else's story it wouldn't phase me, but having it coming out of my own mind is kind of weird.  Anyway, just wondering if anyone has experienced this. :)

And FYT here's one from the good old days.  I love Green Day!  Classic! 


Do Something Good For Yourself!

Friday June 4, 2010 at 12:23 PM

I don't know how many of y'all are like this, but I know I get it from my wonderful genetics (Thanks, mom!).  All the women in my family always tend to everyone and everything first, whether it's kids, work, husband, whatever.  I have gotten in this horrible habit myself-not taking vacations because I want to pay bills faster, staying in a job because it was comfortable, taking on too much because I can't say no (I can. Some things I won't though). I know this isn't just my family though-most of my close friends do the same and overdo it themselves to the point that they are stretched too thin over too much and stressed as all get out.  I was sick of it and decided to change it (For a little bit, at least )

The last couple weeks I have done a lot for myself.   I quit my job and my overbearing, two faced, devil of a supervisor.  I dropped a class so that I wouldn't go insane. I booked a roadtrip for our last week of block leave so we can travel and not spend a ton of money (Thanks to Croatia not having the Euro...yet.) and hit up the beach!  And I totally just booked our room for the Karlovy Vary film festival that I didn't attend last year due to stupid reasons.  

Bottom line? I feel relaxed and GREAT!!


So, campers, what I wanna know is, what have you done for yourself lately?  And if you haven't, what are you going to do for yourself?


Whatcha doin'?

Friday June 4, 2010 at 12:21 PM

So, we discussed Summer jobs earlier.  Well, I want to know...


This time of year calls for BBQ's, pool parties, FABULOUS TRIPS, camping, hiking, reading, being lazy...all kinds of cool activities. 

Sooooo, show me in pictures, what are you doing this summer. 

Here is an example...

Your friend FABULOUS here is....

Taking a jet plane Wednesday to her favorite city on the planet, NYC!

July 13th, FABULOUS, and her two fabulous sisters and mama are going to see this qorgeous man in concert...

Two weeks later (SQUEAL!!!!) FABULOUS and her mama are trekking up to pixievampland to see her favorite person on the planet...

Not to long after that, pixievamp and I will be making another trek to Orlando for this FABULOUSNESS...

And in between all of this I will be doing this....

Hopefully, a lot of this...



Does anyone else see it....?

Friday June 4, 2010 at 12:18 PM

Am I the only one who sees similarities between Katerina Graham and Hayden Panettiere, or am I just nuts?

NAACP2.jpg Katerina Graham image by lJOOLZl 

hayden.jpg hayden image by vall212

And before anyone can get snarky, I realize there is an obvious difference. But can't you just picture KG as a black HP, or HP as a white KG? Or am I just completely imagining things? Hubby says I am, but he doesn't count. lol


Sir Rachel


Friday June 4, 2010 at 11:34 AM


SION, Switzerland (AP) -- Didier Drogba told teammate Kolo Toure that he will miss the World Cup after breaking his right arm Friday in a warmup match.

"For him, he said, the World Cup is finished,'' Toure said.

Read More: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2010/soccer/world-cup-2010/06/04/drogba.injured.ap/index.html#ixzz0puVnRxUS 

Football fans everywhere mourn the death of Ivory Coast's hopes.

Come discuss, cry, and reevaluate your World Cup brackets.




Friday June 4, 2010 at 11:20 AM

Is it just me, or is this all just a teeny bit creepy.

I'm definitely one for Twilight Mania, but this is just a bit excessive. I wouldn't want all those eyes on me whilst I undressed. Just sayin'.



favourite trailers...

Friday June 4, 2010 at 10:51 AM

post the trailers of your favourite movies and why you like them here



Joy Division + heart breaking storyline + Sam Riley + beautiful cinematography = win, would reccomend everyone to watch it even if you're not a Joy Division fan.

omg like my best romance ever. this story captured my heart and just gah.... its amazing. and also the best soundtrack ever. and hello Zooey Deschanel!


(Not so) Private Party on Private Island.Who's in?

Friday June 4, 2010 at 10:16 AM


So, yeah, rain.soaked.hello decided willingly yesterday to buy a private jet (she needs to rob a bank to gather the funds, though. We wish her luck.)

And I decided yesterday to buy an island with the drug Nutella dealing money.

So now, we have a private jet and a private island (that we have named "Scrumptuous Robgasm on water". And before you ask, no, alcohol was not involved).


We coherced Juliegirl18 and flor_p into coming with us and dragged invited twicoincidence, littlestar300, latessitrice and billa_88 into the mix, too

Flor is bringing gancia (whatever that is), beer and dulce de leche (and celery for the bloody maries)

Julie is bringing rum and vodka

rain.soaked.hello is bringing a bag of mysterious alcoholic goodies

and I'm bringing macarons, bailey's and TONS AND TONS OF NUTELLA (flor has never had any. I'm deperately trying to make her see the light. Somebody help me)

And you know what?

You're invited, too!

So tell me camper, are you coming with us?

If you were on an island and could invite whoever you wanted from the fandom, who would it be? What would you do with/to them?

And more importantly: what are you bringing as a bribe?

PS: grown.ass.woman, if you want to bring Rob, I'm fine with it. Just sayin.


I think I just peed a little!

Friday June 4, 2010 at 9:49 AM

MTV has revealed that the first clip from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 will be revealed at the MTV Movie Awards this Sunday, June 6th at 9 PM ET:

The MTV Movie Awards have a long-established history of bringing you sneak peeks of highly anticipated upcoming flicks, and this Sunday's show is no exception. The star-packed show hosted by comedian Aziz Ansari will feature an exclusive, never-before-seen clip from "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1," the first half of the epic two-part finale in the "Potter" film series, which will hit theaters November 19.

source http://www.mugglenet.com/app/news/show/3553

Found this over on ONTD!  This makes my suck-ass Friday so much better!  This and the fact that my Vampire Weekend station on my Pandora has played me two Beatles songs within this past hour!  Sorry, I am a loser.


Sir Rachel

A Little Bit of Everything...

Friday June 4, 2010 at 9:45 AM

 Right now, I am watching this man:

kick some butt.

And waiting for this:

to finish downloading.

I should be doing this:


And I wish it was time for this:

How about you? Whatcha doing? Come share or add some more randomness to the pot. Let's have some nice conversation soup!


10 Sec Movie Awards Clip

Friday June 4, 2010 at 9:37 AM

Ok...a little sneak peek at the clip that will be shown at the MTV Movie Awards on Sunday night!

Happy Friday Everyone!


UK, je suis CONFUSED

Friday June 4, 2010 at 9:35 AM

Fri 2nd Jul 00:01LS  
Sat 3rd Jul 09:40   11:30   12:15   14:30   15:15   17:30   18:15   20:30   21:15   23:20LS   00:01LS  
Sun 4th Jul 09:40   11:30   12:15   14:30   15:15   17:30   18:15   20:30   21:15  
Thu 8th Jul 00:01LS  
Fri 9th Jul 11:40   14:30   17:30   20:30   23:20LS  
Sat 10th Jul 11:40   14:30   17:30   20:30   23:20LS  
Sun 11th Jul 11:40   14:30   17:30   20:30  
Mon 12th Jul 11:40   14:30   17:30   20:30  
Tue 13th Jul 11:40   14:30   17:30   20:30  
Wed 14th Jul 11:40   14:30   17:30   20:30   23:20LS  
Thu 15th Jul 11:40   14:30   17:30   20:30  

^^^Cinema times^^^

I've recently booked my tickets on the Vue website, but i'm a little confused about the opening dates. It officially comes out in the UK on July 9th, however we can book our tickets from July 2nd for an early morning opening (which i've booked for!).

This probably sounds so stupid, but i'm wondering why it's open earlier when it's supposed to be the 9th?

Not that i'm complaining of course.


Summer Jobs

Friday June 4, 2010 at 8:43 AM

For those of you on this side of the globe, it is the season of summer jobs.

* What jobs did you used to have in summer?

* What was your WORST and your BEST summer job?

* Do you have a summer job this year?  

* What would be your ULTIMATE SUMMER JOB?

In the past I have been a nanny, worked at a movie theater, a coffee house, Victoria's Secret and a garden center in summer BUT I have decided that I would like to be a professional hair coiffurer. It looks a little something like this:


The Big O ohhhhh

Friday June 4, 2010 at 8:35 AM

When did you have your first O-gasm with a guy(or girl just NOT by yourself?).

My answer in comments.



Ohai deadline extension! Yay!

Friday June 4, 2010 at 8:23 AM

Hi girlies! After receiveing a few requests, we've decided to extend the submission deadline for the Monster In-law Contest until Father's Day! 

You know you want to write for us... I see it in your eyes... Yep, that's right. I see you! Stalkeriffic, eh? ;)

No, seriously. Please visit our page on FFN for all the details!

Monster In-Law Contest!

Can't wait to read your fics!


BellaFlan and katinki

First --- | >> | 1127 | 1128 | 1129 | 1130 | 1131 | 1132 | 1133 | 1134 | 1135 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
