More WFE pix

Sunday June 6, 2010 at 12:57 AM

Cause I need to see some pretty on the front page of ADF. I'm sure that as soon as I post these, they will come out somewhere untagged and HQ. Now somebody please tell my ass to go to bed...why the hell am I up at 3:45 in the damn morning?

Rob tries to do The Robot but he's really not much of a dancer.

Being so damn hot all the time really wears Rob out.

Is that Cap75 stalking me again?

I lost my contact right around here, can you guys help me find it?



The Vampies: Twilight VampFic Awards

Sunday June 6, 2010 at 12:11 AM

Do you have a favorite vampire story? Enjoy reading about the moments left out of canon? Or do you prefer vampires with a little more…bite?

Several weeks ago, while voting for a round of fic awards, I started to wonder about awards specifically for vampire fic. I knew there were awards for all human stories, wolf stories, and lots of other random things, but I didn't recall seeing anything that focused simply on vampire stories. This seemed a little odd to me, especially give that the Twilight vampires were what initially inspired us all. So some friends and I decided to do something about it.

The Vampies: Twilight VampFic Awards

The site officially just opened and we have all of the categories listed, as well as the rules. Nominations will begin on June 11th. We hope you'll drop by and check us out, nominate some of your favorite vampy stories, and help us spread the word. Thanks!


*post approved by ranger emibella



Saturday June 5, 2010 at 11:58 PM







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and had i not known you a month before i felt you were the last man in the world whom i could ever be prevailed upon to marry.  D: but :D


5 ways to flirt.

Saturday June 5, 2010 at 9:42 PM

Found this on yahoo and I thought it would be pretty neat to figure out what kind of flirts the Cullen men are or even the women.

The playful flirt- maybe Laurent, idk he was the first guy that pop into my head.

The physical flirt- Emmett

The Sincere flirt- Jasper

The Traditional flirt- Edward

The Polite flirt- Carlisle

For a more detail description go to the comments.

So tell me, am I right? How do guys think the arrangement should work? Is there a certain character in a fic that would fit into one of these molds? What kind are you? What kind is your significant other?


The Elephant in the Room

Saturday June 5, 2010 at 7:52 PM


I have been asking on Twitter ALL DAY and NOT ONE PERSON will fess up to buying this. 

I went to the bookstore today and there were at least a hundred copies and Twilight stuff everywhere.

So, let's just say no one around here bought it...who is this for?? Who do you think IS buying it if it isn't Twilight fans like us?

Who is THIS marketed towards:

because I am having a very hard time with the logic of all of this.

Were her publishers begging for something before the movie?

Was she worried about losing the spotlight?

Is this "novella" for younger readers?

Did YOU buy it (or have it bought for you) and if you did, how is it??

I went to a used bookstore and bought these books based on rec's from campers. The rest are in my Amazon inbox. Bree is conspicuously missing.


Looking for a Bad Girl Bella fanfic

Saturday June 5, 2010 at 7:09 PM

I've read a ton of Bad Boy, ManWhore, Wayward Edward reformed by Bella fanfics and while I love this theme I find myself a little burned out.  I'd love to read something with this theme reversed.  Does anyone have a recommendation?



Saturday June 5, 2010 at 7:04 PM

JENNY is so FUCKING FLY that she went ahead and did that update thang.



Awkward fan moments

Saturday June 5, 2010 at 6:08 PM

On Saturdays I play in a recreational sports league that hangs out in a bar after the games.  Today I was sitting with some of my team mates when I metioned I wouldn't be at next weeks game because I'm going to the Eclipse convention.  A girl from another team overheard and this is the resulting convo--

Her: You're going to Eclipse con?

Me: Yeah

Her : My boyfriend will be there.

Me: Oh are you a Rob Patz fan or something.

Her: No, Micheal Welch is My boyfriend.  I'm going to be there on Friday.

My Internal thought: Micheal Welch is a random guy to be a fan of but to each their own.

Me: Micheal Welch really?.  Well I'll be there on Friday maybe we should hang out.

Her: No he's really my boyfriend I'll be there with him.

Me: Oh.

She wasn't joking. So then I felt like a giant loser for going to the convention.  I'm not a closeted Twilight fan at all, but for some reason this exchange made me feel really lame for getting so into the whole fandom thing.  Has anyone else had a moment where they have  questioned their fan girl status?

Love's to Blame


Saturday June 5, 2010 at 6:02 PM

 Am i the only one who finds something wrong with this picture?

Btw what weird pictures do you have of the twilight stars?



Saturday June 5, 2010 at 5:06 PM

PFach just tweeted these. Does anyone else find it scary?

And I thought just tweeting celebs was stalkerish...


S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Night Recs

Saturday June 5, 2010 at 3:42 PM

 You asked for it and we are delivering. A NEW Fanfic Rec Campfire.

Every Saturday.

No Pimps, Just Recs. Link us up. Post banners if you have them. Tell us why you like them. GO!



Saturday June 5, 2010 at 2:12 PM

For anybody interested here's the guardian review of 'The short second life of Bree Tanner'.

I'll post it in the comments in case there are any spoilers.



Italians Do Everything Better

Saturday June 5, 2010 at 1:01 PM

So here's some alleged Eclipse promotional posters from Italy (alleged being the operative word):

 " I love you. I want you. Now."


"There is something I want to do before losing my human nature."

See, there's no smoke and mirrors going down in Italy. No talk of Bree's backstory or Wolf Pack special FX, or exciting action sequences.

They are just breaking it down to what's important: watching these kids get their horny on.

So what say you? 

Do you prefer "Edward's Got The Hornies"  or "Bella needs to make a choice" approach?

How would you market it to the masses?


Just me?

Saturday June 5, 2010 at 12:54 PM

Am I the only one who could care less about this Bree Tanner book? I would much rather SM finish Midnight Sun or better yet the next book for The Host series she said she would write. I feel like she is trying so hard to prolong the fame of Twilight that she won't move on to other projects. Maybe it's just me...




Saturday June 5, 2010 at 12:46 PM

in-n-out is coming to texas

this southern californian does not approve, i'm sorry.  i've read statements from the heir to the in-n-out empire, and she wants to start using frozen meat and pre-cut fries and stuff so that the company can expand.  >:( 

on the other hand, congratulations, texas.  in-n-out burger is a good reason to move to california, tbh

discuss times you were disappointed but glad for someone all at once

alternately, talk about how good a double double animal style (no tomato because gross), fries extra crispy, and a large neopolitan shake sounds right about now



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oh god seriously brb in n out


THe short second life of Bree Tanner

Saturday June 5, 2010 at 11:16 AM

 I cant believe it its out cant wait to get it

YES,it is by Stephenie Meyer


The short Second life of Bree Tanner(an Eclipse novel)


He performs a c-section...with his teeth!

Saturday June 5, 2010 at 10:37 AM

So, my husband's pretty accepting about my obsession with all things Twilight aka Edward Cullen

Although, he really really hates Robert Pattinson and this is a direct quote, "I just want to punch him in the face"...; but, despite this ridiculous hatred for RPattz, he's tried to understand my love for the books and movies...he even tried to read Twilight but gave up cause, "It's terribly written."

Anyway, every now and then he'll be around while I'm perusing ADF or other Twilight-relatedness and some random BD reference will come up, like earlier today there was a post that insinuated that Edward wanted to abort Nessie...and well, this is the conversation that followed...

"What Edward wants to kill Bella's baby?!"
"Yup, cause the baby would have killed her."
"Well, Bella has to drink blood and then Edward performs a c-section..with his teeth and then, Jacob falls in love with the baby."
"Stephenie Meyer is a freak."
"No...the baby is actually like a super, it's almost 3-4 years old in a week."
"I'm not judging you." [this was said very reassuringly]

Argh! Does this happen to you? Do you find yourself defending the Twilight saga while realizing how weird some things really are?

Fanfiction has done that for me and I have to admit I like the FF more than the books [a teeny tiny bit].

Examples of Twi-cringe-worthiness...

1. The tan leather jacket.
2. Bella
3. Breaking Dawn
4. MOST of Eclipse
5. New Moon and the incident of freaking out Jessica Stanley and then being annoyed with her for being freaked out
6."Hold on tight, Spider Monkey."

Does this happen to anyone else or am I just an impressionable pushover who needs to man up and be proud of my Twilove?


Renewed Vows

Saturday June 5, 2010 at 10:09 AM

Lately I have been a bad Twitch. 

I have been neglecting all the Twilight blogs and bulletin boards that I usually peruse, not reading the fics that are piling up in my gmail, NOT (gasp!) picking up pics of Rob...basically, I temp-flounced the Twilight Fandom. 

I say "temporarily" because its back now.  Its like I needed a break or something from all the beautiful pics of Rob and KStew (not necessarily together) and had a vacation(literally-I went to the beach on vacay) from it all.

I am now refreshed and ready to go again.  I caught up on all the fics I read, I even began a new one:  (and holy hell if you like angst and well-written writing, stop, do not pass go and proceed directly to FREE PARKING and read this beauty-think "Times New Roman" meets Flowers For Algernon.

ETA: this story will rip your effing heart out like "Peonies" did.  Fair warning. 

(speaking you think it is ok to take books out of libraries and ban them?)

and holy mctoses...boy am I glad I did.  I also flounced this:  for reasons that I will only talk about to the author.  This isn't a post about flouncing, per se...its more about HOW DO YOU GET YOURSELF BACK ON TRACK? pretty please no dramarama

So tell me. 

Have you ever had to take a break? 

Did you sleep with another fandom while you were ON THAT BREAK? 

Obvs if you flounced for good you won't be answering, but for those who have temporarily lost appreciation for Twilight, tell us what you did to get your mojo back!


This pic helped me get mine back....holy.shit.


Bookstore *GASP*

Saturday June 5, 2010 at 9:56 AM

I am just about to head to my local bookseller to purchase some reading material that is written on PAPER and bound together in what is commonly referred to as a BOOK.

I know a lot of us have forgone the book for the fanfiction and that is cool, I get it, but some of us still do read books that we buy in stores or from amazon or even borrow from the "library"

So this is a book recommendation campfire. I need to know what to read. I want it to be something that grabs hold of me from page one and doesn't let go. Something that I will LOVE. Something that you have been dying to share.

Because even though people give me recommendations all year long for books and I tell them I have to wait until summer to do recreational reading, I have forgotten every single rec!

For your time, this is what I rec:


Lets share

Saturday June 5, 2010 at 8:05 AM

I'm getting ready to go out, I'm having a fat day and I hate all my clothes!!!!

How's your Saturday going? What you up to?

Anything you care to share?

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