Hey Ya'll... So I'm having a double issue, aren't I always... but I need some advice
First off, I posed this question off to my twitter followers but got no response, I'm starting to think only 3 of my followers are real lol but I was wondering if this new Alice in Wonderland - rated PG - was appropriate for kids. I have a 'mature' 6 yr old who keeps asking to see if but my gut instinct tells me No Way - just off this preview alone.
It looks so dark and I'm not exactly clear the message its suppose to be sending out and well, idk it just looks creepy! I guess I'm like the ONLY person in the world that doesn't know this story, so have any of ya'll seen't it or do you think it's a appropriate or not?? Lemmie Know.
Soooooo..... then that got me thinking this ^^^ movie can't be that bad if it's only PG and Twilight is PG-13 and my daughter has definitely watched that, it's one of her favorites -smh. Although I didn't give her permission the first time she saw it, she was only mildly freaked out by James - more mad because he broke the mirrors in a ballet studio and caused a mess, than for biting Bella. When it was time for New Moon, she was properly FREAKED out by Dakota on the previews with her Red Eyes and hurting "Momma's Edward" so I figured that was a immediate no-go. But then, after I'd seen it a few times and it went to the 1$ theaters, we ended up there having a girl's day. I can admit, it wasn't a great idea because she spent the entire Volturi scene in my lap and teared up when Edward leaves Bella, but overall she said she really liked it and she's totally Team Jacob. I do remember leaving thinking I'd never had to explain a movie so much with her and there was No Way in hell she was gonna make it through Eclipse. But now its that time again and she's BEGGING me to go see it.... or at least let her watch it on DVD eventually. I've yet to budge.
Is anyone else going through this at all?? Any advice?? WWYD?? And what's up with Ratings nowadays? It seems like a movie has to be completely inappropriate just to get a R rating nowadays, I.E The Hangover (although it was great) Plus... dare I go there, but BD... PG-13??? I don't understand how all these movies can stay in the same ratings bracket when obviously the material is changing and getting more, err... Intense.